December 23, 2012

Occult Symbols and Demons at the London Olympics

Freemasonry has many flavours, many covens, cults, chapters and different ‘temples’ around the world. Freemasons were in the vanguard of the KU KLUX KLAN, they run Aleister Crowley’s old German ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS movement (originally founded by German military agents), and generally speaking most of the prominent jobs in Whitehall and Parliament are filled by Freemasons. Those who have influential jobs who are NOT Freemasons are the PUPPETS of the Freemasons…

Whenever there is an opportunity for PUBLICLY FUNDED ceremonies, the Freemasons come a thither and hither - influencing the staging, themes, music and spectacle, so as to subliminally project into the minds of billions of TV viewers their sordid view of world history…


The most revered and hallowed of all books feverishly studied by Freemasons and other members of the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS is known as the GOETIA or ‘Book of Shadows’. The GOETIA is one of several ‘Grimoires’ published in the Medieval era and which are usually an amalgamation of Demon-summoning magical rituals that were popular in ancient IRAQ. The GOETIA is a do-it-yourself guide to the various spirits and demons of Hell - which has its own ‘Prime Minister’ who is a character known as LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE. The demons described in this book command legions of lesser demons. The foremost of these demons have titles such as ‘Prince’, ‘Duke’ and ‘King’. The ancient names of these demons have inspired many of the secret passwords used in world international Freemasonry. The AGENDA of these demons is to form PACTS - just like Doctor FAUST - who really did exist and was a pedo-Serial Killer who was employed by many aristocrats in continental Europe. In exchange for the promise of ‘riches’ and ‘treasures’, these demons would demand a SOUL or a SACRIFICE of a young person - some demanded boys and girls - some demons demand BABIES… These demons have been portrayed in several publicly funded ceremonies - and the LONDON OLYMPIC Opening Ceremony spectacle was no exception…


Of course, no spirit can be released from a body and then enter a tog-o-war between the forces of Heaven and Hell without there first being DEATH… And the Olympic Opening Ceremony provided us with a spectacle of an 80 feet high GRIM REAPER, who stood poised as he poached children’s souls directly from dozens of hospital beds…

GRIM REAPER or WIZARD WITH A WAND?(from Harry Potter?) Whatever your interpretation of this mysterious GIANT at the Olympic Opening Ceremony - it has NOTHING TO DO WITH SPORT!

QUEEN ELIZABETH II is the ‘Grand Patroness’ of International World Freemasonry - and has her own quasi-Masonic splinter coven called THE ORDER OF THE GARTER. ‘The QUEENS BEASTS’ are a series of statues which can be seen at KEW GARDENS and enshrined on coins issued by her Royal Mint - and these beasts also are part of the pantheon of demons described in the ‘GOETIA’…

The GOETIA probably has its origins in the ancient lands of Babylon (IRAQ) and was developed into a mystical form of demonology in ancient Palestine - now the occupied nation of ISRAEL.

The TOWER OF BABEL - a kind of circular ZIGGURAT - from ancient Babylon, therefore, with no surprise, was a prominent feature of the London Olympics Ceremony…

The GOETIC DEMONS are essentially spiritual entities who are extremely JEALOUS of our physical bodies. They are spirits of people and creatures which did live long ago. Stuck, as they are, in a gap between the physical and spiritual realms, they WATCH US… And in the Bible, they are described as THE WATCHERS…

Centuries of JEALOUSY has festered in the minds of these Goetic Demonic-Watchers. They now want utter DESTRUCTION and CHAOS, WARFARE, PLAGUE and POVERTY to overcome mankind so that the spirits of all of us can be fed upon by the hoards of demons in the lower astral realms… And THAT is what the symbolism of the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics was REALLY all about.

This has NOTHING to do with SPORT! It has EVERYTHING to do with the AGENDA of people who are members of various Masonic & Magical Secret Societies…

Freemasons at the helm of large corporations are busy putting this demonic agenda into force; Blasting Plutonium-powered satellites into orbit (which potentially will poison our sky), Drilling Gas and Oil (which poisons our sea) and inserting SPIDER VENOM into tomatoes and other food supplies - eventually leading to the genetic mutation, enhanced cancer development and utter poisoning of our soils…

The TRUTH is here for all of you to SEE if you open your Eyes… The world is being transformed into a TOXIC WASTELAND so that Freemasons in Government and Industry can please the demons who they worship in their many many different temples around the world…

So, WHAT CAN WE THE PEOPLE DO TO IMPROVE MATTERS? Well, we firstly need to get EDUCATED - and so I have written a book about SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the SPIRITUAL PEOPLES who live in the Amazon, SIberia and Australia - my book shows that the ancient tribes who understand how the SPIRITWORLD WORKS and how to contact their Ancestor Spirits for advice using traditional hallucinogenic herbs are actually being victimized by a global campaign of GENOCIDE… My book is called STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA and is available from British Amazon; CLICK THE LINK:

If you watched the London Olympic Ceremony, scratching your head wondering what this has to do with SPORT - then read this blog! Re-read it if you have to - then SHARE it to your FACEBOOK page and spread the message.

You can stay in touch with CHRISTOPHER EVERARD who is a British Author and Film Director, by visiting THE ENIGMA CHANNEL - type in your email into the little box and you’ll receive a free copy of FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE which is edited by CHRIS EVERARD - go here

STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA is a large format, fully illustrated book - 308 pages with a FULL COLOUR chapter - it will be wrapped and packed and shipped directly to you from British Amazon…

CLICK HERE to order from AMAZON UK (it takes 5mins to set up a British Amazon account and it is completely FREE) CLICK to Order STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA

STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA is about more than just the ancient sacred plants used by our Ancestors - it is a book which investigates the SPIRITUAL WARFARE currently being committed against Mankind - and the deeply disturbing agenda of Occultists, Freemasons and other Covens to rip & shred our biosphere and create a Dead, Toxic Planet. It also shows how many great religions use the SYMBOLISM of our ancient tribal forefathers to promote a new Agenda of planetary destruction, warfare & chaos.


Original Source:

Michael Tsarion - Origins of Evil (Full)

This is Michael Tsarion’s amazing video presentation The Origins of Evil (2005) where he dwelves deep into the history to discover where exactly has the manifestation of evil begun. In the next decade humankind is set to discover the truth about its origin and history. Central to this is the question of evil. How did this phenomenon come into being? What do ancient legends have to tell us about the present state of decay, and years leading up to the “zero-hour” of 2012? Presented at Conspiracy Con 2005. 110 min. long. A must see for everyone. This fascinating video discusses questions such as: Who were the Atlanteans? Where they tutors or tyrants? How did the phenomena of evil come into our world? Who, or what, are the “Fallen Angels?” Is Homo Sapiens a hybrid created by alien beings? Was the science of genetics known in ancient times? Are you Homo Sapiens or Homo Atlantis? What is the difference between Atlantis and Lemuria? Are we being told the truth about our origins and destiny? What do the Biblical terms “Immaculate Conception,” “Forbidden Fruit,” and “Tree of Life” refer to? Did the so-called “Ice-Age” ever happen? Did Eve really cause the fall of man? Why have women and indigenous races been slaughtered and suppressed through the centuries? Who built the great cyclopean megaliths, and why? Who really governs from behind the thrones of power? Are the US presidents blood-related to the ancient royal dynasties of Europe? Why has our technological expertise far outreached our psychological and spiritual development? What do atomic and nuclear war really mean? Who, or what, are the “Reptilians?” Is the New World Order really something new? What is the purpose of the many “black budget” projects? Why is the US really involved in wars and “crusades” in the Middle East? Is 2012 really the end of our world, as the Maya predicted? What are the solutions to the present world turmoil?

Videos Uploaded by youtube user akn0ledge

We take no credit for this content.

Image source:

Spirit World Vol.3 - Real Ghosts, Real Angels, Real Demons - New Documentary Film by Chris Everard

By Chris Everard on December 29, 2011

Official Release Date: 12-02-2012

In this new 2 hour documentary film, CHRIS EVERARD travels to EGYPT and investigates the MAGICAL RITUALS and TELEPATHIC TECHNIQUES of the ancient world. He shows us stone carvings which resemble ‘blueprints’ or ‘circuit diagrams’ of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY. Chris Everard then presents official documents from the Pentagon Archives which prove that the U.S. Air Force have trained an entire army of PSYCHIC WARRIORS at AREA 51. Top Nuclear Physicists, such as Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking have proposed that there are several parallel universes - and that a ‘wormhole’ can be created by bending and manipulating gravity. Official U.S. Air Force documents prove that a ‘STAR GATE’ has been developed using a team of Psychics.

