December 23, 2012

The STEALTH of the Royal NAZIs…

70 Years ago, there was a MASTER PLAN bred by Hitler and his financiers… Today we are suffering a NEW WORLD ORDER which is the SAME ideology of HITLER - which is to CRUSH the ancient Nations of Europe and form a SLAVE COLONY of Worker Ants who believe that they live in a ‘Democracy’ but in Actual Fact their Lives and Thoughts are Influenced by Constant 24-7 TV Propaganda.

The STOCK MARKET & SHARES System hides the true Identity of the Royal-British-Bavarian Elite who Own Every major Mining, Marketing, Food Production, Retail & Energy Monopoly - Hidden behind ‘Front organisations’.

Wake up. Before its too late.

They have already Fooled You into Believing there is an Economic Crisis so that They Can Raise Taxes, cut Pensions and hand over taxes directly to the BANKS…

It is the Royal-Aristocratic Elite who funded the STEALTH Technology of the NAZIs - and are STILL DOING THE SAME TODAY… No less than 270 German princes and princesses were Nazi Party members. A sampling of 312 “old aristocratic” families found 3,592 Party members amongst the ranks of the German Royal households. Every noble family east of the Elbe River had at least one member in the Party. A THIRD of Nazi-aristocrats joined the Party BEFORE Hitler became Chancellor. HEINRICH HIMMLER was named HEINRICH after Prince Heinrich who his father worked for - Prince Heinrich was Himmler’s GOD FATHER. Got it? The boss of the SS was the God-child of a Prince… Where do you think the FUNDING for the Nazi Killing machine came from?

Royal Hohenzollern princes were high-profile Nazi campaigners during the Nazis’ campaign for power. The Royal-Aristocratic Elite LEGITIMIZED the NAZI ideals. The common people supported NAZIs because the ROYALS supported NAZIs.

Aristocrats occupied thousands of top government posts during the Third Reich. Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, even admitted in a British Newspaper interview that his family - the Schleisweg-Holstein Glucksburg Sonddersburg clan - found NAZI ideals ‘quite appealing’.

In-depth research published in FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE shows that there were British Cabinet Office discussions citing and alleging that British King Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathizer. He was tantamount guilty of treason and possibly guilty of attempted regicide, having entertained various German contacts who offered him the post of ‘King of the new Reich’. Rumours in the 1950s were squashed by the Palace that Edward did not abdicate in order to marry Wallis Simpson. Rumours say he was forced from the throne by PM Baldwin because Edward was heading up a Nazi fifth column in the UK.

George V, George VI, the Duke of Kent and scores of British aristocrats promoted “appeasement.” This “peace movement” was an effort to steer Britain into the Royal-Nazi Axis which was spearheaded by Prince Carl Coburg who was born on the Sandringham estate and brought up in Britain as a Royal child at the tax payers expense.

Western Europe’s aristocracy, including most German princes, survived World War II. They retained, even supplemented, their land holdings. Over the past few decades they have engineered a remarkable renaissance - spearheading Crown Estate investments in Nuclear Power, Supermarket food production, Genetics, horse racing, equestrian gambling, bullion, diamonds, arms and mining… FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE has published the most in-depth articles tracking the business interests of the Royal NAZIs in Britain and Germany - right up to the present day…

Occult Symbols and Demons at the London Olympics

Freemasonry has many flavours, many covens, cults, chapters and different ‘temples’ around the world. Freemasons were in the vanguard of the KU KLUX KLAN, they run Aleister Crowley’s old German ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS movement (originally founded by German military agents), and generally speaking most of the prominent jobs in Whitehall and Parliament are filled by Freemasons. Those who have influential jobs who are NOT Freemasons are the PUPPETS of the Freemasons…

Whenever there is an opportunity for PUBLICLY FUNDED ceremonies, the Freemasons come a thither and hither - influencing the staging, themes, music and spectacle, so as to subliminally project into the minds of billions of TV viewers their sordid view of world history…


The most revered and hallowed of all books feverishly studied by Freemasons and other members of the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS is known as the GOETIA or ‘Book of Shadows’. The GOETIA is one of several ‘Grimoires’ published in the Medieval era and which are usually an amalgamation of Demon-summoning magical rituals that were popular in ancient IRAQ. The GOETIA is a do-it-yourself guide to the various spirits and demons of Hell - which has its own ‘Prime Minister’ who is a character known as LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE. The demons described in this book command legions of lesser demons. The foremost of these demons have titles such as ‘Prince’, ‘Duke’ and ‘King’. The ancient names of these demons have inspired many of the secret passwords used in world international Freemasonry. The AGENDA of these demons is to form PACTS - just like Doctor FAUST - who really did exist and was a pedo-Serial Killer who was employed by many aristocrats in continental Europe. In exchange for the promise of ‘riches’ and ‘treasures’, these demons would demand a SOUL or a SACRIFICE of a young person - some demanded boys and girls - some demons demand BABIES… These demons have been portrayed in several publicly funded ceremonies - and the LONDON OLYMPIC Opening Ceremony spectacle was no exception…


Of course, no spirit can be released from a body and then enter a tog-o-war between the forces of Heaven and Hell without there first being DEATH… And the Olympic Opening Ceremony provided us with a spectacle of an 80 feet high GRIM REAPER, who stood poised as he poached children’s souls directly from dozens of hospital beds…

GRIM REAPER or WIZARD WITH A WAND?(from Harry Potter?) Whatever your interpretation of this mysterious GIANT at the Olympic Opening Ceremony - it has NOTHING TO DO WITH SPORT!

