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February 21, 2012

Film Review: Consuming Kids - A Must-See Documentary For All Parents

By Tara Green



Parents, educators and anyone interested in how children in the US are affected by the media will want to watch “Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood.” The film, available for viewing online (, traces the connection between the full-scale media immersion children are subject to and rising levels of childhood obesity, hypertension, ADD and other diseases.

Advertising Unleashed

This brief (66 minutes) documentary looks at the explosion in US children’s advertising following deregulation in 1980. The filmmakers delineate how the snowballing effect of increased advertising to children since that time, combined with advances in media technology, resulted in a 40% per year increase, over a thirty year period, in the level of consumer spending directly influenced by children. The film reveals that the annual amount of child-influenced consumer spending in this country reached an astounding $700 billion dollars in 2010.

Filmmakers Adriana Barbaro and Jeremy Earp interview a range of experts including child psychiatrists and family advocates about the effects of advertising on children. They intersperse these interviews with clips of marketing experts discussing how to use psychology to recruit children into brand loyalty. A clip of one child psychiatrist likening these marketing experts to pedophiles seems extreme — but is followed by a clip of a marketing expert talking about “branding and owning children.”

Stalking Children

The film reveals many facets of advertising to children that some parents may be unaware of, including how closely marketers study children and how they reach children without parental knowledge. “Scientific stalking” is how one expert characterizes marketing companies research into child behavior which now ranges from measuring blink rates of toddlers watching media clips to MRI observation of child brain activity while viewing films. Marketers employ child psychology experts who advise them on the different techniques to use to engage the toddler market or the toddler’s slightly older siblings.

Stealth marketing takes place through an organization known as the GIA (Girls Intelligence Agency) which uses product placement at slumber parties. Marketing to children is ubiquitous, with many cash-strapped schools accepting sponsorship from corporations, meaning brand names are present even while children study. Cell phones which many parents buy their children for safety and communication purposes become another avenue for corporations to reach young consumers with games and other content. Many websites offering games for children are actually an opportunity for corporations to learn more about individual children in order to engage in “microtargetting.”

The film notes that advertisers are reaching children at increasingly young ages. Only very high-end stores now carry baby products which do not bear the image of one media character or another, meaning most middle and lower income parents are forced to buy products imprinted with popular characters. Children are especially susceptible to these characters, explains one child psychiatrist interviewed in the film because the familiar faces form touchstones of stability which make children feel secure during changes of growth and development. The psychiatrist expresses his concern that the US is raising “a generation of superconsumers.”


The film also debunks the myth of “good media as an antidote to bad media.” Companies which sell videos such as Baby Einstein, filmmakers explain make millions of dollars yet there is no evidence that watching these films increases intelligence. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no screen media at all for children under two. There is evidence that prolonged and regular exposure to media can result in concentration difficulties.

Protecting Children

The filmmakers note that among industrialized nations, only the US lacks any regulations protecting children from this kind of aggressive advertising. The consequences of rampant advertising are visible in the physical and emotional health of a child as they participate less frequently in active, creative play and more often in passive screen time. As one child advocate interviewed in the film notes “We have laws about child safety, putting helmets on kids, tobacco marketing to kids, but somehow we think it’s OK to make children fair game to marketers who want to profit from them, irrespective of the impact on their health and well-being.”


Britain’s High Streets Reach ‘Crisis Point’

More than 50% of total consumer spend is now off British high streets for the first time in history.

The shock statistic is revealed with the publication of a report compiled by Mary Portas, star of the BBC’s Mary Queen of Shops programme.

The retail expert has come up with a plan to rejuvenate Britain’s ailing high streets, some of which she claims are in crisis.

Her independent review, carried out at the request of Prime Minister David Cameron, also maintains that town centre vacancy rates have doubled over the past two years.

“I believe that our high streets have reached a crisis point. Unless urgent action is taken, much of Britain will lose, irretrievably, something that is fundamental to our society, and which has real social and economic worth to our communities,” she said.

“I would like to state from the start that this report is not about pointing fingers of blame.

“While I do believe that there are many compelling instances where out-of-town retail has drained the traffic and shopping trade from our town centres, it would be naive and far too easy simply to think that they are to blame for the decline of our high streets.

“The fact is that the major supermarkets and malls have delivered highly convenient, needs-based retailing, which serves today’s consumers well.

“Sadly, the high streets didn’t adapt as quickly or as effectively. Now they need to.”

