January 20, 2013

How To Adopt A Can-Do Attitude

Some time ago I was on my way to Salt Lake City. While thumbing through the in-flight magazine I saw an ad for the Special Olympics. In the middle of the page was the picture of an athlete going over the bar in the high jump. Above the photo the caption read:

“There were a few basic steps I had to take to learn the high jump… like believing I could. IT’S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE.”

When I read it, I smiled to myself because I knew how true the statement was. Attitude is, beyond question, an integral part of any success journey.

The successful ones have a “can-do attitude.” They do whatever it takes to win (providing it is moral, legal and ethical). One of the things I enjoy most about the Olympics is to hear all the human-interest stories of athletes from all over the world. The tremendous obstacles that many of them had to overcome in their personal lives is admirable by any standard. But to do that and get to the Olympic Games is, in many cases, nothing short of miraculous. Along the way they adopted an attitude of “how I can” instead of “why I can’t,” and they were able to handsomely reap the rewards of that attitude. As the ad said, “It’s all about attitude.” The current that determines your dreams and shapes your life flows from the attitude you nurture every day.

As you go through life, you are going to encounter all kinds of obstacles—dozens of reasons why the goal you are pursuing could never be achieved or should not be pursued. Many of these will present themselves as concrete facts.

Let me share some facts with you:

Jamaica, being only 18 degrees North of the Equator, is always hot. That means the only place we ever see ice is in the tall glasses of lemonade we drink to keep ourselves cool. In the 1988 Winter Olympics, during the week of the four-man bobsled event, all the major teams were adding the finishing touches to their preparations and completing final selection of the two teams that would race on the weekend, and we were still trying to figure out who would ride in the second, third, and fourth spots on the sled. We already knew who the driver was. These facts would suggest that there was a greater opportunity for Jamaica to have a White Christmas than for its bobsled team to have any success at the Winter Olympics. However, by the end of the week, we had the seventh fastest start time. In 1994, our time finished in 14th place, ahead of the US in 15th, and was ranked the 8th nation overall. In the Salt Lake Games we set a new start record in the two-man event. The facts may be daunting but as that great Jamaican philosopher, Bob Marley, said “it’s a small axe that takes down a big tree.” When you focus on the solutions with a positive mental attitude, you end up with an opportunity to create a new set of facts that are far more powerful and dynamic.

It is very easy to believe that your attitude is affected by what others say or do, or even by what is happening around you. The truth is, it is what you say to yourself that has the greatest impact on how you approach the challenges in your life. Back in 1988, when many were calling us a media stunt we were calling ourselves the “Ragamuffins”. When asked what it meant we were always happy to divulge that it denoted a “can-do attitude” because we knew that we were also reaffirming that attitude to ourselves.

Consider the following words from Chuck Swindoll:

“Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one thing we have—and that is our attitude. Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

Keep On Pushing!

As an original member of the 1988 Jamaican bobsled team and captain of the 1992 and 1998 teams, 3-time Olympian, Devon Harris achieved his grand dream—his current dream is to inspire others to achieve theirs. Tapping the same energy, determination, and skills that enabled him to bobsled with the best in the world, Devon, as a motivational speaker, is now sparking audiences of all ages to dream big and take their “game” to the next level.


Source: https://www.positivelypositive.com/2011/12/10/how-to-adopt-a-can-do-attitude-blog/


Ancient Land India

This is a program done in London to reveal the spiritual gifts India has got for thr rest of the world. Special speakers are Sis. Jayanthi, European and Middle East region Brahma Kumaris co-ordinator and Mr. Rajmohan Gandhi.


‘Occupy Together’: The Movement Grows to Stop Bankers’ World War III

Over the past two weeks the ravaged North African nation of Libya and the burgeoning ‘Occupy …’ movement have been much in the news through both billions-dollar Corporate Stream Media (CSM) and through genuinely alternative Internet channels.

A revealing number of factors connect the now war-torn Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (“State of the Masses”) and its ‘Green Revolution’, both nurtured by the Jamahiriya’s unofficial leader Muammar Qadddafi, with principles and aspirations expressed by many in the ‘Occupy …’ movement.

Before its devastation under bombing by the North American Treaty Organization (NATO), Libya had many of the social programs and remedies that many in the ‘Occupy’ movements call for.

That is, Libya’s Jamahiriya was pretty much the real deal as a counter and threat to the greed and ‘GLOBAL’ agenda (please see the ‘Robin Hood Tax’ below) of the thieving, totalitarian financiers whom the ‘Occupy’ movement opposes. How the Jamahiriya was treated by those financiers’ war-machine and their Corporate Stream Media, fed by organizations such as CANVAS (again please see below) should be a lesson to us all.