QUEEN ELIZABETH II is the ‘Grand Patroness’ of International World Freemasonry - and has her own quasi-Masonic splinter coven called THE ORDER OF THE GARTER. ‘The QUEENS BEASTS’ are a series of statues which can be seen at KEW GARDENS and enshrined on coins issued by her Royal Mint - and these beasts also are part of the pantheon of demons described in the ‘GOETIA’…

The GOETIA probably has its origins in the ancient lands of Babylon (IRAQ) and was developed into a mystical form of demonology in ancient Palestine - now the occupied nation of ISRAEL.

The TOWER OF BABEL - a kind of circular ZIGGURAT - from ancient Babylon, therefore, with no surprise, was a prominent feature of the London Olympics Ceremony…

The GOETIC DEMONS are essentially spiritual entities who are extremely JEALOUS of our physical bodies. They are spirits of people and creatures which did live long ago. Stuck, as they are, in a gap between the physical and spiritual realms, they WATCH US… And in the Bible, they are described as THE WATCHERS…

Centuries of JEALOUSY has festered in the minds of these Goetic Demonic-Watchers. They now want utter DESTRUCTION and CHAOS, WARFARE, PLAGUE and POVERTY to overcome mankind so that the spirits of all of us can be fed upon by the hoards of demons in the lower astral realms… And THAT is what the symbolism of the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics was REALLY all about.

This has NOTHING to do with SPORT! It has EVERYTHING to do with the AGENDA of people who are members of various Masonic & Magical Secret Societies…

Freemasons at the helm of large corporations are busy putting this demonic agenda into force; Blasting Plutonium-powered satellites into orbit (which potentially will poison our sky), Drilling Gas and Oil (which poisons our sea) and inserting SPIDER VENOM into tomatoes and other food supplies - eventually leading to the genetic mutation, enhanced cancer development and utter poisoning of our soils…

The TRUTH is here for all of you to SEE if you open your Eyes… The world is being transformed into a TOXIC WASTELAND so that Freemasons in Government and Industry can please the demons who they worship in their many many different temples around the world…

So, WHAT CAN WE THE PEOPLE DO TO IMPROVE MATTERS? Well, we firstly need to get EDUCATED - and so I have written a book about SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the SPIRITUAL PEOPLES who live in the Amazon, SIberia and Australia - my book shows that the ancient tribes who understand how the SPIRITWORLD WORKS and how to contact their Ancestor Spirits for advice using traditional hallucinogenic herbs are actually being victimized by a global campaign of GENOCIDE… My book is called STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA and is available from British Amazon; CLICK THE LINK:

If you watched the London Olympic Ceremony, scratching your head wondering what this has to do with SPORT - then read this blog! Re-read it if you have to - then SHARE it to your FACEBOOK page and spread the message.

You can stay in touch with CHRISTOPHER EVERARD who is a British Author and Film Director, by visiting THE ENIGMA CHANNEL - type in your email into the little box and you’ll receive a free copy of FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE which is edited by CHRIS EVERARD - go here

STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA is a large format, fully illustrated book - 308 pages with a FULL COLOUR chapter - it will be wrapped and packed and shipped directly to you from British Amazon…

CLICK HERE to order from AMAZON UK (it takes 5mins to set up a British Amazon account and it is completely FREE) CLICK to Order STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA

STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA is about more than just the ancient sacred plants used by our Ancestors - it is a book which investigates the SPIRITUAL WARFARE currently being committed against Mankind - and the deeply disturbing agenda of Occultists, Freemasons and other Covens to rip & shred our biosphere and create a Dead, Toxic Planet. It also shows how many great religions use the SYMBOLISM of our ancient tribal forefathers to promote a new Agenda of planetary destruction, warfare & chaos.


