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November 17, 2011

25 Days and 25 Foods. What would you choose in an emergency?

Let us play a bit of make believe. You know in advance that you are going to be sheltered in place for 25 days. Luckily, you will be safe in your own home and drinking water will be plentiful. Power for cooking will be available, but, alas, there will be no refrigeration.

Also, you must use the pantry supplies on hand because you can not leave and run to the supermarket. Besides, the supermarket will be closed.

Did I mention that you are only allowed to have 25 different items in your pantry?

25 Days and 25 Foods

You have 25 days in which you must fend for yourself and you are only allowed 25 items in your pantry.

What would you choose? I thought long and hard about this and here are my choices, in no particular order.


  1. Chicken Broth
  2. Canned Chicken
  3. Dried Spaghetti
  4. White Rice
  5. Freeze Dried Ground Beef
  6. Canned Salsa
  7. Canned Tomatoes
  8. Dried Beans
  9. Canned Corn
  10. Peanut Butter
  11. Oatmeal
  12. Flour
  13. Sugar
  14. Yeast
  15. Canola or Olive Oil
  16. Salt
  17. Instant Coffee
  18. Freeze Dried Mixed Vegetables
  19. Powdered Milk
  20. Trail Mix
  21. Canned Butter
  22. Honey
  23. Nonni’s Biscotti
  24. Kashi Energy and Protein Bars
  25. Spice Packets (Chili, Garlic, Pepper, Oregano)


What would I do with these foods? To begin with, I would make spaghetti with meat sauce, chicken soup, a robust chili, warm oatmeal with fruits, and the pièce de résistance, fresh, homemade bread with butter.

Some of the items are indulgences such as the Kashi Bars and the Biscotti’s (which, by the way, stay fresh for two years or longer). But all in all, for 25 days myself and my family would eat well as long as I included some kibble for Tucker the Dog.

How about you? What are the 25 items you would choose?




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