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November 15, 2011

Worldwide $1 Trillion Spending Spree On Nuclear Weapons Amidst Economic Crises

US to spend £700bn in next decade while Russia and Pakistan among those assigning roles to weapons beyond deterrence

The world’s nuclear powers are planning to spend hundreds of billions of pounds modernising and upgrading weapons warheads and delivery systems over the next decade, according to an authoritative report published on Monday.

Despite government budget pressures and international rhetoric about disarmament, evidence points to a new and dangerous “era of nuclear weapons”, the report for the British American Security Information Council (Basic) warns. It says the US will spend $700bn (£434bn) on the nuclear weapons industry over the next decade, while Russia will spend at least $70bn on delivery systems alone. Other countries including China, India, Israel, France and Pakistan are expected to devote formidable sums on tactical and strategic missile systems.

For several countries, including Russia, Pakistan, Israel and France, nuclear weapons are being assigned roles that go well beyond deterrence, says the report. In Russia and Pakistan, it warns, nuclear weapons are assigned “war-fighting roles in military planning”.

The report is the first in a series of papers for the Trident Commission, an independent cross-party initiative set up by Basic. Its leading members include former Conservative defence secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former Liberal Democrat leader and defence spokesman Sir Menzies Campbell and former Labour defence secretary Lord Browne.

There is a strong case, they say, for a fundamental review of UK nuclear weapons policy. The Conservatives in Britain’s coalition government say they want to maintain a Trident-based nuclear weapons system. However, they have agreed to a “value for money” audit into a Trident replacement as four new nuclear missiles submarines are alone estimated to cost £25bn at the latest official estimate. The Lib Dems want to look at other options. The paper, by security analyst Ian Kearns, is entitled Beyond the United Kingdom: Trends in the Other Nuclear Armed States.

Pakistan and India, it warns, appear to be seeking smaller, lighter nuclear warheads so they have a greater range or can be deployed over shorter distances for tactical or “non-strategic” roles. “In the case of Israel, the size of its nuclear-tipped cruise missile enabled submarine fleet is being increased and the country seems to be on course, on the back of its satellite launch rocket programme, for future development of an inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM),” the report notes.

A common justification for the new nuclear weapons programmes is perceived vulnerability in the face of nuclear and conventional force development elsewhere. For example, Russia has expressed concern over the US missile defence and Conventional Prompt Global Strike programmes. China has expressed similar concerns about the US as well as India, while India’s programmes are driven by fear of China and Pakistan.

Pakistan justifies its nuclear weapons programme by referring to India’s conventional force superiority, the report observes.

In a country-by-country analysis, the report says:

• The US is planning to spend $700bn on nuclear weapons over the next decade. A further $92bn will be spent on new nuclear warheads and the US also plans to build 12 nuclear ballistic missile submarines, air-launched nuclear cruise missiles and bombs.

• Russia plans to spend $70bn on improving its strategic nuclear triad (land, sea and air delivery systems) by 2020. It is introducing mobile ICBMs with multiple warheads, and a new generation of nuclear weapons submarines to carry cruise as well as ballistic missiles. There are reports that Russia is also planning a nuclear-capable short-range missile for 10 army brigades over the next decade.

• China is rapidly building up its medium and long-range “road mobile” missile arsenal equipped with multiple warheads. Up to five submarines are under construction capable of launching 36-60 sea-launched ballistic missiles, which could provide a continuous at-sea capability.

• France has just completed deployment of four new submarines equipped with longer-range missiles with a “more robust warhead”. It is also modernising its nuclear bomber fleet.

• Pakistan is extending the range of its Shaheen II missiles, developing nuclear cruise missiles, improving its nuclear weapons design as well as smaller, lighter, warheads. It is also building new plutonium production reactors.

• India is developing new versions of its Agni land-based missiles sufficient to target the whole of Pakistan and large parts of China, including Beijing. It has developed a nuclear ship-launched cruise missile and plans to build five submarines carrying ballistic nuclear missiles.

• Israel is extending its Jericho III missile’s range, and is developing an ICBM capability, expanding its nuclear-tipped cruise missile enabled submarine fleet.

North Korea unveiled a new Musudan missile in 2010 with a range of up to 2,500 miles and capable of reaching targets in Japan. It successfully tested the Taepodong-2 with a possible range of more than 6,000 miles sufficient to hit half the US mainland. However, the report, says, “it is unclear whether North Korea has yet developed the capability to manufacture nuclear warheads small enough to sit on top of these missiles”.

Iran’s nuclear aspirations are not covered by the report.




Where’s your Nearest Nuke? The Map shows where America’s 5,000 Nuclear Warheads Are

There are currently 5,113 atomic warheads scattered across America and on U.S. submarines around ther world.

In 2009, President Obama spoke of his hopes to rid the world of nuclear weapons - but clearly progress has been painfully slow since then.

The Cold War may have ended a generation ago, but a fascinating new map put together by Mother Jones magazine, shows exactly where highly radioactive nuclear material is situated on mainland America.

The map was produced from data suppled by the Defense Department and nuclear watchdog groups.

It shows where the warheads are (in red on the map), where the civilian nuclear power plants can be found (in green) and the location of labs and nuclear weapons plants (in blue).

The green arrows show nuclear

According to The Lookout blog, watchdog groups believe the archaic system for making and storing weapons in the U.S. is both dangerous and expensive.

The country is telling the rest of the world that it is on the road to disarmament.

At the same time the U.S. is spending more on the nuclear weapons complex than we did during the Cold War.

The magazine reports that the 5,113 figure does not include ‘zombie’ nukes that are kept in reserve and more than 3,000 warheads awaiting dismantlement.

The map was produced completely with unclassified, public information. Even the military doesn’t hide where it keeps its missiles and bombers.

The sources for the map were the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and Federation of American Scientists, Office of the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters, Nuclear Energy Institute


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The Obama administration’s human rights hypocrisy continues

In September of this year a Senate Appropriations committee voted to repeal a Bush-era restriction on military aid to the dictatorial regime of Islam Karimov regime in Uzbekistan, with the help of the Obama administration.

Waiving this restriction will, if the bill is enacted, allow military and police aid to the Uzbek government, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

However, it is not just a matter of money, this represents another instance of the Obama administration propping up brutal dictators while pretending to care about human rights.

The entire justification for attacking Libya was that Gaddafi was engaging in egregious human rights violations against his people.

The mainstream media and corrupt Washington politicians continue to decry the actions of the Assad government in Syria.

Yet, when a similar situation is evolving in Bahrain and Uzbekistan, the U.S. does not only stay silent but even provides the aid necessary to continue the crackdown.
In the case of Bahrain, the Obama administration was preparing to sell the ruling regime $53,000,000 in arms before postponing the sale until the completion of an inquiry into their human rights violations, due November 23rd.

The restrictions on aid to Uzbekistan have been in place since 2004 due to the brutal dictatorship of Islam Karimov which has continued “to silence civil society activists, independent journalists, and all political opposition; severely curtail freedom of expression and religion; and organize forced child labor on a massive scale”, according to a joint letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The joint letter expresses concern over Washington’s move to resume “business as usual” with the Karimov regime and was signed by 20 organizations, some much more questionable than others (like the International Crisis Group, for example).

Setting aside the suspicious and thoroughly untrustworthy organizations that signed the letter to Clinton, the move by Washington clearly highlights the hypocrisy that is involved in America’s approach to human rights abroad.

Human rights only matter to the morally bankrupt politicians in Washington when there is a secondary benefit of some kind and when a regime is strategically vital to our so-called “national interests” then human rights violations are swept under the rug.

For instance, the Karimov regime has been charged with jailing and killing dissidents, some of which have been boiled alive, according to doctors who examined the body of 35-year-old Muzafar Avazov, an individual who was detained in Uzbekistan’s Jaslyk Prison.

Regardless of the many charges leveled against the brutal Karimov regime, Secretary of State Clinton said that the dictatorship was “showing signs of improving its human rights record and expanding political freedoms.”

She added that the United States is seeking to strengthen its ties to the Uzbek regime because they are “proving very helpful to the U.S. in bringing supplies into Afghanistan and supporting U.S.-led efforts to rebuild its southern neighbor.”

Here is where the typical ulterior motive comes to light. Lifting the ban on aid has nothing to do with improving human rights; it has everything to do with the Uzbek regime playing ball with the colonial nation building efforts in Afghanistan.

This is especially pertinent given Pakistan’s slow move away from the United States and towards rising powers like China.

All of the evidence supporting the claim that Karimov is improving the situation in his country is based on his “word.”

A senior official from the State Department, when asked “when was the last time you were aware of that some of Karimov’s thugs actually boiled people alive? Or is that a thing of the past?” said, “That’s a thing of the past.”

When a questioner said, “But it wasn’t that long ago,” the State Department official flippantly responded, “That’s right. Oh, well.”

When confronted about the human rights violations committed by the Uzbek dictator, and his commitment to improving them, the senior State Department official said, “He wasn’t defensive at all.”

A questioner retorted, “But do you believe this?” To which the official responded, “Yeah. I do believe him.”

Based on what? Surely you cannot trust a vicious dictator based on just his word?

But apparently that is exactly what they are doing, evidenced by the official saying, “he’s said several times that he’s committed to [improving human rights]. He’s made a speech last November where he talked about this.”

Karimov has a history of brutal oppression of his people, especially in May of 2005 when, in response to so-called pro-democracy demonstrations in Andijan and other cities, the Uzbek government slaughtered over 700 protesters in a two-day period.

The Bush administration then blocked a NATO call for an internal investigation into the massacre but a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report claimed that the Uzbek government forces utilized “indiscriminate use of lethal force against unarmed people” based on the testimony of eyewitnesses.

Of course, HRW is far from a reliable organization and their motives should always be questioned and weighed against the evidence they are presenting.

Karimov claimed that the police acted independent of his orders, but the British Independentreported, “He was in command of the situation having flown to Andijon from the capital Tashkent and almost certainly personally authorized the use of…deadly force.”

The same senior State Department official quoted above said of the incident, “We’ve definitely – we’ve moved on from that.”

A senior analyst for Foreign Policy in Focus, a professor of politics and chair of Middle Eastern studies at the University of San Francisco, Stephen Zunes, points out that if this goes through, it will give other brutal dictators the green light to kill dissidents while still receiving American assistance.

Zunes says that “This is nothing short of a license to kill. Other despots will likely interpret such assistance to indicate that warnings – such as those given by the Obama administration to the Egyptian military back in February that ties would be severed if pro-democracy protesters were massacred – are not to be taken seriously.”

Given the United States’ history of selective attention to human rights violations and even more selective treatment of the violators, I do not think that anyone takes Washington’s warnings seriously.

That is, of course, unless you don’t play ball with America, in which case you and your peoples’ heads are on the chopping block as we have seen in Libya.

Clearly the support of the Uzbek regime is a strategic move to keep a channel open for transport of troops and military equipment to and from Afghanistan.

Karimov improving the situation in Uzbekistan is the last thing on Washington’s mind as we can see by their blind belief in his “word.”

The complete lack of coverage of this issue in the mainstream media is nothing short of disturbing and it is yet another instance of the corporate controlled media presenting a narrative which is wholly removed from reality.

Anything that contradicts said narrative is either ignored or spun and it will be interesting to see how the mainstream media chooses to treat this issue if aid is issued to the Karimov regime.



How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich

The inside story of how the Republicans abandoned the poor and the middle class to pursue their relentless agenda of tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent

The nation is still recovering from a crushing recession that sent unemployment hovering above nine percent for two straight years. The president, mindful of soaring deficits, is pushing bold action to shore up the nation’s balance sheet. Cloaking himself in the language of class warfare, he calls on a hostile Congress to end wasteful tax breaks for the rich. “We’re going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share,” he thunders to a crowd in Georgia. Such tax loopholes, he adds, “sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying 10 percent of his salary – and that’s crazy.”

Preacherlike, the president draws the crowd into a call-and-response. “Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver,” he demands, “or less?”

The crowd, sounding every bit like the protesters from Occupy Wall Street, roars back: “MORE!”

The year was 1985. The president was Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Today’s Republican Party may revere Reagan as the patron saint of low taxation. But the party of Reagan – which understood that higher taxes on the rich are sometimes required to cure ruinous deficits – is dead and gone. Instead, the modern GOP has undergone a radical transformation, reorganizing itself around a grotesque proposition: that the wealthy should grow wealthier still, whatever the consequences for the rest of us.

Modern-day Republicans have become, quite simply, the Party of the One Percent – the Party of the Rich.

“The Republican Party has totally abdicated its job in our democracy, which is to act as the guardian of fiscal discipline and responsibility,” says David Stockman, who served as budget director under Reagan. “They’re on an anti-tax jihad – one that benefits the prosperous classes.”

The staggering economic inequality that has led Americans across the country to take to the streets in protest is no accident. It has been fueled to a large extent by the GOP’s all-out war on behalf of the rich. Since Republicans rededicated themselves to slashing taxes for the wealthy in 1997, the average annual income of the 400 richest Americans has more than tripled, to $345 million – while their share of the tax burden has plunged by 40 percent. Today, a billionaire in the top 400 pays less than 17 percent of his income in taxes – five percentage points less than a bus driver earning $26,000 a year. “Most Americans got none of the growth of the preceding dozen years,” says Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize-winning economist. “All the gains went to the top percentage points.”

The GOP campaign to aid the wealthy has left America unable to raise the money needed to pay its bills. “The Republican Party went on a tax-cutting rampage and a spending spree,” says Rhode Island governor and former GOP senator Lincoln Chafee, pointing to two deficit-financed wars and an unpaid-for prescription-drug entitlement. “It tanked the economy.” Tax receipts as a percent of the total economy have fallen to levels not seen since before the Korean War – nearly 20 percent below the historical average. “Taxes are ridiculously low!” says Bruce Bartlett, an architect of Reagan’s 1981 tax cut. “And yet the mantra of the Republican Party is ‘Tax cuts raise growth.’ So – where’s the fucking growth?”

Republicans talk about job creation, about preserving family farms and defending small businesses, and reforming Medicare and Social Security. But almost without exception, every proposal put forth by GOP lawmakers and presidential candidates is intended to preserve or expand tax privileges for the wealthiest Americans. And most of their plans, which are presented as common-sense measures that will aid all Americans, would actually result in higher taxes for middle-class taxpayers and the poor. With 14 million Americans out of work, and with one in seven families turning to food stamps simply to feed their children, Republicans have responded to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression by slashing inheritance taxes, extending the Bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, and endorsing a tax amnesty for big corporations that have hidden billions in profits in offshore tax havens. They also wrecked the nation’s credit rating by rejecting a debt-ceiling deal that would have slashed future deficits by $4 trillion – simply because one-quarter of the money would have come from closing tax loopholes on the rich.

The intransigence over the debt ceiling enraged Republican stalwarts. George Voinovich, the former GOP senator from Ohio, likens his party’s new guard to arsonists whose attitude is: “We’re going to get what we want or the country can go to hell.” Even an architect of the Bush tax cuts, economist Glenn Hubbard, tells Rolling Stone that there should have been a “revenue contribution” to the debt-ceiling deal, “structured to fall mainly on the well-to-do.” Instead, the GOP strong-armed America into sacrificing $1 trillion in vital government services – including education, health care and defense – all to safeguard tax breaks for oil companies, yacht owners and hedge-fund managers. The party’s leaders were triumphant: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell even bragged that America’s creditworthiness had been a “hostage that’s worth ransoming.”

It’s the kind of thinking that only money can buy. “It’s a vicious circle,” says Stiglitz. “The rich are using their money to secure tax provisions to let them get richer still. Rather than investing in new technology or R&D, the rich get a better return by investing in Washington.”

It’s difficult to imagine today, but taxing the rich wasn’t always a major flash point of American political life. From the end of World War II to the eve of the Reagan administration, the parties fought over social spending – Democrats pushing for more, Republicans demanding less. But once the budget was fixed, both parties saw taxes as an otherwise uninteresting mechanism to raise the money required to pay the bills. Eisenhower, Nixon and Ford each fought for higher taxes, while the biggest tax cut was secured by John F. Kennedy, whose across-the-board tax reductions were actually opposed by the majority of Republicans in the House. The distribution of the tax burden wasn’t really up for debate: Even after the Kennedy cuts, the top tax rate stood at 70 percent – double its current level. Steeply progressive taxation paid for the postwar investments in infrastructure, science and education that enabled the average American family to get ahead.

That only changed in the late 1970s, when high inflation drove up wages and pushed the middle class into higher tax brackets. Harnessing the widespread anger, Reagan put it to work on behalf of the rich. In a move that GOP Majority Leader Howard Baker called a “riverboat gamble,” Reagan sold the country on an “across-the-board” tax cut that brought the top rate down to 50 percent. According to supply-side economists, the wealthy would use their tax break to spur investment, and the economy would boom. And if it didn’t – well, to Reagan’s cadre of small-government conservatives, the resulting red ink could be a win-win. “We started talking about just cutting taxes and saying, ‘Screw the deficit,’” Bartlett recalls. “We had this idea that if you lowered revenues, the concern about the deficit would be channeled into spending cuts.”

It was the birth of what is now known as “Starve the Beast” – a conscious strategy by conservatives to force cuts in federal spending by bankrupting the country. As conceived by the right-wing intellectual Irving Kristol in 1980, the plan called for Republicans to create a “fiscal problem” by slashing taxes – and then foist the pain of reimposing fiscal discipline onto future Democratic administrations who, in Kristol’s words, would be forced to “tidy up afterward.”

There was only one problem: The Reagan tax cuts spiked the federal deficit to a dangerous level, even as the country remained mired in a deep recession. Republican leaders in Congress immediately moved to reverse themselves and feed the beast. “It was not a Democrat who led the effort in 1982 to undo about a third of the Reagan tax cuts,” recalls Robert Greenstein, president of the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. “It was Bob Dole.” Even Reagan embraced the tax hike, Stockman says, “because he believed that, at some point, you have to pay the bills.”

For the remainder of his time in office, Reagan repeatedly raised taxes to bring down unwieldy deficits. In 1983, he hiked gas and payroll taxes. In 1984, he raised revenue by closing tax loopholes for businesses. The tax reform of 1986 lowered the top rate for the wealthy to just 28 percent – but that cut for high earners was paid for by closing tax loopholes that resulted in the largest corporate tax hike in history. Reagan also raised revenues by abolishing special favors for the investor class: He boosted taxes on capital gains by 40 percent to align them with the taxes paid on wages. Today, Reagan may be lionized as a tax abolitionist, says Alan Simpson, a former Republican senator and friend of the president, but that’s not true to his record. “Reagan raised taxes 11 times in eight years!”

But Reagan wound up sowing the seed of our current gridlock when he gave his blessing to what Simpson calls a “nefarious organization” – Americans for Tax Reform. Headed by Grover Norquist, a man Stockman blasts as a “fiscal terrorist,” the group originally set out to prevent Congress from backsliding on the 1986 tax reforms. But Norquist’s instrument for enforcement – an anti-tax pledge signed by GOP lawmakers – quickly evolved into a powerful weapon designed to shift the tax burden away from the rich. George H.W. Bush won the GOP presidential nomination in 1988 in large part because he signed Norquist’s “no taxes” pledge. Once in office, however, Bush moved to bring down the soaring federal deficit by hiking the top tax rate to 31 percent and adding surtaxes for yachts, jets and luxury sedans. “He had courage to take action when we needed it,” says Paul O’Neill, who served as Treasury secretary under George W. Bush.

The tax hike helped the economy – and many credit it with setting up the great economic expansion of the 1990s. But it cost Bush his job in the 1992 election – a defeat that only served to strengthen Norquist’s standing among GOP insurgents. “The story of Bush losing,” Norquist says now, “is a reminder to politicians that this is a pledge you don’t break.” What was once just another campaign promise, rejected by a fiscal conservative like Bob Dole, was transformed into a political blood oath – a litmus test of true Republicanism that few candidates dare refuse.

After taking office, Clinton immediately seized the mantle of fiscal discipline from Republicans. Rather than simply trimming the federal deficit, as his GOP predecessors had done, he set out to balance the budget and begin paying down the national debt. To do so, he hiked the top tax bracket to nearly 40 percent and boosted the corporate tax rate to 35 percent. “It cost him both houses of Congress in the 1994 midterm elections,” says Chafee, the former GOP senator. “But taming the deficit led to the best economy America’s ever had.” Following the tax hikes of 1993, the economy grew at a brisk clip of 3.2 percent, creating more than 11 million jobs. Average wages ticked up, and stocks soared by 78 percent. By the spring of 1997, the federal budget was headed into the black.

But Newt Gingrich and the anti-tax revolutionaries who seized control of Congress in 1994 responded by going for the Full Norquist. In a stunning departure from America’s long-standing tax policy, Republicans moved to eliminate taxes on investment income and to abolish the inheritance tax. Under the final plan they enacted, capital gains taxes were sliced to 20 percent. Far from creating an across-the-board benefit, 62 cents of every tax dollar cut went directly to the top one percent of income earners. “The capital gains cut alone gave the top 400 taxpayers a bigger tax cut than all the Bush tax cuts combined,” says David Cay Johnston, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich – and Cheat Everybody Else.

The cuts also juiced irrational exuberance on Wall Street. Giving a huge tax advantage to investment income inflated the dot-com bubble, observed Stiglitz, “by making speculation more attractive.” And by eliminating capital gains taxes on home sales, the cuts fueled the housing bubble: A study by the Federal Reserve estimated that the tax giveaways boosted housing transactions by 17 percent through 2007.

The most revealing aspect of the tax cuts, however, came from a simple mistake. In a major blow to the inheritance tax – America’s most progressive form of taxation – the GOP cuts nearly doubled the amount that the rich could pass on to their heirs tax-free. From now on, the first $1 million would be exempt from federal taxes – unless your estate was worth more than $17 million. In those rare cases, the superwealthy would have to pay taxes on their entire inheritance.

Then something strange happened. Due to a “drafting error,” the final bill failed to include the exception for the superwealthy. Everyone in both parties agreed that it had been a mistake. But instead of fixing the error, Republicans blocked a pro forma correction to the law – meaning that even the wealthiest estates would pay no taxes on the first $1 million. The move effectively secured an $880 million tax cut for the rich – one that Congress never intended, and never voted for. Ari Fleischer, the then-spokesman for Rep. Bill Archer of the House Ways and Means Committee, exulted over the undemocratic tax cut for the wealthy. “When a mistake works against the government and for the taxpayers,” he explained, “we’re in no rush to correct it.”

Republicans, abetted by conservative Democrats, passed the tax cuts with a veto-proof majority, and Clinton signed them into law. But for the remainder of his term, Clinton repeatedly blocked Republican demands for further cuts. “He vetoed one tax cut after another,” says Robert McIntyre, director of Citizens for Tax Justice. In 1999, in a triumph for fiscal sanity, Clinton rejected a massive $792 billion cut to inheritance and investment taxes. The mood during the veto ceremony in the Rose Garden was festive. A five-piece band played “Summertime,” and the living was easy. Unemployment stood at 4.2 percent, and stocks were booming. “Our hard-won prosperity gives us the chance to invest our surplus to meet the long-term challenges of America,” Clinton declared. The Republican tax cuts, he warned with eerie prescience, would return America to a period of “deficit upon deficit” that culminated in “the worst recession since the Great Depression.”

Then came the election of George W. Bush, the first president of the Party of the Rich.

Within months of taking office, Bush delivered a tax break to the rich that trumps anything he accomplished through the actual tax code. “The most important thing the Bush administration did in the whole area of taxes,” says Johnston, “was to kill tax harmonization.”

“Tax harmonization” was economic jargon for a joint project by the world’s developed countries to shut down offshore tax havens in places like the Cayman Islands. At the time, such illicit havens were costing U.S. taxpayers $70 billion a year. For Republicans, going after big-time tax evaders should have been as American as apple pie. As Reagan once said of such cheats: “When they do not pay their taxes, someone else does – you and me.”

But for Bush and other leaders of the Party of the Rich, blocking corporations from hiding their money overseas wasn’t an act of patriotism – it was tyranny. Rep. Dick Armey, the GOP majority leader, railed against tax harmonization as an effort to create a “global network of tax police.” One of Bush’s biggest donors, Enron, was using a network of nearly 900 offshore tax hideaways to pay no corporate taxes – while reporting massive profits that later turned out to be fraudulent. In one of his first acts as president, Bush “basically vetoed the initiative,” says Stiglitz.

The veto spurred a cavalcade of corporations – including stalwart American firms like Stanley Works – to pursue phony “headquarters” in Bermuda and other lax-tax nations. The move not only encouraged some of the world’s richest companies to avoid paying any U.S. taxes, it let them book overseas-”expenses” that qualified them for lucrative tax deductions. In one of the most notorious cases, GE filed for a $3 billion tax rebate in 2009, despite boasting profits of more than $14 billion.

But Bush wasn’t content to simply make the world safe for corporate tax evaders: He also pushed to deliver $1.6 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals. On paper, at least, the federal government looked like it would soon be rolling in cash. Assuming the economy continued to grow as it had under Clinton, the Congressional Budget Office forecast a federal surplus of $5.6 trillion by 2011. Nearly half that bounty was already spoken for – the government needed some $3 trillion to shore up Social Security and Medicare – but that still left $2 trillion to play with.

Still, those numbers were only a projection. “It’s certainly not money in the bank,” Fed chairman Alan Greenspan warned incoming Treasury Secretary O’Neill over breakfast at the Federal Reserve. Yet there was no such note of caution in the White House. The month after Bush took office, the president’s then-budget director, Mitch Daniels, suggested in an internal memo that $5.6 trillion was likely too small a figure. Daniels concluded that Bush’s plan was “so fiscally conservative” that even after cutting $1.6 trillion in taxes, fixing Social Security and setting aside $900 billion in a contingency fund, the government would still have enough money left over to retire $2 trillion in debt.

“Everybody for a good while accepted that the surpluses were real,” insists Daniels, now the governor of Indiana. When pressed, however, he also concedes that by the time Bush took office, “the economy was already unraveling.” Indeed, a wave of layoffs at the end of 2000 prompted Dick Cheney to warn, “We may well be on the front edge of a recession here.”

The conflicting forecasts – one of sunshine and surplus, the other of gloom and contraction – should have set off alarm bells in the White House. But instead of rethinking the prudence of its massive giveaway to the rich, the Bush team dreamed up a new rationale for cutting taxes: to provide a needed jolt to the economy. “It’s a fair thing to say that the stimulus argument was added in the spring of ’01, when it had not been there before,” Daniels says.

The stimulus argument was lousy economics. The previous two decades, after all, had demonstrated that “trickle-down” tax cuts don’t juice the economy – they create bubbles and balloon deficits. Proponents pointed to Reagan’s original tax cut in 1981, claiming it had spurred economic growth. But that is nothing more than “urban legend,” Stockman says. The economy “did recover after 1982,” he says, “but mainly because the Federal Reserve defeated inflation.”

In fact, Stockman insists, Bush’s tax cuts for the rich represent a bastardization of Reaganism. “The Republican Party originally said that prosperity comes from the private sector,” he says. “But today’s Republicans have become Chamber of Commerce Keynesians – using tax policy as a way of stimulating, boosting, prodding the economy.” The Party of the Rich, in essence, was offering up a twisted version of New Deal policies that laissez-faire Republicans like Reagan had long opposed.

Spinning the tax giveaways as a stimulus plan did serve one useful function: It helped obscure the true purpose of the Bush tax plan. In an internal memo written just days after the inauguration, O’Neill advised Bush that he had a “great opportunity” for quick action on his tax cuts if he framed the choice for Congress as tax cut vs. recession. “We can get this argument on our ground,” O’Neill wrote, “and stop the drumbeat about a tax cut for the rich.”

With no patience for the specifics of tax policy, Bush deputized Vice President Dick Cheney to push through his tax cut for the rich. Once a deficit hawk who confessed that he was “not convinced that the Reagan tax cuts worked,” Cheney had emerged from his tenure as CEO of Halliburton as a leading advocate for rewarding big corporations and their executives – even as GOP moderates warned that Bush’s tax cut would foreclose needed investments in education and infrastructure. “The vice president had no interest in what I had to say,” recalls Chafee. “He ran the show right from the beginning, and he suffered no compromise.”

As the economy worsened, even the president’s Treasury secretary grew concerned about the tax cuts. O’Neill pushed Bush to include a trigger mechanism that would rein in the cuts if the projected surpluses failed to materialize. “The trigger was a good idea – having the foresight that if things turned bad, we wouldn’t have to reverse course in a difficult time,” O’Neill says now. “But there was never any serious interest in it” from the Bush administration.

To Chafee, the opposition to a trigger mechanism seemed to offer a clue about the real goal of the tax cuts: They were designed not to boost the economy, but to force the kind of spending cuts championed by Grover Norquist and other small-government activists. His suspicion that the starve-the-beast crowd was driving the cuts was confirmed, he says, by a conversation he had while walking the Senate corridors with Trent Lott, then the GOP majority leader.

“What’s going on here?” Chafee asked. Why not safeguard the economy by adopting a trigger mechanism?

Lott turned to Chafee. “We’re going to strangle the spending,” he said. On the stump, Bush hyped the benefits of his plan by emphasizing how much in taxes it would save a single waitress. But the real action was at the top rung of the income ladder. Over 10 years, the bottom fifth of income earners could expect to pocket an extra $744. That waitress might be left with enough cash to change out the clutch on her Corolla. The top one percent, meanwhile, would receive more than $340,000 on average – enough to buy his and hers Bentleys.

To mask such glaring inequality, Republicans inaugurated the tax cut with an across-the-board rebate. The waitress would get a $300 check, along with everyone else from Warren Buffett on down. But in reality, the tax cuts were backloaded with benefits for the wealthy. In the first year of the deal, the top one percent would pocket just seven percent of the tax cuts – but by the time the cuts were set to expire in 2010, the rich would be reaping more than half of the windfall. What’s more, the cuts were nefariously designed so that small-business owners and upper-middle-class professionals – primarily those earning between $200,000 and $500,000 a year – would see as much as three-quarters of their tax break eroded by the Alternative Minimum Tax, a levy Congress originally intended to keep rich people from cheating on their taxes.

Every year since the Bush tax cuts were approved, Congress has passed a multibillion “patch” to prevent this politically potent group of professionals from being denied their tax breaks. But at the time, Cheney used the money “saved” by the AMT claw-back to finance another favor exclusively for the rich: a series of cuts to the estate tax culminating in a one-year abolition, set to take effect in 2010. Rejecting a less costly bargain proposed by Democrats that would have provided a permanent escape from estate taxes for all but the richest of the rich, Republicans instead demanded a more expensive plan catering to the wealthiest 0.25 percent of all estates.

In May 2001, Republicans in the House voted in lock step to approve the Bush tax cuts, which cleared the Senate with the support of 45 Republicans and 12 conservative Democrats.

But then reality intervened. The bursting of the dot-com bubble, followed by the attacks of September 11th, tipped the economy headlong into recession. Rather than reversing course, however, Republicans rallied around another tax giveaway for the rich. That October, a bill passed by the House – and endorsed by Bush – not only called for eliminating a law requiring that tax-dodging corporations pay at least something in taxes, it ordered rebate checks to be cut to corporate giants for their past taxes. Under the bill, 16 companies of the Fortune 500 would have each received $100 million or more – including $1.4 billion for IBM, $671 million for GE and $254 million for Enron. Democrats in the Senate ultimately sank the bill, producing a stimulus package that extended unemployment benefits for the middle class and awarded tax incentives to corporations for new investments.

But Republicans kept their eyes on the prize. The following year, after the GOP regained control of the Senate and expanded its majority in the House, Cheney immediately pushed forward with an even deeper tax cut for the wealthy that O’Neill today describes as “an atrocity.”

“We won the midterms,” the vice president told O’Neill at the time. “This is our due.”

By that point, any economic rationale for cutting taxes had vanished. September 11th, the recession and the 2001 tax cuts had plunged the nation $158 billion into the red. The mirage of the $5.6 trillion surplus had vanished – replaced with a forecast that America would rack up some $3 trillion in debt by 2012. But rather than put the brakes on tax cuts, as a trigger mechanism might have done, Cheney was determined to accelerate them, so the rich would get their money even sooner. To further reward the wealthiest, Cheney also wanted to slash taxes on capital gains and corporate dividends, with half of the money going to the top one percent.

To secure the new tax cuts, however, Cheney would first have to overcome opposition not only from Alan Greenspan, but from some of Bush’s top advisers. The Fed chair had personally presented Cheney with a 20-page econometric analysis showing that soaring deficits caused by the tax cuts would sink long-term growth. Instead of communicating Greenspan’s alarm to Bush, Cheney tasked a deputy named Cesar Conda to draft a memo disputing the study. Conda, a former tax lobbyist, blithely dismissed the projections of the Fed’s senior economist as “completely wrong.”

In November 2002, at a meeting in the White House, the president and his top economic advisers packed tightly around a mahogany table in the Roosevelt Room. With the administration’s own forecasts showing that the economy had already regained its footing, one after another of Bush’s deputies sounded the alarm about the dangers of a new tax cut. “This burns a big hole in the budget,” deputy chief of staff Josh Bolten told the president. “The budget hole is getting deeper,” added Daniels, “and we are projecting deficits all the way to the end of your second term.” O’Neill warned the president that a “tax cut that benefits mostly wealthy investors” could imperil the budding prosperity. “With the economy already improving, this could cause an unnecessary boost,” he said. “That’s how you get a bubble.” Entertaining the chorus of doubters, Bush himself voiced qualms about more cuts for the rich. “Won’t the top-rate people benefit the most?” he asked. “Didn’t we already give them a break at the top?”

But Cheney was having none of it. When O’Neill warned Bush that America was headed for a “fiscal crisis,” the vice president, sitting at the Treasury secretary’s right elbow, dismissed him midsentence by citing the ultimate champion of Republican tax cuts: “Ronald Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter, Paul.”

A true student of Reagan would have understood that 2002 was the moment for a tax increase. When his 1981 tax cut overshot the mark, Reagan had put aside ideology and raised taxes, putting the needs of the country above the desires of the wealthy. Bush’s father had also raised taxes to avoid passing massive deficits on to future generations. Moreover, the Bush administration had already committed the country to a costly war in Afghanistan, and was on the brink of invading Iraq. Historically, Republican and Democratic administrations alike had met the financial burdens of war by raising taxes. But this was a new Republican Party, one determined to aid the rich even as it sent the military budget soaring. As House Majority Leader Tom DeLay would soon declare, “Nothing is more important in the face of a war than cutting taxes.”

After the meeting, Cheney set out to remove anyone who stood in the way of the new tax giveaway. He phoned O’Neill and demanded the Treasury secretary’s resignation. He also dispensed with economic adviser Larry Lindsey, whose frank assessment of the possible costs of the Iraq War had threatened to derail the tax cut.

Budget-conscious Republicans in Congress who opposed the tax cuts could not be disposed of – but they could be strong-armed. Voinovich and Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, who refused to go along with cuts of more than $350 billion, were summoned to the White House for a meeting with Bush and Cheney. “The president wanted nearly a trillion dollars when he started with us,” recalls Voinovich. “They were working on us: We need more, we need more.” The senators held out for a smaller bill – though in hindsight, Voinovich says, there shouldn’t have been any tax cuts. “Just think where we’d be if we’d gone along with what the president wanted,” he says, laughing bitterly. “Where would we be today? Oh, my God.”

In the end, Cheney’s voice was the only one that mattered. In April 2003, when the bill reached the floor, the Senate deadlocked 50-50. The vice president cast the deciding “aye” that moved the tax cut into law. The benefits were even more tilted to the rich than the first Bush tax cuts. When fully phased in, 53 percent of the new cuts went to the top one percent. Those making $10 million or more pocketed an average of $1 million a year – twice the haul they made from the earlier cuts, and every cent of it borrowed. “It was a deficit-financed tax cut,” concedes Hubbard, who chaired Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers.

The deal privileged gambling on stocks over working for a living: The tax rate the richest pay on their long-term capital gains was slashed by 25 percent, while their rate on dividends fell by almost 60 percent. The move not only fueled speculation of Wall Street, it further widened the considerable gap between rich and poor. “It was a very destructive combination to have a national economic policy that stimulated debt-financed capital gains and then taxed the windfall at the lowest rate imaginable,” says Stockman. “That contributed, clearly, to the growing imbalance in household income and wealth.”

But Republicans didn’t stop there. The following year, they passed the little-noticed American Jobs Creation Act. Named in the same Orwellian fashion as Bush’s “Clear Skies” and “Healthy Forests” initiatives, the 2004 law allowed corporations to bring home billions in profits they had stockpiled in offshore tax havens – the very flight of capital that Bush had blessed by torpedoing tax harmonization three years earlier. Under the tax amnesty, corporations repatriated $300 billion in profits they had stashed offshore. But instead of paying the nominal corporate tax rate of 35 percent, they were taxed at just 5.25 percent.

The title of the bill notwithstanding, corporations invested almost none of their windfall in new factories or other measures to create the 500,000 jobs that Republicans had promised. In fact, many companies that received the biggest tax break actually slashed jobs. Hewlett-Packard laid off 14,500 workers – one pink slip for every $1 million in profits it shipped back home from overseas. All told, according to an analysis by the National Bureau of Economic Research, up to 92 percent of the “jobs creation” money was handed out to top executives and shareholders in a frenzy of dividend payments and stock buybacks. And thanks to the GOP’s cut on investment income the previous year, wealthy individuals who pocketed the offshore profits paid the same rate on their bonanza, 15 percent, that a waitress at a diner might pay on her tips.

When Democrats regained control of both the House and Senate in 2006, they temporarily halted the GOP’s binge of borrowing from the Treasury to give tax cuts to the wealthy. But that didn’t stop Republicans from finding other ways to aid the rich. As the economy collapsed in 2008, the Bush administration used the crisis to provide a stealth handout to the nation’s banks – even those at no risk of failing. Under the TARP bailout, overseen by Treasury secretary and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson, taxpayers were forced to give banks $254 billion for assets worth just $176 billion – a handout of $78 billion to the financial sector, including $2.5 billion for Paulson’s cronies at Goldman. “Paulson pushed the money into the hands of the banks – no strings attached, no accountability, no transparency,” Elizabeth Warren, then-chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, told Rolling Stone last year.

As with the offshore profits, the banks used the money to line the pockets of executives and investors – while doing little to speed the recovery of Main Street. “We gave an enormous subsidy to these financial institutions, and they have not returned it to the American people,” said Warren. “The administration could have said, ‘All right, take this and multiply it throughout the economy.’ But Paulson never made that a condition of taking the money.”

Taken together, the Bush years exposed the bankruptcy behind the theory that tax cuts for the rich will spur economic growth. “Let the rich get richer and everybody will benefit?” says Stiglitz. “That, empirically, is wrong. It’s a philosophy of trickle-down economics that’s belied by the facts.” Bush and Cheney proved once and for all that tax cuts for the wealthy produce only two things: “lower growth and greater inequality.”

The GOP’s frenzied handouts to the rich during the Bush era coincided with the weakest economic expansion since World War II – and the only one in modern American history in which the wages of working families actually fell and poverty increased. And what little expansion there was under Bush culminated in the worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression. “The wreckage was left by Dick Cheney, Grover Norquist and the gang,” says Chafee. “This was their doing.”

By driving the economy into the ditch, Republicans left the next president little choice but to drive up deficits in the short term by launching a massive campaign of federal spending to ward off a global depression. But even the $787 billion stimulus engineered by President Obama was hamstrung by his predecessor’s ongoing giveaway to the wealthy: Republicans insisted that nearly 10 percent of every stimulus dollar be devoted to financing the annual “patch” to the Alternative Minimum Tax – the off-budget legacy of Bush’s tax cuts for the rich. This was a $70 billion handout that inflated the cost of the stimulus package without stimulating anything – other than the paychecks of wealthy Americans.

From the outset of the Obama presidency, in fact, Republicans have engaged in a calculated, across-the-board campaign to protect the tax privileges of the wealthiest Americans. Their objective was made explicit by Rep. Eric Cantor during the height of the stimulus debate: “No Tax Increases to Pay for Spending” declared one bullet point on Cantor’s website. “House Republicans are insisting that any stimulus package include a provision precluding any tax increases, now or in the future, to pay for this new spending.” Having racked up the largest deficits in American history, Republicans suddenly found it expedient to return to their old-school rhetoric of deficit-bashing. “Under Bush, they had a story about deficits not mattering,” says Michael Ettlinger, who directs economic policy at the Center for American Progress. “Then, all of a sudden Obama becomes president, and deficits matter again.”

The battle reached a fever pitch over health care reform. To truly understand the depth of the GOP’s entrenched opposition to Obamacare, it’s crucial to understand how the reform is financed: The single largest source of funds comes from increasing Medicare taxes on the wealthy – including new taxes on investment income. According to the Tax Policy Center, Americans who make more than $1 million a year will pay an extra $37,381 in annual taxes under the plan. The top 400 taxpayers would contribute even more: an average of $11 million each.

Rarely in American history has a tax so effectively targeted the top one percent. “It took Republicans about four months to figure out how much they hated it,” says McIntyre, president of Citizens for Tax Justice. Republican rage over the president’s health care plan has far less to do with the size of government or the merits of the individual mandate than the blow to the investor class. If Obamacare remains in place and the Bush cuts for the wealthy expire as planned, top earners will be paying a tax of 23.8 percent on capital gains – more than they have at any time since Clinton cut the capital gains tax in 1997. Health care reform, griped The Wall Street Journal, was nothing but a “sneaky way” for Democrats to wage a “war on ‘the rich.’”

A key element of the GOP’s war on the poor was cemented by the surprise election of Scott Brown to replace Ted Kennedy in the Senate in January 2010. As a candidate, Brown had made his high-mileage GMC pickup truck the star of his campaign commercials. “I love this old truck,” he said. “It’s brought me closer to the people.” But Brown’s real allegiance was to his wealthy donors: the billionaire Koch brothers, who bankrolled the Tea Party, and the financial interests who made a last-minute investment of more than $450,000 to propel Brown into office.

As soon as he was sworn in, Brown set about hollowing out the so-called Volcker Rule, which was designed to bar big financial institutions from using their own money to make risky, speculative bets on the market. By agreeing to provide Democrats with the crucial 60th vote on finance reform, Brown secured an exemption from the trading ban for mutual funds and insurers – a move directly benefiting Massachusetts-based financial giants like Fidelity and MassMutual. Brown also insisted that the Wall Street giants who caused the financial collapse – banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase – be allowed to continue using taxpayer-subsidized capital to gamble on hedge funds and private-equity deals. Former Fed chair Paul Volcker was furious: “Allowing a bank to invest in a speculative fund,” he said, “goes against the very intent of the bill.”

But Brown wasn’t done. At the 11th hour, he forced Democrats to spike a tax on big banks and hedge funds that was designed to generate $19 billion to pay for the costs of financial reform. As a result, consumers and small banks had to pick up the tab. Brown, meanwhile, was richly rewarded for his efforts on behalf of Wall Street: During a three-week period at the height of negotiations, he raked in $140,000 in campaign cash from big financial firms, including Fidelity and MassMutual, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

When Republicans won back control of the House in last year’s midterm elections, they followed Brown’s lead and moved swiftly to betray their Tea Party backers by running up more deficits on behalf of the rich. Within days of the election, Republicans not only secured a two-year extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, they also enabled America’s richest scions to inherit millions of dollars without paying a dime in taxes. All told, the GOP’s two favors for the party’s biggest donors were secured in a lame-duck bargain that adds another $858 billion to the debt – an amount greater than the original stimulus plan the Republicans opposed so bitterly.

First, the GOP filibustered a Democrat-led effort to extend the Bush tax cuts on only the first $250,000 of income. The party leadership’s hard-line stance – supported by barely a third of all voters – turned $90 billion over to the wealthiest Americans. It also set a precedent for further extensions that would cost nearly $1 trillion over the next decade. At the same time, the GOP drove through a deal that actually raised taxes for couples who make less than $40,000 a year – and then turned much of the extra cash over to couples who earn more than $200,000. Obama agreed to this massive transfer of wealth in order to retain the Bush tax cuts for the middle class – but the only other significant thing he got in return was a one-year extension of jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed.

But even the GOP’s big payday for the wealthy pales in comparison to the handout that Republicans secured by gutting the estate tax. With the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, the inheritance tax was set to snap back to its Clinton-era standard: exempting the first $1 million of all estates from taxation, and stepping up the tax rate on the wealthiest estates to 55 percent. Instead, Obama agreed to raise the exemption to $5 million and lower the top tax rate to 35 percent – an apparent horse trade demanded by the Senate’s second-ranking Republican, Jon Kyl of Arizona, who then allowed the president’s nuclear-stockpile treaty with Russia to move forward in the Senate.

Shockingly, the deal actually sweetened the bargain the super-rich had received in 2009, enabling the heirs to the richest 0.25 percent of estates to pocket an extra $23 billion they would have otherwise owed in taxes under Bush. In fact, under the terms Kyl demanded, the federal government will spend more to eliminate or cut taxes for 100,000 rich people than it will to extend unemployment benefits for 7 million Americans.

In a little-noticed detail, the two-year deal also created a loophole that allows the wealthiest couples to pass on $10 million to a child today – while they’re still living – without paying a penny of tax. That means the rich can offload their wealth to their children before it increases in value – evading higher estate taxes in the future. “In the next two years,” one tax attorney crowed to The Wall Street Journal, “wealthy people have an unprecedented opportunity to push a lot of the value of their assets out of the estate-tax system.” According to tax historians, the new rules create the most generous tax environment for wealth transfers for the super-rich since 1931.

And that was just the beginning of the budget-busting handouts the GOP demanded for the rich. In April, Republicans in the House passed a budget that would have slashed income taxes on corporations and the wealthiest Americans to just 25 percent – a $3 trillion giveaway that would have been financed by doubling out-of-pocket expenses for future retirees on Medicare. Top Republicans like Cantor have also pushed for a replay of the American Jobs Creation Act – endorsing a new tax amnesty that would allow corporate giants like Apple and Pfizer to bring home $1.4 trillion in offshore profits that would be taxed at just 5.25 percent – a favor for the wealthy that would generate another $79 billion in deficits. “At the same time they’re talking about these big deficit problems, running around saying, ‘We’re broke,’ they’re contemplating one of the most egregious tax giveaways in recent memory,” says Greenstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. “The potential windfall gains are beyond enormous – and the lion’s share would go to shareholders of these big corporations and their executives.”

Never mind that the previous tax amnesty in 2004 created virtually no new jobs, as corporate executives eagerly pocketed the windfall for themselves: Republicans are once again claiming that the tax amnesty will enable corporations to spend their repatriated wealth putting Americans back to work. Mitt Romney, the GOP presidential front-runner, promises that the flood of corporate cash will generate “hundreds of thousands if not millions – of good, permanent, private-sector jobs.” That flies in the face of basic economics, given that corporate America is already sitting on hundreds of billions in domestic cash reserves. What the tax amnesty would do, however, is boost stock prices. According to an analysis by JP Morgan, as much as two-thirds of the $1.4 trillion that would be brought back into the country would go to stock “buybacks and dividends” rather than “new factories, new jobs and new equipment,” as Romney claims.

JP Morgan has a big stake in the debate – as do fellow bank-bailout beneficiaries Citigroup, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs. Combined, the four financial giants have $87 billion in untaxed profits stockpiled offshore. That’s similar to the combined offshore profits of drug giants Pfizer and Merck at $89 billion. Tech giants Cisco and Microsoft have more than $61 billion they’d like to bring home, while Big Oil companies Exxon and Chevron have $56 billion. The company with the most to gain, by far – with offshored reserves of $94 billion – is corporate America’s most notorious tax scofflaw, GE.

Romney’s rival for the GOP nomination, Rick Perry, has also endorsed the tax amnesty for giant corporations. But for Perry, the proposal doesn’t go far enough on behalf of the rich. “Why not talk about how you are going to repatriate those dollars at a substantially lower rate than 35 percent?” Perry said recently, stumping in New Hampshire. “Likezero.”

In September, Perry went even further, proposing a flat tax that would take a sharp bite out of the paychecks of the poorest Americans – while slashing taxes by more than 40 percent for the wealthiest. When confronted by a reporter over the fact that his plan would give millions to the rich, Perry replied: “I don’t care about that.” His plan is almost as regressive as Herman Cain’s original 9-9-9 plan, which called for increasing taxes on 84 percent of Americans – squeezing $4,400 a year out of every middle-class couple to finance a $455,000 tax cut for millionaires. What’s more, both Perry and Cain want to abolish the estate tax entirely and eliminate all taxes on capital gains. A similar plan by Michele Bachmann would enable 23,000 millionaires to pay no taxes at all – while allowing the top 400 earners to pocket nearly two-thirds of their income tax-free, and then pass those riches on to their heirs without paying a penny. “It’s madness,” says Stiglitz. “And it is dangerous to the fiscal order. The wealthy know very well how to convert normal income to capital gains income.”

The Republican mania for rewarding the rich with tax cuts has become so warped that the normal rules of budgeting no longer seem to apply. Arguing for an extension of the Bush tax cuts, Sen. Kyl spelled out what could well serve as the Party of the Rich’s credo: “You should never have to offset the cost of a deliberate decision to reduce tax rates on Americans.” The same rule, of course, doesn’t apply to spending for those in need: At the time he called for more borrowing on behalf of the rich, Kyl was also fighting to deny unemployment benefits to 5 million Americans. “Continuing to pay people unemployment compensation,” he scoffed, “is a disincentive for them to seek new work.”

In retrospect, the true victor of the midterm elections last year was not the Tea Party, or even Speaker of the House John Boehner. It was Grover Norquist.

“What has happened over the last two years is that Grover now has soldiers in the field,” says Bartlett, the architect of the Reagan tax cuts. “These Tea Party people, in effect, take their orders from him.” Indeed, a record 98 percent of House Republicans have now signed Norquist’s anti-tax pledge – which includes a second, little-known provision that played a key role in the debt-ceiling debacle. In addition to vowing not to raise taxes, politicians who sign the pledge promise to use any revenue generated by ending a tax subsidy to immediately finance – that’s right – more tax cuts.

Norquist insists the measure is necessary to force Congress to rein in spending. “I’m not focused on the deficit,” he says. “The metric that matters is keeping spending down.” But in the real world, the effect of Norquist’s oath is to prevent the government from cutting the deficit by ending tax breaks to the rich. All told, tax breaks cost the government $1.2 trillion each year – far more than defense spending ($744 billion), Medicare and Medicaid ($719 billion) or Social Security ($701 billion). And most of the breaks – think of them as government subsidies delivered through the tax code – go to the wealthy. The richest one percent of Americans receive a 13.5 percent boost in their incomes from such subsidies – almost double the benefit the bottom 80 percent receives. Under Norquist’s pledge, lawmakers are forbidden from ending any kind of tax break – mortgage deductions for luxury vacation homes, subsidies for giant oil companies, lower tax rates for private-equity millionaires – without using the money to pay for another tax cut. “If you can’t get rid of tax expenditures – if old Grover is going to call that a ‘tax increase’ – it’s not just ludicrous, it’s deception,” says Simpson, the former GOP senator.

Far from creating the trickle-down economics promised by Reagan, the policies pursued by the modern Republican Party are gusher up. Under the leadership of Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the House’s radicalized GOP caucus is pushing a predatory agenda for a new gilded age. Every move that Republicans make – whether it’s to gut consumer protections, roll back environmental regulations, subsidize giant agribusinesses, abolish health care reform or just drill, baby, drill – is consistent with a single overarching agenda: to enrich the nation’s wealthiest individuals and corporations, even if it requires borrowing from China, weakening national security, dismantling Medicare and taxing the middle class. With the nation still mired in the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, Republicans have categorically rejected the one financial policy with a proven record of putting the country back on a more prosperous footing. “You hear the Republicans say that you don’t dare raise taxes in a weak economy,” says Stockman. “Ronald Reagan did – three times.” Not even the downgrading of America’s debt – which placed the world’s only superpower on credit par with New Zealand and Belgium – has given GOP leaders cause to reconsider their pro-wealth jihad. In August, as the so-called Supercommittee began its work to complete the debt-ceiling deal by reducing future deficits by another $1.5 trillion, Cantor issued the Party of the Rich’s marching orders, insisting that Republicans not buckle under the “tremendous pressure” to hike taxes and instead target spending cuts in “mandatory programs.”

The composition of the committee offers little hope that Congress will hold the rich accountable for their share of the deficit burden. While Democrats appointed deal-oriented centrists like Sen. Max Baucus to the committee, Republicans stocked it with anti-revenue hard-liners, including Sens. Jon Kyl and Pat Toomey, who used to run the Club for Growth – an ally of Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform. “Your wallet is safe,” Norquist tweeted after the Republican roster was announced.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Norquist expresses pride that the GOP has been so thoroughly transformed since the days of Reagan. “It’s a different Republican Party now,” he says. Norquist even goes so far as to liken the kind of Republicans common in Reagan’s day – those willing to raise taxes to strengthen the economy – to segregationists. The “modern Republican Party,” he says, would no sooner recognize a revenue-raiser than the “modern Democratic Party would recognize George Wallace.”

Norquist expresses no discomfort at the moral impact of his project – providing tax favors for the wealthy that are paid for by cutting services to those who truly need them. “I understand greed and envy,” Norquist says. “The idea that somebody’s making money and you want to steal some of it? That’s an interesting idea. But it’s not morality. It’s certainly not justice.”

Such extremist rhetoric – equating taxation with theft – is exactly the kind of talk that dismays old-line Republicans. Many of those who fought for years at the side of Ronald Reagan say they no longer recognize traditional GOP values in the new Republican Party. Fighting for the rich, after all, is not the same as championing the right.

“You can look up my record: On conservatism and taxes I was better than Jesse Helms,” says Simpson, the former senator. “But whatever happened to common sense? People are going to look around in five or 10 years and say, ‘Whatever happened to the things that made me comfortable? That made our streets and schools good things?’ And they’ll look, hopefully, at Grover Norquist. I can say to you with deepest sincerity: If this country and this legislature are in thrall to Grover Norquist, we haven’t got a prayer.”

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11 Shocking Things You now Realize to be True - But would Not Have Believed 3 Years Ago

We are living through a time of Great Awakening.

The people of our world are beginning to open their eyes and realize the stunning depth of the scams and collusion taking place all around them. These scams that steal their wealth, poison them with chemicals, enslave them with financial trickery and control their minds with propaganda. These scams are the very fabric of modern government, the mainstream media, universities and so-called “science” institutions.

Here are 11 of those scams that you probably never would have believed just 2-3 years ago; but nowyou probably realize these are true!

Welcome to the real world, my friends. Now that we recognize the depth of the scams, let’s change things for the better . (Occupy America!)

#1 - Most of the honey you buy in the grocery store contains no actual honey whatsoever

It’s true, the so-called “honey” isn’t even technically honey. Most of it is made of cheap “mystery” sweeteners, illegally imported from China, right under the nose of the FDA.

#2 - The fluoride that’s dripped into municipal water supplies is actually a highly toxic industrial chemical byproduct

This scam is exploding in the faces of all the ignorant dentists and doctors who have been pushing this poison for years. Once again, they were wrong; the “conspiracy theorists” were right.

#3 - Flu vaccines often contain live flu viruses and actuallycausethe flu as a way to worsen the flu season and scare more people into buying vaccines

It’s also true with MMR vaccines, which cause the measles. Flu vaccines are the greatest medical hoax that has ever been perpetrated on the world:

#4 - Ron Paul is deliberately stripped out of mainstream news reports, online polls and debate coverage in order to “game the system” against him

The power elite don’t really want “fair and open” elections in America, you see. It’s all about rigging the system to make sure a globalist puppet gets elected instead of a Man of the People.

#5 - The United States government openly trafficks illegal guns into Mexico as a way to cause gun violence in the USA

It all seemed so very clever until they got caught, and now it just seems flatly criminal. So why can the federal government run illegal guns and nothing happens to them, but if you or I do it, we go to prison for a long, long time?

#6 - Prestigious U.S. hospitals are widely engaged in black market organ trafficking and organ transplants

And why not? It’s profitable, and they can claim they’re “saving lives!” Make no mistake: the organ transplant industry is steeped in dark, psychopathic criminal activity.

#7 - The child sex slave industry is huge, highly profitable, and found everywhere across America (and the world)

You wouldn’t have believed this, probably, until the whole Penn State scandal recently made headline news around the world. As everybody now knows, Penn State sports officials routinely raped young children, even pimping them out to other criminal rapists who paid big money to rape young boys. This went on for 15 years right inside a prestigious university, right here in America.

Are you shocked? You shouldn’t be. Alex Jones has been sounding the alarm about this fora decade. Nobody listened to him. They couldn’t believe it was real. People would rather bury their heads in the sand than face reality.

And yet, this Penn State scandal just scratches the surface. The far deeper horrifying truth of all this is that Child Protective Services routinely kidnaps young American children and sells them into sex slavery — so-called “white slavery.”

That story has not yet been covered by the mainstream media.

#8 - Commercial chickens are routinely fed arsenic, and commercial cows are routinely fed chicken poop

Oh, you didn’t know that? When you eat conventional beef, you’re eating meat from cows who created that meat by consuming chicken poop. Yumm! Can I have some more poop on that burger, please?

#9 - “Natural” foods and cereals are routinely made with genetically modified ingredients

Oh, you thought “natural” meant better than organic? Non-GMO? Stop getting suckered by the cereal companies and dishonest food conglomerates. Know what you’re really eating:

#10 - The global banking industry is a criminal racket that steals wealth from working class People and redistributes it to the global wealthy elite

You wouldn’t have believed this five years ago, but now, looking at your own bank account, the job you lost, the house you can’t sell and the health care you can’t afford, it’s all sinking in: The global financial system is an engineered con that suckers working-class people into giving up all their wealth, piece by piece, until they die bankrupt. Indentured servitude…

#11 - The U.S. government routinely conspires with pharmaceutical giants to conduct criminal, inhumane medical experiments on innocent people

Recent revelations about the U.S. government’s secret medical experiments in Guatemala are just the tip of the iceberg here. Dr. Jona Salk, inventor of the polio vaccine, also ran unethical medical experiments on people. In fact, the entire history of modern medicine (pharmaceuticals, vaccines, chemotherapy and more) is something of a “house of horrors” of inhumane medical experiments on innocent victims.

