January 20, 2013

Bullying in the Workplace - Case Study

By Helene Richards and Sheila Freeman.

These stories come from real people in real pain. You may be shocked at what goes in in some workplaces, perhaps even in your own. Or if you have been a victim yourself you will acknowledge and identify with these stories.

Workplace Bullying Case Studies

“When I started there, I was told that someone had been acting in the position and had expected to get the job. This person continually undermined me and turned other staff against me. I endured twelve months of hell, and felt as if I was sinking in quicksand.” (Mavis)

“I went on stress leave but the thought of returning filled me with such dread that I never went back.” (Ian)

“You always find reasons, excuses for it. It’s the old clichéd question of why anyone puts up with violence: you always think you can change him, you always feel it’s your fault, if you don’t provoke him, everything’s fine…” (Sandra)

“The misery took over my whole life. I turned nasty and bitter, and treated my wife and kids like whipping posts. After many visits to a psychologist, I was able to think of all the positive things in my life, you know, the family, my age and experience in relation to future job prospects … lots of things that put the situation into perspective. Now I look back and think, well, I wouldn’t want to go through that experience again, but in the end it was just a job I lost.” (Michael)

“I had lost my identity and self-esteem, and there was a lot of unresolved anger that I had to let go of before I could channel my energies into the future.” (John)

“I practically turned myself inside out to gain his approval but went nowhere in the company. He ignored my input at meetings, sneered and talked through my presentations. Friends in the business passed on quite vicious rumours about me. I know he started them, but have no proof. At my annual appraisal, all he said was, ‘I suggest that you look for another job.’” (Simone)

“He was out to get her. He started a campaign of whispers and innuendo. At meetings he always made her seem inefficient or unreasonable, hinted that hormones made her behave irrationally, that she was hysterical, menopausal. Little things, all done so carefully that it wasn’t easy to say he was behind it. But he was.” (Robyn)

“I felt as if I was in a long, dark tunnel.” (Sue)

“I wanted to go to sleep and not wake up.” (Marita)

“I had a physical and mental breakdown – a persistent skin rash, absolutely no energy. Everything was grey. There was no colour or joy in my life. I could barely raise a smile. I lost hope for the future. My wife left me.” (Henry)

“I was most hurt by the malice and vindictiveness shown by my colleagues.” (Margaret)

“I am experiencing emotional abuse from my male manager. He is a control freak, must have everything his way and he is a very domineering personality. He likes to be in control of everything and I am nervous around him.” (Paula)

“When I reported her behaviour to our supervisor, I was told I was being over-sensitive. He also suggested I should just “stay in my office”. I began to believe it was my fault. I started having panic attacks and thought I was going crazy. Eventually I had to leave, and haven’t worked since. I will never be the same happy, confident person I was before she bullied me.” (Carla)

Tracy’s Story

“I am a 43-year-old primary school teacher in Australia and my life was turned upside down when I transferred to a remote country school some seven years ago. I have been teaching for over twelve years, worked for many private companies, and have always received glowing references. While at University, I received many letters from the Dean congratulating me on my performance and eventually topped my final year. I had never been bullied in the workplace so I had no idea what was going on until I became so ill that I could no longer face going to work.

Some of my experiences were:

  • Told by a colleague/superior that it wouldn’t matter if I was dead (done in private, of course)
  • Physically pushed three times (the pusher apologised, but can three times in ten minutes be an accident?)
  • Isolated – staff involved would never sit with me during morning tea, lunches, meetings, courses, etc. My name was omitted from birthday acknowledgements. All other staff names on whiteboard in staff room and on work trays were in black, only mine was in red. When we were asked to bring a plate for morning teas or special lunches, no one ate any of mine. I volunteered to help on many projects only to find later that the projects had been completed without my help.
  • Humiliated often: dunce hat put on my head during school performance; coerced to skip in front of whole school; yelled at during meetings; singled out for arriving late to a meeting (others arrived late but no comment made); at a staff night out and after dinner we went to a bar and the Principal said, ‘Come on, Trace, let’s find you a man.’ (Needless to say I am single); ridiculed or ignored about complaints/concerns about students; at school performances or meet-the-parent nights, one member of staff introduces staff with a bright, bubbly tone but the tone always changed significantly when I was introduced; office staff sending children with offensive messages; lunch thrown in the bin.
  • Psychological games to make me feel as though something was wrong with me: told by Principal, ‘We’re going to toughen you up, Trace - now we’re going to up the anti’ (things heated up for me after this); while I was questioned individually about child sex abuse, the remainder of staff were asked to do the same during a staff meeting; I was repeatedly talked over as though what I had to say was irrelevant; teachers constantly interrupted my dealing with playground matters and would take over the matters; told that nobody would want to work with me during a lunch time disco; jobs were taken from me without notification or justification.
  • Denied appropriate resources to do my job effectively: told 30 pieces of art paper was my quota for the year; denied key to store personal belongings; automatic financial assistance for an emotionally disturbed boy in my class withheld, etc.
  • I am a vegetarian and my love of animals was well known. During a lunch, twp bullies sat beside me (unusual, I thought, then I got it) and vividly described a frog dissection. During a dinner, one bully described the removal of a road-kill kangaroo’s testicles. My bullies knew of my pet house rabbit, a much-loved little friend – in one day, one bully described vividly three times how she had cut her finger whilst chopping up a rabbit, while another bully laughed hysterically.

This is only a sample of the behaviour I had to put up with on a daily basis for six years. A few years ago, a doctor asked me if I was depressed. I dismissed this though, looking back, if I had addressed the problem then, perhaps my symptoms would not be so bad today.

