In a somewhat shocking poll conducted by Yahoo! Finance, it has emerged that 41% of Americans believe that the so-called “American Dream” has been lost.
I say this is somewhat shocking because it appears that many Americans are just waking up to this reality.
However, the majority of Americans polled believe that the economy is getting worse. 63% said the American economy is getting worse, while 72% of those over 55 find this to be the case.
The “American Dream,” for the most part, has had a war waged against it for many years and we are just now seeing the devastating impact that this has had.
This has been done by the criminal banking elite which, with the help of the private Federal Reserve, defrauds and robs the American people with impunity.
It appears that younger people, like myself, are so blinded by the propaganda of the establishment media and mindless entertainment that they either do not care about or do not see the reality of the situation in America.
The poll also brought some more disturbing numbers to light including: 37% of American adults have zero retirement savings, and 38% plan on living off of meager Social Security.
An article in Yahoo’s Daily Ticker claims that macroeconomic data shows that the economy has technically recovered, but the majority of Americans aren’t feeling it.
While they do point out that a record of 49.1 million Americans are poor, they don’t point out that the outlook for the unemployed is less than promising, especially for the long-term unemployed, and the only ones who seem to be coming out on top are the corporations and banksters.
This isn’t quite surprising, as most establishment news sources continue to pretend that everything is okay and that we are currently recovering.
If you talk to average Americans, this usually isn’t the case. Many are falling on hard times which are only getting worse as the days and weeks drag on.
Sure, the macroeconomic data might show a recovery, but this is heavily weighted by corporations and the financial industry.
They say, “Considering 49 million Americans are living in poverty, the ‘real’ unemployment rate is 16% and millions of Americans are facing foreclosure, it’s no wonder many believe the recession never ended.”
However, the use of “believe” indicates that many Americans are simply ignorant or misled, but is that really the case?
If many Americans do not see the economic recovery in their lives, is there really a real recovery or a corporate-bankster recovery?
The survey also showed that many Americans are increasingly unwilling to take on debt, feel less confident about purchasing a home, and are spending less money while having less in their savings than both 1- and 3-years ago.
Other results of the poll, which was conducted in September by polling 1500 Americans between 18 and 64 years of age with the help of Ipsos OTX MediaCT, were not quite as grim.
They also found that between Americans ages 18-34, 53% believe that America is still the land of opportunity.
45% of American parents think that their children will be better off than they are while a surprising 68% of those polled say that their current financial situation is either “satisfactory” or “excellent.”
The Daily Ticker reports that this is consistent with the broad trend of growing income inequality in the United States.
They point out, “those doing well in America are doing quite well, indeed.”
This also reinforces the point that the recovery is only being felt by individuals who are already wealthy, and those who continue to steal every penny possible from Americans within the Federal Reserve and the big banks nationwide.
Hopefully more Americans will begin to take notice of the reality of the economic situation and start speaking out before it gets worse.