Original Source:

The Truth About Diamonds…

My name is Chris Everard - I have spent 17 years travelling to eleven countries investigating and reporting on how the super-wealthy families - who have become known as ‘the illuminati’ to many - gain their riches… I have established a monthly magazine which publishes fully illustrated reports and iBook/articles about the Aristocratic-Royal Elite, cover-ups, secret episodes of world history and other matters which are ignored by the mainstream media. FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE refuses all big corporate advertising and is instead funded by it’s readers via subscriptions. It gives us the the kind of editorial freedom which, say, the BBC do not have - for example, the Director General of the BBC is actually appointed by the Queen…

In this DIAMOND JUBILEE year, I decided to publish investigations into the DIAMOND industry - every diamond on the planet has been the result of some form of exploitation of people or the environment…

You can get a free copy of FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE by submitting your email in the little box at - this is a snippet of the kind of research and investigation I publish each month….

In the 40 years between 1952 - 1992 the Queen avoided paying tax. Does she really have any respect for the British people? She has almost completely avoided paying any contribution towards the upkeep of Britain. Now take a close look - a really close look - at her facial expressions on those rare occasions when the royal family step out onto the balcony at Buckingham Palace. Complete and utter control of the BBC newsfeeds has allowed - up until now - a very effective ‘news blackout’ on the investments of the royals - and their attitude towards the British working class…
Some of the Queen’s most important investments have been in the Nuclear electric industries… and DIAMONDS…

Fortunes have been made and lost in the age-old trading of diamonds. Three of the world’s largest diamonds are owned by the British Queen - whose real name is Elizabeth Saxe Coburg und Gotha (her name is not really ‘Windsor’ - that is a ‘styled’ title-name). The combined value of these diamonds is in excess of $1,000million dollars - perhaps as much as $2,000 million. If these diamonds were re-cut and sold, the accrued fund of money could be placed in a high return deposit savings account, producing an annual income which would provide enough cash to provide the National Health Service with Scanners and dialysis machines FOREVER. Additionally, African & Indian communities in the areas where the diamonds were originally discovered would also benefit from an annual income.

Diamonds are NOT rare - at the African Ekati diamond mine, they are transported on conveyer belts - in giant heaps. A direct result of diamond mining is the diversion of rivers to allow for the mining of alluvial diamond deposits. When the mine is depleted, the rivers are not redirected to their original courses, which in turn results in the pollution of waters and destruction of surrounding flora and fauna. The mining activities also degrade the surrounding land by increasing atmospheric air pollution, contaminating surface and ground water and increasing soil erosion and leaching. The pollution is, in the most extreme cases, leading to desertification and permanently changing land use from agriculture to waste, rendering it useless to traditional inhabitants when the diamonds have all been mined. In the short run the inhabitants of the region are suffering from sickness and disease related to contaminated drinking water supplies. Such diseases include dissentry, Malaria, schistosamiases and Biomphalaria pfeiffer. Rwanda, Sierra Leone, the Congo and Angola are the foremost sources for diamonds in Africa - all these countries have been thrown into civil war and chaos by British Military forces & mercenaries. The ensuing chaos guarantees that the diamond mining can go on unhindered by democratically elected leaders demanding a fair cut of the profits for the African people. The royal elite have mountains of diamonds in stock and carefully control the sale & distribution, giving the impression that diamonds are ‘rare’.

Just recently, Sierra Leone erupted into what the BBC described as “civil war”. The truth is that most of these ‘turf wars’ play into the hands of diamond prospectors, with the displacement of millions of Africans quite - just by chance, of course - enabling mining companies to set up shop, their facilities looking like high security prisons which mar the natural beauty of the landscape and strip the subterranean strata using high powered water hoses and acids in search of yet more shiny transparent crystals. There is, without question, a strange paradox, that many African villages rely on a single standpipe of water, whilst just yards away, high powered water hoses flush diamonds underground by workers who have to suffer the indignity of anal probes and x-rays as they leave their workplace, the bosses making sure that none of their modern slaves have swallowed a small uncut gem to allay the horrendous inequality of their society. (below): The Indian Koh-I-Nor diamond set into a platinum crown owned by Queen Elzabeth’s dead mother.

The royal greed for diamonds has scarred our wonderful planet. In Kimberly, South Africa, we see an abandoned mine which was dug by hand using local labourers who were paid pennies for their hard work in arduous conditions. The giant hole left behind after the royal-elite diamond traders moved on to trash yet another landscape could easily be converted into a hydro-electric power station to benefit the local community. It was abandoned in 1914.

The Russian ROMANOV royal family are cousins to the British-Bavarian house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Windsor. An orgy of top soil washing and feverish mining has left ridiculously huge chasms and black holes in the Rusiian countryside. A mine at Mirney in Siberia is 1,200 meters in diametre and more than 500 meters deep. The royals have left a giant sink hole at Yellowknife in Canada - a territory stolen from First Nation Canadian Indians - which is so big it can be seen from space. The Diavik diamond mine could easily be converted into a marine biology research station - but like so many other diamond mines, it will probably be left as an ugly scar on our planet.

