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November 17, 2011


“If this Directive is not stopped, there will be only one medical world: the pharmaceutical world. When this Codex project began in 2001, some 180 million protest letters reached their office, but Codex doesn’t give up on protecting us.” -Helke Ferrie

Do you recall seeing the following headlines splashed across newspapers? “Man Dies Of Vitamin C Overdose” “Scores Of Youth Lost To Vitamin Overdose Each Year”

No, of course you haven’t, but that won’t stop the government from “protecting” the American public from vitamins and supplements. The pharmaceutical industry is working hard to push the US to adopt Codex Alimentarius guidelines governing vitamins and supplements which have already been implemented in Germany, Norway and Canada: vitamins and supplements, which are now classified as food, will be newly classified as drugs. In doing so, they will then only be dispensed at limited amount under prescriptions, “to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements.”

The Codex Alimentarius program was officially created in 1963 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization for the purpose of setting guidelines for international food trade. Funded by pharmaceutical corporations and donors like the Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations through the UN, it is a committee consisting of unelected officials masquerading as the watchdogs of food & nutrition. The guidelines set by Codex are dutifully followed by participating countries because of interlocking international treaties set by the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Countries face economic sanctions and loss of trade privileges for their refusal to adopt Codex guidelines.

Small family farms and independent producers of food are the target of Codex regulations. They are pitted in a David-and-Goliath-like match with the multi-billion dollar mass production cartel who infiltrate, lobby and bribe federal agencies. This incremental shut down of small farms will eventually result in the unavailability of organic, locally grown food that is free of GMO’s and toxic pesticides and herbicides.

Marti Oakley, a blogger with, says “CODEX, although its PR pages make it sound wonderful for the planet, is instead a system to end the human right to foods of our choice, produced by us, and purchased, exchanged, bartered, and consumed by us free from corporate interference and from unnecessary government regulation and control.”

Canada, Germany and Norway have already implemented Codex’s guidelines marking vitamins and supplements as drugs, resulting in vitamins and supplements being sold at ridiculously high prices for virtually ineffective low doses. Allowable dosages are calculated by assessing what an ideal diet would naturally provide, and subtracting that amount of vitamin from the dose to avoid nutrient overdose. To further convince you that you’re just a hippie trying to shun conventional medicine, the Codex Article 6 instructs that labels shall “not attribute to food supplements the property of preventing, treating or curing a human disease, or refer to such properties”. Vitamins play the starring role in curing and preventing many diseases, such as rickets, anemia, and osteoporosis, but this information is conveniently overlooked by the committee chaired by Randy Dennin of Pfizer that decides the vitamin “safety limits”. (Drug companies deciding safety limits for natural nutrients is surely a conflict of interest that directly impacts the profits of said pharmaceutical companies.)

According to the “Manifesto on the Future of Food”, the Codex Alimentarius has “codified policies designed to serve the interest of global agribusiness above all others, while actively undermining the rights of farmers and consumers”. – Manifesto on the Future of Food, produced by The International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, Italy, 2003

Codex guidelines successfully fly under the radar of the general public by being trickled down gradually over a number of years. The slow change is an attempt to gradually shift the public to reject natural vitamins & nutrients and embrace pharmaceuticals. Most Americans have never heard of Codex, and an internet search will first direct you to the FDA website which assures you that Codex has only the best intentions. Just last year, America’s favorite POW, Senator John McCain, introduced the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010, which would have brought the US in line with Codex’s guidelines for vitamins and supplements. It was only due to the opposition of Americans who were onto this scheme that Sen. McCain withdrew his support of this bill within a month of its introduction. Surely, to be ignorant of the dangers posed by Codex Alimentarius is to turn a blind eye to tyranny. Education and awareness of this important issue are our only defense.




SAN FRANCISCO — From the time they arrived to the moment they laid their heads on hotel pillows, the thousands of cardiologists attending this week’s Heart Rhythm Society conference have been bombarded with pitches for drugs and medical devices.

St. Jude Medical adorns every hotel key card. Medtronic ads are splashed on buses, banners and the stairs underfoot. Logos splay across shuttle bus headrests, carpets and cellphone-charging stations.

At night, a drug firm gets the last word: A promo for the heart drug Multaq stood on each doctor’s nightstand Wednesday.

Who arranged this commercial barrage? The society itself, which sold access to its members and their purchasing power.

Last year’s four-day event brought in more than $5 million, including money for exhibit booths the size of mansions and company-sponsored events. This year, there are even more “promotional opportunities,” as the society describes them.

Concerns about the influence of industry money have prompted universities such as Stanford and the University of Colorado-Denver to ban drug sales representatives from the halls of their hospitals and bar doctors from paid promotional speaking.

Yet, one area of medicine still welcomes the largesse: societies that represent specialists. It’s a relationship largely hidden from public view, said David Rothman, who studies conflicts of interest in medicine as director of the Center on Medicine as a Profession at Columbia University.

Professional groups such as the Heart Rhythm Society are a logical target for the makers of drugs and medical devices. They set national guidelines for patient treatments, lobby Congress about Medicare reimbursement issues, research funding and disease awareness, and are important sources of treatment information for the public.