What is really happening at AREA 51? Find out by watching CHRIS EVERARD’s latest documentary -

These psychics ‘bend’ gravity waves with their mind and can ‘see’ the spiritworld using telepathy. Chris Everard presents footage of giant WORMHOLES in the sky above military bases and shows us the documents which prove that there is now some kind of STARGATE connecting planet earth with other universes and also with the SPIRITWORLD. For the first time on film, we see official documents, photos and film footage of the most important psychic experiments in the history of mankind. Chris presents some of the film from inside the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid - and investigates Quantum Physics, Telepathy, Angels, Spirits and Demons - this documentary is packed with rare footage of psychics in China, Russia, Australia and the USA.

This film includes 3-dimensional computer animation of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY which was used by the Ancient Pharaohs - and how this technology was used by leading scientists such as Sir William Crookes and the inventor of television, Mr John Logie Baird. TRUTH really is stranger than FICTION! Without the general public knowing anything about it - the Pentagon, Chinese and Russians have opened Wormholes which allow extra-terrestrials, ghosts, angels and demons to enter our universe! Pre-Order using either Paypal or Amazon - official Release Date is 2nd February 2012 -

All orders will be packed and shipped after the official release date - however - if you do pre-order today, I will send you a free eBook about the ancient technology of the Illuminati - investigating electrostatic generators, the Ark of the Covenant, Nikola Tesla and the mysterious devices carved into the walls of the Temple of Hathor in Egypt.

You can order using either PAYPAL or AMAZON.

Thank you to everyone for being so enthusiastic about my books and films - I really appreciate all my friends and buddies and all my readers and the viewers of the Enigma Channel who made this film possible.

As soon as you order my new film, I will send you a free eBook to your AMAZON or PAYPAL email address - My eBook is delvered directly to you as a PDF and can be read on iPads, iPhones and iPods using ‘jailbreak’ - please order my film today and get a free copy of my eBook about Ancient Technology of the Illuminati:

Get this free fully illustrated eBook when you order Chris Everard’s latest film SPIRITWORLD Vol.3 - you can pay with either AMAZON or PAYPAL at


Negative People - How To Deal With Them

Being negative is associated with “downward” thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. A person is “negative” if they are angry, or “negative”because they are not happy for you, or “negative” because they do not accept your lifestyle, or “negative” because they are always bitter.

Remember, most of the time, the attacks and criticisms of others have much more to do with them and how they are feeling - than with us.

It must be understood that because we live in a dualistic world, both negative and positive will exist. The key thing is to learn to live in the balance of both the positive and negative.

By reading this post, it means you are possibly surrounded by negative thinkers that somehow bring you down. Yes, I can agree negative people can be absolutely draining(!), especially when you are trying to be positive or calm all the time. Negative situations may happen, and it takes you out of the positive bubble. BUT, one thing you have to remember is that only YOU have control over yourself - not others.

Self improvement belongs to you, so here are a few tips on ‘How To Protect yourself & Accept Negative People’:

How to Deal with Negative People

  • In your own meditation practice, visualize surrounding your entire body with a white-light outline. First it starts with imagination, and after awhile you will begin to see your own protective lining. Practice this everyday with intense visualization and this will help protect you from negative people, their thoughts, and threats to your own life.
  • Recite a healing mantra or prayer. It helps create healing energy and protection.
  • Remind yourself that you cannot change people. Accept them for who they are.
  • Be centered and calm, and sometimes those that are negative will become less negative.
  • Understand that some people have a HABIT of being negative.
  • Surround yourself with good company.
  • Increase your own personal awareness that you are neither affected by the positive and negative.
  • Know your soul, and negative people cannot harm you.

My Best Friend: Marley

By John Grogan


A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbols mean nothing to him.

A waterlogged stick will do just fine.

A dog judges others not by their colour or creed or class but by who they are inside.

A dog doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.

It was really quite simple, and yet we humans, so much wiser and more sophisticated, have always had trouble figuring out what really counts and what does not.

As I wrote that farewell column to Marley, I realized it was all right there in front of us, if only we opened our eyes.

Sometimes it took a dog with bad breath, worse manners, and pure intentions to help us see.


John Grogan - “Marley & Me”

What To Do When The Going Gets Rough

The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.

Her husband of 70 recently passed away, making the move necessary.

After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. “I love it,” she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.

“Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room….Just wait.” “That doesn’t have anything to do with it,” she replied. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged…it’s how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it…”It’s a decision I make every morning I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away…just for this time in my life. Old age is like a bank account…you withdraw from what you’ve put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories.

Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing.”

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred.

2. Free your mind from worries.

3. Live simply.

4. Give more.

5. Expect less.

No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Disappointments are like road bumps. They slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards. Don’t stay on the bumps too long. Move on! When you feel down because you didn’t get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God has thought of something better to give you.

When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means. There’s a purpose to life’s events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.



Death Can Teach You How to Live

By Lisa Basquez on October 31, 2011

Dear Reader,

I come to you in the form of this article simply because I have found I have no other way to get through to you. It seems that most times when we meet, our encounters are quick, superficial and you quickly push your awareness of me from your mind.

Our relationship wasn’t always this way. When you were a child, you couldn’t understand me and so you thought of fun & interesting ways to grasp me. When it became too much, you simply put me out of your mind and went on your way. As a teenager, you recklessly pursued me as you thought you were invincible and that your virility would keep me at bay. Now, your awareness of me is limited to brief encounters and you cope with me by imagining that somehow, you are the exception.

It saddens me that you ignore me…that you deny my very existence. I have so many wonderful things I want to teach you if you would only stop for a moment and encounter me. People fear me but that is only because they don’t know me. Those who have explored me and my lessons have come away much more vibrant and alive… I really want that for you too.

When you avoid me, it’s your way to try to deny the passage of time but ignoring the truth doesn’t make it any less real. Time is passing… you are getting older… your parents are getting older… your children are getting older, and at some point—you will face me. How you live until then is what is really important to me.

You see, when you take the time to know me you will find that I am really much more of a silent partner in your life, inviting you to live. Remember Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture? When he realized that he was on his way to meet me, he took the time to make sure that the important things he needed to say were said. He passed on the lessons of his life to his children and became an international sensation as many people pondered how he could be so ALIVE while he was dying. I don’t want you to be diagnosed with terminal illness to learn how to live so I’m sending you this invitation in the form of a blog: Meet me and when you do, let me teach you how to live.

To become aware of my presence in your life is the key to living a vibrant life. When you are aware of me, you waste less time on unimportant tasks and spend more time on what really matters. You accomplish the things you’ve always wanted to but never did. Inviting me into your world injects a certain poigniancy, even an urgency to really live life well. It brings the awareness that life is so fleeting and can pass us by in a moment and with that awareness, you can begin to drink deeply of the cup called today. You will learn that you can even face what scares you and come away stronger.

It is now officially fall 2011. It is a perfect reminder that, no matter how hard you try to hold it back, time still passes. It is also a good time to ask yourself: how will I choose to live from today on?

We will meet again. Hopefully, not before you learned what I want to teach you.




Sowing The Seeds Of Confidence


I was surprised to learn recently there is a crisis in confidence running amok in women these days. Many are lacking the confidence to step up, speak up, or take credit for a job well done. At first the idea seemed foreign, but then I started looking around at the women in my life and I realized that yes, most of my friends and associates deal with the fact that they lack the confidence to step out and into living their lives fully.

Rank your confidence right now, with 10 being highly confident (you speak your mind, offer opinions when necessary, make decisions quickly without a lot of second guessing). And zero being low or no confidence (you keep your thoughts and comments to yourself, believing no one wants to hear them, and you are indecisive, unable to make a decision without asking at least three people their opinion, etc.).

You were born with two very specific lifelong accounts that your actions, decisions, and experiences make deposits into and withdrawals from. Your first holds your integrity and the second, your confidence. If your decisions are supportive of your integrity, then your account balance grows—if not, a withdrawal occurs. To make a deposit into your integrity bank account, you need to restore your integrity, which takes a lot of time, and a lot of work. Likewise, your actions and decisions affect your confidence, which is also affected by your reactions to how others respond to your decisions.

How you respond to decisions under normal circumstances and during times of crisis can be completely different. Your confidence allows your decisions in times of crisis to be similar to under normal circumstances. The more confident you are, the better decisions you will make when under a high level of stress.

Remember, your interpretation of stress and definition of crisis can and will be completely redefined based on your experiences. So what you consider to be a crisis may not be considered even remotely stressful to another.

It’s important understand the true meaning and impact stress can have on you and your ability to make effective decisions. Most people lump stress all into one big ball. But for you to truly be confident in your life, you need to understand the difference between internal and external stress.

Here are three easy actions for you to take today to begin improving your confidence and get not only what you deserve in life, but what you desire.