In the 1930s, a third of British children suffered growth defects caused by malnutrition. This is the era in which queen Elizabeth II grew up - whilst beggars and child prostitutes fought hand and mouth for food and favour from the rich outside the walls of royal palaces, the young Elizabeth was being groomed to take her place as an adult princess - she had her own child sized six-roomed thatched cottage in the garden of the Royal Lodge at Royal Windsor Great Park (situated near Windsor Castle). The London Times reported; ‘The Small House is fully furnished with running water, electric light, and a wireless.’ Architect John Nash rebuilt the Royal Lodge for King George IV and it became one of the Queen Mother’s many homes. She died there, aged 101, after a century of indulgence, fine champagne and enjoying whole-body blood transfusions at the tax payer’s expense.

Since the 1800s, the British-Bavarian royal sovereign houses have been asset stripping Africa and India and building vast estates which are now almost impossible to value accurately. Their investments are global, with rumours suggesting that Queensland in Australia is actually owned by the royal Crown Estates (perhaps that would explain the reason for it’s name), and every building in Regent Street in central London is owned by the Crown Estates. Officially, the Crown Estates are custodians, merely owning properties on behalf of the British people - but that, as far as I am concerned, is nothing but window dressing and political double-speak - as at no time in history has any of the Crown Estates been sold off in order to build hospitals or fund public services. On the rare occasions when there are sell-offs, they are usually Leasehold, and the properties eventually return back to the Crown.

From 1953 up until 1992, the monarchy paid not a single penny in tax. More than 2,400 tax rises took place in that period, with the cost of goods being ramped due to massive amounts of duty being levied on them.
In 1992, a paltry £1million was begrudgingly handed over in ‘tax’ - perhaps this is the reason why the queen described 1992 as her “Anus Horribilis”. In the same year, a mysterious fire at Windsor Castle resulted in taxpayers being told that they would have no less than £30 Million taken from their wage packets to pay for the damage! Ten years later, in 2002, the Queen apparently was not required to pay tax on the cash bequeathed in her mother’s will. The Queen Mother often gave the impression that she was ‘broke’. But she owned not one, but TWO castles! Allegedly, £140 million was placed in Swiss Trusts for the benefit of her grandchildren… If true, then this shows that the Queen Mum was one of the wealthiest people in the world. She was allegedly in debt due to horse racing gambling fetishes - if this is true, then surely a 100 year old woman would not have needed TWO castles and one of these giant estates could have been commercialised or sold off or rented out as a hotel to take the burden off her ‘debts’.

So, let us now take a closer look at these so called ‘Crown Estates’… What we have here is a portfolio of some of the world’s most famous landmarks and buildings worth a conservative £6 billion, with urban properties valued at £4.2 billion, and rural holdings valued at £919.5 million; and an annual profit of £226.5 million - that’s almost £1 million profit per day earned from rental and lease incomes. The majority of the estate’s income is derived from urban cities - most notably properties in central London. The Crown’s estate also owns 272,000 acres (110,000 hectares) of agricultural land and forest, and, wait for it, more than half of the UK’s foreshore - beaches, ports, promenades, piers etc. It also includes Ascot racecourse and the aforementioned Windsor Great Park… I think you’re beginning to get the ‘big picture’…
This cosy little arrangement, where vast amounts of tax free cash is paid directly into the bank accounts of Royals has continued, with every succeeding sovereign renewing the arrangement made between King George III and Parliament and is now recognised as “an integral part of the Constitution [which] would be difficult to abandon”. That is, of course, an odd term - as Britain does not have an official ‘Constitution’.

The Crown Estates has an interesting history, where various monarchs have played a kind of ‘soft shoe shuffle’ moving assets in and out of the Crown Estates portfolio as and when their heavy drinking/heavy gambling/heavy tipping (delete as appropriate) habits needed. Upon King George III’s accession of the throne he ‘surrendered’ the income from the Crown lands to Parliament in return for a fixed civil list. What this means is that to this day there very often is a minister inside the Cabinet Office who is described as ‘Minister Without Portfolio’ and it is this minister’s responsibility to manage the Crown Estates. Old King George surrendered to parliamentary control the hereditary excise duties, post office revenues, and “the small branches” of hereditary revenue including rents of the Crown lands in England, (which amounted at that time to about £11,000) and was granted a ‘civil list’ annuity of £800,000 for the support of his household and the expenses of civil government, subject to the payment of certain annuities to members of the royal family. So, in other words, he forewent the few tens of thousands of peasant rents the Crown Estates were levying, handed over control to a puppet minister, and in exchange picked up nearly a £1 million tax free sum every 12 months. However, although the king had retained large hereditary revenues, his income proved insufficient for his expensive life style! Why? Because he used to reward friends with bribes and lavish gifts! Debts amounting to over £3 million during the course of King George’s reign were paid by Parliament, and the civil list annuity was then increased from time to time - leading to the situation we have today, where vast mortgages and massive ‘salaries’ are now paid to more than two dozen Royals who have seldom had ‘normal’ jobs.

