December 23, 2012

Occult Symbols and Demons at the London Olympics

Freemasonry has many flavours, many covens, cults, chapters and different ‘temples’ around the world. Freemasons were in the vanguard of the KU KLUX KLAN, they run Aleister Crowley’s old German ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS movement (originally founded by German military agents), and generally speaking most of the prominent jobs in Whitehall and Parliament are filled by Freemasons. Those who have influential jobs who are NOT Freemasons are the PUPPETS of the Freemasons…

Whenever there is an opportunity for PUBLICLY FUNDED ceremonies, the Freemasons come a thither and hither - influencing the staging, themes, music and spectacle, so as to subliminally project into the minds of billions of TV viewers their sordid view of world history…


The most revered and hallowed of all books feverishly studied by Freemasons and other members of the ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS is known as the GOETIA or ‘Book of Shadows’. The GOETIA is one of several ‘Grimoires’ published in the Medieval era and which are usually an amalgamation of Demon-summoning magical rituals that were popular in ancient IRAQ. The GOETIA is a do-it-yourself guide to the various spirits and demons of Hell - which has its own ‘Prime Minister’ who is a character known as LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE. The demons described in this book command legions of lesser demons. The foremost of these demons have titles such as ‘Prince’, ‘Duke’ and ‘King’. The ancient names of these demons have inspired many of the secret passwords used in world international Freemasonry. The AGENDA of these demons is to form PACTS - just like Doctor FAUST - who really did exist and was a pedo-Serial Killer who was employed by many aristocrats in continental Europe. In exchange for the promise of ‘riches’ and ‘treasures’, these demons would demand a SOUL or a SACRIFICE of a young person - some demanded boys and girls - some demons demand BABIES… These demons have been portrayed in several publicly funded ceremonies - and the LONDON OLYMPIC Opening Ceremony spectacle was no exception…


Of course, no spirit can be released from a body and then enter a tog-o-war between the forces of Heaven and Hell without there first being DEATH… And the Olympic Opening Ceremony provided us with a spectacle of an 80 feet high GRIM REAPER, who stood poised as he poached children’s souls directly from dozens of hospital beds…

GRIM REAPER or WIZARD WITH A WAND?(from Harry Potter?) Whatever your interpretation of this mysterious GIANT at the Olympic Opening Ceremony - it has NOTHING TO DO WITH SPORT!

QUEEN ELIZABETH II is the ‘Grand Patroness’ of International World Freemasonry - and has her own quasi-Masonic splinter coven called THE ORDER OF THE GARTER. ‘The QUEENS BEASTS’ are a series of statues which can be seen at KEW GARDENS and enshrined on coins issued by her Royal Mint - and these beasts also are part of the pantheon of demons described in the ‘GOETIA’…

The GOETIA probably has its origins in the ancient lands of Babylon (IRAQ) and was developed into a mystical form of demonology in ancient Palestine - now the occupied nation of ISRAEL.

The TOWER OF BABEL - a kind of circular ZIGGURAT - from ancient Babylon, therefore, with no surprise, was a prominent feature of the London Olympics Ceremony…

The GOETIC DEMONS are essentially spiritual entities who are extremely JEALOUS of our physical bodies. They are spirits of people and creatures which did live long ago. Stuck, as they are, in a gap between the physical and spiritual realms, they WATCH US… And in the Bible, they are described as THE WATCHERS…

Centuries of JEALOUSY has festered in the minds of these Goetic Demonic-Watchers. They now want utter DESTRUCTION and CHAOS, WARFARE, PLAGUE and POVERTY to overcome mankind so that the spirits of all of us can be fed upon by the hoards of demons in the lower astral realms… And THAT is what the symbolism of the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics was REALLY all about.

This has NOTHING to do with SPORT! It has EVERYTHING to do with the AGENDA of people who are members of various Masonic & Magical Secret Societies…

Freemasons at the helm of large corporations are busy putting this demonic agenda into force; Blasting Plutonium-powered satellites into orbit (which potentially will poison our sky), Drilling Gas and Oil (which poisons our sea) and inserting SPIDER VENOM into tomatoes and other food supplies - eventually leading to the genetic mutation, enhanced cancer development and utter poisoning of our soils…

The TRUTH is here for all of you to SEE if you open your Eyes… The world is being transformed into a TOXIC WASTELAND so that Freemasons in Government and Industry can please the demons who they worship in their many many different temples around the world…

So, WHAT CAN WE THE PEOPLE DO TO IMPROVE MATTERS? Well, we firstly need to get EDUCATED - and so I have written a book about SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the SPIRITUAL PEOPLES who live in the Amazon, SIberia and Australia - my book shows that the ancient tribes who understand how the SPIRITWORLD WORKS and how to contact their Ancestor Spirits for advice using traditional hallucinogenic herbs are actually being victimized by a global campaign of GENOCIDE… My book is called STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA and is available from British Amazon; CLICK THE LINK:

If you watched the London Olympic Ceremony, scratching your head wondering what this has to do with SPORT - then read this blog! Re-read it if you have to - then SHARE it to your FACEBOOK page and spread the message.

