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December 1, 2011

New Research: Laptops Harm Fertility

Technologies like laptops, while freeing us from the altar-like monolith of the traditional desktop, may have unique adverse effects to the human body. After all, they are lap tops - beneath which are situated our reproductive organs and glands.

I confess that for many years I have secretly cringed at the thought of what the electromagnetic radiation issuing from this device is doing to my capability to reproduce, and the quality of my future progeny — which is why I always positioned the device away from my groin.

It is for this reason that the new study published in The Journal of Fertility and Sterility showing Wi-Fi radiation from laptops damages sperm, comes at no surprise.

In the first study of its kind, researchers exposed human sperm to internet-connected laptop by Wi-Fi for 4 hours, resulting in ”a significant decrease in progressive sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation.” The researchers concluded:

‘To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the direct impact of laptop use on human spermatozoa. Ex vivo exposure of human spermatozoa to a wireless internet-connected laptop decreased motility and induced DNA fragmentation by a nonthermal effect. We speculate that keeping a laptop connected wirelessly to the internet on the lap near the testes may result in decreased male fertility. Further in vitro and in vivo studies are needed to prove this contention.’

Given new findings showing that the so-called “low dose” ionizing radiation used in x-ray mammography is up to 400% more genotoxic and than the so-called “high dose” radiation associated with atomic bomb radiation, Wi-Fi radiation may be much more harmful than previously assumed.

While the connection with thermally-induced adverse effects to the testicles of laptop users has been previously acknowledged, this is the first study of its kind indicating that the non-thermal adverse effects of radiation include damage to the DNA significant enough to affect male fertility.

Given these findings, men and women should exercise caution when using these devices, especially within the reproductive years. Also, consider using Turmeric - probably the world’s most extensively researched radioprotective substance.



George Orwell’s Guide To The News

The Western mainstream media falsifies the news resorting to euphemisms, half-truths and lies in the best (worst) style of George Orwell’s novel 1984. We all live in the unreal world of “Newspeak” used by the Global Power Elite to control our minds.

Man gets confused when things that happen around him and to him, or which are done in his name, cannot be properly grasped, understood or made sense of. Normally, such confusion leads to inaction. If you’re lost at night in the middle of a forest but you can still see the stars, then a bit of astronomical knowledge will at least quickly tell you which way is north. But if it’s cloudy or you’re ignorant of the constellations in starry heaven, then you might as well light up a fire and do nothing until dawn…. You’re Lost!

Today, mainstream media coverage uses programmed distortion, confusion, even outright lying when its Money Power masters order it to support the “official story” on any major political, economic or financial process. When looked at closely, however, the “official story” of things can be seen to be inaccurate, misleading, often hardly believable if not downright stupid.

Examples of this: Iraq’s inexistent WMD’s leading to the invasion and destruction of that country; global mega-banker bail-outs with taxpayer money; irrational US diplomatic, military, financial and ideological alignment to Israeli objectives; “we-killed-Osama-Bin-Laden-and-dumped-his-body-into-the-sea”; and the wide array of “whodunits” surrounding 9/11 in New York and Washington, 7/7 in London, the AMIA/Israeli Embassy attacks in Buenos Aires in 1992/1994, and – of course – that all time favorite: who shot JFK…?

These are but a few of the paradigmatic cases that have at least served to trigger millions of people to wake up and think with their own minds instead of the mainstream media’s! But unfortunately the vast majority of such cases are not so clear-cut. The vast majority of Newspeak lies are like knots, difficult to untie as they carry built-in complexity resembling Gordian Knots. And, as with all Gordian Knots, you need to cut right through them, and this requires swift and precise action plus a good measure of intellectual courage.

To give an example of what we say, let’s take a quick look at how a “Newspeak” operation works. It requires sequential planning, it requires time, it requires proper logistics, it requires “credible” spokespeople in public and private sectors, it requires choosing the right words and images at the right time and in the right circumstances.

So, let’s say the Global Power Elite – working through the governments of the US, UK, EU into which they are deeply embedded, and joint-venturing with a wide array of media outlets, defense companies, oil companies, security and construction companies, and powerful lobbies – decide that they wish to overrun and destroy a specific country… Libya, for example…

How do they ensure that “the international community” will just quietly look on (except for the still relatively small minority of voices that are increasingly raising hell against them)?

The Seven Step Mainstream Media Country Destruction Guide

1. First, they start by targeting a country ripe for “Regime Change”, and brand it a “rogue state”; then…

2. They arm, train, finance local terrorist groups through CIA, MI6, Mossad, Al-Qaeda (a CIA operation), drug cartels (often CIA operations) and call them “freedom fighters”; then…

3. As mock UN Security Council Resolutions are staged that rain death and destruction upon millions of civilians, they call it “UN sanctions to protect civilians”; then…

4. They spread flagrant lies through their “newsrooms” and paid journalists, and call it “the international community’s concerns expressed by prestigious spokespeople and analysts…” then…

5. They bomb, invade and begin to control the target country and call it “liberation”; then…

6. As the target country falls fully under their control, they impose “the kind of democracy that we want to see” (as Hillary Clinton before visiting Egypt and Tunisia on March 10, 2011), until finally…

7. They steal appetizing oil, mineral and agricultural reserves handing them over to Global Power Elite corporations, and impose unnecessary private banking debt and call it “foreign investment and reconstruction.”

Their keynotes are: Force and Hypocrisy, which they have used time and again to destroy entire countries, always in the name of “freedom”, “democracy”, “peace” and “human rights”. Utmost force and violence is used to achieve their ends and goals.

Their Elders recommended this many decades ago in a blueprint for World Domination written on a hoary manuscript of old…

“What did you say…? That you don’t want to be ‘liberated’ and ‘democratized’?!?”

“Then, take this Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hanoi, Berlin, Dresden, Baghdad, and Basra!! Take that Tokyo, Gaza, Lebanon, Kabul, Pakistan, Tripoli, Belgrade, Egypt, El Salvador and Grenada!! And take that, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Somalia, Africa!!”

Always bombing people to smithereens… Always, of course, in the name of “freedom”, “democracy”, “peaceandhuman rights



Feds Seize 130+ Domain Names in Mass Crackdown

US authorities have initiated the largest round of domain name seizures yet as part of their continued crackdown on counterfeit and piracy-related websites. With just a few days to go until “Cyber Monday” more than 100 domain names have been taken over by the feds to protect the commercial interests of US companies. The seizures are disputable, as the SOPA bill which aims to specifically legitimize such actions is still pending in Congress.

seizedThe Department of Justice (DOJ) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have resumed “Operation In Our Sites”, the domain name seizing initiative designed to crack down on online piracy and counterfeiting.

The new round comes exactly a year after 82 domains, including Torrent-Finder, were taken over in 2010. At the time ICE labeled the actions “Cyber Monday crackdown,” referring to the Monday following Thanksgiving where consumers are persuaded to shop online.

TorrentFreak has identified more than 130 domains taken over by the government during the last 24 hours, which makes this the largest seizure round to date. The authorities have yet to comment via official channels, but we assume that they will use the same justification for the domain seizures as they did last year.

“Intellectual property crimes are not victimless,” said Attorney General Eric Holder at the time.

“The theft of ideas and the sale of counterfeit goods threaten economic opportunities and financial stability, suppress innovation and destroy jobs. The Justice Department, with the help of our law enforcement partners, is changing the perception that these crimes are risk-free with enforcement actions like the one announced today,” Holder added.

Compared to previous seizure rounds, there are also some notable differences to report. This time the action appears to be limited to sites that directly charge visitors for their services. Most of the domains are linked to the selling of counterfeit clothing (e.g., and at least one ( sold pirated auto software.

Last year several sites were taken down because they allowed their users to access free music and movie downloads, and these were followed by several streaming services a few months later. No similar sites have been reported in the current round.

After the November 2010 seizures were covered widely in the press, many torrent site owners began to work on backup plans in case they too become a target. A few dozen sites have switched over to alternative domains, and other torrent site operators have purchased additional backup domains just in case.

The need for a backup plan was only intensified when US lawmakers introduced legislation to make domain seizures common practice, such as the pending Protect IP and SOPA bills.

The fact that the authorities have once again launched a large crackdown on “rogue” websites begs the question why this legislation is needed in the first place. Apparently, the current system already allows for the seizure of domain names, without due process and all the other constitutional issues.

Perhaps the authorities will be able to answer this question when they officially announce the latest “Cyber Monday crackdown.” Meanwhile, a full list of the 131 seized domain names we have identified thus far is embedded below.




