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February 22, 2012

The Bugs That Ate Monsanto

By Tom Laskawy, Grist

Now that 94 percent of the soy and 70 percent of the corn grown in the U.S. are genetically modified, Monsanto - one of the companies that dominates the GMO seed market - might look to some like it’s winning. But if we look a little closer, I’d say they’re holding on by a thread.

Their current success is due in large part to brilliant marketing. The company’s approach was both compelling - their products were sold as the key to making large-scale farming far simpler and more predictable - and aggressive: Monsanto made it virtually impossible for most farmers to find conventional seeds for sale in most parts of the country.

Read more:

‘Cause Labeling’ Threatens Future of Humankind

By Anthony Gucciardi

Legitimate causes and campaigns brought to the public light by activists and concerned individuals are being torn down through what I like to call ’cause labeling’ — the act of degrading the importance and legitimacy of any given health or political concern through placing the initiative into a preconceived category that carries negative characteristics. You may be familiar with how figures in the political realm are quick to classify ideas and philosophies into either the ‘left’ or ‘right’ category regardless of their true nature, therefore creating a great divide.

Cause labeling is quite similar, though it affects not only political campaigns but also public health and the environment.

One example of cause labeling involves the growing movement to remove BPA from products due to a number of well-established health concerns. If you are opposed to BPA in products then you have been labeled as “anti-chemical” by many industry-funded publications, who fail to even respond to the scientific studies that prove BPA is dangerous to human health. Research has linked BPA to infertility, diabetes, and much more. Canada has even labeled the substance as toxic back in 2009. Instead of addressing these issues, publications using cause labeling claim that anti-BPA activists are against all chemicals, which is completely absurd.

As you can see, cause labeling heavily relies on inflammatory and untrue characterizations of any given movement by classifying the movement within an established category that is viewed as silly or outright moronic to the general public. This technique not only makes legitimate activists seem moronic if used properly, but it also threatens the progression of the health industry, the political realm, and the future of humankind.

Cause Labeling Sways Public Opinion, Stomps Out Necessary Change

Cause labeling is commonly used to squelch the voices of the health freedom movement. Activists against genetically modified foods, fluoride, vaccines, or even pharmaceutical drugs are continually assaulted with cause media by the mainstream media. Here are a few more examples of cause labeling you have surely seen or heard of in at least one major publication:

  • Those who question fluoride are conspiracy theorists.
  • Those who question genetically modified foods are ‘anti-science’ and are afraid of ‘scientific advancement’.
  • Those who question pharmaceutical drugs are ‘quacks’.
  • Those who question vaccines are ‘quacks’ or ‘anti-science’.

Meanwhile, thousands of studies highlight the dangers of these items; the entire lot of which is completely ignored. Even the government has called for lower fluoride levels after multiple studies linked fluoride consumption with decreased IQ. Perhaps the United States government is full of anti-science conspiracy theorists?

There is simply no room for real debate when cause labeling is used. It’s time we that we call out these publications for using only cause labeling as their arguments against solid research and well-founded concerns. Cause labeling is a sucker punch in the information street fight that is occurring between activists and the mainstream media each day.



Four Ways to Improve Mental Health and Clarity

By Anthony Gucciardi

Half of all United States citizens will be diagnosed with a mental illness within their lifetime, and chances are that their doctor will prescribe them a pharmaceutical to ‘treat’ the condition. Of course the antipsychotic or anti-depressant drugs that the doctor prescribes can ultimately lead to suicidal thoughts, type 2 diabetes, and an overall shortened lifespan. In addition, new research has shown that your mental health is actually influenced by your gut health.

The role of bacteria in your gut goes way beyond the stomach and intestines, majorly affecting the state of your brain. A disruption in natural gut bacteria can easily result in symptoms of mental illness, as research has shown using lab mice. Changes in the normal gut flora of the mice led to both behavioral and cognitive changes, making them less timid and more adventurous. Very similar to the symptoms of ADHD, where children start to misbehave seemingly-abruptly.

