The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a “free trade” currently under negotiation between NZ and 8 other countries, the U.S., Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.
Trade is only a minor part of the agreement. That’s just a clever branding exercise. A TPPA would be an agreement that guarantees special rights to foreign investors, and large Corporations. If these negotiations succeed they will create a mega-treaty across 9 countries that will put a straight-jacket around what policies and laws our governments can adopt for the next century — think GM labelling, foreign investment laws, price of medicines, regulating dodgy finance firms, NZ content on TV and so forth.
After the treaty is signed, if a new New Zealand sovereign law is deemed unsuitable by one of those Corporations, they will be able to SUE New Zealand in an International Court.
Basically we’ll totally lose our sovereignty. CORPORATOCRACY will reign supreme.
In the video here, Japanese journalist and author Gemki Fujii puts the case against TPP from his perspective in Japan: