November 6, 2012

BP Gulf Oil, Corexit: Killer Bacteria Causing Dolphin Die-off Can Infect Humans

New study findings shed light on “Gulf Crud” locals are suffering since BP oil “spill”

After research showed what happens to dolphins happens to humans, on Thursday, a leading National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientist Dr. Terri Rowles said at a national media briefing that, based on preliminary research findings, oil and Corexit physically stressed Gulf dolphins to death, resulting in the ongoing dolphin die-off in Louisiana waters and along the Gulf Coast. The lead research scientist’s theory is that oil and Corexit decreased dolphin immunity, increasing susceptibility of brucella, a bacteria causing the disease, marine brucellosis that other scientists say can be transmitted to humans, is difficult to treat, and requires blood and samples tests to diagnose and treat.

“Die-offs from bacterial infections could be occurring because the bacterium has become more lethal,” NOAA’s Dr. Terri Rowles said.

Public health experts and toxicologists have found that the combined BP oil and Corexit in the Gulf is 11 times more lethal than oil alone.

Dr. Rowles also said that the Gulf dolphin die-off from brucellosis could be from or be more severe due to “dolphins being more susceptible to infection.”

In the research, Dr. Rowles, NOAA’s lead marine mammal veterinarian and coordinator for the national stranding response, discovered a bacteria in at least 5 of the dolphin carcasses according to WWL TV. ”She thinks stress from the Dolphin encountering the hydrocarbons and toxins in the gulf waters contributed,” WWL reported.

Dr. Rowles says Dolphin illness and failed pregnancies resulted in some of the deaths. Her theory is that Dolphin encountering oil and and Corexit dispersants physically stressed them to the point of making them more susceptible to serious disease, including brucellosis, the disease caused by the bacteria, brucella. Brucellosis can cause failed pregnancies according to Dr. Rowles.
The Sun Herald reported:

“Two of the fetuses testing positive for the bacteria died in the womb and had brucella in their lungs.
Two adults died from meningitis, an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain, caused by brucella.
One fetus that had brucella in its lungs, died with its mother that had meningitis.”

Brucella was found in the dead dolphin lungs and brains.

Dolphin are more like humans than any other marine mammal. “What happens to dolphin happens to humans,”Marine Biologist Mobi Solangi from The Institute for Marine Mammals has stated. “The dolphins are the canary in the mine.”
Humans can contract brucellosis from infected animals, contrary to news reports

NOAA reportedly called the national media briefing Thursday to inform the public that five of the dead 580 dolphins, including fetuses, died from a marine version of brucella, a bacteria that also kills goats, sheep, cattle, pigs, elk and dogs.

The Sun Herald reported that, “there are no known cases of the marine brucella bacteria transferring to humans.”

To the contrary, however, the Center for Food Security & Public Health has reported that the marine disease has occurred in humans. In the Center for Food & Security report, “Brucellosis in marine mammals” it states that “[r]are human infections have been documented.”

It furthers, “Marine brucella can infect “terrestrial mammals.” It also highlights that “marine brucellosis in humans might be undiagnosed.”

CDC also says brucellosis can infect humans — through: inhalation, the skin, or ingestion. ”Humans are generally infected in one of three ways: eating or drinking something that is contaminated with Brucella, breathing in the organism (inhalation), or having the bacteria enter the body through skin wounds,”according to the CDC website.

“Humans become infected by coming in contact with animals or animal products contaminated with Brucella,” CDC states. Fisherman are at greater risk of contracting brucellosis, as are people who go to the beach according to the the Center for Food Security & Public Health report that repeats, “Marine mammal Brucella can infect humans.”

“People who hunt marine mammals may be at increased risk of exposure, particularly when dressing carcasses or consuming raw meat.

“Other groups at risk may include veterinarians, zoologists, laboratory workers, fishermen, and people who work in marine mammal rehabilitation or display centers, as well as anyone who approaches a beached animal or carcass on a beach.”

The “Brucellosis in Marine Mammals” report highlights cases in which marine brucellosis was transferred to humans from swimming in water where the bacteria is but in which there was no contact with infected marine mammals, plus fishermen:

“One infection occurred in a researcher exposed in the laboratory. The symptoms included headaches, fatigue and severe sinusitis, and resolved completely after antibiotic treatment. Two patients with community- acquired neurobrucellosis and intracerebral granulomas were reported in the U.S. One person had a three-month history of periorbital pain, headaches and periodic seizures. The other had a one-year history of headaches, nausea, vomiting and progressive deterioration in eyesight. The source of infection could not be determined in either case, but both patients had recently emigrated from Peru and regularly consumed raw fish (in cerviche) and unpasteurized cheese. One had no significant exposure to marine mammals; the other regularly swam in the ocean but had not been directly exposed to marine mammals. The fourth case occurred in New Zealand, in a man with a two-week history of spinal osteomyelitis characterized by fever, rigors and tenderness in the lumbar region of the spine. This patient had not been exposed to marine mammals, but he was a fisherman who had regular contact with uncooked fish bait and raw fish. He had also eaten raw freshly caught fish.”

On Thursday, Dr. Rowles warned people to stay away from dead dolphins, keep their dogs away from them, and report them to stranding experts.

Brucellosis symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Ongoing and reoccurring “flu” that Gulf Coast residents have complained since soon after BP oil-rig explosion and subsequent gushing oil and use of Corexit might not be influenza but instead, brucellosis that causes similar symptoms. The surge in female reproductive health disease and miscarriages might also be directly related to brucellosis. Even personality changes can occur due to brucellosis.

“In humans, brucellosis can cause a range of symptoms that are similar to the flu and may include fever, sweats, headaches, back pains, and physical weakness,” according to the CDC. ”Severe infections of the central nervous systems or lining of the heart may occur. Brucellosis can also cause long-lasting or chronic symptoms that include recurrent fevers, joint pain, and fatigue.”

CDC lists these brucellosis typical symptoms in humans:

“Acutely: fever, chills, headache, low back pain, joint pain, malaise, occasionally diarrhea
Sub-acutely: malaise, muscle pain, headache, neck pain, fever, sweats
Chronically: anorexia, weight loss, abdominal pain, joint pain, headache, backache, weakness, irritability, insomnia, depression, constipation.”

The “Brucelossis in Marine Mammals” report says humans with the disease can experience drenching sweats, particularly at night.

In cases where the individual does not recover spontaneously, persistent symptoms “typically wax and wane” that might explain the frequently reoccurring “flu” many Gulf Coast redients report to Dupré.

Occasionally, complications occur that include: arthritis, spondylitis, chronic fatigue, and epididymo-orchitis. Neurologic signs (including personality changes, meningitis, uveitis and optic neuritis), anemia, internal abscesses, nephritis, endocarditis and dermatitis can also occur. Neurological signs usually occur in less than 5% of patients.

“Other organs and tissues can also be affected, resulting in a wide variety of syndromes,” the report states.

As early as October 2010, Marine Toxicologist Rikki Ott reported people down to 4.7% of their lung capacity, so their hearts are enlarging to compensate. The esophagus of Gulf Coast people is dissolving according to Ott. (Censored Gulf news: Dr sees death and dying: Organs dissolving (video),” National Human Rights |, Dupré, D., October 24, 2010)

Gulf Coast female reproductive health links

Brucellosis “is usually a reproductive disease” causing miscarriages and other reproductive issues according to the Mammal Brucellosis report. ”In terrestrial animals, brucellosis is usually a reproductive disease associated with placentitis, abortion, orchitis and epididymitis.”

“Breast-feeding mothers might transmit the infection to their infants. Sexual transmission has also been reported,” according to the CDC.

How many Gulf females have been re-victimized in doctor’s offices for asking if their condition could be related to BP’s oil catastrophe, or asserting that they think their lesions, miscarriages or birthing infants with disabilities since April 2010 could be attributed to the catastrophe, or saying they want tests run? In violation of the human right to health, “Gulf Coast residents… continue to report that medical staff laugh at them when they ask to be tested because their symptoms are same as Corexit and/or crude oil poisoning. (Also see: “Censored Gulf news: Sick? Burning? Bleeding? Dying? Call a shrink,” Dupré, D.)

“Daily, sick and injured Gulf Coast women with symptoms of poisoning report that they are ‘mocked after asking medical staff for a blood test.’” (Censored Gulf news: Chemically raped, bleeding mom mourns bayou,” Dupré, D., Examiner, October 17, 2010) ”One injured woman… says she did not go to the Emergency Room because she knew ‘many women with similar injuries as hers who did go to the ER and they were all mistreated.’ They were discredited, some even heavily drugged for suggesting they have been poisoned.(“Gulf operatives’ violence against women (video)”; Also see “Censored Gulf news: Scientist links dead baby dolphins to human babies, Dupré, D., National Human Rights Examiner, )

A research report showed unborn babies exposed to Gulf of Mexico’s water, beaches, air, land or seafood may be at higher risk hearts malformed before birth and having lifelong congenital heart disease, a study that also shed more light on sharp increases in both Gulf miscarriages and Gulf dead baby dolphins.

In humans, brucellosis deaths are usually caused by endocarditis (“inflammation of the inside lining of the heart chambers and heart valves (endocardium)”), or meningitis ( “a bacterial infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord (meninges)”) according to Food Safety & Public Health’s report.