“It may be that those changes in gut bacteria not only contribute to the generation of gut symptoms, like diarrhea or pain, but may also contribute to this altered behavior that we see in those patients,” said researcher Stephen Collins.

So how can you restore and maintain your gut health to ensure that you have optimum mental health and clarity?

1. Eliminate or severely limit sugar consumption

Inflammation is the most common cause of poor digestion and overall gut health. Sugar is a leading cause of inflammation, with the average American consuming 100 grams of sugar each day in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. Of course, 50% of high fructose corn syrup has also been found to contain toxic mercury, which will wreak havoc on your body. Sugar will also feed the yeast and bad bacteria in the intestinal tract, leading to an imbalance between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ forms of gut bacteria. When you have too much ‘bad’ bacteria, digestive conditions arise.

Limit your sugar consumption to 16 grams per day or less and watch your gut health drastically improve along with your mental health and clarity.

2. Eat probiotic rich foods or take a powerful probiotic supplement

In order to restore the balance of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria, you need to replenish your good bacteria through the intake of probiotics. This can be done through natural foods or high quality supplementation, though you may consuming such foods to be a challenge. Fermented food items such as sauerkraut, tempeh, miso or kefir are all rich sources of probiotic bacteria. There are countless probiotic supplements out there, but most either contain toxic fillers or do not even reach the gut due to improper capsule production. I personally take and recommend Latero-Flora, it’s free of fillers and will make it through the stomach acid into the gut.

3. Chew your food

Not only does properly chewing your food lead to fat loss, but it can also help to preserve and restore your gut health. Chewing your food until it is nearly a liquid will allow your digestive system to work less, and won’t leave undigested pieces of food to float around your digestive tract.

4. Cleanse your colon

By age 40, the average person has an estimated 10 to 20 pounds of compacted fecal matter stuck in their intestinal tract. This is a result of undigested food buildup, mostly from dairy and meat products. Left to rot, the compacted matter often compromises the health of the colon, which severely hinders your ability to fight off disease. As a result, an unhealthy digestive system is often impacted with mucus, toxins, and unwanted waste. This can trigger conditions such as:

  • Bloating
  • Weight problems
  • Mood swings
  • Constipation
  • Back Pain
  • Headaches

The most effective way of eliminating this buildup is through cleansing the colon without the use of harsh laxatives. Many colon cleansers use extremely powerful laxatives to simply eliminate the contents of your stomach, but this does almost nothing. An oxygen-based colon cleanser is a very effective way to eliminate toxic buildup from your colon and subsequently restore gut health.



Federal Agents Raid Mormon Food Storage Facility, Demand List Of Customers Storing Emergency Food

By Ethan A. Huff

This story has been updated with new developments that include news channel 5 confirming door-to-door questioning of Tennessee citizens about their stored food, as well as the cannery in question here now reversing their original account and saying it never happened. Read those developments at:…

Here is the original story as posted:

As was the plan all along, the so-called “War on Terror” has officially devolved into a war on the American people.

This was clearly illustrated by the recent traitorous passage of the egregious National Defense Authorization Act by the US Congress. But in order to fully implement the ultimate goal of total control and tyranny, the federal government is now actively collecting the names of individuals that are preparing for the future by buying and storing emergency food supplies.

Oath Keepers, an association of active servicemen devoted to upholding their oath of guarding the republic and protecting individual liberty, has reported that federal agents recently paid a visit to a Latter Day Saints food storage cannery in Tennessee (…). Though they had no reason to be there, these agents allegedly interrogated the facility’s manager and demanded to see a list of customers that had purchased, and were storing, food there.

Oath KeepersTennessee Chapter President Rand Cardwell confirmed the incident, according to reports, as he is in close contact with a fellow veteran who happens to store his own food at the facility in question. According to the man’s account, agents entered the facility and began demanding payment records and personal information for everyone connected with the operation.

“The manager informed the agents that the facility kept no such records and that all transactions were conducted on a cash-and-carry basis,” Cardwell is quoted as saying, concerning the incident. “The agents pressed for any record of personal checks, credit card transactions, etc., but the manager could provide no such record. The agents appeared to become very agitated and after several minutes of questioning finally left with no information.”