Ms Portas has called for change and recommends licensing rules on high street stalls be relaxed and that a national market day be introduced.

She also wants free parking in certain areas, some form of high street management system to form coherent policies, as well as a review of business rates and shop rents.

Tom Ironside from the British Retail Consortium agrees that there is much to be done.

“There are some long-standing challenges facing the high street locations which include planning, transport, safety and security and also the cost of doing business in high street locations as well,” he said.

“All of those need to be tackled if we’re to get to a situation where our towns and city centres can thrive.

“Certainly where new business rates come into play we think that there’s a real role for a better business rates regime in supporting new businesses as they come forward.

“But business rates need to be cheaper for everyone. At the moment they go up very quickly year-on-year and we want to see that take place in a much more affordable way.”

In the Worcestershire market town of Pershore rates for small businesses have been frozen.

Those small businesses with a rateable value of £6,000 and under will pay no business rates at all until March 2013.

High street butcher Dave Goodyear said: “It has been a lifeline. Without that freeze, a lot of people would have sunk and gone under. But this is just what the independent trade needs.”

Despite the pressures of out of town shopping centres, supermarkets and the internet, Pershore is now fairing well.

Ms Portas added: “The phenomenal growth of online retailing, the rise of shopping by mobile, the speed and sophistication of the major national and international retailers, the epic and immersive experiences offered by today’s new breed of shopping mall, combined with a crippling recession, have all conspired to change today’s retail landscape.

“New expectations have been created in terms of value, service, entertainment and experience against which the average high street has, in many cases, failed to deliver.

“The only hope our high streets have of surviving is to recognise what has happened and to provide something new.”



Corzine Can’t Explain Missing MF Global Funds

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Former Wall Street high-flyer and Democratic politician Jon Corzine told US lawmakers Thursday he did not know what happened to an estimated $1.2 billion that disappeared from the accounts of now bankrupt broker MF Global.

Corzine — former US senator, New Jersey governor, head of Goldman Sachs and later MF Global — apologized to investors and claimed he could account for the loss of “many hundreds of millions of dollars.”

“I simply do not know where the money is, or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date,” he told lawmakers, as he faced the glare of TV cameras for the first time since the firm went bust.

MF Global collapsed in October after making vast bets on European sovereign debt — particularly Belgium, Italy, Spain, Ireland and Portugal — that turned sour amid the eurozone financial crisis.

Around $1.2 billion appears to be missing from the customer accounts of failed US broker, which especially served investors in commodity futures and derivatives, a liquidator of the company has said.
In contrite testimony, Corzine described for the House of Representatives Agriculture Committee in broad strokes his tenure at the head of the company and the events leading up to bankruptcy.

“I appear at today’s hearing with great sadness,” said Corzine, clad in a deep blue grey suit and tie, speaking softly and shifting in his seat as he began his testimony.

“My sadness, of course, pales in comparison to the losses and hardships that customers, employees and investors have suffered as a result of MF Global’s bankruptcy.”

The committee’s Republican chairman Frank Lucas said stressed the impact of the firm’s failure on farmers and agricultural businesses that used MF to hedge for shifts in commodity prices.

“Thousands of your former customers across the country are experiencing severe financial hardship because of events that occurred under your watch,” he told Corzine.

The former CEO acknowledged he had strongly advocated MF’s investment of its own money in eurozone debt, but insisted he knew nothing about the missing funds the day before its formal bankruptcy.

Many transactions occurred in those last chaotic days.”

(I) believed that (MF Global’s) investments in short-term European debt securities were prudent,” he said.

With Republicans sharpening the knives for regulators appointed by President Barack Obama, Corzine was at pains to stress his limited contact with the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission Mary Schapiro and the head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Gary Gensler.

In one telling exchange Democrat Collin Peterson said he did not know how address the former CEO, lawmaker and governor.

Many people have bad names,” Corzine interjected.



Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Are Killing Us!

The energy efficient light bulbs in your house are affecting you and your neighbour’s health.

70% of World’s Raw Chocolate Soon To Be Genetically Modified

With the intention of flooding 70% of the global cocoa supply with genetically modified (GMO) cocoa tree hybrids, a collaboration involving Mars, USDA and IBM is accelerating this process.

With primary funding from US chocolate producer Mars, the partnership includes scientists based at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the US Department of Agriculture and Science as well as researchers working at IBM’s Thomas J Watson Research Center.