Action 1: Identify the emotion first triggered when you are in a heightened stress situation.
As an example, imagine you are in the office and someone else takes credit for a job you completed. What did you emotionally feel? Was it powerlessness? Grief? Anger? Discouragement? Whatever it is, just accept it. Don’t judge yourself for feeling it. That’s what we do as humans—we feel—so go ahead and feel the emotion being triggered. By feeling the emotion, your self-confidence is immediately increased due to having newfound, empowering knowledge.

Action 2: Step up your emotion.
If you are feeling angry, look to raise your emotion to discouragement. If you are feeling discouragement, look to raise your emotion to frustration. If you are feeling insecure, look to raise your emotion to jealousy. The key is to raise your emotion which will bring new perspective on the situation. With a new perspective you are going to increase your confidence both regarding the situation at hand, and in general.

Action 3: Execute!
This action is twofold. First, execute the lower emotion and continue raising your emotion to a higher level until you’re back to feeling positive. Second, take the step(s) necessary to act on your newly found confidence; to resolve the situation triggering your stress. Back to our example of someone else taking the credit for your job well done, an action might be to approach the person who took the credit and congratulate her on her success while making sure to give yourself a pat on the back for taking the high road.

Confidence breeds confidence, and with each step you take, your confidence grows greater.

To your success!



What If Your Heart Is Right?


Should I Do It?

“Well honey, I think you’ll just have to!”

I will never forget Lois Hole’s words to me. I was about to dive off the bridge called comfy and do what I knew my heart was telling me to do.

In order to move forward in our business, Ron and I would need to secure everything we owned with the bank. With six kids still at home, this was a big decision, to put it lightly. Leaving the familiar was causing me to second-guess everything. I was scared stiff. Was it the right decision? Was my heart right?

I laid out all the years’ worth of work I had done in front of Lois and asked, “Should I do it?” After listening carefully to how we had prepared for our big leap, and meticulously reviewing all the materials, her answer was poignant and simple, “Well honey, I think you’ll just have to!” That was it.

Lois was around 70 at the time. She was the chancellor of the local university, had become Governor-General, and was a multi-millionaire. She donated her time and money to the arts and engaging kids in reading. She was down-to-earth and respected by all. Oh yes… did I mention she began her business selling potatoes on the side of the road at age 40?

Her book I’ll Never Marry a Farmer is a lesson about what to do when your heart just knows something is right. Her stories and anecdotes about gardening and life’s lessons inspire! All Lois Hole knew was that selling potatoes on the side of the road made her happy. She loved growing things and she loved people. By listening to her heart instead of doing what was expected, she grew a seasonal potato-selling business into one of the largest and most successful greenhouse operations in North America.

With my own success as a meal-planner, I discovered that it was OK to be scared stiff. If we all haphazardly followed our heart without being prepared, most businesses would flat-out fail. Some of the best lifelong decisions will come by accepting that healthy fear is part of listening to your heart. They can (and do) co-exist.

You might find that following your heart allows you to think more clearly and work harder than before because your body and mind seem in sync. When you are ready to jump off your comfy bridge, you may be surprised how a busy, successful mentor will give up their time to help, support, and advise you. I know that Lois’s words of wisdom will live in my heart forever!





She Has Lived — An Incredible Obituary

By Heather Callaghan

Every once in awhile your eyes scan the papers in boredom only to find a remarkable gem. One that should be shared far and wide, but might remain yesterday’s news. This could be said for one of the bravest, most adventurous women who passed away this summer at the age of 91.

She could have been your neighbor; she could have been the old lady who needed help carrying her groceries, but we were too busy on our way to nowhere important. It isn’t every day you see an obituary like this . . . .

In ancient Rome, it was a disgrace to simply say that someone died. They had all kinds of eloquent ways to say that someone departed from this world. The main Latin term was “vixit” and it meant “he (she, it) has lived” or “he lived.” People often knew it meant the person had died, but Latin terminology bestowed honor to the dead, by acknowledging all the living years right in the wording.

All American protesters today are indeed taking great risks with their lives. The majority acts like these protesters are crazy and should stay home because they know they might be beaten to bloody pulp, as if that’s ample reason for everyone to back down and let despicable behavior carry on.

The spirited woman below knew the RISK. She has lived.

Louisa M. T. June 29, 1920 - July 31, 2011 OKLAHOMA CITY

Thoreau wrote that most people lead lives of quiet desperation. Louisa T. was definitely an exception.