This unprovoked act of intimidation is highly concerning, but it is also somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, the federal government has been instilling fear into the American public for years, and has even made announcements urging the public to be prepared. But on the other hand, this same government is now pursuing those who are heeding these precautions as if they are terrorists.

Oath Keepers suggests the government might be trying to gather intelligence on food-storing Americans in order to later come and confiscate that food, or worse — after all, freedom-loving patriots who are preparing for social upheaval are a threat to the power structure that seeks to tighten the noose of tyranny around the neck of society.


Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Mental Illness, Obesity

By Mike Barrett

It seems that the good bacteria found in your gut may actually be destroyed with every bite of certain food that you eat.

While antibiotics typically hold first prize in depleting the body’s gut flora levels, there may be a new culprit looking to take the spotlight which you may know as genetically modified food.

Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Decreased Gut Flora

A formula seems to have been made to not only ruin the agricultural system, but also compromise the health of millions of people worldwide.

With the advent of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops, resistant superweeds are taking over farmland and public health is being attacked. These genetically engineered crops are created to withstand large amounts of Monsanto’s top-selling herbicide, Roundup. As it turns out, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is actually leaving behind its residue on Roundup Ready crops, causing further potential concern for public health.

According to Dr. Don Huber, an expert in certain science fields relating to genetically modified foods, the amount of good bacteria in the gut decreases with the consumption of GMO foods. But this outcome is actually due to the residual glyphosate in animal feed and food.

Dr. Huber states that glyphosate residues in genetically engineered plants are responsible for a significant reduction in mineral content, causing people to be highly susceptible to pathogens.

Although studies have previously found that the beneficial bacteria in animals is destroyed thanks to glyphosate, a stronger connection will need to be made regarding human health for this kind of information to stick.

Poor Gut Flora Means Poor Health

As awareness grows, more and more people are realizing that poor gut flora often means poor health. Without the proper ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria, overall health suffers and you could be left feeling depressed. In fact, poor gut health has been directly tied to mental illness, which may explain the influx of people being diagnosed with a mental illness. Not only that, but obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome have all been tied to poor gut health.



Earthlings ***Graphic Images***


Earthlings is a feature length documentary about humanity’s absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research).

Earthlings illustrates human’s disrespect for “non-human providers”, it is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix and features music by Moby.

Occupy The Food System

By Jim Goodman

The world can feed itself, without corporate America’s science-experiment crops and expensive chemicals.

Farmers have been through this before — our lives and livelihoods falling under corporate control. It has been an ongoing process: consolidation of markets; consolidation of seed companies; an ever-widening gap between our costs of production and the prices we receive. Some of us are catching on, getting the picture of the real enemy.

The “99 percent” are awakening to the realization that their lives have fallen under corporate control as well. Add up the jobs lost, the health benefits whittled away, and the unions busted, and the bill for Wall Street’s self-centered greed is taking a toll.It may be the Wall Street banks that are controlling our lives, or it may be Monsanto, Cargill, DuPont, Kraft, or Tyson’s. The system isn’t working.

It’s not the immigrants, the homeless, the unions, or the farmers that have looted the economy and driven us to the brink of another Great Depression. The public is catching on.

When Occupy Wall Street (OWS) welcomed the Farmers March to Zuccotti Park in New York on December 4, a natural rural-urban alliance — the Food Justice Movement, gardeners, farmers, seed growers, health care workers, and union members — was formed at Wall Street’s back door.

Change can come only when you confront your oppressors directly on their turf. That makes them uncomfortable, it gets attention, and it wakes up the distracted public.

The Occupy movement is doing exactly what the prominent student activist Mario Savio spoke of in 1964, when he declared: “There comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop — and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from running at all.”

The people who are now forming a movement to occupy the food system agree with this sentiment too.

The food system isn’t working. People eat too many calories, or too few. There’s too much processed food on our plates. Too many Americans lack access to food that is fresh, nutritious, and locally grown. This is the food system that corporate America has given us. It’s the food system it’s selling to the rest of the world.