Dozens of such groups nationwide encompass every medical specialty from orthopedics to hypertension.

“What you’re exploring here is the subtle ways in which the companies and professional societies become partners and — wittingly or unwittingly — physicians become agents on behalf of the interests of the sponsoring company,” said Dr. Steven Nissen, chair of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.

“It has a not very subtle effect on medicine,” said Nissen, an expert on the impact of industry money.

‘This is our business’

Nearly half the $16 million the heart society collected in 2010 came from makers of drugs, catheters and defibrillators used to control abnormal heart rhythms, the group’s website disclosed.

Officials of the Heart Rhythm Society say industry money does not buy influence and is essential to developing new treatments. Still, on Thursday the group unveiled a formal policy that, among other things, requires more detailed disclosure of board members’ industry ties.

“This is our business,” said Dr. Bruce Wilkoff, the incoming society president. “We either get out of the business or we manage these relationships. That’s what we’ve chosen to do.”

The society is one of a handful of groups that make public details about their finances. Most don’t. As non-profits, they must disclose their tax returns but not their specific sources of funding.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, requested the information from the Heart Rhythm Society and 32 other professional associations and groups that promote disease awareness and research.

Their responses and reporting by ProPublica showed wide disparities in money the groups accept from medical companies, what they disclose and how they manage potential conflicts of interest.

With billions of dollars at stake, companies can court entire specialties by helping to bankroll doctors’ groups. The Heart Rhythm Society’s 5,100 members represent a particularly lucrative market.

One implantable cardioverter defibrillator — a device that jolts the heart back to a normal beat — can cost more than $30,000. A single electrophysiologist, a physician specializing in heart-rhythm disorders, can implant dozens a year. World sales of the devices totaled $6.7 billion last year, according to JPMorgan.

All the defibrillator manufacturers are at this week’s conference, including market leaders Medtronic, Boston Scientific and St. Jude Medical, which together gave the society $4 million last year.

These companies and others not only provided financial support to Heart Rhythm but paid many of its board members: Twelve of 18 directors are paid speakers or consultants for the companies, one holds stock, and the outgoing president disclosed research ties, according to the society’s website, which does not specify how much they receive.

Board members at other medical societies have similar arrangements. The American Society of Hypertension does not post disclosures on its website, but records provided to Grassley show that 12 of its 14 board members had financial ties to medical companies.

Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said these groups commonly say the money doesn’t affect what they do, but he has doubts. “I don’t think it’s believable,” he said. “There are a lot of incestuous relationships that really bother me.”

Big Booths Boost Devices

As competition among cardiac-device makers has intensified, so have questions about whether their products are being used and marketed appropriately.

In January, a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that more than one in five patients who received cardiac defibrillators did not meet science-based criteria for getting them.

Weeks later, the Heart Rhythm Society disclosed it was assisting a U.S. Justice Department investigation of the issue.

Two of the society’s biggest funders — Boston Scientific and St. Jude Medical — have paid millions since 2009 to settle federal allegations that they improperly paid kickbacks to unidentified physicians to use their cardiac devices. Neither company admitted wrongdoing.

Top sponsor Medtronic also has disclosed to shareholders that the Department of Justice is investigating the advice it gave purchasers on how to bill Medicare for defibrillators and payments it made to buyers of the devices.

In a statement, Medtronic said societies play an important role in educating physicians about their devices. Boston Scientific declined to comment, and St. Jude did not respond to questions.

At this week’s conference, Medtronic is front and center with a 12,000-square-foot booth to demonstrate its products and allow physicians to examine them.

Medtronic spent $543,000 at last year’s meeting on a similar exhibit, part of $1.6 million it paid to prominently display its name around the conference and fund educational grants. The Minnesota device maker also paid unspecified speaking or consulting fees to eight of the society’s 18 board members.

Your (sponsor) Name Here

These slides show “promotional opportunities” – and their asking price – that the Heart Rhythm Society offered to medical industry sponsors at its 2011 conference. Not everything was sold.

The spending befits the company’s dominance of the world market for implantable defibrillators. It sold more than $3 billion worth last year.

Next booth down is the 8,100-square-foot spread of rival Boston Scientific, with $1.6 billion in defibrillator sales last year. The company spent $1.5 million on the society in 2010 and paid speaking or consulting fees to seven board members.

Physicians must traverse these and other booths to reach “Poster Town,” where the latest research findings, a big draw of the gathering, are displayed. “It’s very hard to get through there without being accosted,” said Dr. Paul D. Varosy, director of cardiac electrophysiology at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Eastern Colorado Health Care System.

‘Tag and Release’

Through the years, groups such as the Heart Rhythm Society have expanded the range of sponsorships they offer to drug and device makers. Companies can now fund Wii game rooms or put their names on conference massage stations and on the shirts of the masseuses.

Some deals give companies more than name exposure. Last month, the American College of Cardiology attached tracking devices to doctors’ conference ID badges. Many physicians were unaware that exhibitors had paid to receive real-time data about who visited their booths, including names, job titles and how much time they spent.

Dr. Westby Fisher, an Evanston, Ill., electrophysiologist, called the practice “Tag and release.” College officials say they’ll do a better job of notifying doctors next year.