What else is true?

Ever wonder what else might be true about our world that you never would have believed just a few years ago? Maybe it’s time you started reading books byJim Marrsor evenDavid Icke.

Now is a good time to start listening to the Robert Scott Bell Show on where you’ll also hear news from Patrick Timpone.

Perhaps it’s time we all started questioning history, medicine, corporate science, banking institutions and all governments. Discard your blinders.

Maybe it’s time we opened our eyes to reality and stopped lying to ourselves about the depth of corruption and evil in our world. And why would we do that? Because that’s the first step to positive revolution where we work together to createa better world… a world where such criminality and suffering is ancient history.

Accept reality, in other words… and then CHANGE it for the better.


We Brought Fukushima Disaster On Ourselves, Murakami Asserts

Terming Fukushima Japan’s “second massive nuclear disaster,” novelist Haruki Murakami said “this time no one dropped a bomb on us” but instead “we set the stage, we committed the crime with our own hands, we are destroying our own lands, and we are destroying our own lives.”

“While we are the victims, we are also the perpetrators. We must fix our eyes on this fact,” he continued.

“If we fail to do so, we will inevitably repeat the same mistake again, somewhere else.”

Murakami, whose novels “Norwegian Wood” and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,” among others, have given him a global following, made his comments in an interview with Evan Osnos which appears in the Oct. 17th issue of “The New Yorker” magazine.

Osnos writes about the Japanese response to the March 11th earthquake and the subsequent tidal waves that rocked the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Station on Japan’s Pacific coast.

He quotes then Prime Minister Naoto Kan as saying that he felt “Japan was facing the possibility of a collapse.” Kan, 64, resigned last August amid widespread criticism that he had mishandled the Fukushima crisis.

As journalist Walter Brasch summarized in OpEdNews November 9th: “an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale and the ensuing 50-foot high tsunami wave led to a meltdown of three of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors. Japan’s nuclear regulatory agency reported that 31 radioactive isotopes were released. In contrast, 16 radioactive isotopes were released from the A-bomb that hit Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945. The agency also reported that radioactive cesium released was almost 170 times the amount of the A-bomb, and that the release of radioactive Iodine-131 and Strontium-90 was about two to three times the level of the A-bomb.”

The Fukushima tragedy caused the operators of most of the world’s 432 nuclear power plants to reassess their safety systems, or to suspend nuclear power generation entirely. Some countries, Osnos says, earlier had suspended nuclear ops as too dangerous following the April, 1986, meltdown at the Chernobyl power plant in the Ukraine.

Soviet officials attempted to conceal the meltdown but disclosure came when its wind-borne radioactive plume tripped a monitoring device in a nuclear plant north of Stockholm. Fukushima officials were far more candid last March but the areas they said needed to be evacuated were smaller than those U.S. officials told their nationals in Japan to quit.

One casualty of the Fukushima meltdown was candor: Prime Minister Kan’s spokesman Yukio Edano said, “Let me repeat that there is no radiation leak, nor will there be a leak.” Osnos writes, “After the tsunami, Tokyo Electric barred rank-and-file employees from speaking publicly, and the ban is still in effect.” He adds that a poll late in May showed that more than 80 per cent of the population “did not believe the government’s information about the nuclear crisis.”

“The Fukushima meltdowns scattered nuclear fallout over an area the size of Chicago,” Osnos continued, and government scientists estimated total radiation released on land was about a sixth as much as at Chernobyl. In a preliminary estimate, Frank von Hippel, a Princeton University physicist, said that roughly a thousand deadly cancers may result from the Fukushima meltdowns. Luckily, significant radioactive fallout allegedly did not reach Tokyo, the world’s largest metropolitan area with 35-million inhabitants. Some 80,000 Japanese living near the plant site were forced to evacuate their homes, though, converting some lovely villages into ghost towns.

Despite all this, Japanese politicians are not about to put an end to generating nuclear power in there country. Osnos writes, “The country would possibly close some of its oldest plants, but the rest—by one estimate, 36 of the 54 reactors—would endure.”

He quotes Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano as saying, “We thought that human beings—the Japanese—can control nuclear by our intelligence, by our reason. With this one accident, will that philosophy be discarded? I don’t think so.” He added that he expects China to build “a hundred or two hundred” nuclear power stations, concluding, “I hope our experience will be a good lesson for them.”

Maybe Fukushima will cause Japan’s nuclear owners to take warnings more seriously. Tokyo Electric in 2009 disregarded warnings by two seismologists that Fukushima Daiichi was acutely vulnerable to tsunamis. In addition, Tokyo Electric endangered the public by concealing more than half a dozen emergencies from government regulators. It had also “faked hundreds of repair records,” Osnos noted.

This pattern of deception on safety issues raises the question of how many “accidents” it will take before Japan reverses course on nuclear power. Also, aren’t those who suffer from radiation and who are driven from their homes entitled to compensation from Tokyo Electric? When a private firm with such an awesome responsibility for public health covers up emergencies and is unprepared for a disaster, isn’t it guilty of crimes against humanity?

Even absent earthquakes and tidal waves, nuclear plants pose an existential threat to humanity. Not only are vast amounts of fossil fuels burned to mine and refine the uranium for nuclear reactors, polluting the atmosphere, but nuclear plants are allowed “to emit hundreds of curies of radioactive gases and other radioactive elements into the environment every year,” Dr. Helen Caldicott, the antinuclear authority, points out in her book “Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer” (The New Press).

The thousands of tons of solid radioactive waste accumulating in the cooling pools next to those plants contain “extremely toxic elements that will inevitably pollute the environment and human food chains, a legacy that will lead to epidemics of cancer, leukemia, and genetic disease in populations living near nuclear power plants or radioactive waste facilities for many generations to come,” she writes. Countless Americans are already dead or dying as a result of our nuclear plants, a story not being effectively told.

Americans have been told there were no casualties as a result of the Three Mile Island (TMI) plant meltdown on March 28, 1979. Yet some 2,000 Harrisburg area residents settled sickness claims with operators’ General Public Utilities Corp. and Metropolitan Edison Co., the owners of TMI.

Their symptoms included nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding from the nose, a metallic taste in the mouth, hair loss, and red skin rash, typical of acute radiation sickness when people are exposed to whole-body doses of radiation around 100 rads, Caldicott said.

David Lochbaum, of the Union of Concerned Scientists, believes nuclear plant safety standards are lacking and before Fukushima predicted another nuclear catastrophe, stating, “It’s not if, but when.”

“The magnitude of the radiation generated in a nuclear power plant is almost beyond belief,” Caldicott writes. “The original uranium fuel that is subject to the fission process becomes 1 billion times more radioactive in the reactor core. A thousand-megawatt nuclear power plant contains as much long-lived radiation as that produced by the explosion of 1,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs.”

Each year, operators must remove a third of the radioactive fuel rods from their reactors because they have become contaminated with fission products. The rods are so hot they must be stored for 30 to 60 years in a heavily shielded building continuously cooled by air or water lest they burst into flame, and must afterwards be packed into a container. “Construction of these highly specialized containers uses as much energy as construction of the original reactor itself, which is 80 gigajoules per metric ton,” Caldicott says.

What’s a big construction project, though, when you don’t have to pay for it? In the 2005 Energy Bill, Congress allocated $13 billion in subsidies to the nuclear power industry. Between 1948 and 1998, the US government showered the industry with $70 billion of taxpayer dollars for research and development —–corporate Socialism if ever there was any.

Caldicott points out there are truly green and clean alternative energy sources to nuclear power. She refers to the American plains as “the Saudi Arabia of wind,” where readily available rural land in just several Dakota counties “could produce twice the amount of electricity that the United States currently consumes.”

If we do not grab hold of such green alternatives, we, like Japan, as Murakami warned, will “repeat the same mistake again.”




There are nuclear weapons out there, maybe in terrorists hands, two or five, as many as seven or more. Iran and North Korea didn’t build them. North Korea’s nuclear program is a sham and Iran may simply be a scapegoat. Iran is not building nuclear weapons, they don’t possess the necessary centrifuges to enrich uranium. Using their available technology, a nuclear weapon could not be produced in a century.

However, the threat of nuclear terrorism is very real, the facts are there but America is sitting on the truth. Remember three names, Valerie Plame and Dr. David Kelly and Mordechai Vanunu. Plame was “burned” as an American spy, burned by the Bush administration. Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff, “Scooter” Libby (Liebowitz) was convicted of the crime but received a pardon from President Bush.

Plame wasn’t looking for “yellow cake” uranium from Niger, she was looking for lost nuclear weapons. When she got close, she was destroyed and then silenced by the Justice Department. Dr. David Kelly was a weapons scientist in Britain until his very unexpected suicide while trying to report wrongdoing tied to missing nuclear weapons, wrongdoing he attributed directly to Prime Minister Tony Blair. A secret investigation currently being conducted has ruled his death a murder and top members of government, from Blair downward are being grilled about, not only this, but missing nuclear weapons, a subject newspapers are being threatened to stay silent on daily.

Mordechai Vanunu is a nuclear weapons specialist who worked at the illegal Dimona facility in Israel. When he fled the country and alerted the world about the nuclear program there, he was kidnapped, returned to Israel and put in solitary confinement for 18 years. He has been under house arrest or in solitary confinement after his release. He is currently locked in a small cell in a secret prison in Israel for talking to someone not on his official list of contacts.

These three people and a number of people behind them hold the key to the biggest story in recent years, a massive worldwide coverup so frightening it is treated almost as though it was involved secret UFO landings. Not everyone has all the information. Some key figures are waiting for the results of the investigations going on in London now, the findings of which will be above top secret.

Stories are leaking out and some have been reported over the years, labeled “conspiracy theory” but partially accurate, at least in some of the most frightening facts, but also filled with conjecture and wrong conclusions. The same stories went to all the major news sources along with documents and reliable first hand testimony from people like, well, Dr. David Kelly, murder victim.

There is nothing more dangerous than a journalist in love with their own ideas. Anything can be falsified, as we saw in the videos Israel released after the Mavi Marmara incident showing cheap special effects with people walking through walls. Any piece of paper, using simple technology, can be created with ease and any person interviewed can lie, most do, especially those with political or military careers. What has happened is that journalists in the United Kingdom and around the world have been receiving information, some from highly placed sources, first person testimony and much backed by documentation. The results haven’t been a solid conspiracy but a mosaic of facts, some proven, some very likely and some questionable.

As a reader, a citizen and a person concerned for the safety of family and friends, the information if shocking but incomplete. Let’s start with what we know.


The story isn’t about politics as much as the international trade in weapons. As weapons, particularly the “mass destruction” kind, can alter history, the politics are sure to follow. We will start with Israel, the first “high threat” small nation to have nuclear weapons. A fact we know is that Britain, in the 1960s, sold a small amount of plutonium to Israel for use in experiments in nuclear weapon design. Prime Minister Harold Macmillan authorized this extremely illegal act. We also know that the CIA informed President Kennedy that Israel was building nuclear weapons at their “peaceful” Dimona reactor. Kennedy demanded to inspect the reactor, a demand refused. By far, the most likely reason for the killings of John and Robert Kennedy was their opposition to these weapons. All other reasons given, when even examined superficially, are simply silly.

What we do know for sure is that people who have held evidence on Israeli involvement in the Kennedy killings have been subjected to decades of well documented assaults, everything from stalking to murder of family members. Documentation on this is extensive and has long been in the hands of federal authorities up to and including the President of the United States.

There is considerable evidence that “Israeli Firsters” in the United States shipped significant amounts of plutonium to Israel. When the information leaked out, cover stories listing 6.5 tons were put out by Israel as part of their “junkyard dog” scare tactics. However, the figures on bomb production given to the British press by Mordechai Vanunu indicate that US produced fissionable material has made up the basis for Israel’s nuclear arsenal.