Clearly, this system doesn’t have the best interests of the public at heart. Nor does it consider the interests of farmers or farm workers or animals or the environment. It has one interest: profit.

We all have to wake up.

Farmers need access to farm credit, a fair mortgage on their land, fair prices for the food they produce, and seeds that aren’t patented by Monsanto or other big corporations. Consumers need to be able to purchase healthy and local food, and to earn a living wage.

The parallels are pointedly exact. It may be the Wall Street banks that are controlling our lives, or it may be Monsanto, Cargill, DuPont, Kraft, or Tyson’s. The system isn’t working.

Why do agribusiness profits continue to grow while farmers struggle to pay their costs of production and more Americans go hungry? We can’t feed our people if we are forced to feed the bank accounts of the 1 percent.

Agribusinesses insist that we have the responsibility of feeding the world. Growing more genetically engineered corn and soy isn’t going to feed the world, nor will it correct the flaws in our food system; clearly it has created many of them.

The world can feed itself, without corporate America’s science-experiment crops and expensive chemicals. The world’s people can feed themselves if we let them — if we stop the corporate land grabs and let them develop their own economies for their own benefit.

The message from the Occupy movement needn’t and shouldn’t be a specific set of demands. It should be about asking the right questions.

Wall Street, the government, and corporate America need to answer one basic question: Why did you sell us down the river?



Top Nine Foods the Government is Paying for You to Eat

By Mike Barrett

The United States federal government paid American farmers $12.3 billion in 2009 to boost crop production. While this number may seem high, it is actually nearly the lowest amount paid to farmers in the past 10 years.

The reason farmers are paid to grow certain crops is to ensure that they grow more for the country, while at the same time making the same amount of money. What some people aren’t completely aware of is the huge impact that the subsidies have on what ends up on our plate – in plain sight or otherwise.

Corn alone took in a whopping $77.1 billion from the government between 1995 and 2010.

The U.S. government continues to be a major player in the national food business, with subsidies continuing to grow.

Here are the top 9 food products that the government most heavily subsidizes:


Corn easily rests at the top of the list of government sponsored foods. Between 1995 and 2010, $77.1 billion was given to farmers so that they could grow massive amounts of corn. But oddly enough, most of the corn grown isn’t corn on the cob. The corn produced is actually specifically created for purposes of adding certain ingredients in the food. One such ingredient is high fructose corn syrup, which has been found to contain mercury and cause cancer, and resides in many products such as ketchup, cereals, and beverages. It has nearly replaced sugar in all sodas and soft drinks. Then there is corn starch, corn gluten meal, hydrolyzed corn protein, and corn syrup which can all be found in snacks like cookies. Lastly, corn is used to feed conventionally fed animals to prompt weight gain and hasten their slaughter weight. Unfortunately, these animals’ digestive systems are not meant to digest corn, causing the animals to be fed antibiotics.

What’s frightening is that most of the corn that is produced isn’t even edible! The commodity, corn, is produced with government backing for one primary reason – to be processed. The corn is simply a raw material meant to be transformed into the harmful ingredients we’ve come to consume so often today.

The argument for so much subsidization is to help the US compete internationally, but most of the corn being processed is used domestically. What the government is really subsidizing, is obesity and tons of other health complications within the nation. The truth is that many of the products we buy possesses some type of processed corn. Corn is even consumed when eating meat, as the animals are force-fed genetically modified corn. All of the subsidizing set in place by the system is ultimately contributing to the downfall of our food quality as we know it. It does of course make costs cheaper for businesses.


The total subsidies for wheat between 1995 and 2010 was $32.4 billion – the second most subsidized crop. Both wheat demand and prices have skyrocketed in recent years. While wheat always used to be plentiful, wheat stockpiles have fallen to a new low in 2008 which haven’t been seen since 1948. Even with farmers experiencing a wheat shortage due to high demand, subsidies continue. It seems to be much easier to add subsidies than to remove them due to Congress’ decision-making processes.