How Cordless Phones, Wi-Fi And Other Forms Of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Cause Cancer

Many people are aware that prolonged cell phone use has been associated with brain cancer, but most don’t realize how other sources of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR) also radically increase cancer risk.

Until recently, EMR has been given scant attention. It’s a toxin that can’t be seen or often felt; flawed telecommunication industry-sponsored studies have revealed that current EMR exposure levels are safe, so it has been mostly ignored in medicine. Furthermore, the US government, which receives massive tax revenue from telecom industries, has established faulty guidelines for EMR exposure. It has deemed safe levels to be thousands of times higher than what disinterested scientists have proven as safe. Indeed, studies from such scientists reveal that current amounts of EMR from telecom towers and antennas radically alter the body’s cellular communications’ processes, leading to cancer and other diseases. These scientists believe that the dramatic increase in cancer in recent years has been due in part to the growing prevalence of EMR in our environment. And the amount of radiation that we are exposed to doubles yearly.

New telecom towers are constructed every day. Average city-dwellers have anywhere between 30-100 microwave towers/antennas within a four-mile radius of their home. All of these towers emit high-frequency electromagnetic fields that have been linked to cancer development. For example, one Germany study reported that living within 1300 feet of two microwave towers over ten years triples cancer risk. Other studies in Australia, UK and Italy revealed significant increases in leukemia among people who live near such towers. Many other similar findings have been reported.

EMR outside the home isn’t the only type of high-frequency radiation we are exposed to. Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors, and cordless phones emit high-frequency radiation that has also been linked to cancer. When in use, cordless phones emit an amount of radiation similar to that of a cell phone. (One study revealed that thirty minutes of daily cell phone use, over ten years, increases the risk of brain cancer by 140%). Wi-Fi routers are similarly dangerous. G. Blackwell, PhD, Chartered Engineer and advisor to WiredChild, states, “Having a digital wireless device in your home, office, or school is like having a mini-base station (cell tower) indoors with you.” And with Wi-Max (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) now being implemented across the globe, entire regions will be blanketed in cancer-causing high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.

How to Avoid Dangerous EMR

While avoiding all EMR is impossible, the risk for radiation exposure can be decreased by taking the following measures:

1) Eliminating Wi-Fi in the home and using instead a hard-wired broadband connection.

2) Replacing cordless phones (which give off dangerous levels of radiation even when not in use, because their base is constantly looking for a signal), with a hard-wired phone.

3) Reducing/eliminating cell phone use. Using the speaker phone option on the phone slightly reduces EMR exposure. Blue tooth devices and headsets do not protect the brain from EMR, contrary to popular belief.

4) Draping a Faraday cage over the bed. This is a silver-lined mosquito net that filters out 99% of high-frequency EMR.

5) Considering purchasing scientifically-proven EMR protective devices for the home and body, such as EMR-protective clothing for the body and shielding paint for the home.

Doing these things can significantly reduce cancer risk from sources of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.



Britain Prepares Cyber Attacks On Rogue States

GCHQ and the Ministry of Defence are preparing to launch cyber attacks against hostile states and terrorists, the Government has admitted.Two separate units in the Defence Cyber Operations Group are working on an offensive capability to strike back at enemies who are trying to start electronic attacks on critical national infrastructure.

They are also likely to come up with computer programmes that could disable the conventional or nuclear capabilities of hostile nations.

Unveiling the “cyber security strategy”, David Cameron said: “While the internet is undoubtedly a force for social and political good, as well as crucial to the growth of our economy, we need to protect against the threats to our security.”

The document says that a “joint cyber unit” based at a military facility near the Cotswold town of Corsham “will develop and use a range of new techniques, including proactive measures to disrupt threats to our information security.”

Another unit, based at the Cheltenham headquarters of GCHQ, will “develop tactics, techniques and plans to deliver military effects through operations in cyberspace.”

The opaque language hides a strategy to develop an offensive capability to deal with cyber threats, agreed at the National Security Council, sources confirmed. It will involve using weapons such as a virus used by GCHQ to replace an online bomb-making manual with a cupcake recipe.

The Government does not name China and Russia, the sources of an undeclared cyber war, but the document says: “Some of the most sophisticated threats to the UK in cyberspace come from other states which seek to conduct espionage with the aim of spying on or compromising our government, military, industrial and economic assets as well as monitoring opponents of their regime.”

Under the cyber security strategy criminals who commit offences online and cyber bullies will be banned from the internet. Similar orders have been imposed on those charged with involvement in a series of cyber attacks by the Anonymous and LulzSec groups earlier this year, while they await trial.

Cyber sanctions were also used following the riots this summer.



Attention Black Friday Shoppers: You Will Be Tracked

The busiest shopping day of the year is set for a new level of consumer exploitation at two American malls.

A notice appearing at Promenade Temecula in California, and Short Pump Town Center in Richmond, Va. will advise shoppers that their cell phone signal will be used to track them as they move from store to store.

Although the system that is being employed claims it is guaranteed not to collect personal data, and people can opt-out by turning off their phone, we have heard this all before when justifying why it is OK to track, trace, and database the movements of everyday citizens.

According to a CNN report:

“The goal is for stores to answer questions like: How many Nordstrom shoppers also stop at Starbucks? How long do most customers linger in Victoria’s Secret? Are there unpopular spots in the mall that aren’t being visited?”

This is supposedly being done, of course, to identify which stores and items people desire most, thus enhancing the shopping experience for store customers. This is the very same reason that was presented to encourage people to sign-up for “loyalty cards” and “frequent-shopper” cards. However, as we have come to find out, these systems of convenient shopping are more accurately described as data collection systems that can be used to profile people’s shopping habits, their physical movement, as well as for other uses far beyond the scope of the shopping experience.

This overall database of collected information has been used in numerous cases by law enforcement to establish the time and place of potential suspects, which has sometimes caused innocent people to be caught in the dragnet as a result of ordinary purchases that may suddenly look suspicious to law enforcement mining the data.

We know that there has already been a push by Federal agencies to employ warrantless cell phone tracking, so we can’t reasonably expect the validity of reassurances by mall management that the system, “doesn’t collect any personal details associated with the ID, like the user’s name or phone number. That information is fiercely protected by mobile carriers, and often can be legally obtained only through a court order.” An article by Declan McCullagh at CNET News states more accurately the following:

Whether state and federal police have been paying attention to Hollywood, or whether it was the other way around, cell phone tracking has become a regular feature in criminal investigations. It comes in two forms: police obtaining retrospective data kept by mobile providers for their own billing purposes that may not be very detailed, orprospective data that reveals the minute-by-minute location of a handset or mobile device.


Obtaining location details is now ‘commonplace,’ says Al Gidari, a partner in the Seattle offices of Perkins Coie who represents wireless carriers. ‘It’s in every pen register order these days.’ (source)

The Federal government is also fighting a recent Texas ruling declaring warrantless wiretapping to be a violation of the Fourth Amendment. So these are supposedly the “protectors” to whom we should surrender our data.

And in case one believes that store management really holds the customer in the highest regard and cares deeply for their shopping experience, the following quote should reverse that thought immediately. Vice president of digital strategy for the management group of both malls, Stephanie Shriver-Engdahl, makes it quite clear how her group views shoppers:

The system monitors patterns of movement. We can see, like migrating birds, where people are going to.

The specific technology is called FootPathTM and utilizes data collection and mapping to chart physical movements and behavior patterns, offering a service to mall management that promises to help them make more accurate business decisions (demo here). Again, this is one of the principal reasons given by the providers of customer loyalty cards.

As an aside, the U.K-based company that developed this technology — Path Intelligence — also employs tracking within transportation systems such as airports and trains, even going as far as determining “What nationalities are the passengers passing through the transportation hub?”

None of this technology is necessarily bad in-and-of itself, but time and again we have seen its dual-use capabilities being exploited by law enforcement and government agencies which has resulted in innocent people being subjected to the data dragnet.

Whether knowingly, or unknowingly, the companies that offer this technology — and the establishments that implement it — are aiding and abetting the eradication of privacy, as well as the manipulation of human decision making.

And this is what it is really about: total surveillance being used to predict behavior in order to enrich and empower those who own the technology, and to disempower the individuals on the receiving end. It is merely one more data point in the overall matrix of information used by corporate-government groups to reduce human beings to numbers.

This cell phone tracking program, running from Black Friday to New Year’s day, is clearly a test run for a system that will be rolled out on a much wider scale in the months and years to come if we don’t oppose it from the outset. We must resist by reconnecting with our local communities and shun any store or institution that views its customers as traveling information sources, or a time will come when we won’t even be notified that we are permitted to opt-out.

If you would like to voice your outrage over this tracking program, please contact the management company for both malls, Forest City Commercial Management, by clicking the home office indicated by a star on the map HERE.

You may also want to contact any of the stores that reside within these two malls to tell them you refuse to shop at their store while you are being surveiled. Pressure on individual stores might ultimately be more effective, as they will undoubtedly complain to management for the loss in sales due to the policy of management.

Management tends to listen well to those who are paying the rent.



Computing With Light Is Now Closer To Reality

There has been enormous progress in recent years toward the development of photonic chips — devices that use light beams instead of electrons to carry out their computational tasks. Now, researchers at MIT have filled in a crucial piece of the puzzle that could enable the creation of photonic chips on the standard silicon material that forms the basis for most of today’s electronics.

In many of today’s communication systems, data travels via light beams transmitted through optical fibers. Once the optical signal arrives at its destination, it is converted to electronic form, processed through electronic circuits and then converted back to light using a laser. The new device could eliminate those extra electronic-conversion steps, allowing the light signal to be processed directly.

The new component is a “diode for light,” says Caroline Ross, the Toyota Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, who is co-author of a paper reporting the new device that was published online Nov. 13 in the journal Nature Photonics. It is analogous to an electronic diode, a device that allows an electric current to flow in one direction but blocks it from going the other way; in this case, it creates a one-way street for light, rather than electricity.

This is essential, Ross explains, because without such a device stray reflections could destabilize the lasers used to produce the optical signals and reduce the efficiency of the transmission. Currently, a discrete device called an isolator is used to perform this function, but the new system would allow this function to be part of the same chip that carries out other signal-processing tasks.

To develop the device, the researchers had to find a material that is both transparent and magnetic — two characteristics that rarely occur together. They ended up using a form of a material called garnet, which is normally difficult to grow on the silicon wafers used for microchips. Garnet is desirable because it inherently transmits light differently in one direction than in another: It has a different index of refraction — the bending of light as it enters the material — depending on the direction of the beam.

The researchers were able to deposit a thin film of garnet to cover one half of a loop connected to a light-transmitting channel on the chip. The result was that light traveling through the chip in one direction passes freely, while a beam going the other way gets diverted into the loop.

The whole system could be made using standard microchip manufacturing machinery, Ross says. “It simplifies making an all-optical chip,” she says. The design of the circuit can be produced “just like an integrated-circuit person can design a whole microprocessor. Now, you can do an integrated optical circuit.”

That could make it much easier to commercialize than a system based on different materials, Ross says. “A silicon platform is what you want to use,” she says, because “there’s a huge infrastructure for silicon processing. Everyone knows how to process silicon. That means they can set about developing the chip without having to worry about new fabrication techniques.”

This technology could greatly boost the speed of data-transmission systems, for two reasons: First, light travels much faster than electrons. Second, while wires can only carry a single electronic data stream, optical computing enables multiple beams of light, carrying separate streams of data, to pass through a single optical fiber or circuit without interference. “This may be the next generation in terms of speed” for communications systems, Ross says.

Ross’ colleagues in the research included Lionel Kimerling, the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and former students Lei Bi ’11 and Juejun Hu PhD ’09. The work was funded by the National Science Foundation and an Intel fellowship for Bi.

“This is a big advance in optical communications,” says Bethanie Stadler, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Minnesota, who was not involved in this research. The work is “significant,” she says, “as the first device with garnet integrated onto [silicon] devices.”



How TV Ruined Your Life - (Part 1 of 2)

Episode 1: Fear. Charlie Brooker explores the gulf between real life and television.

U.S. Supreme Court May Allow The Government To Track Phones Without A Warrant

The upcoming Supreme Court decision on Antoine Jones’ GPS case could have a drastic and disturbing impact on the privacy of every American citizen.

If the Supreme Court finds that law enforcement were within the law when placing a GPS tracking device on the car of suspected drug smuggler and nightclub owner Antoine Jones, it would open the door for even more egregious violations of our privacy.

This decision would essentially allow the government to monitor anyone and everyone’s movements without a warrant for any reason or no reason at all.

While the PATRIOT Act is already an affront to the Constitution and everything that America was built upon, this would dangerously expand the power of the government to act without even having to seek out a warrant.

The most unsettling aspect of this prospect is that so many people seem ready to accept the fact that the government will be able to openly track them around the clock wherever they go.