Libya Rally

Let’s first look at what’s been done in Libya this year and over the four preceding decades. On October 31, 2011, NATO ostensibly ended its campaign of aerial and ground attacks in Libya, 11 days after the murder of the Jamahiriya’s unofficial leader, Muammar Qaddafi.

NATO’s overt campaign began more than seven months ago, March 19, with the launch of 110 United States’ Tomahawk missiles against military and civilian targets in the nation of about 6.7 million. According to Libya’s new, NATO-backed, ostensible Government, the National Transitional Council (NTC), by mid-September the war against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had caused more than 30,000 civilian deaths; other estimates double this number of civilians killed. (1) NATO’s own count of its aerial bombing is more than 26,000 sorties (a sortie is each aircraft in a mission) and more than ’9600 strike missions’, each mission delivering ‘an average of four bombs per attack’. Effects on Libyan civilians can be seen in several videos online, as they lament the NATO bombings and delebrate and their Jamahiriya government.

NATO’s bombing reached Libya’s “great man-made river”, ‘the world’s largest irrigation project’, in July. Its devastation of both Libya’s standard of living (the highest in North Africa) and of Libya’s direct democracy through the Jamahiriya’s 34-years-standing ‘Basic People’s Congresses’ intensified with British and Qatari soldiers’ and NTC forces’ attack of Tripoli in late August.

For a summary of Libya before NATO’s devastations, you can check out one of many pro-Jamahiriya videos on YouTube, ‘Shocking Truth About Gaddafi–what you don’t know’, 7:24 in length. It gives an overview of ‘Green Revolution’ accomplishments since 1969. It’s at https://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=aXQxTv3nB14

In relation to ‘Occupy Wall Street’, we should bear in mind that the entirety of NATO’s overt campaign in Libya, as demanded by President Barack Obama of the United States, President Nikolas Sarkozy of France, and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, gained credibility through lies put forth in February 2011 onFacebook and Twitter accounts ostensibly belonging to activists guided by a group based in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia, CANVAS, a group preceded by its members’ earlier, more well-known Otpor, and that Otpor/CANVAS methods of protest and clenched-fist logos figure prominently in the ‘Occupy …’ movement.

Another excellent video, ‘US Orchestrates Regime Change in Libya Using Social Media’, shows how this Big Lie through ‘social media’ plays.

The most famous killing in the Libyan war is that of Muammar Qaddafi, author of the ‘Green Book’ of the Jamahiriya and founder of Libya’s ‘Green Revolution.’ Scores of Internet postings repeat footage of the 69-year-old, reeling and unarmed, as he’s beaten, reviled and perhaps sodomized by NTC fighters on October 20. The mob’s ‘capture’ of Qaddafi came after his convoy was attacked by a French fighter-jet and U.S. drone, as an excellent summary by Martin Iqbal of NATO involvement in the invasion of Libya relates. It’s available on the website theempirestrikesblack.com.

A further horror followed the mob’s beating of Muammar Qaddafi. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton learned of the leader’s death during her stop in Afghanistan, two days after she’d visited Libya. Sitting before a Cable News Network (CNN) interviewer, the Secretary of State said, “We came, we saw, he died“, laughed, and clapped her hands.

The two Two Comments (most approved by viewers’ votes) on this Youtube clip of Hillary Clinton’s hand-clapping response, seen by 196,100 viewers as of October 31, 2011, are ‘A Demon’ and ‘wow, she truly is a disgusting pig.’ (13) Another video of the Secretary of State’s response, from the channel PlanetEarthAwakens01, features these two comments: ‘evil at the helm of the country. I understand why Americans are on strike’ and ‘Power to the people!! I am 99%’ (14)

Hidden Connections

What do horrors of and from NATO’s attack on Libya have to do with the burgeoning, wonderfully rebellious, creative and staunch movement that began with the encampment of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ in Lower Manhattan on September 17? What does Libya’s Jamahiriya, that ‘State of the Masses’ and its ‘Green Revolution’. have to do with the ‘Occupy …’ movement?

Let’s try a quick overview of ‘Occupy …’ The movement that’s become ‘Occupy Together’ and ‘Occupy Everything’ now has more than 1000 offshoots across the modern, industrial world. It represents a decades-overdue protest by working-class and middle-class people, the ’99%’, against their exploitation, marginalization and impoverishment under a broken-down system of financial and technological tyranny that enriches a relative few, the “1%’, as its debt-swelling, Bank-feeding national Governments rob hundreds of millions across the Western world of homes, jobs, education, health-care, and dignity. Individuals’ statements from their struggling in the United States are eloquent.(15)

On March 12, 2011, a collaboration between David DeGraw’s ampedstatus.org and a sub-group of Anonymous “hactivists” ‘announced their first operation’ by posting a video on Youtube. The announcement began: ‘We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.’ It continued: ‘Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements and World Bank…. Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience. ‘ (16)

To me, participants in the ‘Occupy …’ movement compose the brightest hope that’s arisen in the Western world since 1967. Their courage and fellow-feeling, their principles of a voice for all through their Popular General Assemblies, their industry and organization, and their refusal to buckle under repression from Police and other forces, invalidate memes spread by billions-dollar Corporate Stream Media (CSM) over the past 30 years.

Young people in the West are NOT apathetic. Working-class people are NOT beaten down. Masses of us SEE and RESIST our plight under a Ruling Few. Resistance is essential and we can become our own government. (17)

The courage, compassion and resourcefulness of participants in the ‘Occupy …’ camps remind me of what natives and more than a million volunteers to post-flood New Orleans since September 2005 have accomplished in this city.

Everyday people, the ’99%’, can, if given tools of the 21st century, act far more effectively and sensitively to solve problems in their local environments than can centralized Governments that are bought and bent, one way or another, toward serving supranational Corporations’ global interests. Direct democracy is especially preferable to Government under unaccountable private Central Banks such as the United States’ Federal Reserve System (18)

A similar understanding animated Muammar Qaddafi when the ‘Basic People’s Congresses’ formed for direct democracy through local councils during 1977 in Libya’s ‘Green Revolution.’ Such understanding was moving Muammar Qaddafi toward even more radical surrender of State power and sharing of wealth in the years just before NATO’s invasion of Libya.

According to the United States’ Congressional Research Service on February 18, 2011: ‘In March 2008, [Colonel Qaddafi] announced his intention to dissolve most government administrative bodies and institute a Wealth Distribution Program whereby state oil revenues would be distributed to citizens on a monthly basis for them to administer personally, in cooperation, and via local committees.’ (19) (20)

Other aspects of the ‘Occupy …’ movement are less promising than the courage, insight and creativity shown by majorities of people in their camps.

Origins and graphics of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ link to a well-funded group of self-described “revolutionaries” who are based in Belgrade, belonging first to Otpor(Resistance) and then to CANVAS (the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies. For 12 years Otpor and then CANVAS has served interests of the supranational financial tyranny that early statements of ‘OWS’ determinedly oppose.

Otpor began in Serbia in 1999 as students grouping against the regime and re-election of Slobodan Milosevic. According to the New York Times, Otporreceived training from retired U.S. Army Colonel Robert Helvey and substantial funding from the more than $30 million thrown against Milosevic by the United States Agency for International Aid (USAID) and the U.S-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Freedom House, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the International Republican Institute. Otpor also learned methodology from books written by Gene Sharp, a Harvard professor who founded the Albert Einstein Institution that retired Colonel Helvey later served as President. (21) Financier George Soros funded the publication and distribution of Sharp’s From Dictatorship to Democracy in 1993, as noted in the 27-minue documentary “The Revolution Business” by Journeyman Pictures (22).

NATO’s campaign against post-Yugoslavia Serbia in the latter 1990s was also called by it and the United Nations ‘humanitarian intervention.’ Its bombing during these years also struck non-military targets, including the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, and killed thousands of civilians. (23)

The former Yugoslavia has another parallel with NATO-ravaged Libya. In 1990 the Yugoslavia of which Serbia was then part controlled its finances through a State-owned Central Bank. It was one of eight nations on Earth with State-owned Central Banks. Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, and the Sudan were the other seven nations and all eight nations were on the United States Clinton Administration’s list of ‘Rogue States.’ Four have since been invaded by Anglo-American forces (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia) and the remaining four are threatened with such attack (Cuba, Iran, Syria, the Sudan). (24)

A brief but far-ranging article by Ellen Brown from last April, published ontruthout.org, asks ‘Libya: All About Oil, or All About Banking?” It notes that Libya’s ‘rebel’ National Transitional Council declared its own private Central Bank, allowing seizure of Libyan resources and savings, after less than one month of inconclusive fighting on the ground. The article is at https://truth-out.org/libya-all-about-oil-or-all-about-banking/1302678000.

Otpor’s reach became international and in 2003 it grew into CANVAS, the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions And Strategies. It received more funding from the International Republican Institute, Freedom House, the NED, and George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Its leaders guided activists in regions of the former Soviet Union–Georgia s ‘Rose Revolution’ of 2003 and Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution’ of 2004. A thorough study of Otpor/CANVAS work in the former Soviet Union, written by Jonathan Mowat in 2005,refers in its title to covert dynamics that he sees: ‘Coup d’état in Disguise: Washington’s New World Order “Democratization” Template’. (25)

Contrary of CANVAS slogans, the ‘Color ‘Revolutions’ in Georgia and Ukraine did NOT result in anything like more power to their places’ people. They resulted in Governments as corrupt as their predecessors. They also resulted in much less local and national control of resources and infrastructure under ‘Shock’ programs stipulated by the International Monetary Fund for loans. In 2011 Ukraine asked the International Monetary Fund to let it ‘delay raising household gas prices’, a price-increase that was part of IMF conditions for a $15.15 billion loan, while Georgia was asking the IMF for another loan