Soybeans, like corn, are also almost always genetically modified. It wasn’t until the last couple decades that the U.S. had such a large role in soy production. Today, the U.S. produces at least 75% of all soybeans grown worldwide, with an increase of about 10 million acres produced between 2007 and 2011. Total subsidies for soybeans between 1995 and 2010 totaled $24.3 billion, making it 3rd on the list of top products subsidized.

Other foods the United States government is paying for you to eat:

Peanut Butter
Sunflower Oil



Greeks Stomach Economic Crisis With Help Of ‘Starvation Recipes’


When Eleni Nikolaidou began studying the survival diets of World War II Greece a couple of years ago, she never expected to turn the research for her master’s thesis into a cookbook.

But a lot has happened in Greece in the last two years, andStarvation Recipes is selling well in a country that’s suffering through its worst economic crisis in decades, accompanied now by painful austerity measures. The cookbook, which is in Greek, recommends chewing your food slowly to feel full, saving crumbs from the table in a jar, grinding eggplant to use as replacement “meat,” and adding chestnuts for protein to recipes such as baked cabbage.

But Greeks also hate austerity. The unemployment rate has doubled, and personal bankruptcies, homelessness and even suicides are on the rise. Greeks are lining up at soup kitchens for hot meals and for care packages of flour, rice and oil at churches.

“I’ve even seen people rummaging through the garbage for food,” Nikolaidou, a high school teacher and historian, tells The Salt. “The situation is very bleak.”

This is troubling because food here is not just about subsistence. It’s about pride and even love. In a culture known for its epic meals and generous servings, the endless plates of meze and giant pans of homemade spanakopita shared with friends and strangers represent an open heart and a bountiful home.

But building that bounty took decades, especially after the devastation of World War II. That’s a time the Greeks call thekatochi, which means “occupation,” and the word itself still conjures visions of starvation. My father and his two brotherslived in orphanages in the Peloponnese then, surviving on daily rations of wormy string beans and stale bread. Other rural Greeks lived off whatever land the Nazis didn’t burn and tried to manage with a chicken (for eggs), a skinny goat (for milk) and a few olives and figs.

But the Athenians, who were trapped in an occupied city, had it much harder. Nikolaidou says German soldiers confiscated nearly all of the food in the Greek capital, including basics such as flour, sugar and oil.

Desperate Athenians foraged for wild greens and weeds, which they ate boiled, without salt or oil. They picked through the German soldiers’ trash for potato peels. They even hunted stray cats and dogs. “They would eat anything so that they wouldn’t faint from hunger in the streets,” she says. More than 300,000 people died of starvation.

Greece still carries emotional scars from that time, so it’s not surprising that populists here call Germany’s push for austerity a symbol of a Fourth Reich. But even the angriest Greeks do not compare the horrific living conditions under the katochi (and under the devastating 1946-49 civil war that followed) with the tough times of Austerity 2011.

Evangelia Trifona, a 59-year-old housewife I met earlier this year, says she and her husband tried to open a small restaurant, which recently went bankrupt. But she says they’re managing with what they have. “We bake many loaves of bread and share it with our neighbors,” she says. “In return, they share their own food with us — casseroles, egg-lemon soup, the occasional piece of meat or fish. We never waste anything, and so far, we have not gone hungry.”

Tavernas are still busy, and cafes are packed even on weekdays — a sign that the wartime “coffee” made of ground roasted chickpeas won’t replace the real stuff anytime soon. But Greeks are changing their eating habits; they’re dining out less, buying less meat and cooking with cheaper products at home.

Nikolaidou says Starvation Recipes is resonating with those Greeks who want to make more with less. Surveys show that up to 90 percent of Greeks are changing their eating habits; they’re dining out less, buying less meat and cooking with cheaper products at home.

“They have a kilo of flour, for instance, so how do you make that flour last?” she says. Or they make a pot of fasolada, a hearty navy bean soup, that feeds a family for several days.

“Even in my house, there are no exceptions,” she says. “If my husband and son don’t like what I’ve cooked, tough. I say, ‘That’s our food. Now don’t waste it.’”



Senate Bill S510 Makes it Illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”

Thomas Jefferson