Attendees at the Rhythm Society conference also have tracking badges. Society officials say exhibitors are not getting doctors’ personal information.

Two years ago, the American Society of Hypertension teamed with its biggest donor, Daiichi Sankyo, to create a training program for drug company sales reps. The society says about 1,200 Daiichi reps have graduated — at a cost of $1,990 each — allowing them to put the “ASH Accreditation symbol” on business cards.

In fiscal 2009, Daiichi gave the society more than $3.3 million — more than 70% of its total industry funding — according to financial records it provided Grassley. Daiichi makes four hypertension drugs.

“I think it’s an obscenity,” said former ASH president Michael Alderman, professor emeritus at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. “I can see how it would play out in the doctor’s office: ‘I’m a Daiichi sales rep. But let me tell you something: The American Society of Hypertension is backing me.’”

Alderman and some other prominent members of the group quit after a dispute in 2006 about industry influence.

Current ASH President George Bakris said the training program is science-based and doesn’t focus on specific drugs. The reps “ought to know what they are talking about,” he said.

The 1,900-member group has revised its policies since 2006, he said. Financial conflicts disclosed by board members, however, are available only to members, who must request them in writing and explain why they want them, according to the group’s conflict of interest policy.

A Question of Influence

Bakris and leaders of several other professional groups say industry funding is essential for much of what they do. It reduces conference registration fees, subsidizes the cost of continuing medical education courses and provides money for disease awareness.

Dr. Jack Lewin, chief executive of the American College of Cardiology, said the money is helping build registries of cardiac procedures that track side effects and flag whether physicians are using devices in the right patients.

The “circus element” of the exhibit booths doesn’t unduly influence attendees, Lewin said. “I don’t buy a soft drink just because of the advertising… I buy it because I like it.”

Researchers say companies are not spending millions solely for altruistic reasons. “If it weren’t influencing the doctors, they wouldn’t be doing it,” said Dr. Gordon Guyatt, a health policy expert at McMaster University in Ontario.

There are fledgling efforts to push medical societies toward stricter limits on industry funding: 34 groups have signed a voluntary code of conduct calling for public disclosure of funding and limits on how many people on guideline-writing panels have industry ties.

“The general feeling is that the societies need to be independent of the influence of companies,” said Dr. Norman B. Kahn Jr., chief executive of the Council of Medical Specialty Societies, which helped draft the code.

Grassley, too, is continuing his efforts to make the groups publicly accountable. In initial responses to his December 2009 request for information, some said they planned to post financial information on their websites. This week, the senator followed up with letters to some groups, asking why they hadn’t done so.

He hopes the political pressure succeeds: “You might conclude that maybe they don’t want to give the information out because it might be embarrassing.”



Genetically Modified Salmon Approval Pushed by USDA with Nearly $500,000 Funding

In September of 2010, a new genetically modified animal hybrid sparked mass concern as well as nationwide controversy.

The possibility of having genetically modified salmon for dinner did not sit well with many independent scientists, consumer groups, environmental organizations, and especially the healthy consumer.

Although the genetically modified salmon, commonly referred to as “frankenfish”, has not yet been approved for consumption, it seems that certain US organizations are determined to place the fish on your plate.

Frankenfish: Funded by the USDA

It wasn’t until 2010, when the House of Representatives got involved with the approval of genetically modified salmon, was Aquabounty hit with severe critical opposition. When Aquabounty’s genetically modified salmon was in effect struck down by the House, the company was unable to receive funds from the Food and Drug Administration in order to move forward with the approval. Despite the decision made by the House, the United States Department of Agriculture recently decided to help Aquabounty’s quest for the approval of genetically modified salmon by generously funding their cause with nearly $500,000.

One can only wonder why an organization like the USDA would fund research to help the frankenfish’s approval while one part of the legislative branch of government shoots it down. The question is, what could possibly cause the USDA to fund Aquabounty while there is so much controversy surrounding the salmon on a government level? Why would the USDA, an organization which stamps organic products with their seal to indicate no use of genetic modification, give money to a company to research and ultimately sell genetically modified salmon? The answers are unclear, but the actions exhibited by the USDA could very well reflect the personal goals of the members. Perhaps USDA members could have vested interest in the approval of genetically modified fish.

It may not be long until you find unlabeled genetically modified fish on your dinner plate. With Aquabounty receiving a very generous sum of money from the USDA, who knows the time it will take for them to conduct (or perhaps manipulate) the necessary research for their frankenfish to attain approval.



Who Is Waging The War On Terra?

This is about as creepy as it gets.

Our planet is clearly under attack. Anyone even half awake can see the world today is careening towards disaster when there is no reason for it. Our resources are plentiful, and the vast majority of people on earth are loving, ethical and well meaning individuals.

However, those in places of authority and economic power appear to be maniacal psychopaths constantly scheming for new ways to use and abuse humanity and its beautiful home called Earth, or Terra.

You name it. Politically, economically, socially, environmentally. It appears we’ve been literally invaded by something foreign to our world and are being systematically abused, dismantled and destroyed.

