November 5, 2012

China’s Black Market Boosts Deadly Ivory Trade



Elephant tusks are highly sought after for use in Chinese sculpture, name seals andjewelry, and according to a survey conducted by the Convention on International Tradein Endangered Species (CITES), rising demand in China’s black market has becomethe most powerful drive for the illegal international ivory trade.

This year China surpassed Japan as the top consumer market for illegal ivory productsin the world, and over half of the country’s enterprises engaged in the processing andsales of certified elephant tusks have their fingers in the pie, reported SouthernWeekend.

Since 2008, when China was approved as a buyer of government-owned ivory fromSouth Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe, ivory laundering has become an openindustry secret.

Ivory laundering

The Elephant Trade Monitoring System (ETIS), which tracks global ivory and elephantproduct confiscations for CITES, shows a trend in the illegal trade of ivory that hasbeen growing since 1998 as a direct result of emerging demand in China.

An insider revealed that 100 kilograms of elephant tusks is only enough for two monthsof work by two skilled ivory carvers, so it is easy to calculate the general amount of rawelephant tusks that a factory uses by its number of carvers.

Theoretically, the legal amount of elephant tusks is only 62 tons till 2017, but in thepast seven years the number of ivory carving factories has increased from 9 to 36, andivory product sales offices have grown from 31 to 137.

So where do the other tusks come from? The answer is smuggling, mostly from Africa.Moreover, in the local unregulated ivory market, the majority of the buyers areforeigners.

According to the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), the year 2009 saw a recordnumber of seizures of illegal ivory being smuggled into East Asia, a trend that hascontinued over the past two years.

When some of it enters China, it usually has to be laundered. The process is simple: each certificate for legal ivory product is printed with a picture and a number, but doesnot contain information about its weight, which creates a loophole.

Suppose an enterprise only has 50 kilograms of legal elephant tusks for the year,which can be used to make 10 large ivory products and some small ones. The company may still make the same number of ivory products, but will mix in illegallysourced elephant tusks. In this way, the illegal sources become laundered and”certified.”

This approach has been condemned by many officials and animal activists who say itwill lead to further increases in demand, which results in the poaching of thousands ofelephants each year. In their opinion, a complete ban is the only way to the stop killingof innocent wildlife and end the deadly ivory trade for good.



The Ugly Truth About Airlines

Do you know who may be in the cargo hold beneath your feet when you fly? Some major airlines transport monkeys - caged for long journeys in cramped, small crates - destined for animal research laboratories around the world. These monkeys are torn from their families and natural environment, often bred in massive farms, then sold to be used in cruel animal experiments.

We need your help to ask the airlines to stop this cruelty — find out more and take action now at

Please share this film.

Government Turns Its Back on Science

By League Against Cruel Sports

Animal welfare charity disgusted by costs to police badger cull


A leading UK wildlife charity has expressed dismay at the government’s decision to give the go ahead for a badger cull. Following today’s announcement badgers will be culled under license in parts of south west England as part of trials to prevent the spread of bovine TB. The cull will be paid for by farmers and allows for the shooting of badgers which could result in serious welfare problems.

It is estimated the cost of policing the trials will amount to a staggering £80 million which the League Against Cruel Sports describes as “a complete waste of money”. The charity’s chief executive Joe Duckworth said: “This is a truly exceptional way to waste vast amounts of public money in policing badger culling trials which will be totally ineffective.” Mr Duckworth called today’s announcement “cowardly and misguided” and said: “The government has failed to act appropriately on this issue and in doing so has ignored the science, public opinion and past mistakes. This is a cowardly decision taken to appease the few who shout the loudest but sadly it will do very little to address the real problem.”

The League believes the government should be using every available resource to produce fully functional vaccines for both badgers and cattle as a long term, effective solution. Evidence clearly shows that culling is not an adequate measure in preventing the spread of bovine TB.

Mr Duckworth added: “This will prove a devastating blow for the farming community who desperately need practical help to deal with the effects of bovine TB. Unfortunately the government has given them false hope, which will prove to be extremely costly not only for farmers but also police forces and Britain’s wildlife.

Polling by YouGov for the League found that only 16% of people believe there should be a cull, whereas 67% - more then four times as many – believe that badgers should be vaccinated instead.


Notes to Editors

1. The Randomised Badger Culling Trial concluded that culling intensively would only reduce TB levels in cattle by between 12% to 16% and could increase the incidence of cattle TB by up to 25% in surrounding areas.