55% of Britain’s foreshore is owned and operated by the Crown Estates - permission has been granted time and time again for ugly and dangerous nuclear reactors which belch radioactive waste into the English channel, North Sea and Irish Sea.

Max Igan’s Trance-Formation (Full)

Full film available for download at:
from May 15th 2012

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves and the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem. - Howard Zinn

Universal Law trumps all others.

1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I am a party to, not giving full disclosure to me, whether signed by me or not, are void at my discretion.

2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.

3. There shall be no exceptions to Law 1 and 2.

Michael Tsarion - Origins of Evil (Full)

This is Michael Tsarion’s amazing video presentation The Origins of Evil (2005) where he dwelves deep into the history to discover where exactly has the manifestation of evil begun. In the next decade humankind is set to discover the truth about its origin and history. Central to this is the question of evil. How did this phenomenon come into being? What do ancient legends have to tell us about the present state of decay, and years leading up to the “zero-hour” of 2012? Presented at Conspiracy Con 2005. 110 min. long. A must see for everyone. This fascinating video discusses questions such as: Who were the Atlanteans? Where they tutors or tyrants? How did the phenomena of evil come into our world? Who, or what, are the “Fallen Angels?” Is Homo Sapiens a hybrid created by alien beings? Was the science of genetics known in ancient times? Are you Homo Sapiens or Homo Atlantis? What is the difference between Atlantis and Lemuria? Are we being told the truth about our origins and destiny? What do the Biblical terms “Immaculate Conception,” “Forbidden Fruit,” and “Tree of Life” refer to? Did the so-called “Ice-Age” ever happen? Did Eve really cause the fall of man? Why have women and indigenous races been slaughtered and suppressed through the centuries? Who built the great cyclopean megaliths, and why? Who really governs from behind the thrones of power? Are the US presidents blood-related to the ancient royal dynasties of Europe? Why has our technological expertise far outreached our psychological and spiritual development? What do atomic and nuclear war really mean? Who, or what, are the “Reptilians?” Is the New World Order really something new? What is the purpose of the many “black budget” projects? Why is the US really involved in wars and “crusades” in the Middle East? Is 2012 really the end of our world, as the Maya predicted? What are the solutions to the present world turmoil?

Videos Uploaded by youtube user akn0ledge

We take no credit for this content.

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Two Dead Bodies Found at Queen’s Estates

“Yet another DEAD BODY Ma’am!”

CHRIS EVERARD Reports on the growing Royal Body Count - two more bodies have been found on royal properties - a woman on the Sandringham estate, and a man found in a tree stump close to the gates of Buckingham Palace in London:

3rd January 2012:

Yet another dead body has been found on a Royal Estate. This time, a woman, found dead near the pony track which the Queen was photographed near yesterday. This is the second body to be found in recent years - virtually on the Queen’s doorstep. How many dead bodies have you ever found on YOUR doorstep? None, right? So this last couple of ‘royal corpses’ will take a lot of brooms to sweep under a very plush carpet…

Historical journals, confessions and letters of State all show us that the royals often conduct a killing spree eradicating ‘people who knew too much’. We see this in the annals of the British, Bavarian and Russian royal houses. Grand Duke Dimitri strangled Rasputin with his own hands - when push comes to shove, some royals don’t mind getting their hands dirty. The big question is this; is the Royal Killing Season still continuing in our day and age? Many bodies have been found on royal estates over the years, however, to date, not a single member of the royal family been questioned by the police. ‘The Palace’, you see, in matters such as this, perform an ‘internal enquiry’ before a policeman is ever allowed to enter a royal residence - even when investigating a murder charge.
So, do the Royals kill people? Oh yes. It is proven through documents and letters that many, many people have been murdered at the hands of the royals - or by ‘royal decree’. I have made a two hour documentary, called MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY’ which clearly lists all the Royal Murders. The latest BBC newsfeed says;

An investigation is under way after human remains were found in woodland on the Queen’s estate in Norfolk on New Year’s Day.

Detectives from Norfolk Constabulary were alerted to the discovery by a member of the public at Anmer, which lies on the Royal Family’s Sandringham Estate.

A police spokesman confirmed that the remains found were that of a single body. The area was sealed off and a detailed search is being carried out.

The force said: “Detectives from Norfolk Constabulary have launched an investigation following the discovery of human remains in an area of woodland at Anmer, near King’s Lynn. “The remains were found by a member of the public who reported the incident to police on Sunday January 1 shortly after 4pm.

Buckingham Palace said it had no comment to make as it is “a matter for Norfolk police”.

“MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY” is a two hour documentary charting the strangulations, torture, beatings, rapes, enforced imprisonment and child murders perpetrated by the royal families throughout history. CLICK HERE to read reviews of the DVD at the Enima Channel Cyberstore.