Just Look at the Nuclear Nightmare No One Notices

Nuclear radiation is showing up everywhere! Never mind the constant death-dealing spray of radiation from Fukus-up-shima, humanity’s being dosed from every which way on this insane planet.

Leftover radiation from decades of nuclear bomb tests, Fukushima showers, cell phones, TSA checkpoints, medical offices, irradiated food, depleted uranium used in the war forum and elsewhere, leaking nuclear reactors…it’s pathetic. And that’s all we know about.

And that doesn’t include the chemtrails and other insane geoengineering “experiments”, managed mega oil disasters and the toxification of our water table via gas fracking and other means, never mind the mad wars being waged worldwide, etc.

Why Are They Doing It?

To reduce the population? Alter our genetic make up? Produce a morphed human race only capable of subservient tasks to please a master race immune or protected from these mutative influences on a deliberately morphed planet?

I know, pretty freaky. But all actually plausible.

Know Your Enemy.

David Icke’s recent interview on InfoWars was just terrific. Follow along when you get a moment as he outlines the potential for just such a scenario. It spurred me to finish this essay which I started over a year ago, but now is clearly the time for it.

How CAN it be!

Personally I like to think how can things like this be true, and not how they’re NOT possible. When it comes to strangeness we need not look beyond our current world.

We just need to look deeper at what’s right before our eyes.

The Terraforming and Depopulation Agenda

Fundamentally this is at the core of much of what we’re witnessing in today’s world. This transformation has been afoot for centuries, drugging and altering and culling the herd to keep it manageable while the would be Controllers attempt to create their perfect, illuminated utopian world…with us as their slaves.

And we’re witnessing a whole new beyond-Orwellian stage now in their war to change and control humanity.

If you’re following the trends and social memes that have surfaced over the past few years, an accelerating pattern unfolds. While our skies are sprayed with chemicals creating a consistent metallic haze worldwide, blocking the sun and poisoning our population, plants, animals, water and soil for future generations, our food chain is also being genetically modified with such reckless state-sponsored abandon it makes your head spin.

On top of that, while more and more chemical toxins are added to our food and water, our population is given vaccines and pharmaceuticals to further alter our natural make up and behavior. The media and science promote our ‘embracing” of new exponentially increasing technological changes and to eventually literally accept chips in our bodies for social and economic control. If you watch closely you’ll see an onslaught of propaganda encouraging us to become “transhuman”, a concept heavily promoted in the music industry and Hollywood.

Why Are They Doing This?

This battle for Earth and the seeming preparation by covert powers for these esoteric plans and purposes has been unfolding for millennia. Let’s look at a few aspects of this struggle for dominion by generations of power mongers a little deeper.

The Front Men Set the Stage

Following is perhaps the most ominous speech in recent history. If you can stomach it, George W. Bush lays down the boundless terms for an international assault on…an emotion. This is straight out of Orwell’s 1984 where the world is continually fighting far away wars with constantly shifting evil-doing fictitious enemies.

At just before 4 minutes in you’ll hear the ultimate false choice of our age, that sets the stage for the coming war to fully control humanity and usher in the New World Order they’re hoping this will lead to:

“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

Not a lot of wiggle room there. And since then that’s exactly what we’ve gotten-less freedoms, more restrictions imposed by the metastasized US State and its internationalist minions. And if you buck it or dare to criticize the State of ‘US’, from the invasive TSA to our Gestapo Homeland Security, you’re gonna see consequences become ‘grave’.

“W” Spells Out the War on “Terra”

One last thing before the script for world domination is dutifully read by Aleister Crowley’s retarded inbred grandson George Jr. Listen carefully to the very beginning of this speech, and tell me if W doesn’t seem to deliberately over Texan-ize the first use of the majorly important word terror to sound eerily like Terra, as in Earth.

Deliberate? Wouldn’t put it past them…one bit. As he goes on he pronounces the word just fine.

Oh how they love to flaunt their program to the “initiated brethren”. (Fine to just listen to the beginning, the rest is nauseating..)

War On Terra? Yup. Worldwide Dominion Is Their Goal

The Illuminati elite and their minions clearly seek to subdue all peoples of the earth in a great culmination of thousands of years of planning, manipulation and wicked social engineering. As we know, true history has been buried, twisted and rewritten by not just the victors, but the Controllers who play both sides.

However, there is a growing awakening sweeping our planet, and as a result essential facts have been coming to light for some time now. Their once secret (or occult) plans and methods are being exposed and brought to light for all to see.

As evidence to the above, I came across this in my research on the War on Terra by passionate researcher and Truth activist Ian Crane..perfect.

This is a DVD where….

“Ian R. Crane links the trauma of contrived oil and food shortages with the plan to introduce GM foods, not only to maximize the profitability of a mature oil & gas industry but also to provide a source of additional taxation for the primary purpose of funding an increasing number of illegal preemptive wars.

As the British Government signs legislation legalizing “scientific research” into far-reaching aspects of Genetic Engineering and Trans-Genetics, the author presents the ever increasing evidence to support his hypothesis that Humanity is under attack by those who believe that they are the rightful rulers of a global dominion.”