The BBC quotes a staff writer for Gizmodo named Sam Biddle who said, “That line of creepiness is there, but it’s eroding quickly because, frankly we are just getting used to it.”

Even the most basic of cellular telephones connect to the nearest cell tower which sends location information to the phone company which can easily hand over the data to police.

However, modern smartphones collect much more accurate data on a frequent basis and most, including iPhones and Android-based devices, store the data for extended periods of time, as was revealed earlier this year.

In the case of iPhones, the relatively recent iOS 5 update introduced a pull-down menu which, if activated at any time, calls upon the phone’s location service in order to provide the local weather information.

Unfortunately, there is absolutely no way to disable the calling of location services when one opens this menu because there is no way to disable the weather widget contained therein.

Therefore, whenever someone opens the pull-down menu, it records the user’s location in the phone which can later be retrieved by hackers or law enforcement with ease.

Biddle revealed the main way in which people come to accept the gradual removal of all privacy in saying, “The excitement and the novelty of it blinds us to the fact that is a little weird and maybe, in terms of privacy rights, a little ominous.”

He is referring to the so-called “excitement and the novelty” of services like FourSquare which allow users to “check-in” anywhere they go, broadcasting their movements for the world to see.

He claims that for the smartphone user “it’s a trade-off, in terms of privacy versus service,” and for the company providing the cell phone service, “following you around is just part of the service.”

I reject this justification outright. There is no need to prevent smartphone users who do not use apps like FourSquare or otherwise give out their location information from opting-out of having their location information tracked and stored.

Unfortunately, the system has been created so that movements can be tracked even if one chose to opt-out of having their location tracked due to the nature of cell phone towers.

As the BBC surprisingly points out, “There are signs that governments and law enforcement agencies around the world are taking advantage of this increasingly relaxed attitude towards privacy to step up surveillance of citizens.”

Indeed the American government is turning the United States, which was formerly a bastion of freedom, into a total surveillance state in which you cannot escape the monitoring system even if you do not choose to use a cell phone of any kind.

This includes the implementation of citizen spying programs, collection of biometric information in federal databases, and a comprehensive surveillance grid that leaves essentially no way to escape the government’s prying eyes.

Biddle also argues that the erosion of privacy will likely continue without any true opposition without “very radical, strong legislation,” a large-scale public outcry or a “scandal” of some sort.

He told the BBC that, “it wouldn’t surprise me if in 10 years, I know where everyone I know is at all times, in real time, constantly. I think it won’t even be an issue then. It will just be the status quo.”

I sincerely hope that Biddle is wrong and that we will not be fooled into accepting an all-encompassing surveillance society and pervasive Big Brother technology as a fact of life.

Although, it seems that many people are happy giving up all of their privacy on services like Twitter, Facebook, FourSquare and other so-called “location-based services.”

In the case of Antoine Jones, the Obama administration took the position that Jones did not have a “legitimate expectation of privacy” because his vehicle was in a public place.

This same justification could easily be used to say that by using a cell phone you have no “legitimate expectation of privacy” giving the government free license to track all of your movements without even providing a reason.

This is why the Supreme Court’s decision is critically important for the future of privacy for every citizen in the United States for the entire foreseeable future, as deciding that parking in a public place removes any “legitimate expectation of privacy” we can easily expect the act of owning and using a mobile phone to be treated similarly.

If police and the federal government no longer have to plant a GPS device on your car, it would make constant surveillance even easier and thus the only minor impediment to surveillance would be a non-issue.

Catherine Crump, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) made this exact point to the BBC in saying, “Police officers can sit in the comfort of their own stations and use this technology to watch not just one person, but many people, over long periods of time.”

“GPS tracking can actually be quite revealing about who a person is and what they value. It can show where a person goes to church, whether they are in therapy, whether they are an outpatient at a medical clinic, whether they go to a gun range,” she added.

The ACLU is accurately arguing that without police even having to obtain a “probable cause” warrant from a court, the technology is even more open to abuse.

The ACLU is hoping that the Supreme Court will, in delivering their verdict on the Jones case, ban all warrantless surveillance.

Even if this occurs, there are still far too many ways in which the government can easily monitor American citizens, including the warrantless wiretapping embraced by both former President George W. Bush and current President Barack Obama.

What’s even more disturbing than this is that most of the GOP’s presidential hopefuls actually support expanding and extending the reach of the radically unconstitutional PATRIOT Act.