2. YouGov polled 2,064 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 17th - 18th May 2011. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+). The polling was commissioned by the League Against Cruel Sports and is attached.



Earthlings ***Graphic Images***


Earthlings is a feature length documentary about humanity’s absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research).

Earthlings illustrates human’s disrespect for “non-human providers”, it is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix and features music by Moby.

Not In My Name

Not in my name!

Ten celebrities - including Paul McCartney, Joanna Lumley, Martin Shaw and Chrissie Hynde - speak from the heart to condemn factory farming.

Contains powerful undercover footage. Brilliant for persuading cynics and doubters.

Korea: Stop Killing & Eating Dogs! Petition Enclosed. Please Sign & Share **Widely**. Thank You. x

Animals in Korea currently are in a horrible situation. But we find it too difficult for us to protect our suffering furry friends on our own in this country.

PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE PETITION: [It has 575, 694 signatures]

1. Korea is a country of cruelty to animals. It eats 3 MILLION DOGS, per annum. A large number of people in Korea have no trouble accepting the fact that animals are being taken advantage of and mistreated as long as it is done for human purposes.

The idea of living a well-off life predominates over this nation nowadays, and the reckless experiments done on animals are notorious. For those who have their hearts set on profit oriented greed, improving animals’ inferior and ruthless living conditions doesn’t concern them a bit. These poor creatures are born and live until they get slaughtered in the same confined filthy places where no living soul can bear to stand even for a single minute. Furthermore, animals living in such condition are vulnerable to various kinds of deadly viruses and diseases.

Korea is now facing the sky rocketing spread of AI virus among poultry brought about by horrific living environments. And their way of handling this calamity is to bury all those birds in the ground ALIVE.

Animal rights activists had reported the very site to the press to notify the society about this act of brutality but it was never made in to a written article because of one single phone call from the government saying that national interests should be taken into consideration above all.

2. Korea is a DOG EATING country. It eats 3 MILLION DOGS, per annum. China, Vietnam and Korea are the only three countries left in Asia that allow dogs to be eaten, though consuming dog meat has been somewhat illegal in Korea up till now. But the Korean government is now trying to pass a bill that would legalize dogs to be a part of livestock. If such a thing comes to reality, no dogs in Korea are guaranteed of their safety or protection and, worst of all, THEIR LIVES!

3. At the same time, there are many people who love our canine friends. The number of people who own dogs (as a pet) is increasing and there are still a great number of people who oppose ‘dog meat’ in Korea.

However, unfortunately, some Koreans now perceive ‘eating dog’ as a matter of personal choice and taste. This is due to the Korean government and some media who are knowingly involved in convincing citizens to believe so.

As seen, a tense debate over ‘dog meat’ is prevailing currently. This debate is further fueled by the Korean government trying to pass a bill to legalize butchering dogs (dog as a livestock) only because it believes that there are people who eat dogs.

The city of Seoul has announced that it will hold a public hearing in May of 2008. It is simply a matter of time before the bill is passed and Korea would be the first and the only nation that legally allows the killing and eating of dogs.

4. For dogs that are eventually killed for consumption, if they even have a life, it is a life of sheer misery. We have found that even lost, abandoned and stolen dogs are sacrificed for meat consumption besides ones from dog farms. Owners of some dog farms have the dog’s eardrum ruptured by putting a hot iron into dog’s ear. This is done because they don’t want the dogs to bark while they are kept in cages. Also, because dogs get extremely stressed in the farm cages, they often get into fight and some dogs are bitten to death. Some people even set the dogs on fire until death!

On the way to market from farm, several dogs are put together into a tiny net. They say this is because they don’t want to give enough room for the dogs to fight. When arriving at the market, dogs are again kept in small cages while waiting for a couple of days until ‘selected’ as meat. They are rarely fed. Dogs see other dogs led away and killed. Dogs’ eyes shy away from humans. Dogs try to avoid attention by only showing their back to not to be selected earlier than others. Dogs tremble with fear and their heads are bent down. They are seized with terror but all they can do is wait for death.

5. Demand for ‘dog meat’ can increase if the bill is passed. Even cosmetics that contain some part of dog were introduced. People might import dogs that were bred in countries such as Vietnam and China for lower prices. This is a possible scenario that can really happen. And there may be more serious problems beyond Korea.

6. But there is hope. With a straight and righteous mind, there is nothing we can not accomplish. Animal cruelty recognizes no boundaries.

