Stand up for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the American People.
To every Senator who voted in favor of the McCain/Levin National Defense Authorization Act a.k.a. “U.S. is a Battlefield” bill, which gives the military a right to raid the homes of U.S. citizens and detain them indefinitely without charges, rights to a lawyer, or habeus corpus:
You have committed treason directly against the American people! We do not fear signing this petition, because if we live in fear, we will have lost. This is a way of peacefully standing up and saying we will not let a small group of politicians take away the rights and freedoms of 300,000,000+ people.
We the People are holding you accountable and saying, “We will not let this happen.” This vote goes directly against the U.S. Citizens Bill of Rights written by our Founding Fathers. It is the basis of the country and no group of people is allowed to dissolve these rights!
Americans, stand up for our country and what is right. Impeach every single Senator who directly voted to destroy the Constitution.
Fuck those traitors and the usurper in chief. Fuck all elites.
It should be coming into focus now, I can feel it. Soon average Americans are going to wake up and realize that their government has forsaken them. For some they will remain apathetic and ignorant until either the revolution is out their front window and authoritarian forces have commandeered their home. We cannot vote our way out of this hole. “We the people” are going to have to come together to forge a different path. I fear for the integrity of our union leading up to and especially after the 2012 elections. Be brave Soldiers of Solidarity, hold the line, and do not listen to those whose souls have been purchased by empty promises and greed.