Psycho-Social Control - The Illuminati Hegelian Dialectic

First, it’s important to understand how they can subjugate whole nations and populations. This is obviously a huge subject as they use many methods including fear, intimidation, outright fabrications, phony suppositions and even witchcraft and literal mind control techniques in addition to their drugging and food altering technologies.

We watch helplessly as governments rise and fall, markets are manipulated to benefit the same greedy Illuminati robber barons, and society gets shredded with an incessant bombardment of mind-numbing hedonist media confusion.

Push Me, Pull Me: The constant stress of continual cognitive dissonance.

  • Violence, sex, and rebellion are condemned while being fiercely promoted and popularized at the same time.
  • In the name of so-called freedom, restraints from political correctness and phony “security” concerns shackle whole populations, which they accept gladly in the face of threats of phony external threats such as “terrorism”.
  • Supposedly representative politicians make sweeping promises and habitually proceed to do the opposite.
  • Religions clearly manipulate and easily sway huge masses of fabricatedly insecure people, subjected to an authoritarian hierarchy and told to love a god who will send them to hell if they get out of line.
  • Child abuse is condemned while it’s known to be rampant and unprosecuted amongst the elite and religious orders.
  • etc!…

Wecome to dystopia.

Anyone paying attention can see they’re hitting us from all sides. And that’s on purpose…it drives us to a desired place through the use of what’s called the Hegelian Dialectic. In simple practical terms David Icke explains the Hegelian Dialectic as Problem-Reaction-Solution.

Another Example: The environment is under deliberate attack, while they pretend to champion its preservation.

Just observe the deliberate poisoning of our atmosphere with chemtrails and pollutants and unnecessary fossil fuel use, while the Sierra Club condemns us for driving cars or exhaling CO2. Tell me that’s not madness. Then there’s the medicating of our drinking water through fluoride, chlorine, metals and other additives while we’re excoriated for challenging the government’s divine wisdom in doing so. Look at the restrictions imposed on natural medicines and supplements while they peddle dangerous drugs to the tune of multi-billions of dollars. And most horridly perhaps, the genetic modification of the very food we ingest for sustenance-while they outlaw home gardening, seeds and small farms!! Hard to consciously digest, so to speak….

The Truth of the Matter

The world doesn’t have to be the way it is-it’s the mess it’s in because that’s how the manipulators want it.

If Earth’s rightful inhabitants were left to natural and conscious laws of Universal design, we’d have plenty of food, free energy, rational and loving public discourse and happy interaction, and great intuitive conscious awareness where we would naturally align with the energy enhancing laws of the Universe…much like iron filings align and get charged by naturally occurring magnetic energy.

But worst of all for the Controllers or “powers that be”, we’d be empowered, and they’d be out of a job- and no longer able to literally suck our energy and life forces like the vampires that they are.

But Who’s Behind the Illuminati? What’s the Plan?

Researchers have been digging, tracing, connecting dots, speculating and formulating for a long time. Truth has intrinsic power and value, much more powerful than the opposing sorcery that tries to usurp everything for itself.

And the Truth is coming out!

That they could be an alien race of trans-dimensionals, or demon-possessed wicked Satanists out to do their master’s bidding is up for grabs. It could be both. But rather than give you a false choice in the matter, why don’t you figure it out?

Serious Questions Here

Is there a conspiracy and hidden agenda by powerful entities, or is it all just a coincidence and convergence of essentially accidental and random evolution of influences and events? Would powerful people actually meet together and plan or “conspire” for a self-serving elitist agenda toward their idea of utopia that may not be to the liking of the world’s inhabitants? Could they be influenced or controlled to a large degree by powerful alien, trans-dimensional or spiritual entities attempting to execute some esoteric plan?

Hey, who knows for sure. But ancient history from several cultures repeatedly tells the same story of a primordial invasion of earth by another species who interbred with early hominids to create what is now known as homo sapiens. How you gonna deal with that? With religious myths again to keep it at arms length through hierarchical rigmarole?

Time to get conscious. If we really believe we are all consciousness and essentially parts of an infinite Universe, maybe we better start listening to our hearts, challenging the party line and doing some serious research.

Because we are under attack.


The earth and humanity are clearly being transformed, and it’s not by accident and definitely not with our consent, except through our ignorance. If indeed we know the rulers of this world are up to a plan, which you’d be crazy not to believe, then our task is to see what that plan is and do our part to expose and stop it.

The earth is not slowly, but quickly being converted into something other than what it is naturally. The design apparently is that those who survive these manipulated changes will be the support team for these wicked trans-dimensional controllers who can survive just fine in the atmosphere they’re creating. In fact, it will probably support their life form better than the current natural earth does.

A very sci-fi sounding plot?

Actually it’s not that far from many religious teachings. The problem there is manipulated religions keep the masses transfixed on a very narrow, detached narrative, wholly dependent on a self-appointed hierarchy as they wait for the cavalry to save them. While there’s clearly truth mixed in with religious teachings, the paradigms are usually limiting and disempowering.

Meanwhile the Controllers literally get away with murder.

Any way you look at it, humanity is under attack, and they’re pulling out the stops. The more people who wake up to this heinous plot, however you see it, and take conscious action accordingly, the less power they have to execute it.

