by Mike Masnick on Dec 27th, 2011
from the bye-bye dept
After GoDaddy made its very public announcement that it no longer supports SOPA, after being a very vocal supporter (despite the fact that it almost certainly violated the original version of the law), many have doubted the sincerity of the company, especially since it confined its remarks to SOPA. So after getting some more pressure, the company put out a separate clarifying statement that it doesn’t support PIPA (PROTECT IP) either.
Still, there are plenty of people who don’t buy it. It didn’t help that the company’s new CEO (though he’s been at the company in other roles for a while) gave a really weak answer, when pressed on the company’s level of support, suggesting that it may have just stepped back from publicly supporting the bills, but hasn’t actually switched its full position:
Adelman couldn’t commit to changing its position on the record in Congress when asked about that, but said “I’ll take that back to our legislative guys, but I agree that’s an important step.” But when pressed, he said “We’re going to step back and let others take leadership roles.” He felt that the public statement removing their support would be sufficient for now, though further steps would be considered.
Either way, it appears people keep on transferring domains. Before the talk of a boycott happened on Thursday, it looked like GoDaddy was losing about 13,000 to 15,000 domains a day anyway. Then, on Friday, when people started transferring en masse, it jumped to 21,054. On Christmas Day, it looks like another 22,542 transferred out, so it doesn’t look like people are all that mollified by the public change in position. Another 26,032 were “deleted,” according toDailyChanges. And, remember, the “official” day that people had talked about for everyone to transfer their domains wasn’t until Thursday, December 29th, so all of this was happening before the “big day.” Who knows if the statements are enough to calm people down. For what it’s worth, plenty of people are still registering new domains with GoDaddy and transferring them in, but the transfers out and deletions definitely outweigh the new registrations and transfers in. It was definitely enough activity to make GoDaddy realize it was going to be in trouble if it didn’t change its position.
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