The general public in Britain all have grave doubts over the crash which killed Princess Diana in 1997. Since the year of Diana’s death, popularity of the royals has undergone an earthquake-magnitude crack. Mohammed AlFayed has described the crash which killed Princess Diana and his son, Dodi AlFayed, as “black and white murder” - an organised crash, in which several vehicles driven by Her Majesty’s Intelligence Officers took part in orchestrating the tragic events. Since Diana’s death, several years passed before someone from Buckingham Palace even bothered to visit Diana’s memorial. Her former husband, Prince Charles, who Princess Diana identified as being the killer - in a note she wrote to her lawyer, Lord Mischon, shortly before her death has not, as far as we know, paid his respects at Diana’s memorial so far. Four years after the tragic crash, Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer implied a grievance that Charles had failed to visit Princess Diana’s grave since her burial. He implied during a BBC interview that he believed the Prince had relegated his former wife to a ‘memory’ and wanted to draw a line under his marriage.

Criticism is NOT Tolerated…
Another recent case of a body being found on a royal property is Robert James Moore. Found dead just yards from the Queen’s front door. Mr Moore, allegedly sent hundreds of “strange and offensive” packages to the Queen over a period of 15 years, including, so Her Majesty’s Constabulary say, obscene photographs. Some of the “peculiar” letters ran to 600 pages, and he had also posted a copy of his passport and boxes falsely warning that they contained dangerous substances.

He had obviously been wronged in some way - and he set up a little crow’s nest watch in a tree close to the gates of Buckingham Palace.

His body was found there by a tree surgeon - and was already decomposing. That’s right - right at the gates of Buckingham Palace, in a tree stump, in a royal park, in the centre of London - the official story says that Mr Moore’s body was unnoticed by millions of tourists for three years.
Many have rumoured that Mr Moore was killed - and the official story is that his body - found in a tree stump virtually at the gates of Buckingham Palace - is a ‘placement’ killing - where the actual crime took place elsewhere, or at the same place, but was then stored and replaced at the original crime scene by the murderer.

It seems obvious that Mr Moore was murdered - and was possibly the latest in a very long line of people murdered because they know ‘Royal Secrets’ and intended to get ‘even’.

History tells us that the act of killing - for the royals - comes with the waive of the hand, a deep stare, a telephone call - it’s all done in great hush hush whispers - by distant decree. But what would a royal killer do with the bodies? Simple, you just ‘leave them’ - after all, the royals own huge swathes of wild woodland everywhere - not difficult to stash a victim’s body and then let nature take it’s course.

Mr Moore’s body, is supposedly being investigated by Det Sgt Mike West, from Marylebone police station. We wish the Detective luck.

“MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY” features interviews with DAVID ICKE and the author of Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence, Mr Jon King.


Spirit World Vol.3 - Real Ghosts, Real Angels, Real Demons - New Documentary Film by Chris Everard

By Chris Everard on December 29, 2011

Official Release Date: 12-02-2012

In this new 2 hour documentary film, CHRIS EVERARD travels to EGYPT and investigates the MAGICAL RITUALS and TELEPATHIC TECHNIQUES of the ancient world. He shows us stone carvings which resemble ‘blueprints’ or ‘circuit diagrams’ of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY. Chris Everard then presents official documents from the Pentagon Archives which prove that the U.S. Air Force have trained an entire army of PSYCHIC WARRIORS at AREA 51. Top Nuclear Physicists, such as Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking have proposed that there are several parallel universes - and that a ‘wormhole’ can be created by bending and manipulating gravity. Official U.S. Air Force documents prove that a ‘STAR GATE’ has been developed using a team of Psychics.

What is really happening at AREA 51? Find out by watching CHRIS EVERARD’s latest documentary -

These psychics ‘bend’ gravity waves with their mind and can ‘see’ the spiritworld using telepathy. Chris Everard presents footage of giant WORMHOLES in the sky above military bases and shows us the documents which prove that there is now some kind of STARGATE connecting planet earth with other universes and also with the SPIRITWORLD. For the first time on film, we see official documents, photos and film footage of the most important psychic experiments in the history of mankind. Chris presents some of the film from inside the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid - and investigates Quantum Physics, Telepathy, Angels, Spirits and Demons - this documentary is packed with rare footage of psychics in China, Russia, Australia and the USA.

This film includes 3-dimensional computer animation of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY which was used by the Ancient Pharaohs - and how this technology was used by leading scientists such as Sir William Crookes and the inventor of television, Mr John Logie Baird. TRUTH really is stranger than FICTION! Without the general public knowing anything about it - the Pentagon, Chinese and Russians have opened Wormholes which allow extra-terrestrials, ghosts, angels and demons to enter our universe! Pre-Order using either Paypal or Amazon - official Release Date is 2nd February 2012 -

All orders will be packed and shipped after the official release date - however - if you do pre-order today, I will send you a free eBook about the ancient technology of the Illuminati - investigating electrostatic generators, the Ark of the Covenant, Nikola Tesla and the mysterious devices carved into the walls of the Temple of Hathor in Egypt.