And as this vibrational change toward greater and greater conscious awareness dawns, like the sun rising after a dark night, the shadows of darkness will surely flee away.

Until then we need to light as many torches as we can!



Seven Elephants Now Thrashing Your Living Room

According to the mass media fog machine, the following phenomena are really not worth reporting. In fact, by their omission they literally do not fully exist in people’s minds but are just slight vague ephemeral illusions dancing on the fringe of their consciousness.

As many people say to this day, “if 9/11 was an inside job the media would have been all over it.”

Conditioning complete.

Here They Come . . . Just 7 Of The Herd for Starters

1. Fukushima Is Irradiating the Planet
Estimated to have already far surpassed Chernobyl in dangerous radioactive emissions that are not abating in the least and expected to get worse, we hear nothing about this in the mainstream news.
In fact, the level of denial is outright Orwellian. Here’s a perfect example in recent news:

Nuke agency reports unusual radiation in Europe

VIENNA (AP) — Very low levels of radiation, which are higher than normal but don’t seem to pose a health hazard, are being registered in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Europe, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Friday.

The agency said the cause was not known but was not the result of Japan’sFukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, which spread radiation across the globe in March.

Go ahead and rub your eyes, but you actually just read that. In fact in Japan the denial is so great that people are moving BACK to Fukushima and eating the contaminated food while children play in its highly toxic playgrounds.

All part of the same message; “The elephant doesn’t exist.”

2. Illegal Drone Attacks are Terrorizing Innocent Populations
Be sure to click on the BBC link at the bottom of this quote for a glimpse into a terrorized teen’s last words before he was beheaded by a drone attack while driving his car with his cousin who was also murdered.

The human toll of the US drone campaign

The principal reason so little attention is paid to the constant victims of American violence in the Muslim world is because the U.S. Government refuses to disclose anything about these attacks and media outlets virtually never report on those victims (MSNBC demoted and then fired its then-rising-star Ashleigh Banfield when she returned from Iraq and pointed out that fact in an April, 2003 speech denouncing the “one-sided” coverage of American wars: meaning, the invisibility in U.S. media of America’s civilian victims). It’s easy to cheer for a leader who regularly extinguishes the lives of innocent men, women, teenagers and young children when you can remain blissfully free of hearing about the victims. It’s even easier when the victims all have Muslim-ish names and live in the parts of the Muslim world we’ve been taught to view as a cauldron of sub-human demons. That’s why it’s periodically worth highlighting the actual impact of those drones and the actual people they kill, as the BBC did today.

3. Geoengineering and Weather Wars
The amount of documentation and evidence supporting the existence of these ongoing programs is staggering, yet never a word in the mainstream press. All you hear about is more hype regarding “climate change problems” and the scientific community’s “concern” and ideas for “mitigating this problem”, where they slowly introduce weather mod “ideas” that are actually black ops programs already under way for years.

That the UN had to pass a treaty to NOT use weather weapons as far back as 1977 says it all. Where do you think they are with that technology now, 34 years later?

Wikepedia: Weather control, particularly hostile weather warfare, was addressed by the “United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/72, TIAS 9614 Conventionnon the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques” was adopted. The Convention was: Signed in Geneva May 18, 1977; Entered into force October 5, 1978; Ratification by U.S. President December 13, 1979; U.S. ratification deposited at New York January 17, 1980.

With earthquakes and storm systems demonstrably proven to be manipulated or outright caused by powerful EMF manipulation, and our skies constantly streaked with a chemical haze emitted by thousands of planes worldwide, one might think there would be cause for alarm and a little public education

“Nope, no elephant here….cuz we don’t even talk about it.”

4. The Obama Hoax

Now this one you may think is obvious but it’s a doozy. Here’s a guy who came out of nowhere and they can’t even find anyone who knew him where he claimed to go to college. He produces no paperwork on his nationality, education or health records, has multiple social security numbers and whose only credentials are a book by himself about himself! ..and of which he is very likely not even the author!

And the contents of the book? How much is true and how much is just made up and cleverly packaged? At least with a food package you get a contents list. This fable rivals a Disney production.

He comes in on a hope and change anti-war ticket and what does he do? The same as the rest of them and no one seems to notice!

He escalates America’s illegal wars and wins the Nobel Peace Prize. He promises transparency and we know less about the government’s goings on than ever. And he has devolved the US government into a defacto fascist dictatorship with his use of Czar appointments, executive orders and arbitrary war forays without Congressional approval.

And he’s President of the United States! Not only that, he has presided (as figurehead) over the worst downturn in American history and is now running for re-election based on his amazing record of accomplishments!

“No elephant here. He’s hope and change! More smoke up my butt please…”

5. Universal Sickcare

This is business as usual for the PTBs but it’s still a giant stomping elephant in every room of the house.

When organic food and supplements are on the verge of being banned, growing your own food regulated and hindered, and the Federal Drug Administration approves poisonous toxins in your food and water and the genetic modification of living organisms that we consume but have no right to know which ones they are…we have a problem.

When our children are being drugged and vaccinated, and given a steady diet of junk food laden with MSG, aspartame, wood pulp and genetically modified high fructose corn syrup, just to name a few of their poisons…we have a problem.