The scientists are determined to finalize gene sequencing of the cocoa genome which they say will “benefit” the chocolate industry and cocoa growers in West Africa where 70 percent of the world’s cocoa is produced, and in other tropical zones.

According to the global head of plant science and research at the confectionery firm, Howard-Yana Shapiro, the sequence is of great importance.

“As plant breeders, we’re always looking after the golden traits: pest and disease resistant, drought tolerance, the ability to adapt to climate change, tree architecture, yield quality, etc,” said Dr Shapiro.

The researchers including ARS based molecular biologist David Kuhn and geneticist Raymond Schnell said that they released the findings of sequencing into the public domain in order to assist scientists to begin applying the findings immediately.

The results have been published on the Cacao Genome Database website.

The researchers state that it also means that cocoa will no longer be the ‘orphan crop’ compared to corn wheat and rice in terms of focused breeding research.


Although cocoa is largely produced in developing countries, it is mostly consumed in industrialized countries. For cocoa, the buyers in the consuming countries are the processors and the chocolate manufacturers. A few multinational companies dominate both processing and chocolate manufacturing.

The United States, Germany and France make up more than half of the world’s cocoa consumption with the United States by far the largest consumer. Consequently, should the effects of genetically modified cocoa result in unintended health effects or consequences to consumers, the US population will be the first to exhibit those effects on a mass scale.



Black Friday Sales Start With Pepper Spray Stampede

Woman pepper-sprayed her rival bargain-hunters as 152m expected to flock to stores

Shoppers in the US kicked off their annual “Black Friday” orgy of consumerism amid scenes of pushing, pulling, running and – in one case – pepper-spraying their way through the doors of the nation’s shops and malls.

The annual tradition, when many stores open early with cut-price sales on the day after Thanksgiving, has become a source of controversy amid frequent scenes of near-rioting and injuries as mobs of people crowd into big-name shops.

But few can have expected even the most determined of bargain-hunters to adopt the brutal tactics of one female shopper in a Los Angeles suburb who attacked her rivals with pepper-spray: a substance more recently associated with police brutality against Occupy Wall Street protesters.

At least 20 people, including several children, were injured as the woman deployed her weapon. “I heard screaming and I heard yelling. Moments later my throat stung. I was coughing really bad,” said Matthew Lopez, a shopper who recounted his story to the Los Angeles Times.

The woman, whom witnesses said appeared to be defending an X-Box games console, has not been found or yet identified. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the gigantic store remained open amid the mayhem and other shoppers continued to roam the aisles filling their trolleys with goods.

The incident occurred late on Thanksgiving evening as the Walmart – like some other stores – had pushed back its Black Friday opening to begin late on Thursday.

The day gets its name from the idea that the period after Thanksgiving marks the part of the year when many shops finally get in the “black” and start turning a profit for the year.

But America in 2011 is stranded in a moribund economy marked by sluggish growth and a headline jobless rate stuck around 9%. Many retailers have pinned their hopes on a strong shopping season in the run up to Christmas and will be looking pouring through data from Black Friday for signs of increased spending.

Experts expect 152m people to hit the shops over the Black Friday weekend, up 27% on last year, with many retailers hoping for a desperately needed shot-in-the-arm to consumer spending in a still battered economy.

Even Apple, which has until now eschewed a discounting policy, cut its prices for one day on Friday.

Elsewhere in America the queues and rush to get through the doors was a little more steady and less violen than in Los Angeles. There were several shooting incidents, in Florida and in North Carolina, but it was far from clear these were directly linked to Black Friday shopping.

Yet, despite the problems, millions of people queued up outside stores in order to be first inside and snap up some of the bargains on offer on anything from TVs and consumer electronics to fashion and furniture. At Macy’s in New York an estimated 9,000 people waited in the street for a midnight opening.

In recent years, as media coverage of the event has grown and scenes of rioting and stampedes have become more common, Black Friday has drawn its share of criticism.

However, this year, as the Occupy movement has sprung up across the country, shoppers in some parts of America have also been joined by protesters trying to persuade them to put down their bags and go home, or at least avoid large chains and shop smaller and more locally.

Some campaigners called for a boycott of stores by consumers, though judging by the mayhem and huge queues that had little impact. Elsewhere protests were held at stores. At Macy’s in Manhattan a small group of people chanted “Occupy it, don’t buy it” to waiting shoppers.