You can stay in touch with CHRISTOPHER EVERARD who is a British Author and Film Director, by visiting THE ENIGMA CHANNEL - type in your email into the little box and you’ll receive a free copy of FEED YOUR BRAIN MAGAZINE which is edited by CHRIS EVERARD - go here

STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA is a large format, fully illustrated book - 308 pages with a FULL COLOUR chapter - it will be wrapped and packed and shipped directly to you from British Amazon…

CLICK HERE to order from AMAZON UK (it takes 5mins to set up a British Amazon account and it is completely FREE) CLICK to Order STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA

STONE AGE PSYCHEDELIA is about more than just the ancient sacred plants used by our Ancestors - it is a book which investigates the SPIRITUAL WARFARE currently being committed against Mankind - and the deeply disturbing agenda of Occultists, Freemasons and other Covens to rip & shred our biosphere and create a Dead, Toxic Planet. It also shows how many great religions use the SYMBOLISM of our ancient tribal forefathers to promote a new Agenda of planetary destruction, warfare & chaos.


Original Source:

Spirit World Vol.3 - Real Ghosts, Real Angels, Real Demons - New Documentary Film by Chris Everard

By Chris Everard on December 29, 2011

Official Release Date: 12-02-2012

In this new 2 hour documentary film, CHRIS EVERARD travels to EGYPT and investigates the MAGICAL RITUALS and TELEPATHIC TECHNIQUES of the ancient world. He shows us stone carvings which resemble ‘blueprints’ or ‘circuit diagrams’ of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY. Chris Everard then presents official documents from the Pentagon Archives which prove that the U.S. Air Force have trained an entire army of PSYCHIC WARRIORS at AREA 51. Top Nuclear Physicists, such as Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking have proposed that there are several parallel universes - and that a ‘wormhole’ can be created by bending and manipulating gravity. Official U.S. Air Force documents prove that a ‘STAR GATE’ has been developed using a team of Psychics.

What is really happening at AREA 51? Find out by watching CHRIS EVERARD’s latest documentary -

These psychics ‘bend’ gravity waves with their mind and can ‘see’ the spiritworld using telepathy. Chris Everard presents footage of giant WORMHOLES in the sky above military bases and shows us the documents which prove that there is now some kind of STARGATE connecting planet earth with other universes and also with the SPIRITWORLD. For the first time on film, we see official documents, photos and film footage of the most important psychic experiments in the history of mankind. Chris presents some of the film from inside the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid - and investigates Quantum Physics, Telepathy, Angels, Spirits and Demons - this documentary is packed with rare footage of psychics in China, Russia, Australia and the USA.

This film includes 3-dimensional computer animation of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY which was used by the Ancient Pharaohs - and how this technology was used by leading scientists such as Sir William Crookes and the inventor of television, Mr John Logie Baird. TRUTH really is stranger than FICTION! Without the general public knowing anything about it - the Pentagon, Chinese and Russians have opened Wormholes which allow extra-terrestrials, ghosts, angels and demons to enter our universe! Pre-Order using either Paypal or Amazon - official Release Date is 2nd February 2012 -

All orders will be packed and shipped after the official release date - however - if you do pre-order today, I will send you a free eBook about the ancient technology of the Illuminati - investigating electrostatic generators, the Ark of the Covenant, Nikola Tesla and the mysterious devices carved into the walls of the Temple of Hathor in Egypt.

You can order using either PAYPAL or AMAZON.

Thank you to everyone for being so enthusiastic about my books and films - I really appreciate all my friends and buddies and all my readers and the viewers of the Enigma Channel who made this film possible.

As soon as you order my new film, I will send you a free eBook to your AMAZON or PAYPAL email address - My eBook is delvered directly to you as a PDF and can be read on iPads, iPhones and iPods using ‘jailbreak’ - please order my film today and get a free copy of my eBook about Ancient Technology of the Illuminati:

Get this free fully illustrated eBook when you order Chris Everard’s latest film SPIRITWORLD Vol.3 - you can pay with either AMAZON or PAYPAL at