The A.D.A.M Medical Encyclopedia of the U.S. Library of Medicine lists the following endocartitis symptoms: Abnormal urine color; chills (common); excessive sweating (common), fatigue; fever (common); joint pain; muscle aches and pains, night sweats, nail abnormalities (splinter hemorrhages under the nails); paleness, red, painless skin spots on the palms and soles (Janeway lesions); red, painful nodes in pads of the fingers and toes (Osler’s nodes); shortness of breath with activity; swelling of feet, legs, abdomen; weakness; and weight loss. ”Endocarditis symptoms can develop slowly (subacute) or suddenly (acute).”

The Medical Encyclopedia states that the other brucella related cause of death, bacterial meningitis; is “extremely serious, and may result in death or brain damage, even if treated; and may also be caused by chemical irritation, drug allergies, fungi, and tumors; and “acute bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency” requiring “immediate treatment in a hospital.”

Meningitis symptoms usually occur quickly and may include: Fever and chills; mental status changes; nausea and vomiting; sensitivity to light (photophobia); severe headache; and stiff neck (meningismus). Possible other symptoms that can occur with this disease are: agitation; bulging fontanelles; decreased consciousness; poor feeding or irritability in children; rapid breathing; and unusual posture, with the head and neck arched backwards (opisthotonos) (A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia) The Medical Encyclopedia says, “Meningitis is an important cause of fever in children and newborns,” and ”People cannot tell if they have bacterial or viral meningitis by how they feel, so they should seek prompt medical attention.”

Treatment of bruccelosis in humans “can be difficult,” CDC says. ”Doctors can prescribe effective antibiotics, usually, doxycycline and rifampin used in combination for six weeks to prevent reoccurring infection. Depending on the timing of treatment and severity of illness, recovery may take a few weeks to several months. CDC reports mortality is low (<2%), and is usually associated with endocarditis” while the Brucellosis in Marine Mammals report puts human mortality as high as <5%.

“All exposed individuals, regardless of risk status, should be monitored for the development of symptoms,” according to the CDC. ”From the last exposure, temperature should be actively monitored for fever for four weeks. Broader symptoms of brucellosis should be passively monitored for six months from the last exposure.”
CDC also advises that there is no vaccine for brucellosis.

Terrorism in the Gulf oil catastrophe then and now

Dolphins are continuing to die in unusual numbers in the northern Gulf,” Rowles said. So are humans says “Shrimp King” Dean Blanchard. When Dupré asked him earlier this month if health issues related to BP’s Gulf oil catastrophe continue to be reported in his South Louisiana community, without hesitation, he referred to one of his fishermen who had died that morning. He said that was the second man he personally knew who died this month with oil-Corexit type symptoms that locals call “Gulf Crud.”
Marine Toxicologist Riki Ott has stated that after only one week in Grand Isle, Louisiana, workers were ill with a mysterious disease. (Censored Gulf news: Dr sees death and dying: Organs dissolving (video),” Dupré, D., National Human Rights | Gulf Coast victims of the “mysterious” Gulf Crud have consistently reported since April 2010, however, that they have been medically mistreated, not properly diagnosed or treated, as confirmed by Dr. Rodney Soto.

The mystery bacteria now identified as brucella adds to research by New Orleans based Environmental Attorney Stuart Smith’s. His research associate, toxicologist Dr. William Sawyer linked the Gulf dolphin die-off to humans in the report, “Dead Infant Dolphins: Veteran Toxicologist Ties Oil Toxins To ‘Spontaneous Abortions’ In Mammals.” Dr. Sawyer had said the dolphin deaths could very well be linked to BP’s spill. (See: “Censored Gulf news: Scientist links dead baby dolphins to human babies,” Dupré, D. National Human Rights | Examiner, Feb. 25, 2011) Even without the bruccela bacteria factor, Dr. Sawyer reported that toluene and aromatic hydrocarbons are known causes of spontaneous abortions and severe birth defects in humans and other mammals.

Public health sources close to Dupré concur with local reports of a surge in Gulf Coast miscarriages since April 2010.

(Watch: “Gulf Plague Miscarriages Surging” on Deborah Dupré’s Examiner page. Also watch: “13-year old Jessica Hagan explains child and adult Gulf Plague horror,” with young Hagan speaking to Michael Edward about unprecedented miscarriages, school-children breathing problems and bleeding from orifices, and people “dropping dead” in her community.)

Due to women at risk of the oil catastrophe, Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine is researching the spill’s health impacts pregnant women and women of reproductive age in Louisiana’s coastal parishes. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has provided $6.5 million for the study.