In places such as Seattle protesters planned to hold rallies outside Walmarts in the city. In the small city of Boise, Idaho, a local Occupy group aimed to dress up as the undead to symbolise “consumer zombies”.

In Iowa “flash mobs” of protesters were set to target malls to try and convince shoppers to stay or away or think more politically about their purchases.


Black Friday Police Brutality at Walmart 2011

Police in Buckeye Arizona decided to take extreme action against an elderly man suspected of shoplifting this Black Friday, November 25th 2011. The man placed two video games he was carrying under his shirt to free his hands because his grandson had been knocked down by a mob of rushing customers. The man was then confronted by police and was cooperating when the arresting officer, a K-9 cop, tripped the man and sent him face first into the hard floor knocking the man unconscious and possibly breaking the man’s nose.

To top it off they continued to handcuff the elderly unconscious bleeding man. Then the man continues to suffer as the Police do not know how to treat the man. It is a full minute before a customer steps forward to help the poor man. It is not clear what injuries the man sustained at this moment.

Legally, you are not stealing anything until you have left the store with the questioned item(s).

We as American citizens cannot allow things like this to happen.

What has happened in America where elderly men are beaten savagely by Police Officers. And we pay them to do it.

All the while, corporate criminal International Bankers looting trillions, and bankrupting nations, go unpunished.

Surreal WW3 “Modern Warfare” Programming by Chrysler (Video)

You’re going to find this almost hard to believe. I turned on some raw TV today after three delightful months without it while on the road.

Besides the incredible shopping screech idiocy with gurgling mad housewives drooling for the start of the well named “black Friday”, this Jeep Wrangler commercial came on that left me with my mouth hanging open.

Occupy: Demonstrators Plan To Occupy Retailers On Black Friday

Some demonstrators are planning to occupy retailers on Black Friday to protest “the business that are in the pockets of Wall Street.”

Organizers are encouraging consumers to either occupy or boycott retailers that are publicly traded, according to the Stop Black Friday website.

The goal of the movement is to impact the profits of major corporations this holiday season.

“The idea is simple, hit the corporations that corrupt and control American politics where it hurts, their profits, ” states the Occupy Black Friday Facebook page.

A few of the retailers the protesters plan on targeting include Neiman Marcus, Amazon and Wal-Mart.

Their website states the following:

“Keep in mind that we are not occupying small businesses or hardworking people - we must make a distinction between the businesses that are in the pockets of Wall Street and the businesses that serve our local communities.

We are NOT anti-capitalist. Just anti-crapitalist.

Below is a shortlist for publicly traded large businesses to Occupy or to boycott on Black Friday. Luckily, most of them don’t have good presents anyway. If you want to see the top 100 retail businesses for 2010 to boycott, click here.

On Black Friday, Occupy or Boycott:

- (yes, we have to stay away from Amazon, too!) [AMZN 188.99 -3.35 (-1.74%) ]

- AT&T Wireless [ATT 27.21 0.17 (+0.63%) ]

- Burlington Coat Factory

- Dick’s Sporting Goods (I was surprised, too!) [DSG-FF 28.505 -0.43 (-1.49%) ]

- Dollar Tree [DLTR 76.61 -0.48 (-0.62%) ]

- The Home Depot [HD 36.52 -0.58 (-1.56%) ]

- Neiman Marcus

- OfficeMax [OMX 4.25 -0.24 (-5.35%) ]

- Toys R’Us [JPM 28.38 -1.03 (-3.5%) ]

- Verizon Wireless [VZN 95.50 1.20 (+1.27%) ]

- Wal-Mart [WMT 56.64 -0.21 (-0.37%) ]


This is not the first time the demonstrators have taken action against corporations by using their money as weapon for change.

Consumer Nation - Holiday Edition - A CNBC Report

On Nov. 5th many demonstrators participated in “Bank Transfer Day” and moved their money from banks to credit unions.




**Graphic** Meet Your Meat - The Transformation Of Animals Into Food

Life on the farm isn’t what it used to be.

The green pastures and idyllic barnyard scenes portrayed in children’s books have been replaced by windowless sheds, tiny crates, wire cages, and other confinement systems integral to what is now known as “factory farming.”

Today the majority of farmed animals are:

  • -confined to the point that they can barely move,
  • -denied veterinary care,
  • -mutilated without painkillers,
  • -and finally slaughtered — often while fully conscious.

Fortunately, each one of us has the power to help end this suffering by simply choosing to eat vegetarian.