Korea is a nation with high self-respect that values its own dignity more than anything else. The Korean government has been manipulating the media and celebrities in our society to sign a %u201Cstatement of non-intervention regarding the dog meat issue. Mass media in Korea hypnotizes the public into believing dog meat is cultural heritage to be proud of. Let me give you an example:

There is a Korean TV program called “Chattering of Beauties” that hosts female foreigners living in Korea. The female foreigners talk about various issues that they encountered in their personal life while in Korea. One of the issues that is discussed frequently is their experience with dog meat. Their response on the tv show is, of course, that they accept and respect dog meat as traditional Korean cuisine, which simply comes out of their respect for the Korean public.

This is one of many examples for how the mass media in Korea spreads and implants the idea of accepting dog meat as Korean pride and tradition into the public’s mind.

However, the Korean government is also very afraid of the country’s international image being tarnished by legalizing the trade of dog meat. The Korean government is very sensitive to world wide public opinions on the matter of the use of dog meat for human consumption. Protests and campaigns by leading animal protection societies in other countries on the issue of dog meat trade in South Korea are very important in preparing the legislation for the banning of dog meat in Korea. During the Seoul Olympics, the government actually banned dog meat in Korea because of the worldwide opposition on dog meat trade in South Korea. The sole reason and motive for the recent amendment of the Korean Animal Protection Law by the Korean government was to improve Korea’s international image. International pressure on the issue of dog meat in Korea would force the Korean government to create enforceable laws that ban butchering dog for human consumption.

Dogs are animals that have been tamed by humans over a long time. Dogs are neither wild animals nor livestock. We-the human- are responsible for keeping the long-time relationship and friendship with dogs, the only species tamed by humans. Animal related issues recognize no frontier. Everyone all over the world must act now.

Save dogs in Korea. We believe you can.

CARE, Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (
KAAP, Korea Association for Animal Protection (

Developments Update

After two days of protests on March 25 and 26, we, CARE and KAAP, visited Taiwan on April 8 at the invitation of EAST, a Taiwanese group. We had a press conference and managed to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures from the Taiwanese, which were delivered to President Lee Myung-bak and Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon.

On April 15 we met with the manager of food sanitation of Seoul Government. We found that Seoul will be making sanitary inspections in May of some 500 dog meat restaurants. If harmful ingredients to cause food poisoning are found in the inspections, the restaurant will be closed down. Seoul will provide standards for hygiene surveillance. After public hearings, it plans to propose administration legislation to the central government. The manager said, “As long as Koreans eat dog meat, relevant institutions are required.”

Having celebrated Earth Day on April 20, we tried to pitch a tent for sit-up before the city hall. But we failed to pitch it by officials’ interruption. We have had relay protests in front of the city hall since.

On April 22 we visited the government of GyeongGi-Do on the news that this local government also plans sanitary supervision for dog meat restaurants. If so, it is most likely that the law on livestock slaughtering will be revised to include dogs.

According to a 2004 report by Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, it is estimated that some 2 million meat dogs are raised and about the same numbers are slaughtered every year for consumption in Korea. Another survey shows about 20 thousand meat dogs are traded a day across Korea.

Whenever bird flu breaks out in Korea, a great number of chickens, ducks and pigs are buried alive. We are worried if dogs are classified as livestock, those in bird flu outbreak areas should be buried alive as well.

We would like to ask you to distribute this message to your subscribers and other animal protection groups.





We also would like you to send protest e-mails at the following addresses.

1.The City of Seoul

Email: [email protected]

Mayor of Seoul Mr. Oh Se-hoo


Email: [email protected]

2. Korean President Mr. Lee Myung-bak


Email: [email protected]

3. The Provincial Governor of Kyungki-do Kim, Moon-soo



File Charges Against Claire’s Previous Owners

Claire is a 4-year old Great Dane, is roughly 70 lbs underweight, is heartworm positive, deaf, 75 percent blind and has for skin infections. The rescue group that saved Claire believes her previous owners were backyard breeders.


Big Dog Rescue, Inc. has been told Claire’s previous owners won’t be facing any charges.

Big Dog Rescue, Inc. is encouraging people to send letters or emails to the Bastrop Texas District Attorney’s Office encouraging them to file charges against Claire’s previous owners.

D.A. Bryan Goertz , 804 Pecan St, Bastrop, Texas 78602
512/581-7125 fax 512/581-7133



Toronto Subway Riders Meet Factory Farm Animals (Video)

A piglet and a puppy appear side by side; next a chick and a kitten; finally a cow and a dog.