You can order using either PAYPAL or AMAZON.

Thank you to everyone for being so enthusiastic about my books and films - I really appreciate all my friends and buddies and all my readers and the viewers of the Enigma Channel who made this film possible.

As soon as you order my new film, I will send you a free eBook to your AMAZON or PAYPAL email address - My eBook is delvered directly to you as a PDF and can be read on iPads, iPhones and iPods using ‘jailbreak’ - please order my film today and get a free copy of my eBook about Ancient Technology of the Illuminati:

Get this free fully illustrated eBook when you order Chris Everard’s latest film SPIRITWORLD Vol.3 - you can pay with either AMAZON or PAYPAL at


…about Britain’s Satanic Prime Minister

By Chris Everard on August 1, 2011

The Witch Garter is worn in various rituals for it’s magical properties and they are also used as badges of rank amongst Witch Covens. The use of garters can be traced back to Paleolithic times - so no wonder, then, that the highest honour bestowed by the British monarchy on a person is an invitation to join the ORDER OF THE (WITCH) GARTER which has an annual parade outside St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in England every year. The exterior roof of the chapel is festooned with sculptures of ‘Yales’ which are unicorn-type mythological demonic creatures whose bodies are covered in circular markings. Inside the chapel, hundreds of heraldic flags hang from the ceiling - many of which have stylized versions of the Demons described in the GOETIA Book of Howling… It is under these banners that a secret honour has been conferred on many members of the royal family and several Prime Ministers - including WINSTON CHURCHILL

The film series which fans of INFO-WARS are never told about - as if it doesn’t exist! CLICK HERE to learn more

The different colours of the Witch Garter carry a special meaning. Green is the colour of fairies & elves (these are spiritual entities of both angelic, neutral and diabolic personalities - and are called Devas in Eastern mysticism), red is protection against bewitchment and silver is associated with the Moon. The royal witch garter is made from green snakeskin with a silver S-shaped buckle and tailored with a lining of purple velvet. In modern witchcraft, the witch garter is considered the ancient emblem of the High Priestess. In some traditions a high priestess who becomes Queen Witchover more than one coven adds a silver buckle to her garter for each coven under her. It is also used in the use of “lithomancy”, a type of divination where 13 stones are cast inside a witch garter placed inside a magic circle on an altar.

There are distinct similarities between secret masonic societies, witch covens and druids - in short, they are all attempting the same thing; that is, the summoning of spiritual entities through the use of rituals within a Magick Circle - and in most cases the advanced POSSESSION of a member, so that questions and answers can be transcribed from the physical to the spirit world and vice versa. The Appletree Tavern in Covent Garden, London was the scene of the landmark meeting in 1717 at which Freemasons decided to organise a Grand Lodge to coordinate Freemasonry across the British capital and later throughout England. The United Grand Lodge (UGLE) has since become the largest international ‘controlling’ body within world international Freemasonry. However, little does anyone know - unless they have watched my motion picture documentaries on the subject - that in that very same public house, in the same year, the inaugural assembly of the Universal Druid Bond was held, signifying what could be called the institutionalization of the Druid revival which had begun with the work of John Auberey. Mr Auberey was a historian and one of the first people to map and fully document the landscape surrounding Stonehenge - it was he who named the famous Auberey ‘Holes’ and postulated that Stonehenge was constructed by and for druids. Of course, like most Freemasons and Witches, he was actually hijacking a much older, previous magickal tradition/temple/site - for Stonehenge is far older than even the 4,200 years it has been credited with - and that predates even the earliest records of British druids (but not witches).

The “V for Victory” sign has mysteriously been adopted by ALEX JONES and the InfoWARS ‘truthers’ who (obviously) have never been told that this is an inverted occult symbol for the BAPHOMET horned god! Oh dear.

The first Chosen Chief of the Universal Druid Bond was John Toland, a member of a Masonic organisation called the Knights Of Jubilation. Toland was chief from 1717 to 1722 when he was succeeded by William Stuckley (1722 - 1765). Stuckley was also a prominent Freemason. In 1726, Toland wrote The History of the Druids and it was at this point in the history of the Illuminati aristocratic-royal witch covens that Freemasonry and Druidry fused in newly created coven-lodges in the USA. In the United States in the eighteenth century, one Masonic Lodge at Newburgh, New York transformed itself into The Druid Society using the former Masonic lodge for its meetings and adopting much Masonic ceremony too - oh yes, amongst the sky scrapers and the modernist apartments of Manhattan, witches stalk the streets - and it was this order which was used as the model for the Mercato Coven in ROMAN POLANSKI‘s film Rosemary’s Baby.