Said ‘Shock’ programs to poor and struggling societies were initially authored by a Harvard-educated economist, Jeffrey Sachs. Jeffrey Sachs continues to fill many roles. The 56-year-old is now Professor in two Schools at Columbia University, Director of the Earth Institute, Special Adviser to United Nations Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, a Commissioner of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, and a partner with George Soros in Millennium Villages and in the Institute for New Economic Thinking (26)

Jeffrey Sachs twice addressed ‘Occupy Wall Street’ in October 2011, soon after release of his latest book, The Price of Civilization, offering praise and advice. He implausibly included himself among the working-class and needy by repeating “We are the the 99%.” (27)

On October 24, 2011 Canadian publication Adbusters, a publicizing sponsor of ’Occupy Wall Street’ since last Summer, urged ‘OWS’ and the ‘Occupy’ movement as a whole to endorse a ‘Robin Hood Tax’ of 0.05% on strictly speculative financial transactions and to do so by time of the G20 meeting of 20 major industrial nations this coming weekend.

The ‘Robin Hood Tax’ is as yet a vague though slickly packaged creation. Its British website declares it ‘A tax on Banks that would give billions to tackle poverty and climate change, here and abroad.’ Another statement on this site says: ‘Turning A GLOBAL CRISIS into A GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY’. Among the Robin Hood Tax’s existing endorsers are President Nikolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Adair Turner (Chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority and the International Committee on Climate Change), Paul Krugman of the Nobel Prize and New York Times, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Sachs, George Soros, and (yet another multi-billionaire beneficiary of partnerships with the Rockefeller and Rothschild families) Warren Buffet.

The Robin Hood Tax has a projected ‘GLOBAL’ yield of $1.3 trillion. Non-endorsers of it ask: to what and whom will it ‘give billions’? The World Bank is one supposed administrator. Given its endorsers and its ‘GLOBAL’ framing, isn’t this ‘Robin Hood Tax’ most likely to be one more dodge and snare toward gulling and fleecing masses, small businesses and working-class people, through a tax that goes somewhere far away from local administration and needs? (28)

Adbusters was a secondary initiator of ‘Occupy Wall Street’, according to earlier ‘OWS’ organizer David DeGraw of ampedstatus.org. (29) Adbusters is a relatively small recipient and funder within a supranational chain of obliging donations between very wealthy Foundations. Between 1996-2003 the Canada-basedAdbusters received $334,217 from the U.S.-based Tides Foundation (30). On its side, up the chain of tax-evading exchange, the Tides Foundation, a far more endowed non-profit, received $23.988,039 from George Soros’ Open Society Institute alone between 1997-2005. At the end of 2003 the net worth of the 501c3Tides Foundation was $145,439,750. (31)

Let’s return to the “revolutionaries” from Belgrade. After Georgia and Ukraine, the clenched-fist logo of Otpor/CANVAS showed up in CANVAS-advised opposition to the democratically elected Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez displayed in a 2007 TV broadcast. (32)

Otpor/CANVAS went on to guide activists in Tunisia’s ‘Jasmine Revolution’ and Egypt’s ‘Lotus Revolution’ of late 2010 and early 2011 (33).

Where do these ‘Color Revolutions’ of the MENA (MIddle East North Africa) region stand now? Their currently dominant results In Egypt and Tunisia are not promising for direct democracy or freedom or prosperity for their places’ people.

Martial law continues in Egypt under the NATO-approved successor to Hosni Mobarak, 76-year-old Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi. ‘Egypt’s Military Expands Power, Raises Alarms’, says the New York Times on October 14, 2011. (34) Tunisia’s elections of October 2011 produced decisive victory for the Islamist party led by Rachid al-Ghahannuchi, who has previous declared a fatwa that all Muslims should summarily kill all Israelis in Israel. ( (35)

In short, Egypt and Tunisia now appear more inclined to instability and civil and external warfare than they were one year ago. Thus their statuses more serve the interests of the supranational Banks that finance warfare and that seek more of global control for their super-exploitative but irremediably debt-ridden system. These Banks and their partners in nations’ private Central Banks and their overseeing Bank of International Settlements seek cover from their manifold failings through ‘GLOBAL’ measures such as the Robin Hood Tax. They’re absolutely inimical to people’s general well-being everywhere.