When doctors won’t treat unvaccinated patients, chemotherapy becomes mandatory and natural and homeopathic treatments are illegal…we have a problem.

It’s not a healthcare system. It’s sick, and promotes sickness. Hey, don’t believe me? Follow the money. Cui bono?

6. Media Magick Madness

That they can get away with camouflaging and ignoring and getting the public to ignore major issues such as these is akin to magick or sorcery. They do this by,amongst other things, introducing subconscious rules and guidelines as to what we should consider truth or not. And one of the rules is, “if we the media mogul mouthpieces don’t talk about it, it might as well not exist because we don’t consider it important”.

Truth erased by omission and supplanted with a false narrative.

The perfect example again is 9/11. There’s not an iota of the official story that is provable except that things blew up, while the anomalies in what transpired that day are myriad. And is this even debatable? No. In fact even challenging the official story has become tantamount to heresy. After all, rule #1 is to NEVER point out an elephant. Elephants simply do not exist.

That kerosene can’t melt steel? Sorry, never heard that on TV. That an Arab passport flutters supernaturally in perfect condition from this horrific exploding plane hitting and supposedly melting an entire building? Wow, what luck!

And the pancake theory? Anyone see any pancaked floors? “Oh well, I’m sure they were there cuz they told us that’s how it happened, move along.” And to this day mention building 7 and you’ll be shocked how many people never even heard of it.

Why? The old news blackout trick. Do the same with Oklahoma City…review what was on the news the first day and notice how you never ever heard again about “the other bombs” they found that day that were sophisticated military grade munitions. The reporters said these were crucial evidence and were going to help identify the culprits.

Gone. Erased by omission from the public mind. Virtually the “lone gunman” story once again. JFK redux. How convenient.

Besides the lies and political side show, when the populace is bombarded with shallow roll models, decadent athletes and rock stars, degrading sexual deviancy and an endless stream of horrific violent images via TV, movies, computer games and even actual war…we have a problem.

7. Marginalization Of Extra “Ordinary” Phenomena

What UFOs? 10′s of thousands of sightings doesn’t apparently mean squat if “official sources” don’t acknowledge their existence. A secret space program and mega militarization of space? “C’mon, they couldn’t hide something like that! And underground bases? That would be such a story the media would never ignore and surely someone would have spoken up about them.”

Mind control? “Now who would do that to you but a demonic Asian in a POW camp? Get over it. It’s not possible any more. I’m a free entity, there’s no way they could pull that off. Pass the cool aid, honey, I’m thirsty..”

Funny, they talk about the technological capability to do things like these, and put out scores of movies on these subjects, but in order to apply it to your reality they’ve positioned themselves as the final authority on every subject. For example, that the wicked PTBs may be targeting the general population with mind control techniques, never mind manipulating thousands of actual Manchurian candidates around the world would seem crazy to most. Yet they know advertising works on this very basis.

But again, that’s been cleverly camouflaged, excused and justified as “free enterprise”. Clever little bastards, aren’t they?

“And now those wackos are talking about secret societies, ritual child abuse and paedophilia amongst the elites? All that stuff’s nonsense. Why the news man would laugh at all that, honey. I could tell by the smirk on his face not to believe all that stuff in that interview…”

And consciousness and extra-dimensional realities? That’s relegated to “scientists” to package up and serve in some remote non-applicable sanitized fashion. Otherwise, you talk about that stuff and you’re a new age paranoid conspiracy nut job.

Again, the false choice technique…neither option they give you is the Truth.


These are just 7 of these things. There is an entire herd of elephants running around the whole human household with more roaming through each day! The extent to which humanity is being massively manipulated can be overwhelming at first, but it’s actually quite liberating once you get through most of the maze and start to “get it”.

But this is real education. The other is predominantly programming your mind to accept a predetermined version of reality that they would like you to have.

Solution: Pull the Plug

It’s clear the so-called government and it’s plethora of bloated agencies are not there to help you, but to manage, seduce, suppress, subjugate and control you. Yet they convince you otherwise to keep you dependent and upside down and backwards while telling you everything’s on the up and up.

Their fundamental technique is trauma-based mind control and cognitive dissonance. Keep affronting your senses with violent images and then reversing your sense of right and wrong and telling you white is black and black is white long enough and you’ll finally give in.

The only place to turn is OFF. Turn it all off. Get your real life back. Read, play, love those around you, laugh, visit inspiring and revelatory alternative internet sites while they’re still available. Spend time in nature. Just get away from televisions and any form of mass media. Have you noticed how TVs are constantly playing in just about every lobby, restaurant, lounge, terminal etc., and people leave them on at home just for companionship?

Big Brother wants your attention. Don’t give it to him.

And be careful as to what music you listen to. I cringe when I see young people with their earbuds in and a strange stare on their faces or slumped over in obvious depression. I can only imagine what rubbish their subjecting themselves to thinking it’s cool or OK cuz it’s some famous group or something iTunes is pushing. Music is programming, either good or bad.

Skepticism Is Good

Their pollution has become so pervasive it’s hard to trust anything any more. Don’t worry, that’s a healthy attitude.