In addition, the Soviet Union is believed to have delivered tactical nuclear weapons to Israel in return for information supplied by Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard, information such as launch codes, NATO battle plans, locations of American strategic weapons and the names of every CIA operative in the world. The US admits that 110 CIA agents lost their lives because of Israeli spying in the 1980s.

When the US took the Davy Crockett shoulder fired nuclear weapons out of service, some of these were transferred to Israel, though how, we have no idea. These were shown to US military officers on a “top secret” tour a few years ago and some familiar with out dated US weapons recognized them as American. The internet experts who continually rant on about the smallest nuclear weapon weighing three tons or more need to know that “Special Weapons Officers” regularly parachute with “nuclear munitions.”

During the 1970s, Israel and South Africa joined in a program to develop, not only nuclear weapons but biological and chemical weapons as well. Working closely with them were the following countries: Iran, Libya, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union and North Korea.

We know for certain that ten nuclear weapons were built in South Africa, six of which were dismantled, one tested on September 22, 1979. Of the remaining three, one was detonated in North Korea on May 25, 2009. The three weapons, at the time in possession of Great Britain, 1991, were stolen and the whereabouts of the remaining two “Hiroshima sized” nuclear weapons is unknown. We also know, for certain, that Israel informed the Bush administration that these weapons were in the possession of Saddam Hussein, information that led to the invasion of Iraq. This information was totally false. Israel then told the US, while the invasion was on, that the weapons were being moved to Syria. This was also false, proven by US detection devices. Israel has since claimed these remaining nuclear weapons are either in Iran, Syria, Lebanon or Gaza.

A fact, Pakistan has never been involved in nuclear proliferation and Dr. A. Q. Khan is a patsy covering for another group at the demand of the United States. This is not conjecture.

When news services were told that 3 more nuclear weapons, thermonuclear W69 warheads, 3 or as many as 8, had “gone missing” from a damaged B-52 that crashed off Diego Garcia in 1990, few took it seriously, especially after vigorous denials by the United States. These weapons are plutonium based hydrogen bombs, out dated at the time, unstable and requiring regular servicing to replace the tritium gas necessary to trigger the second stage that makes these so much more deadly than simple fission devices.

The stories about these weapons have been reported in one variation or another for years with fact and fancy mixed to the point where no one takes this threat seriously. The stories of these missing American hydrogen bombs has been sent to every major news service in the world. Some don’t believe the stories and others have been threatened if they attempt to publish them. When we were told these weapons, three American hydrogen bombs, were ejected from a B-52 off the coast of Somalia we found the idea unlikely. When the names of those involved in the recovery, shipment and sale came up and we were able to directly verify many of the facts, we began to reconsider.

Aging hydrogen bombs are useless unless “recharged” every seven years, something only a nuclear state is capable of. However, they can be used for weapons such as the August 18, 2006 North Korean plutonium bomb that failed. North Korea is incapable of producing any plutonium, thus a plutonium bomb, especially one that proved ineffective, such as this one with an explosion of less than one kiloton, may have been a “Rube Goldberg” device made from an unserviced American weapon, in fact this is extremely likely. With North Korea exploding one fully verified nuclear weapon build by Israel and South Africa and an earlier failure that was certainly an aging unserviced device from another nuclear power, a pattern emerges. Some country is supplying North Korea with weapons to publicly test, for the purpose of creating political instability in the world.

Four nations are being actively investigated for these violations: South Africa, Pakistan, Israel and Iran.

There is no scientific proof, not available for publishing, that establishes the first plutonium device detonated by North Korea in 2006 as being an American W-69. However, intelligence agencies, since 1990, have scoured the planet offering nuclear triggering devices to any buyer, as part of sting operations. It is believed by many that Dr. A. Q. Khan of Pakistan assisted in this intelligence effort.

With a proper triggering device, even an aging W69 warhead could be converted from its thermonuclear state to a configuration similar to the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, but much more powerful.


Britain’s concern is the Israeli/South African weapons, three of which it took into possession in 1990. Current Prime Minister David Cameron, then a member of parliament, was involved in the negotiations and Dr. David Kelly made the arrangements.

Funding authorizations were signed personally by Margaret Thatcher in a classified document referring to the bombs as “cylinders.”

We are told by informants tied to the highest levels of the British security services that the current closed hearings are not just to determine if who is responsible for the death of Dr. David Kelley, who we have also been informed was not just ready to inform on Tony Blair falsifying intelligence leading up to the war but on much wider areas.

The David Kelley “suicide” is one of the most famous in British history. Kelley is said to have killed himself after being attacked on the BBC for saying Tony Blair lied about WMD’s. Were people who know Tony Blair to have lied to have killed themselves, all of them, our planet might today be barren of human life entirely. Kelley’s involvement in South Africa was twofold. He investigated relationships between Russia and the Mossad in South Africa tied to, not only the manufacture of illegal germ warfare weapons but their use as well. The South Africa Truth Commission outlined instances where bio-weapons were deployed in Africa in a program involving Israel, Libya and Russia. The program which also developed a number of crop diseases is said to have relocated, not to Iraq as claimed, but to Israel. In fact, all of the programs said by Bush and Blair to have been in Iraq were, in fact, South African and later relocated in Israel. Iraq had used bio-weapons and gas but had purchased these weapons from brokers involved in Iran-Contra with ties to, not only South Africa and Rhodesia but Israel and the United States as well.

The South African Truth Commission also released in their report that the United States, not only purchased poison gas from South Africa but deployed it in Iraq, gas which may well have indirectly poisoned hundreds of thousands of American soldiers. Invoices for purchases of BZ gas by the United States and evidence of its use in Iraq are currently in the public domain.


The Kelly death, though ruled a suicide despite the fact all forensic evidence indicated otherwise, was actually blamed on Iraq by Ahmed Chalabi, fabricator of much of the false evidence NATO troops followed across Iraq, from on imaginary sight to another in their fruitless search for weapons labs, a story outlined in the recent film, Green Zone. Kelley was found in a wooded area in Oxfordshire, an area 40 some miles outside London. Around the body were packets of harmless arthritis medications and a half filled bottle of Evian spring water. Autopsy results show a minuscule amount of medication in his body and injuries inflicted by a dull kitchen paring knife, injuries not potentially fatal. Kelly had told of being stalked by security services, of a recent break-in and how he had been warned to keep silent or he faced being “found dead in the woods somewhere.”

Informants who tie this murder to weapons of mass destruction, some to Israeli involvement and others to stolen nuclear weapons sold to North Korea, a crime Israel is suspected of, have amazing pedigrees. Nearly all are full fledged “James Bond” types from the highest levels of the intelligence services or directly tied to companies long involved in support of covert operations. This is a group of people who have “royals” on speed dial.


The missing nuclear weapons that Dr. David Kelly was directly involved in moving from South African and Israeli hands to British custody are one of the biggest secrets in recent history. That they were stolen and one of the weapons exploded in North Korea, a fact verified by western intelligence services, would be a security concern but is also a serious crime. Britain has a law called The Nuclear Explosions Act. This law states that if any “British resident” has knowledge of a nuclear explosion not involved in a war, they may be imprisoned for life, initially even without trial. The purpose of the law was to punish any British citizen or resident who got involved in trading nuclear weapons or hiding information.

One British citizen is at the center of this enquiry, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, tied to allegations that he had been briefed in 1997 about missing nuclear weapons and failed to act to recover them. Stories coming in list mysterious campaign donations, millions, from foreign arms dealers, not just to Blair but even earlier on, funding John Major’s campaign as well. The British “spooks” pressing stories on the papers, stories still largely suppressed, have much of Britain’s government involved in running interference for these illicit nuclear weapons.

Remember, there are two sets, one heading out of Oman, the “Hiroshima” sized nukes and the other out of Somalia. This is where it gets tricky. Word out of Somalia confirms, not only a possible recovery of nukes, done by a South African diving group claiming to be on a treasure hunt and more confirmations have prominent white South African politicians contacting sources for, not only triggers but special equipment to load and ship the weapons as well, dealing with companies known and backed by reliable testimony.

Another story says the US went after these nukes when they were shipping through Kenya and blew up an embassy blaming Osama bin Laden. No hard confirmations but they are expected. If this is true, everything Americans have been told about Al Qaeda is a total fiction, covering a “broken arrow” operation that has been ongoing for well over two decades.


When “lost nuke” recovery team leader Valerie Plame was framed by Republicans close to President Bush, was this to cover Bush or Tony Blair or Israel. The Plame “outing” puts the lost nukes in Israel. None of the other possible countries that could be holding the weapons would get White House protection. Plame got too close but couldn’t be murdered like Dr. David Kelly, not with a husband that had the kind of political connections that Plame has.

How many stories in the news have been nothing but cover for one half baked attempt after another to recover nuclear weapons that may be in South Africa, perhaps at the bottom of a mine with the Israeli nuclear arsenal rumored to be stored there? Remember when a B-52 filled with nukes showed up at Barksdale Air Force Base, all by accident, a “bent spear” misplaced nuke gambit supposedly a mutiny of top Air Force officials who refused to take part in moving these weapons forward to Diego Garcia? Ever wonder why such a story was never made into a movie of the week for the Hallmark Channel?

No, the end of the story isn’t here. Investigations are ongoing, only in Britain. We will never know what they reveal, well, that’s not true. I will get a call. Will I hear the truth?



Globalists Positioned to Exploit Japan’s Tragedy

Bangkok, Thailand April 14, 2011 - With US troops occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, conducting military operations in Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and covertly inside Iran, and troops tied up at more than 820 installations in at least 135 countries, America couldn’t offer Japan much help even if they wanted to.

The United States has approximately 38,000 troops stationed in Japan, however they have neither the equipment nor the training to provide the sort of help needed to deal with Japan’s unprecedented disaster. The Wall Street Journal has reported that US military forces were struggling against a myriad of foreseeable and unforeseeable obstacles to provide even a basic response such as surveying the damage or delivering badly needed supplies to disaster victims.

Despite occupying Japan for 66 years, the Wall Street Journal cites “language barriers” as one such obstacle to the US response. Radiological contamination is also cited, despite the treat of North Korean nuclear, biological, and chemical attack and the defense America supposedly provides against it that has been touted for years as a selling point for America’s continued presence in Japanese territory.

The troops, most of which are likely doing their absolute best given what is on hand, are not to be blamed for this humiliating response. It is the politicians and the corporate interests steering them that have left the United States so far stretched it is incapable of responding to a crisis that threatens an “ally” and even its own shores. The botched response to Hurricane Katrina is another good example of this phenomenon in practice.

Adding Insult to Injury

While the globocrats myopically obsessed over exploiting a contrived crisis in Libya, there were smatterings of interest gravitating not around how to mitigate the ongoing disaster in Fukushima, but rather how Japan should rebuild - expressed amongst the pages of the corporate-funded think-tank reports.

One such report by Brookings Institute’s Robert Pozen titled, “Japan Can Rebuild on New Economic Foundations” includes calls for Japan to throw its borders open, allowing immigrants to solve their aging population dilemma, reforming its political system to undermine spending in rural Japan, and of course, stimulating economic growth with advances in computer technology, drug discovery, and “financial innovation.” Financial innovation is of course creating and marketing new forms of securities (i.e. derivatives.)

The Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) Foreign Affairs magazine article “Tokyo’s Turning Point” sees the disaster as an opportunity for Japan to abandon protectionism and embrace the “free-trade” travesty that is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is yet another bid to further mire nations in the disastrous interdependency that is dragging economies from the US and across Europe into a speculative debt black-hole brought on by international bankers.

The article continues by suggesting future military reforms resulting from March 11 should include removing “anachronistic constraints” on JSDF rules of engagement, interoperability with U.S. forces, and participation in international defense industrial collaboration. It also suggests that faith in nuclear power having been shaken, Japan’s dependency on foreign oil will increase, breathing new life into America’s mandate to maintain the security of sea-lanes from Japan’s coast all the way to the Middle East (China’s “String of Pearls.”)