Occupy Melbourne

Returning once more to our Belgrade-based “revolutionaries”, Otpor/CANVASalso trained activists in the anti-Qaddafi Libyan Youth Movement as to uses of ‘social media’. (36)

As observed above, lies broadcast through impossibly located and obviously falseFacebook and Twitter accounts claim to report Government massacres in Benghazi and Tripoli that never happened. These non-existent “crimes against humanity” by “the dictator Qaddafi” then became a much-amplified Big Lie through the services of CNN, al Jazeera, Fox News, et cetera of the Corporate Stream Media. Thus the Jamahiriya ‘State of the Masses’ and its assets (oil, gold, water, a State-owned Central Bank) were set up for United Nations’ ‘humanitarian intervention’ and NATO strikes. (37)

The Example of Libya’s ‘Green Revolution’

Here are factors that connect aspirations of many in the ‘Occupy …’ movement with accomplishments of Libya’s Jamahiriya.

Libya’s ‘Green Revolution’ began with Muammar Qaddafi’s seizing power with a coup against King Idris in 1969. According to Michel Chossudovsky, the reliable editor of globalresearch.ca, in his article of September 21, 2011, ‘Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What Has Been Destroyed’, by 2010 Libya had the following benefits and standards.

•Free education from kindergarten-age through University for all of its citizens

•Free health-care for all its citizens

•National literacy of above 89% and rising–99.9% among youth

•A teacher to student ratio of one to seventeen in primary Schools

•Nutrition per individual of more than 3000 calories per day. (38)

Libya’s Jamahiriya also provided:

•Free farmland. equipment and seeds to any citizen committed to farming the apportioned land

•$50,000 toward housing for any newly married couple

•Free electricity

•Free water (much of it through the ‘World’s Largest Man-made River’)

•Guaranteed employment and housing (no urban homelessness

•Women with the right to drive a car and divorce a husband and receive connubial property after divorce.

Libyans in the Jamahiriya ‘State of the Masses’) also enjoyed:

•34 years of direct democracy through ‘Basic People’s Congresses’ of local popular councils

•The prospect of even more radical (“to the roots”) democracy through a proposal by tribesman Muammar Qaddafi in 2008 that would further reduce centralized Government control and more empower its people through direct deposit of oil revenues. Qaddafi’s proposal was described thus by United States’Congressional Research Service on February 18, 2011: ‘In March 2008, [Colonel Qaddafi] announced his intention to dissolve most government administrative bodies and institute a Wealth Distribution Program whereby state oil revenues would be distributed to citizens on a monthly basis for them to administer personally, in cooperation, and via local committees. Citing popular criticism of government performance in a long, wide ranging speech, [he] repeatedly stated that the traditional state would soon be “dead” in Libya and that direct rule by citizens would be accomplished through the distribution of oil revenues. (39)

Perhaps most important as regards Libyan people’s well-being and their freedom from debt, Libya had:

•A Central Bank that was 100% owned and controlled by its Jamahiriya government and that observed State and Islamic law by offering interest-free loans to its people

•144 tons of gold.



Bahrain: Shouting In The Dark

The story of the Arab revolution that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West and forgotten by the world

Bahrain: An island kingdom in the Arabian Gulf where the Shia Muslim majority are ruled by a family from the Sunni minority. Where people fighting for democratic rights broke the barriers of fear, only to find themselves alone and crushed.

This is their story and Al Jazeera is their witness - the only TV journalists who remained to follow their journey of hope to the carnage that followed.

This is the Arab revolution that was abandoned by the Arabs, forsaken by the West and forgotten by the world.

Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/2011/08/201184144547798162.html


Why Are So Many People Gathering to Hear David Icke?

What can you expect to hear if you listen to David Icke? Everything!He also empowers and motivates us to reclaim our personal freedom. You can be fearless in the midst of a seemingly cruel and crazy world. There is a method to the madness for all that’s irrational today, although it comes from an artificial reality, keeping us from our own natural consciousness.

It takes an amazing brilliancy and energy to take everyone through a personal prison break, speaking a mile a minute for nearly 11 hours straight! That’s what he did recently in Cleveland, Ohio and a few days ago in New York, connecting dots and pinpointing the sources for today’s confusion.

Asleep, we meander in a routinized, hazy, yet invisible prison. A world where we are made to feel shame even for every breath, as though we are so small and unworthy that we should receive punishment for filling the atmosphere with our sighs. We might feel confused, fearful, depressed, trapped, exhausted, deflated until it seems like our existence is squeezed into the size of a postage stamp.

But why should that be so! One of his book titles makes for a better description: Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Only Illusion. Always researching, he covers much: metaphysics, technology, co-opted revolutions, top-level power and world banks, fluoride, modern medicine, food politics, vibrational and electromagnetic frequencies, radiation, the left-brain 5-sense prison, the rise of child abuse, Zionism (more than meets the eye), world economy and debt, smart meters, narcissistic cops – trained to lack empathy, greater social consciousness, and tapping into our awareness.

