January 21, 2013

Flag Burning And The Tactics of Influencing The Public

Flag burning will often stir emotions in us, but why? It’s the persons possession - he chooses to burn it. So where’s the problem? So why so much stigma, culture panic and offence over the combustion of fabric? What makes it so controversial is nationalistic symbolism and how it contrasts against views that our brainwashed culture expects.

National symbolism is a powerful tool - one used for the rise of the Third Reich. The reason “The West” is so upset is because we are apparently “free”. (laughable.)
So surely, the flag burner has the right to voice his opinions by burning the flag? It’s his flag after all.

The flag is an abstract symbol of the state. It does not represent the people. It doesn’t represent the humans living there. It simply represents the borders and boundaries in which they live.

News Flash …
The only difference between you and a person on the other side of the world is man-made borders, language and maybe the colour of your skin.

These are man-made borders people; these aren’t real, and to be proud of being born - by chance - in one set of man-made borders is insanity, in my opinion. Not to mention a great psychological-leverage point that can be used to influence you and your emotions.

This is OUR PLANET, not government’s planet, not the rich people’s planet. ‘OURS’ collectively. The rich and powerful have divided it up for themselves for greed, power and money. It simply doesn’t matter between which man-made borders you were born in. We’re all the same, and all together. A flag is an inanimate piece of fabric. Burn them, burn them all.

We have free speech, which surprisingly, includes opinions you may not like. So if someone doesn’t like the state, or the culture, let them have their opinions, question them, argue against them, voice your own but allow them to share their opinions, too. YOU are NOT your country. You are NOT a citizen of the UK or the US or any country.

You are a human being on an Island - an island called Earth.

You are not British or American. Your parents just conceived there.

Why do you feel the need to stick up for the abstract ideas of a country? Conditioning. If you lived in Hawaii you’d be proud to be Hawaiian. If you lived in Israel you’d grow up proud to be Israeli. The civilians of Nazi Germany were also proud. Look how that ended. It never changes. Everyone thinks they’re the good guys. It’s pure cultural conditioning. A mind trick used to get the public to jump through psychological hoops. How can you make somebody kill for you if they don’t believe this is right? One word: Nationalism.

These tactics of controlling the consent of the masses came from the Ancient Roman Empire and were used by the Nazi’s as well. Hermann Goering was a Nazi Politician and leading member of the Nazi party, and as commander in chief of the Luftwaffe, promoted Reichmarschall and designated successor of Adolph Hitler. This is a quote from him which should highlight my point more succinctly.

“Nazi leader Hermann Goering, interviewed by Gustave Gilbert during the Easter recess of the Nuremberg trials, 1946 April 18, quoted in Gilbert’s book ‘Nuremberg Diary.’

Goering: “Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece.”

Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia, nor England, nor America, nor Germany for that matter. That is understood. But, after all, it’s the leaders of the country who
determine the policy and it’s easy drag the people along, whether a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Gilbert: “There is one difference. In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”

Goering: “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Yet we carry on, so sure that we’re the good guys.

They tax you, they arrest you, they impose laws on you, they supposedly OWN the land on this island? How did they get it (think Imperialism). Then they sell it to you. The corrupt money-baggers want you to kill men, women and children. They tell you who the bad guys are. They want you to beat protesters, bomb cities filled with civilians (see NATO and Libya). They even tell you how to use your own bodies and tax what you eat! Isn’t that insane to anyone else?

They outlawed inhaling smoke from a plant: Isn’t that your own choice? Your body, your choice how to use it. What right do governments have to tell you what to do? You aren’t a child. You - a person on this island - can think for yourself. Why should they imprison you for a plant? This is mass madness, but through its routine and its longevity has become totally normal.

Think before you let your conditioned emotions run wild. These emotional triggers and shallow opinions are conditioned from the culture and from decades of brainwashing from mass media. think for yourselves and don’t let anyone else tell you what to think, including me, this is meant to induce thinking not bypass it.