One thousand of these ads, asking “Why love one but eat the other?” have been running on subways in Toronto and asking Canadians to “be veg.” And riders are responding!

This provocative ad series launched by a grassroots group draws attention to the similarities between the animals we call “family” and the animals we call “dinner” and highlights the shocking cruelty faced by animals raised for food in Canada.

Check out the video below; it’ll get your attention, just like it’s getting the attention of those subway riders.

Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals

One Thousand “Why love one but eat the other?” ads running on Toronto subways have been asking Canadians to “be veg” and riders are responding. “Be Veg” Toronto Subway Ad Campaign 2011


President Of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev; Govt Of Germany: Stop Killing Stray Animals In Preparation For Eurovision 2012 In Baku.

Why This Is Important


Baku is currently undergoing renovations and restructuring for the 2012 EUROVISION SONG CONTEST.

However, the preparations don’t stop at structural improvements. In fact, innocent stray animals are being Shot, Poisoned or Brutally Slaughtered to clean up the streets of Baku and surrounding regions. By law in Azerbaijan, the killing of animals is illegal.

But no matter this there is government organisation which name is Baki Shahar Ijra Hakimiyyati which is totally sponsored by government and they bring order of president to clean up the streets from stray animals to reality. When people sent lots of letters to the President pleading with him to stop this cruelty, he officially said on television that it’s illegal in Azerbaijan and is not happening. But we know that it does. We have photos; people see it happening every day in front of schools and from their yards at any time of day or night. We want it to stop!!



By now, there is no excuse for anyone to exterminate stray animals. There are plenty of people willing to save them and help them find new homes, as well as methods to deal with the problem of strays that don’t involve killing. We believe that Government has enough finances to fix this problem in a different way which, doesn’t involve animal cruelty. Neighbouring countries like Turkey sterilize all stray dogs and cats. Other countries like Georgia have open Animal Shelters where animals could be adopted.

We must bring this matter to the attention of Azerbaijan’s authorities so we can prevent any more cruelty, as soon as possible.

Sign your name asking President Ilham Aliev to step in and stand up for Azerbaijan’s stray animals.

Also we want all European Authorities and Official Sponsors to know what is behind Azerbaijan’s preparation for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012.

Thank you for helping.



Demand An End To Animal Rape In Denmark (Where The Govt Think It’s Perfectly Normal & Legal)

Why This Is Important


You are so small and defenceless, you are terrified, in horrific pain, you have been bound and gagged by your torturer with no means of escape. You have beaten and kicked until you are almost unconscious, then dragged into a room where your torturer has paid another to put you through so much physical and mental pain you are praying you wont survive.

Still conscious he will deliberately destroy your internal organs, your delicate pelvic bones will be smashed, your skin will literally be ripped to pieces. Your legs will be forced to breaking point, your muscles and ligaments shredded and torn from the bone where your attacker forces your limbs away from your body. So much pain, so much fear, so much horror for someone so tiny, so innocent to endure.

All the while you try to scream out in hopes that someone will help you, anyone, just to make this stop. You try to fight back but you cant, you are bound and your mouth has been gagged so you cannot defend yourself in anyway.

You pray that death will be kind and take you to where you cant be hurt any more, because if you do survive, tomorrow or the next day, your owner will again take money from another, to abuse and rape you again.

You don’t understand what is happening to you. Why isn’t anyone coming to save you? Why is he doing this to you? What have you done so wrong that you have to endure this horrific ordeal?

The truth is:

You have done nothing wrong , you are an innocent

The reason he is allowed to do this to you is because you are in Denmark, and Rape of defenceless animals has been deemed by the Government to be legal!

In fact, other vile scum are even allowed to trap hundreds just like you, force you and others to endure such horrific cruelty on a daily, even hourly basis and call it an animal brothel.

At this point in time, sadly the only escape for you and others is death at the hands of your torturer ( Just like poor Lunar whose pic you see on this petitions main image, who was raped and killed in Turkey.), for those like lunar and you in the future, your only hope is that the decent honourable humans out there, who do care about you,will do the following:

* Read this petition

* Sign it

* Share it with the rest of the world.

* Alert there own European MP or there Foriegn affairs minister.


As you can see by the photo of poor little Lunar who was recently raped and killed in Turkey, the act of Raping an animal as with all forms of rape is not normal, is horrific, it must be stopped.