How we receive and perceive information is akin to code and decoding. “We’ve been hacked into,” Icke demonstrated. Elitists, higher-ups, whatever general term for those who ruthlessly seek control at the top, use technology to manipulate that coding, giving us their manufactured reality and frenzied, lower brain mindset. For more specifics, check out the sources for his new work, below.

Do you ever feel that most of the world submits to left-brain and sensory modes? School, work, politics? That mode explains the box-routine cycle of work; eat a sandwich, feel no purpose, repeat.

And the limitation of “If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist!” Our intellect and senses are great, but are such a tiny drop in the sea of consciousness that we truly are. And a stirring consciousness scares those in power. We are compelled to view the world through a very small lens, blocked from bridging the right and left brain.

There is a lower, reptilian-like part of the brain. It even resembles a snake. It scans and reacts automatically. It’s the fight or flight response. This reaction is fine when someone walks in front of our moving car, Icke says, but to live like this all the time would be seriously damaging and repressive. Oh no! What am I going to do about rent, my job, my relationship, food…?

It’s reacting all the time from the fear of not surviving. How is that state-of-mind exploited when we tune in to the matrix? We are met with a barrage of manufactured terrorism, global warming (climate change), destroyed economies, the newest flu, disasters — total mayhem! Reaction, reaction, reaction. And more restriction from Problem-Reaction-Solution (which usually includes force, acquiescence to authority, and loss of freedom). People feed into this insatiable energy monster and it becomes harder to look at the bigger picture, make connections, and tap into our consciousness (right brain).

It’s also not coincidental that many of the things we oppose also directly destroy our DNA. Fluoride, GMOs, food additives, chemical jet trails, medicine and drugs, and weakness from many sources of radiation. Icke pointed out that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland in the brain which acts as our third eye.

The Positive Shift

David Icke speaks positively about the burgeoning paradigm shift. “So many children are growing up and breaking through the program — that is a testament to the power of consciousness. Think of the things we know now that we didn’t know one year, five years, twenty years ago,” Icke said.

“They are throwing everything at us…[trying to] keep us down emotionally.”

But these controllers aren’t omnipotent. They are like “little school boys in short trousers.” This cold mindset is one of massive insecurity. It operates under a limited vibration using only a limited intellect. That’s why technology is so often used for destruction, because they don’t have consciousness. “They are in a small box, terrified of us awakening. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

From the limited consciousness of the controllers, we experience a round the clock, suppressive targeted program. However, David likens this effort to trying to hold down a soccer ball in a pool of water. Naturally, the ball will immediately rise to the surface. It takes a great amount of constant force to keep it down. It cannot be released for one second. So another testament to our awakening and efforts is the absolute energy exhausted working tirelessly to keep us down. We must be pretty special!

How Can One Break From The Matrix?

Let pre-programmed beliefs go. We don’t need a blueprint. It doesn’t have to be complicated, he says: the fasting, the lifelong meditation, the guru teaching. “Open your frickin’ mind, openness…that’s it. I don’t fast, you probably noticed,” he joked. “Open the [Wizard's] curtain, keep finding the truth.”

The vibrational frequency of the imbecilic mindset inflicted on us is made up of fear, insecurity, and anxiety. It doesn’t so much think as it does react. But reacting to the irrational doesn’t work; it keeps us reactionary, controlled, drained, and feeling helpless. Think of a traffic light when applying the following response: Stop, Think, Act. The age-old counting to 10 or 20 before reacting helps too. Then there’s the ever-important phrase when facing attack, “NO!” Cease to acquiesce. We have the numbers and power — controllers never do. The only ones who can give up our power is us, and we are upholding our own enslavement when we acquiesce to that irrationality.

One of the greatest things we can do is get rid of the fear of “What will people think [of me]?? It doesn’t matter, they’ll think something different tomorrow. We have to let go of that fear.” Sometimes the biggest war is between the program of the head against the openness of the heart. Fear looks to the external, very limited. As Icke shows us, realizing who you really are and releasing your fear allows you to take back your power. Then life becomes more about abundance, wonderment, and adventure, with nothing to lose.

“People say, I want to seek enlightenment — what a bloody waste of time!” he exclaimed. “You are enlightened! You are infinite awareness.”

So, it’s not Oh, Little Me… Human Race – Get Off Your Knees!

Source: https://www.activistpost.com/2011/11/why-are-so-many-people-gathering-to.html

The Truth About The World We Live In


The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government — which replaces sovereign nation-states — and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologizes its establishment as the culmination of history’s progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.

The Order of the Illuminati was an Enlightenment-age secret society founded on 1 May 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Adam Weishaupt, who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. The movement consisted of advocates of freethought, secularism, liberalism, republicanism and gender equality, recruited in the Masonic Lodges of Germany, who sought to teach rationalism through mystery schools. In 1785, the order was infiltrated, broken up and suppressed by the government agents of Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, in his preemptive campaign to neutralize the threat of secret societies ever becoming hotbeds of conspiracies to overthrow the Bavarian monarchy and its state religion, Roman Catholicism.