I have major depressive illness now, with anxiety attacks so bad that I lay and groan on the floor or bed. I have night-time enuresis that worsens when highly stressed. I have tried to commit suicide, have become a recluse, and am a shadow of my former confident self. I am still fighting for worker’s compensation – my confusion and bewilderment has now turned to fury and anger upon being enlightened about bullying.”

(Tracey, NSW)


Source: https://www.sheilafreemanconsulting.biz/case-studies.htm

Hachiko: A Dog’s Story


Hachiko, the legendary Japanese akita, proves that there is nothing more loyal than mans best friend in this modern retelling of a cherished true story.

It all begins when a college professor adopts an abandoned dog named Hachiko.

The two form such a strong bond that Hachiko walks with the professor to the train station each morning and returns to the station each evening to walk the professor home again. The routine continues until one day the professor does not return to the train station.

Hachiko, however, does not give up. He returns to the same train station at the same time, faithfully waiting for his owner to return.

Hachiko does this for more than nine years, until his own death.

This heartwarming tale that is already the stuff of legend in Japan is finally making its way to America by way of prominent director Lasse Hallström.

With an equally capable cast, the experience of Hachikos unending loyalty is certain to stay with you. Hachikos story is one of love, unwavering devotion, and the resounding impact one dogs affection can make.

The Joe Rogan Experience - Everything’s Ridiculous

*Diabolical” - US Senate Approves Bill To Legalize Humans Have Sex With Animals

By CNSNews.com

THE United States Senate Thursday 12/8 approved a defence authorisation bill legalising sodomy with humans and sex with animals or bestiality.

The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals–or bestiality.

On Nov. 15, the Senate Armed Services Committee had unanimously approved S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Article 125 of the UCMJ makes it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.

It states: “(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense. (b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said the effort to remove sodomy from military law stems from liberal Senate Democrats’ and President Obama’s support for removing the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.

“It’s all about using the military to advance this administration’s radical social agenda,” Perkins told CNSNews.com. “Not only did they overturn Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, but they had another problem, and that is, under military law sodomy is illegal, just as adultery is illegal, so they had to remove that prohibition against sodomy.”

Now that it has passed, however, the Senate version will have to go to a conference committee, and Perkins predicts there will be several sticking points with the House. “The House in their version of the defense authorization, reinforced the Defense of Marriage Act, saying that there is a military DOMA as well, prohibiting same-sex marriage on military bases – something the Department of Defense is pushing for,” he said. “And now this is an added concern, that sodomy has been removed, and as we have discovered, that bestiality–the prohibition against it–has been removed from the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So yes, the House will have problems with this bill.”

As a reader, what do you thinkabout this?


Source: https://tumfweko.com/2011/12/11/america-legalizes-sex-with-animals-for-military-personnel/ (Zambia)

The Philosophy of Liberty

In eight minutes, you will understand liberty.


Source: https://www.thegic.org/video/the-philosophy-of-liberty

Foolish; Satirical Post

S/he is truly a Fool who entrusts their:

1. Soul to a Preacher!
2. Health to a Doctor!
3. Right’s to a Lawyer!
4. Choices to a Politician!
5. Money to a Banker!
6. Information from a news channel!
7. History from a school system!
8. Education from a University!
9. Security from a police force!
10. Freedom from a government!


Source: https://exposingthetruth.info

Fracking Hell: The Untold Story


An original investigative report by Earth Focus and UK’s Ecologist Film Unit looks at the risks of natural gas development in the Marcellus Shale. From toxic chemicals in drinking water to unregulated interstate dumping of potentially radioactive waste that experts fear can contaminate water supplies in major population centers including New York City, are the health consequences worth the economic gains?

Marcellus Shale contains enough natural gas to supply all US gas needs for 14 years. But as gas drilling takes place, using a process called hydraulic fracturing or “fracking,” toxic chemicals and methane gas seep into drinking water. Now experts fear that unacceptable levels of radioactive Radium 226 in gas development waste.

Fracking chemicals are linked to bone, liver and breast cancers, gastrointestinal, circulatory, respiratory, developmental as well as brain and nervous system disorders. Such chemicals are present in frack waste and may find their way into drinking water and air.

Waste from Pennsylvania gas wells — waste that may also contain unacceptable levels of radium — is routinely dumped across state lines into landfills in New York, Ohio and West Virginia. New York does not require testing waste for radioactivity prior to dumping or treatment. So drill cuttings from Pennsylvania have been dumped in New York’s Chemung and other counties and liquid waste is shipped to treatment plants in Auburn and Watertown New York. How radioactive is this waste? Experts are calling are for testing to find out.

New York State may have been the first state in the nation to put a temporary hold on fracking pending a safety review, but it allows other states to dump toxic frack waste within its boundaries.

With a gas production boom underway in the Marcellus Shale and plans for some 400,000 wells in the coming decades, the cumulative impact of dumping potential lethal waste without adequate oversight is a catastrophe waiting to happen. And now U.S. companies are exporting fracking to Europe.

Gasland Part 1 of 2

Land Council Calls For Fracking Halt


(AUSTRALIA) THE Central Land Council has called for a freeze on fracking, the technique used to extract oil and gas from layers of shale underground.

Council director David Ross said the halt on permit applications should last until environmental assessments had been carried out and strict regulations drawn up.

He said the potential impact of fracking - where water and sand are blasted down a well to force shale apart - was “enormous“.


Source: https://www.ntnews.com.au/article/2011/12/13/278075_ntnews.html

Deadly Blasts Rock Central Liege In Belgium

Explosions in the centre of the Belgian city of Liege have killed at least two people and wounded about 12, Belgian media say.

They say several men threw explosives and grenades in a crowd at a bus stop.

Some reports say one of the attackers is among the dead. The area has been sealed off.

No group has said it carried out the attack.