“I don’t think you have to be a card-carrying member of the ACLU to be concerned about a world in which every citizen of the United States can be tracked on the whim of a curious police officer, for any reason, or no reason at all,” Crump told the BBC.

Indeed every American should be concerned as the the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is intended to protect us from such egregious invasions of privacy.

However, some individuals would prefer that the Bill of Rights didn’t exist at all, like the district attorney for Dauphin County in Pennsylvania, Ed Marsico.

Marsico told the BBC, “If it is a legitimate law enforcement need and there is no time to get a warrant there should be occasions when you can use a tracking device.”

Who will determine if there is a “legitimate law enforcement need” if the courts are not consulted? Would it not be left up to the law enforcement officials themselves?

Of course this is exactly what Marsico is implying, although the notion of law enforcement being able to properly assess if a need is legitimate or not is nothing short of laughable.

He claims that there is little difference between being tracked by a cell phone service provider and a police department tracking you, except for the obvious fact that one is a private company and the other is a government agency that can use location information to harass and/or charge you.

Marsico’s logic is hilariously nonsensical to the point of absurdity, highlighted by him saying, “Most of us have cell phones now. Most of them have some kind of GPS tracking within them, so Verizon or AT&T already know where you are.”

And how exactly does this justify the government breaching the Fourth Amendment with total impunity? Obviously, it doesn’t.

Marsico claims that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of the Constitution which, according to him, is “against the government” it would make it more difficult for the police to conduct undercover surveillance of suspected criminals.

“Police are not out to put tracking devices on every single car. They are using it sparingly to further legitimate investigations,” he said.

Of course he is ignoring the fact that if the police are given free license to track cell phone users without a warrant, the government wouldn’t even have to put tracking devices on every single car.

As Crump puts it, “People should not have to choose between using new technology, which is becoming increasingly commonplace and hard to live without, and giving up their privacy.”

However, we could have very well already crossed the Rubicon of privacy into the land in which nothing is considered private.

As evidence of this, a U.S. Federal Court in Virginia decided earlier this month that in signing up for Twitter, one had a “lessened expectation” of privacy and thus ordered the company to hand over data from three alleged supporters of WikiLeaks to the Department of Justice.

I sincerely hope that the people of America, and the world, will not accept having their right to privacy completely erased in the name of safety, as in reality it will not make us safer but instead put us at greater risk of government harassment and intrusion into our lives.



Pakistan Backs Off A Ban On Cellphone Sexting

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan rowed back on Tuesday from demands that text messages containing nearly 1,700 “obscene” words should be blocked, following outrage from users and campaigners.

On November 14, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) distributed a list of 1,695 words in English and Urdu, the national language, to operators, giving them seven days to implement a filtering system.

But the list was met with uproar, both at the attempt to censor messages and the inclusion of many seemingly innocuous terms, among them “Jesus Christ”, “lotion”, “athlete’s foot”, “robber”, “idiot”, “four twenty” and “harder”.

On Tuesday, PTA spokesman Mohammad Younis Khan told AFP the authority would consult civil society representatives and mobile phone operators on refining a much shorter list of words, giving no timeframe for any eventual ban.

“At the moment we are not blocking or filtering any word,” Khan said. “No final decision has been taken in this regard,” he added.

A PTA committee with representatives of civil society and mobile phone operators will decide on a “final list of objectionable words” which Khan conceded could be only around “a dozen”.

“We have no plan to block any word until and unless it is approved by that committee and it will take time to reach that decision,” he added.

A letter accompanying the list on November 14 said filtering was legal under the Pakistan Telecommunication Act of 1996 which prohibits people from transmitting messages that are “false, fabricated, indecent or obscene”.

The PTA on Tuesday claimed that the November 14 list was merely “preliminary” and “advice” for operators to adopt a filtering system.

Mobile operators have already detailed their “concerns and reservations”and said they would seek further clarification from the PTA.

“Most of the words mentioned in the list are used legally,” lawyer Syed Mohammad Tayyab told AFP.

“Like 420. It is a section of the Pakistan Penal Code,” he said.

“The PTA policy is unjust and unfair on the face of it. It needs judicial review,” said Tayyab, who is also a senior prosecutor in terrorism cases.

Campaign group Bytes for All had vowed to challenge the order in court, saying “a new, ruthless wave of moral policing” violated rights to free speech and privacy, and made a mockery of the entire country.