In the late 18th century, reactionary conspiracy theorists, such as Scottish physicist John Robison and French Jesuit priest Augustin Barruel, began speculating that the Illuminati survived their suppression and became the masterminds behind the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. The Illuminati were accused of being subversives who were attempting to secretly orchestrate a revolutionary wave in Europe and the rest of the world in order to spread the most radical movements of the Enlightenment — anti-clericalism, anti-monarchism, and anti-patriarchalism — and create a world noocracy. During the 19th century, fear of an Illuminati conspiracy was a real concern of European ruling classes, and their oppressive reactions to this unfounded fear provoked in 1848 the very revolutions they sought to prevent.

During the interwar period of the 20th century, fascist propagandists, such as British revisionist historian Nesta Helen Webster and American socialite Edith Starr Miller, not only popularized the myth of an Illuminati conspiracy but claimed that it was a subversive secret society which serves the Jewish elites that supposedly propped up both finance capitalism and Soviet communism in order to divide and rule the world. American evangelist Gerald Burton Winrod and other conspiracy theorists within the fundamentalist Christian movement in the United States, which emerged in the 1910s as a backlash against the principles of Enlightenment secular humanism, modernism, and liberalism, became the main channel of dissemination of Illuminati conspiracy theories in America. Right-wing populists, such as members of the John Birch Society, subsequently began speculating that some collegiate fraternities (Skull and Bones), gentlemen’s clubs (Bohemian Club) and think tanks (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission) of the American upper class are front organizations of the Illuminati, which they accuse of plotting to create a New World Order through a one-world government.

Skeptics argue that evidence would suggest that the Bavarian Illuminati was nothing more than a curious historical footnote since there is no evidence that the Illuminati survived its suppression in 1785.


US Military Legacy Rubs Off On Iraqi Youth

BAGHDAD (AP) — After more than eight years in Iraq, the departing American military’s legacy includes a fledgling democracy, bitter memories of war, and for the nation’s youth, rap music, tattoos and slang.

In other words, as the Dec. 31 deadline for completing their withdrawal approaches, U.S. troops are leaving behind the good, the bad and what “Lil Czar” Mohammed calls the “punky.”

Sporting baggy soldiers’ camouflage pants, high-top sneakers and a back-turned “N.Y.” baseball cap, the chubby 22-year-old was showing off his break-dancing moves on a sunny afternoon in a Baghdad park. A $ sign was shaved into his closely cropped hair.

“While others might stop being rappers after the Americans leave, I will go on (rapping) till I reach N.Y.,” said Mohammed, who teaches part-time at a primary school.

His forearm bore a tattoo of dice above the words “GANG STAR.” That was the tattooist’s mistake, he said; it was supposed to say “gangsta.”

Eight million Iraqis — a quarter of the population — have been born since the U.S.-led invasion of 2003, and nearly half the country is under 19, according to Brett McGurk, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and, until recently, senior adviser to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

So after years of watching U.S. soldiers on patrol, it’s inevitable that hip-hop styles, tough-guy mannerisms and slangy English patter would catch on with young Iraqis.

Calling themselves “punky,” or “hustlers,” many are donning hoodie sweat shirts, listening to 50 Cent or Eminem and watching “Twilight” vampire movies. They eat hamburgers and pizza and do death-defying Rollerblade runs through speeding traffic. Teens spike their hair or shave it Marine-style. The “Iraq Rap” page on Facebook has 1,480 fans.

To many of their fellow Iraqis, the habits appear weird, if not downright offensive. But to the youths, it is a vital part of their pursuit of the American dream as they imagine it to be.

“Lil Czar” Mohammed, a Shiite Muslim, says he was introduced to American culture by a Christian friend, Laith, who subsequently had to flee the anti-Christian violence that broke out in Baghdad. “I had nothing to help my friend, he left,” he said. “But when I get the money and become a rich boss, I will tell my friend Laith to come back.”

Meanwhile, he said, he is trying to record a rap song in Arabic and English. “It is about our situation. About no jobs for us.”

“I love the American soldiers,” said Mohammed Adnan, 15, who pastes imitation tattoos on his arm. Adnan lives in the Sadr City, the Baghdad base of followers of anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who has threatened violence against U.S. troops if they stay beyond 2011.

But, surprisingly, Adnan says the U.S. gangsta look is accepted in his neighborhood.

“All young men in Sadr City wear the same clothes when we hang around,” he said. “Nobody minds. And we’re invited to weddings or celebrations where we perform break-dancing.”

It all adds up to a taste of the wide world for a society which lived for decades under Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship that deprived them of satellite TV, cell phones and the Internet, and then through invasion, terrorism and sectarian killing.