Since BP’s Gulf oil human and environmental catastrophe began, some women and children have been bleeding from all orifices similar to dying and dead Gulf dolphins. That is what Corexit is supposed to do according to EPA whisleblower Hugh Kaufman in July 2010. He said, ”…we have dolphins that are hemorrhaging. People who work near it are hemorrhaging internally. And that’s what dispersants are supposed to do…” (“Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says ’EPA whistleblower,” Dupré, D.; Also see: Scientists find Corexit made BP Gulf catastrophe worse is not news,” Dupré, D. National Human Rights |
The CDC says that diagnosing Brucellosis requires blood tests. Medical testing, however, has been an ongoing obstacle to Gulf Coast region residents, a health rights violation experienced for eighteen months. Most doctors are “treating” with no accurate diagnosis that is based on tests. Most doctors refuse to conduct blood tests according to residents and one of the few doctors who has been testing, Dr. Rodney Soto. Most residents, however, cannot afford blood tests. Human suffering is compounded by loss of livelihood due to BP’s oil catastrophe.

Blood tests are not the only ones needed to diagnose people infected with marine mammal isolates of Brucella according to Food Security & Public Health’s report. It says “samples should be collected” since “Brucella has been isolated from all major body tissues in marine mammals. In particular, this organism has been found in the male and female reproductive organs, mammary gland, abscesses, lung and a variety of lymph nodes.”
“Oral, nasal, tracheal, vaginal and anal swabs, as well as feces, can be submitted for culture from live animals. Serum should also be collected for serology.” The report furthers, “At necropsy, samples should be collected from all tissues with gross lesions.” (Emphasis added) “Horrifying” lesions are typical of “Gulf Crud” — in both fish and humans.

WWL reported Friday that the “NOAA study is far from over.” Neither are the gushing oil into the Gulf nor carpet-bombing Corexit in and near Gulf waters according to locals and Josh and Rebecca Tickell’s “The Big Fix” movie documentation.

Stuart Smith, a founding partner of New Orleans-based law firm Smith Stag, LLC that concentrates in fields of environmental law and toxic torts, has practiced law nearly 25 years. He is recognized internationally as a crusader against major oil companies and other polluters. In February 2011, Smith referred to the government/BP Gulf rights abuse as “environmental terrorism.”

As early as July 2010, scientists reported early signs of the BP Gulf oil catastrophe altering the marine food web by killing or tainting Gulf water creatures and increasing growth of others that thrive on fouled environments. (“Censored Gulf news: Food web ‘not altered’ lies in public health crisis,” D. Dupre, Human Rights, Examiner, July 19, 2010)

The government-BP partnership continues to report that no public health crisis exists in the Gulf Coast region and that the food web is not being altered. Louisiana seafood and tourist industries continue to promote the same dangerous cover-up. (Censored Gulf eyewitness testimonies of coughing up blood and other horror stories” - National Human Rights |“) A BP-government public school program has even given prizes to children who say Gulf oil and Corexit are safe.

Kaufman, familiar with government health cover-ups, especially the 9/11 one after he conducted the ombudsman investigation on Ground Zero, has concurred with an MSNBC report revealing “sole purpose in the Gulf for dispersants is to keep a cover-up going for BP to try to hide the volume of oil that has been released and save them hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars of fines… not to protect the public health or environment. Quite the opposite..”

Ott has estimated 4-5 million Gulf Coast residents are suffering or will suffer to death from BP’s Gulf oil human rights violations. She explained three levels of exposure, saying lower level exposure over a longer time causes a person to be just as sick as those exposed at an acute level. Ultra-fine particles are impacting Gulf Coast residents, often without their knowledge according to Ott.

“I believe this is going wreak havoc on people’s health for two decades unless we stop ignoring it. The longer it’s in your body, the more damage its going to cause,” she has stated. Just like today, people directly impacted by the ExxonValdez oil disaster were told “not to worry about it,” according to Ott. Most of those people died untimely deaths.

Oil guru Matt Simmons’ publicly estimated that if 40 million people were not evacuated from the Gulf Coast region, they would sooner or later suffer intensively from BP’s 2010 Gulf oil gusher. He said, “The death toll will be high.” Over 100,000 Gulf residents are already plagued.

Simmons told MNSBC that BP is lying because if it acknowledges the truth, “they’ll go to jail.” Days later, Simmons met his untimely death.

BP paid enormous sums of money to keep Gulf activists from having a voice nationally says former oil executive insider whistleblower Ian Crane. “BP made sure activists are not campaigning on a national level,” he said. “They are keeping them local so the corporate world is not threatened.”

Human and environmental costs of non-renewable energy are as high, if not higher, than other forms of terrorism. As Crane has formerly asked, ”Are we going to let the lunacy of the New World Order agenda unfold without challenge?”

Between the Occupy Wall Street movement and hard-hitting yet inspiring and empowering films about the Gulf oil atrocity such as Fuel, Freedom, and The Big Fix, increasingly, Americans are committing to taking personal responsibility for both Humanity and the planet.

Copyright Deborah Dupré 2010. All Rights Reserved.



  1. Kia Eccentric McCool says:

    This is so sad

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