Hey - I, mean - really - has DAVID ICKE or ALEX JONES ever told you about this film? They’re in it. Strange they don’t mention it? Oh well, here’s the link to learn more CLICK HERE

It was also during this era that the promiscuous male bi-sexual elite of San Francisco established the BOHEMIAN CLUB - one of it’s most famous members was JACK LONDON who attested to eating human flesh. Of course, Freemasonry had already entered American history by the time that Bohemian Club members started their kabbalistic disneyland camp-outs at Bohemian Grove - many innocent Africans had been kidnapped and shipped to work as slaves and were tortured and killed by gangs of KU KLUX KLANSMEN who wore the same costumes as the Vatican inquisition and were sworn Luciferian-Freemasons, under the command of arch arsehole and bigot General Albert Pike.

Now, returning back to Britain, it is a relatively little know fact that one of Britain’s most famous politicians, Winston Churchill, was a Druid, a freemason, and a witch! Churchill was born in 1874 and his father, Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, was a senior Freemason in Britain and Ireland. The Spencer-Churchill family were fiercely loyal to the German royals who populated the British throne - and, indeed, all the thrones of Europe. It was Winston Churchill’s father who led the gang of aristocratic murderers, who slayed prostitutes in the east end of London - these murders were the infamous JACK THE RIPPER crimes - and I was the first person in the world to expose the true identity of JACK THE RIPPER in my motion picture documentary MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY


Winston Churchill was initiated into the masonic Entered Apprentice degree in 1901 at the Studholme Masonic Lodge (no. 1591) in London. This is the same lodge that ALEISTER CROWLEY claimed to be a member of. Churchill subsequently advanced through the Fellow Craft degree and was raised to a Master Mason in March 1902 in Rosemary Lodge (no. 2851).

Winston Churchill was also initiated into a Masonic-Druid order. A photograph in Stuart Piggot’s book The Druids shows a young Churchill flanked by a number of men, some wearing druid robes and others in ordinary suits. According to the inscription this photograph shows Churchill’s initiation into the Albion Lodge of the Ancient Order of Druids in August 1908 at Blenheim Palace, his family home. Churchill was also initiated into the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids.

The Ancient Order of Druids (also known as the Druid Order) was founded in 1781 by Henry Hurle. The Ancient Order of Druids embraced Masonic-like rituals which re-enacted the mock death/murder of someone and required each initiate to be ‘re-birthed’ with the ‘new’ person being ‘re-born’ into the druid-mason-witch coven.

In the year 1833, a schism over the ‘orientation’ of the druid-lodge-coven teachings broke out - reading between the lines of passed correspondence, it is obvious that LUCIFER and allegiance to Lucifer was at the heart of the argument. The majority of members sought to take the order in the direction of a fraternal brotherhood and adopted the name United Ancient Order of Druids. The minority retained the original name and continued mixing their brotherhood with Lucifer-inspired mysticism. Both sides in the dispute retained a strong Masonic element to their rituals and the Ancient Order of Druids in particular had a considerable overlapping membership with British and Continental Freemasonry.

Therefore, the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids was founded in 1874 by a man called Wentworth Little. Mr. Little, like nearly all his fellow Druid-Witch buddies, was a Freemason and his secret society of upper class, high society druids was an exclusively Masonic society. All of its members had to have reached the degree of Master Mason (3rd degree rite) before joining. The purpose of the Ancient and Archaeological Order was to study the connections between Freemasonry and the druid tradition. One can ascertain from their studies that Druidism was interchangeable with Witchery - and it was the High Priest and High Priestess European covens of Witches that absorbed most of their studies. The summoning of the goat-Pan deity to orgiastic naked prancing parties in the grounds of their stately homes seems to have been the central preoccupation.

In 1866, Mr. Little founded the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRiA), a secret society not dissimilar to the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids - this fused the German idea of Alchemy with the summoning of Pan. SRiA members were also required to be Master Masons first and just as Little’s druid order studied Freemasonry and druidry so the S.R.i.A. also concerned itself with research - based around the alchemical ‘manifestos’ which were published near the home town of the present Duke of Edinburgh’s cousins.

It was three members of the S.R.i.A. - Mr. William Wynn Westcott, Samuel Liddle McGregor Mathers and Dr. W. Woodman who founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an order which has gained a notorious reputation largely by introducing Aleister Crowley to the occult teachings that were popular amongst aristocratic and royal witch covens in Germany. his, as they say, is just the tip of the iceberg - rather than being meaningless ancient history and badly researched drivel - this kind of information helps to orientate people living in today’s world and see before their very eyes that ROYAL WITCHES do actually exist - and that they have the richest and most valuable portfolio of shares and stocks in the world - and, therefore, are very much in control of our jobs, our incomes, our destinies and lives. Please subscribe to FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE and support my research - your help is most valued indeed - thankyou for visiting my blog - oh, and by the way, if you bump into ALEX JONES, it might be an idea to tell him that his ”V For Victory” poster is taken straight out the annals of the occult! Or should that be the ‘anus’ of the occult?


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