January 21, 2013

A radical Jew repented

PALESTINE – Mikhail Chernovska was an Extremist Jew who had declared his Islam, as well as expressed his enthusiasm to see the establishment of the Khilafah Islamiyyah, with Al-Quds as its capital. “Indeed, I have received guidance. The reason is only one, because I wanted to find the truth,” Mikhail said. This was conveyed by the Harakatut Tauhid Al-Islamy website, Tuesday 8th November 2011.

Mikhail has Muhammad Al-Mahdi as his hijrah (migrated) name, similar to the name of an imam in the end times who was promised by Rasulullah SAW, who will bring justice by establishing Dienullah on earth. Mahdi is a Jew who came from Azerberijan and later migrated to Palestine after he embraced Islam.

Mahdi’s residence right now is in the West Bank city of Hebron. He was born in Baku, Azerbeijan 37 years ago. This man from Azerbeijan lived in the midst of an extreme family. He migrated to Israel in the early 90′s.

Hebron is the site of the massacre by a Jewish radical, Baruch Goldstein, in the cave of the ancestors. At that time, around 29 Muslims were affected from the massacre. Thus, in conformity with that, Mahdi decided to moved to the Kiryat Arba settlement, where he lived with his hero according to his view at that time, Goldstein, and joined the extremist settlers.

He added that a discussion on religion and philosophy with a Palestinian who owns a garage for car repairs in Hebron, made him review his view gradually, until he embraced Islam and return to Baku in order to marry a Muslimah. Mahdi told that he received a warm welcome from his neighbours in Hebron, although his blood is Jewish.

Muhammad Al-Mahdi told the AFP correspondent when visited at home, “I used to be an extremist settler and hostile to them, but they treat me like they are a brother to me and they always offer assistance.” The fact that points to Mahdi’s life in Kiryat Arba, is as if unimaginable, after he converted to Islam and married a Muslimah, Sabina, who now have given birth to 4 children after living with him. “The settlers attacked me several times, and threw stones at my house, and wrote slogans on the wall inviting me to leave the place,” said this 37-year old man.

He added, “wherever we go we are being abused, as my wife wears jilbab, and she is repeatedly questioned by the security forces, but all I care is that my kids today are Muslims, and following the religion that I have chosen.” He is very excited to see the Khilafah Islamiyyah established with Al-Quds as its capital.

He asserted: “I realized that there are many contradictions in the Jewish religion, and that Islam is a religion of wisdom and truth, I have received guidance because I was seeking for the truth, that’s the only cause of me becoming Muslim,” said Al-Mahdi, while acknowledging the kindness of his friend Zalloum, the garage owner, who had become the reason he received hidayah.

Zalloum admitted that from the beginning he knew Mikhail, what appeared in his perception was that Mikhail is a good person, unlike most of the settlers in Kiryat Arba. He often had a dialogue with Mikhail on issues of religion and philosophy, until one day he said to Mikhail: “If it’s not me who becomes a Jew through you, you’ll be the one who embraces Islam through me, after six months of discussion, finally he received the hidayah to embrace Islam,” revealed Zalloum.

Zalloum added: “It’s true that Mikhail has become Muhammad al-Mahdi, but he could not let go of all the Jewish culture, the Star of David Fusm on one of his hands would always remind him that he is a Jew, although he carries on the day with demonstrated achievements, from punctual obligatory prayers to reading Al-Qur’an.”


Source: https://www.thosepeoples.tk/2011/11/radical-jew-repented.html

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