Patrick Cronin of the corporate lined Center for a New American Security (CNAS) concurs point-for-point, in his article “Japan’s New Deal Opportunity.” He also calls for the full integration of Japan’s military into a”NATO-style military interoperability for a range of missions, perhaps starting with humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.” Such “interoperability” and the range of missions Mr. Cronin would like to see Japan take part in as they get back onto their feet, would undoubtedly be greatly beneficial to the military industrial complex that funds his CNAS think-tank.

Some corporate, foundation, and government supporters of CNAS include AT&T, BAE Systems (UK), Bechtel, BGR, Chertoff Group, Chevron, DynCorp, General Dynamics, General Electric Aviation, Google, Honeywell International, KBR, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Blackstone Group, Boeing, Rockefeller Foundation, Tides Foundation, US Air Force, US Army, USMC, US Department of Defense, and the US Navy.

The consensus emanating from these unelected, extra-legal steering committees of Western policy represent a singular fixation on the pursuit of world government through financial and military hegemony. It is the lens through which all matters are viewed, including the unprecedented tragedy unfolding in Japan. Such myopic megalomaniacal obsession literally costs people their lives, as the priorities set forth but men driven by such an agenda side step real leadership in any given crisis in favor of shameless exploitation.

As Japan upgrades the crisis to a similar level of urgency seen during the Chernobyl disaster, it would seem necessary to mobilize a tremendous amount of engineering and scientific resources, as well as beginning efforts to relocated the millions of people in the path of deadly radiation spewing forth from the multiple damaged reactors on Japan’s eastern coast. Such mobilization is unprecedented and tragically requires leadership the world and its respective nations lack.



U.S. Plans Bomb Sales in Gulf to Counter Iran

Obama administration intends to keep Iran in check, as it struggles to find adequate backing for new United Nations sanctions—even after a report by the U.N. nuclear watchdog concluded this week that Tehran has been developing the technologies needed to produce a nuclear weapon.

The oil-rich U.A.E. traditionally has had strong trade relations with Iran. But the ruling al Nahyan family in Abu Dhabi, the Emirati capital, is seen as one of the most hawkish against Iran among the monarchies in the Persian Gulf, and the country’s leadership has openly expressed fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon.

Tehran also has regularly claimed sovereignty over three of the U.A.E.’s Persian Gulf islands, though it denies its nuclear program is for anything but peaceful purposes.

The proposed package for U.A.E. is expected to be formally presented to Congress in the coming days and would authorize the sale of up to 4,900 joint direct attack munitions, or JDAMs, along with other weapons systems.

The sale reflects the Obama administration’s focus on curbing Iranian influence as it pulls the last U.S. troops out of Iraq by the end of the year. U.S. defense officials say the U.S. will have an estimated 40,000 troops in the region after the pullout.

The U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency in a report this week concluded Iran has conducted research on developing nuclear weapons, a finding putting pressure on the Obama administration to take new steps against the country’s rulers.

An international agency report detailing Iran’s nuclear ambitions has further strained relations between Tehran and Washington. What are U.S. policy options now? WSJ’s Neil Hickey reports.

Iranian officials have acknowledged that international sanctions are hurting the local economy and Tehran’s ability to access the international financial system. Still, U.S. officials acknowledged there are no signs this financial pain is causing Tehran to rethink its pursuit of nuclear technologies.

With many U.S. sanctions already in place and U.N. Security Council permanent members Russia and China opposed to new sanctions, the administration has few other levers.

The Obama administration is trying to build up the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which comprises Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, U.A.E. and Kuwait, as a unified counterweight to Iran.

In recent months, the U.S. has begun holding a regular strategic dialogue with the GCC bloc. And the Pentagon has been trying to improve intelligence-sharing and military compatibility among the six countries.

“For them to be a regional leader, you have to have that capacity, you have to enable them, they have to have credibility,” a U.S. military official said.

Recent arms deals include a record $60 billion plan to sell Saudi Arabia advanced F-15 aircraft, some to be equipped 2,000-pound JDAMs and other powerful munitions. The Pentagon recently notified Congress of plans to sell Stinger missiles and medium-range, air-to-air missiles to Oman.

The U.S. has also sought to build up missile-defense systems across the region, with the goal of building an integrated network to defend against short- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles from Iran.

Tehran has responded to the recent IAEA report, and to discussions in Israel about the possibility of an attack on Iran, with harsh warnings. “Anybody who has an idea to attack Iran should be prepared to receive a strong slap and an iron fist,” Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Thursday.

It is unclear how effective the U.A.E.’s new bombs would be, in the event of a conflict, at breaching Iranian fortifications, some of which are believed to be deep enough to withstand many direct strikes. The Pentagon has been developing larger guided bombs that officials say could do more damage.

The Pentagon and the State Department have been laying the groundwork for the U.A.E. deal in private discussions with Congress, where the size of the proposed sale has taken some by surprise.

Matt Kaminski on the International Atomic Energy Agency report on Iran’s nuclear development and Mitt Romney’s plan on dealing with Iran.

The U.A.E. has a large fleet of advanced U.S.-made F-16 fighters that could carry the bunker-busters. The U.A.E. currently has several hundred JDAMs in its arsenal, and the 4,900 in the new proposal would represent a massive buildup, officials said.

Administration officials said that the “augmented” U.A.E. stockpile would allow the country to meet its projected training needs, assume an expanded security role in the region and beyond, and deter Iran, according to people familiar with the discussions with lawmakers.

The U.A.E.’s fighters, equipped with JDAMs and other munitions, would have “a decisive edge” over Iran’s fleet of aged planes, said Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “Iran has to take the U.A.E. seriously,” Mr. Cordesman said.

JDAMs are made by Boeing Co., though such a sale would be facilitated by the U.S. government. Major proposed arms deals aren’t made public until after Congress receives formal written notification from the administration that includes estimated cost and specific systems that would be included. A Pentagon spokesman declined to comment on the proposed sale. The U.A.E.’s U.S. ambassador also didn’t comment.

Once the administration announces the proposed sale, lawmakers can try to block the deal by passing legislation.

A serious congressional challenge isn’t expected in this case, according to people involved in the discussions, though in 2008, a proposed $123 million sale of 900 JDAMs to Saudi Arabia ran into months of congressional objection before clearing.

Officials said the U.A.E. package is seen as less controversial because the country is viewed as less hostile toward Israel. The deal would include other types of advanced munitions in addition to the JDAMs. Details have been closely held because of the sensitivities in the region.

The United Nations’ nuclear agency for the first time publicly charged Iran with developing the technologies used to develop nuclear weapons. Eduardo Kaplan has details on The News Hub.

Proponents of the deal point to the U.A.E.’s support for U.S. efforts to isolate Iran, and its critical backing to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization air campaign in Libya. Officials said providing JDAMs and other U.S. weapons systems to the U.A.E. will make it easier for the country to participate in similar missions in the future.

The pace of U.S. arms deals around the Middle East slowed after the outbreak of pro-democracy protests earlier this year, as President Barack Obama sought to balance calls for democratic reforms with the need to keep a unified front against Iran.

Last month, the State Department put a proposed $53 million arms sale to Bahrain on hold after some lawmakers and human-rights groups protested the monarchy’s violent crackdown on protesters earlier this year.

Some lawmakers recently also have threatened to block the proposed sale of attack helicopters to Turkey, citing the breakdown in Ankara’s relationship with Israel and its threats against Cyprus.

But arms sales to key allies are once again being fast-tracked by the administration, despite the potential for controversy, officials say. “We in the military are poised to get back to normalcy,” the U.S. military official said of sales to key allies.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Thursday that a nuclear-armed Iran was unacceptable to the U.S. and its allies. But he said using force was clearly “a last resort” and could have unintended consequences—casting some doubt on the U.S. willingness to launch a military strike on Iran. A strike on Iran “could have a serious impact in the region and it could have a serious impact on U.S. forces in the region,” he said.



Will Fukushima Bankrupt Japan?

A nuclear catastrophe could cost ten trillion dollars or more (many times more than the insurance which nuclear power operators are required to carry) … and could even bankrupt a country.

Taipei Times notes today that, according to a Japanese author:

A professor from the University of Tokyo has even estimated that it would cost up to ¥800 trillion [U.S. $10 trillion dollars], amounting to approximately 10 years of the national budget, if the soil and road surface of radiation-affected areas are to be cleaned up.

The damage is so much that the Japanese government would go well beyond bankruptcy, Liu said.

Of course, the Japanese government’s entire strategy from day one has been to cover up the severity of the Fukushima accident.

Given that Japan either won’t or is unwilling to pay for a real clean up of the Fukushima radiation, it appears that the people of Japan will pay for the accident with their health for generations to come.

Indeed, Fukushima, the financial crisis and other major disasters like the BP Gulf oil spill were all caused by the 1%: (1) making insane bets that nothing would blow up, and (2) cutting every possible safety measure to make more money.

And exactly like the toxic financial assets that the big banks dumped onto the national balance sheets of Greece, Italy, America and elsewhere – and ultimately the people – the Japanese government and Tepco are dumping the cost of the Fukushima disaster on the backs of the Japanese people in decreased health, vigor and prosperity.

Tokyo Governor Tells Residents to “Shut Up” Instead of Complain About Burning of Radioactive Debris

I noted in August:

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says in a new interview that the Japanese are burning radioactive materials. The radioactivity originated from Fukushima, but various prefectures are burning radioactive materials in their terroritories.

Gundersen says that this radioactivity ends up not only in neighboring prefectures, but in Hawaii, British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and California.

Now Tokyo is starting to burn radioactive debris from other prefectures.

Ex-SKF (the odd name comes from the fact that the writer is a former trader in the ProShares UltraShort Financials ETF known as “SKF”) pointed out last week:

NHK reports that the first container from Miyako City in Iwate Prefecture arrived by rail in JR Tokyo container terminal in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo at 7AM on November 3. It was promptly transported to one of the contractors selected by the Metropolitan government, and the debris was sorted, and crushed into smaller pieces. Flammable debris will go to the TEPCO’s subsidiary (Tokyo Rinkai Recycle Power) located on the landfill and be burned after November 6, and non-flammable debris will be simply buried in the same landfill.

Given that Tokyo is directly getting hit by radiation from Fukushima, and that Fukushima is still far from any stable shutdown – and is still apparently undergoing nuclear reactions (and see this, this and this) – burning radioactive debris just adds insult to injury.

Ex-SKF subsequently reported (edited to delete Japanese language references):

Shintaro Ishihara, irascible 79-year-old governor of Tokyo who almost single-handedly decided to do this mind-boggling project to “assist the recovery” of Iwate, mentioned the complaints that his government has received over the issue in the press conference on November 4 afternoon.

According to Fuji TV news clip on November 4, the governor said,

“Shut up” is all we need to say to these complaints.


Fuji TV news also says that 3,000 complaints have been sent to the Tokyo Metropolitan government, over 90% of them protesting against the debris from disaster-affected areas to be transported, processed, crushed and burned and buried in Tokyo Bay.

And today, Ex-SKF reports that the Tokyo governor’s attitude towards his citizens has filtered down to the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Environment as well:



“It is a fate for children to accept radiation contamination.”



Ms. Iwanaga of Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Environment was also bad. [She said] “Radioactive materials would disperse [by burning the debris] but it would be safe; there was no problem at all because it had been agreed and approved in the Metropolitan Assembly which represents the residents of Tokyo; there was no system whereby the residents have a direct say in the matter.” To top it off, she hung up on me.

Remember, Japan is a very homogenous society where peer pressure to conform can be intense. For example, last month it was reported that mothers who expressed concern about their kids playing outside in potentially radioactive conditions are called “monster parents” by their peers.