Not all Iraqis welcome the culture the Americans brought. Dr. Fawzia A. al-Attia, a sociologist at Baghdad University, says one result is that young Iraqis now reject school uniforms, engage in forbidden love affairs and otherwise rebel against their elders.

“There was no strategy to contain this sudden openness,” she said. “Teenagers, especially in poor areas where parents are of humble origin and humble education, started to adopt the negative aspects of the American society because they think that by imitating the Americans, they obtain a higher status in society.

“These young Iraqi people need to be instructed,” she said. “They need to know about the positive aspects of the American society to imitate.”

Like many Iraqis, high school student Maytham Karim wants to learn English. But the English he hears most often from his peers — and mostly those who listen to American music — is laden with profanity.

“The F- and the ‘mother’ words are used a lot, which is a very negative thing,” Karim said.

As U.S. forces began closing their bases Iraqis rummaged through their garbage for discarded uniforms, caps and boots to sell to youngsters who pay top dollar to dress like soldiers. Baghdad’s tattoo business is also booming. Hassan Hakim’s tattoo parlor in affluent Karradah neighborhood is covered with glossy pictures of half-naked men and women showing off their ink, regardless of Islam’s strictures on baring the skin.

The storefront caused a stir when it opened last summer, but complaints soon died down and the business is thriving.

“Iraqi youth are eager in a very unusual way to get tattoo on their bodies, probably because of the American presence here,” said Hakim, 32, who is attending graduate school at Baghdad’s Fine Arts Academy. “Four years ago, people were concealing their tattoos when in public, but now they use their designs to show off. It is the vogue now.”

Most of Hakim’s customers are Iraqi security guards imitating their American counterparts. They demand tattoos of coffins, skulls, snakes, dragons, bar codes, Gothic letters and crosses. Female customers prefer flowers and butterflies on their shoulders. Also, many young women now dare to wear tight tops and hip-hugging jeans with their hijabs, or head coverings. Some also sport miniature dogs.

Showbiz and military chic aside, young Iraqis agree that the American troops opened their minds to the outside world. The wait for a place in an English classes, for example, can last months.

“I found that all Iraqis want to learn English,” said Nawras Mohammed, and using the Internet or watching satellite TV is fine. But users need to be selective, the 24-year-old college graduate said.

“The positive and the negative aspects of the American presence,” she said, “depend on us.”



Occupy’s 84-Year-Old Pepper Spray Victim: Is This The Most Iconic Image Of The Movement?

When Occupy marched in downtown Seattle on Tuesday night, a priest, a pregnant teenager and an 84-year-old community activist were doused in pepper spray. Although there have been many striking images of violence and peace in Occupy encampments, and many faces of the movement, none may be as immediately striking as this image of Dorli Rainey, taken by Joshua Trujillo.

Rainey’s direct gaze at the camera as her face drips with pepper spray is a haunting, cinematic image of brutality, emphasized even more by the chiaroscuro of dark gloved hands holding her head up to lead her to safety. Dashiell Bennett of the Atlantic has speculated that this image may become the defining one of Occupy unrest.

Rainey, a community activist since the ’60s, decided to walk by the protest on her way to a transportation meeting in the Northgate neighborhood of Seattle. As she told the Stranger, Seattle’s alt-weekly paper, “Cops shoved their bicycles into the crowd . . . If it had not been for my Hero (Iraq Vet Caleb) I would have been down on the ground and trampled.”

When Philip Kennicott wrote in 2005 about the lack of iconic images from the Iraq war, he spoke to the qualities that make a photograph emblematic of a movement or era in history. Until now, many of the photos of Occupy focused on the signs carried by protesters, rather than the clashes with police. This is partially due to access — by many accounts, press were shut out from Monday night’s eviction of protesters from Zucottti Park. Yet, even though Occupy Wall Street and its branches across the country are not analogous to the war, the visual language of iconic imagery is the same.

Too often, Kennicott writes, photographers of conflict focus on objects — a sign, a tent, a mangled car — as a stand-in for people: “The sum total of these substitutions feels, at times, like a theater without actors, a set of props and costumes and extras milling about, without hint of what the real drama is meant to be.”

Rainey has now been unwittingly thrust into that starring role. Protest images that become iconic show us faces in anguish, such as John Filo’s Pulitzer-winning image of the shooting at Kent State. Thankfully, no image or incident quite as violent has emerged from Occupy. Nevertheless, wrote one commenter on the Stranger, “This is exactly the sort of picture that changes things.”

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/arts-post/post/occupys-84-year-old-pepper-spray-victim-is-this-the-most-iconic-image-of-the-movement/2011/11/16/gIQAzateRN_blog.html

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The President who told the Truth about The Illuminati


In remembrance of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who 38 years ago today, was assassinated by the very ‘Powers That Be’ referred to in this speech.