Stay free…it takes some doing and undoing, but it’s what life is all about. And help others do the same.

Conscious awareness is a thrill worth detaching for!



11 Shocking Things You now Realize to be True - But would Not Have Believed 3 Years Ago

We are living through a time of Great Awakening.

The people of our world are beginning to open their eyes and realize the stunning depth of the scams and collusion taking place all around them. These scams that steal their wealth, poison them with chemicals, enslave them with financial trickery and control their minds with propaganda. These scams are the very fabric of modern government, the mainstream media, universities and so-called “science” institutions.

Here are 11 of those scams that you probably never would have believed just 2-3 years ago; but nowyou probably realize these are true!

Welcome to the real world, my friends. Now that we recognize the depth of the scams, let’s change things for the better . (Occupy America!)

#1 - Most of the honey you buy in the grocery store contains no actual honey whatsoever

It’s true, the so-called “honey” isn’t even technically honey. Most of it is made of cheap “mystery” sweeteners, illegally imported from China, right under the nose of the FDA.

#2 - The fluoride that’s dripped into municipal water supplies is actually a highly toxic industrial chemical byproduct

This scam is exploding in the faces of all the ignorant dentists and doctors who have been pushing this poison for years. Once again, they were wrong; the “conspiracy theorists” were right.

#3 - Flu vaccines often contain live flu viruses and actuallycausethe flu as a way to worsen the flu season and scare more people into buying vaccines

It’s also true with MMR vaccines, which cause the measles. Flu vaccines are the greatest medical hoax that has ever been perpetrated on the world:

#4 - Ron Paul is deliberately stripped out of mainstream news reports, online polls and debate coverage in order to “game the system” against him

The power elite don’t really want “fair and open” elections in America, you see. It’s all about rigging the system to make sure a globalist puppet gets elected instead of a Man of the People.

#5 - The United States government openly trafficks illegal guns into Mexico as a way to cause gun violence in the USA

It all seemed so very clever until they got caught, and now it just seems flatly criminal. So why can the federal government run illegal guns and nothing happens to them, but if you or I do it, we go to prison for a long, long time?

#6 - Prestigious U.S. hospitals are widely engaged in black market organ trafficking and organ transplants

And why not? It’s profitable, and they can claim they’re “saving lives!” Make no mistake: the organ transplant industry is steeped in dark, psychopathic criminal activity.

#7 - The child sex slave industry is huge, highly profitable, and found everywhere across America (and the world)

You wouldn’t have believed this, probably, until the whole Penn State scandal recently made headline news around the world. As everybody now knows, Penn State sports officials routinely raped young children, even pimping them out to other criminal rapists who paid big money to rape young boys. This went on for 15 years right inside a prestigious university, right here in America.

Are you shocked? You shouldn’t be. Alex Jones has been sounding the alarm about this fora decade. Nobody listened to him. They couldn’t believe it was real. People would rather bury their heads in the sand than face reality.

And yet, this Penn State scandal just scratches the surface. The far deeper horrifying truth of all this is that Child Protective Services routinely kidnaps young American children and sells them into sex slavery — so-called “white slavery.”

That story has not yet been covered by the mainstream media.

#8 - Commercial chickens are routinely fed arsenic, and commercial cows are routinely fed chicken poop

Oh, you didn’t know that? When you eat conventional beef, you’re eating meat from cows who created that meat by consuming chicken poop. Yumm! Can I have some more poop on that burger, please?

#9 - “Natural” foods and cereals are routinely made with genetically modified ingredients

Oh, you thought “natural” meant better than organic? Non-GMO? Stop getting suckered by the cereal companies and dishonest food conglomerates. Know what you’re really eating:

#10 - The global banking industry is a criminal racket that steals wealth from working class People and redistributes it to the global wealthy elite

You wouldn’t have believed this five years ago, but now, looking at your own bank account, the job you lost, the house you can’t sell and the health care you can’t afford, it’s all sinking in: The global financial system is an engineered con that suckers working-class people into giving up all their wealth, piece by piece, until they die bankrupt. Indentured servitude…

#11 - The U.S. government routinely conspires with pharmaceutical giants to conduct criminal, inhumane medical experiments on innocent people

Recent revelations about the U.S. government’s secret medical experiments in Guatemala are just the tip of the iceberg here. Dr. Jona Salk, inventor of the polio vaccine, also ran unethical medical experiments on people. In fact, the entire history of modern medicine (pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemotherapy and more) is something of a “house of horrors” of inhumane medical experiments on innocent victims.

What else is true?

Ever wonder what else might be true about our world that you never would have believed just a few years ago? Maybe it’s time you started reading books byJim Marrsor evenDavid Icke.

Now is a good time to start listening to the Robert Scott Bell Show on where you’ll also hear news from Patrick Timpone.

Perhaps it’s time we all started questioning history, medicine, corporate science, banking institutions and all governments. Discard your blinders.

Maybe it’s time we opened our eyes to reality and stopped lying to ourselves about the depth of corruption and evil in our world. And why would we do that? Because that’s the first step to positive revolution where we work together to createa better world… a world where such criminality and suffering is ancient history.

Accept reality, in other words… and then CHANGE it for the better.