Louisa Maria Regina Cras T. was born June 29, 1920 in Schoten, Belgium, a rural community east of Antwerp. She was raised on a farm with seven sisters, three brothers, and her mother and father.

Louisa’s closest friend throughout her life was her sister, Julia. Although separated by the Atlantic ocean since World War II, a childhood bond was established between them that never diminished.

On special occasions when Julia and her husband visited Louisa, our family spent many evenings watching two women transform themselves into two young girls as they sang songs learned as school girls or as they both rolled on the floor holding their sides and laughing hysterically at some silly story which was understood only by the two of them in a special way.

Louisa attended Catholic schools until the age of fourteen. At that age, it was customary for most students to go to work at factories in Antwerp. Louisa worked at a cookie factory until the age of twenty-one.

It was at this time that her life was drastically changed by World War II.

Friends of Louisa knew her to be jolly, extremely energetic, and overflowing with an almost childlike innocence. Knowing this, it is hard to imagine she experienced the stark realities of war that are unknown to most of us. To have experienced the cruelty of war and still remain such a joyful person was a testament to the strength of her character.

During the German occupation in 1941, Louisa, Julia, and several other girls were transported to work in a munitions factory in Germany. During the thirteen months spent there, Louisa came face to face with a reality a farm girl from Belgium could not have been prepared for.

When the girls arrived at the work camp, they were treated fairly and the food was adequate. Later, the food was stretched to a point where long hours demanded by the Germans could not be sustained.

Finally, near the point of total exhaustion, the young girls decided to strike. To the overworked and exhausted girls, a strike seemed to be a rational way to solve the problem. To the German officer who soon arrived with a truckload of armed soldiers, a strike was something altogether different from rational.

He explained to the camp of more than five-hundred workers that if they did not resume their duties within ten minutes, they would begin executions by firing squad. It took only a matter of minutes for most of the workers to file back to work. All that remained was a group of 10 young Belgian girls which included Louisa and Julia.

Being totally unprepared for the harsh new truth of the “Fatherland,” the girls decided it was only right and fair to continue the strike. When the German officer learned of this, he exploded and ordered all ten girls to be placed in front of a wall for execution.

The civilian factory manager pleaded with the girls to give up the strike. All ten remained firm and did not move from the wall. The manager then conferred with the German officer. After a few minutes, the officer ordered ten armed soldiers out of the truck and directed them to within a few paces of the girls.

In a very loud and resonant voice, he told the girls this was their last chance. If they did not return to work by the count of ten, they would be shot. The count began rapidly at first: Ein, Zwei, Drei. Then the pace began to slow to what seemed minutes between each count. The girls were now beginning to feel panic, realizing they were close to their last moment on earth.

Finally, the count reached nine and then a long pause that seemed like an eternity. The next sound Louisa heard was “the loudest screaming and hollering she had ever heard.” It was the German officer shouting words Louisa could not altogether understand, although she seemed to think he was commenting on the impossible situation of confronting ten obstinate Belgian farm girls who had yet to learn the ways of the “Fatherland.”

When Louisa told this story, she basically laughed it off, saying “when you’re young, things don’t seem so drastic.” As it turned out, the ten girls were taken away from the camp and moved to a prison in nearby Austria for thirty days. When they were returned to the work camp, the food allocation had been increased to former levels and they received a hero’s welcome from the other girls.

Within four years, the war ended, and Louisa had fallen in love and married a handsome American soldier named Melvin T. Since she was not able to accompany him to America, she made the trip by herself while speaking little English and fully expecting to be attacked by wild Indians as soon as she entered Oklahoma. Somehow escaping these pitfalls, she was reunited with Melvin, and they settled in Chandler, OK.

Louisa also became an instant mother to 4year-old Melvin Clark T., whose birth mother had passed away when Melvin was a baby. Seven years later she gave birth to her only daughter, Regina. Louisa lost Melvin Sr. to cancer in 1967. For the remaining forty-four years of her life, she remained as in love with him as the first day they met. She was preceded in death by all of her immediate Belgian family.

She is survived by her son, Melvin Clark T. and wife Jeannie; her daughter, Regina E. and husband Gary; and grandchildren, Frank T., Aaron T., Brian T., Belinda G., Stephen E.; and 13 great-grandchildren.

Louisa lived alone from 1971 until 2005. During that time, she approached each day with vigor and an unwavering desire to help her family in any way possible. She remained as steadfast in her love and devotion to family as the young girl at the wall.

