November 5, 2012

Six Trillion Dollars

Immediately after the White House broadcasted news the death of Osama, the American peoples immediately took to the streets. feasts to celebrating the joy of a success by destroyed something that during the last teen years that haunts them. However, perhaps many Americans do not know anything about the works that had been done by their own government to arrive at the day of euphoria.

The majority of Americans never know, and probably don’t know how many losses suffered by the Americans and the negative effects that makes their nation fallen disarray due to a “Osama Bin Laden”. In the last fifteen years Americans spends more than U.S. $ 9 trillion dollars for the cost of the domestic economy, war, and security that has been triggered by the attacks on 11 September 2001 ( 911 ).

Event 911 was one of the reasons the U.S. government to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, in order to combat “terrorism” and seek weapons of mass destruction, that has not been found till now. Two of these wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) and U.S. was forced to mobilize the 150,000 troops and spend a quarter of the U.S. defense budget. Not only that, the civil liberties of the American peoples should imprisoned because the fears of terrorism, the rising of global oil price caused by war they made and the U.S. national debt.

But the reality is actually about the number of U.S. troops and weapons in the Afghan war not as wow as well compares to the U.S. report on the sophistication of their weaponry. Keep in mind, a small number of U.S. rockets (stinger) went into Afghanistan after 10 years Russian occupation before the withdrawal of Russian warfare Facilities which rarely used in the important battles. It was rarely for anyone to know about these these tools. Some weapons were actually stolen by Pakistani intelligence. They were used to steal some relief funds and goods to the Afghan mujahideen, such as cars, various SAR equipment, logistics, ammunition, and weapons entering through Pakistan come to the Afghan mujahideen.

What was the role of these rockets in destroying more than 50 thousand Russian military equipment, killing more than 30 thousand Russian soldiers in that place, and killed more than 150 thousand Afghan militia of pro-Soviet communists. Even hundreds of thousands of operations for jihadist attacks that had implemented more than 15 years, started 5 years before the Russian invasion for 3 years and then through the capital Kabul in the hands of the mujahideen, namely from 1973 to 1992.

Afghanistan War, Iraq war, and war against the Mujahideen in essence did not bring any advantage for the U.S. This is different from what happened during the war against Joseph Stalin, who at least produce an important technological breakthroughs that revolutionized the U.S. economy. War against Osama at least for the U.S. to provide only one advantage, that is unmanned aircraft. Imagine it ! ! three billion U.S. dollars for unmanned aircraft projects? It seemed it was too excessive.

Linda Bilmes, a lecturer at Harvard University in a book she wrote with Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, says, “we have spent a large sum of money that has not influented much on strengthening our military, and even it has a very weak impact to our economy”. This is consistent with what is expected from Osama, in a video recording of he says, “we will continue to make Americans reach at the point of collapse”. And it’s really happened.

U.S. Civil Wars

Meanwhile, despite the civil war spent expenditures amounting to 280 billion U.S. dollars, there were many positive impacts that can be learned by the Americans. Among them, the first railway standards grew from coast to coast, carrying goods across the State and textile mills began to migrate from the Northeast to the South looking for cheap labor, including former slaves who had joined the workforce. The fighting itself is accelerating mechanization of American agriculture: Because farmers flocked to the battlefield, the workers left their jobs and adopt new technologies in agriculture. Which also in World War II, the budget issued by the U.S. reached 4.4 trillion U.S. dollars. “It is a national mobilization that has never happened before” said Chris Hellman, defense budget analyst at the National Priorities Project.

While the war that deals with Osama, made the U.S. too much in the acts. Bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa, causing Washington had to spend the funds four times larger than necessary to maintain diplomatic security worldwide in the year and next. And raised the expenditure of 172 billion dollars to 2.2 trillion dollars over the next decades.

Attacks of 11 September 2001 by Intelligence Drama was a disaster that must be paid with high price by the U.S. Economists estimate the losses from 50 billion up to 100 billion dollars. The stock market plummeted and continues to fall to 13 percent a year later.

Then the greater costs incurred by the U.S. to invade Afghanistan in order to reply to attack Al Qaeda. It’s also the U.S. invasion of Iraq that makes 911 event as their own reason related to Islamic extremism and weapons of mass destruction. The second war in top (Afghanistan and Iraq) costed 1.4 trillion dollars, and even the U.S. government is still borrowing hundreds of billions dollars more and increase the U.S. debt interest expensed amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars.

“So… Osama Bin Laden is The Greatest, he is not as bad as Hitler, or Mussolini, etc.” Even Bin Laden produces such great effects. War in Iraq and Afghanistan has created a world which non-war budget also been used.

6 trillion dollars for an Osama

Based all the costs incurred, at least in the war against Osama, U.S. is forced had to spend the funds reach 3 trillion dollars. It was only approximate, because the war in Iraq has the cost more than that calculated. So.. the euphoria party of the death of Osama still needs to be rethought. Michael O’Hanlon, a national security analyst at the Brookings Institution said, “I do not take great of my satisfaction in his death because I’m still amazed at how high the destructions and losses he gave U.S.A”. That is just an Osama, one man. Many who has considered the U.S. to continue the “war on terrorism.” Osama has hundreds or even thousands of peoples who would replace him. But the American economy, domestic issues are increasingly complex, the costs to “help the spread of democracy” in other countries.

Everything takes a long time, and together with it all, America’s debt will rise to 9 trillion U.S. dollars with U.S. debts over the next decade. It means “three-Osama.” Although Osama is claimed to has been buried under the sea, there are extremely many Islamic fighters who are competing his position as a Mujahideen. In the same time, new enemies, both from within and abroad the U.S. has been waiting. So with what Americans would pay for all this?



Metropolitan Police Mobile Phone Monitoring Technology Revealed

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has come under fire after revelations that it has been using technology to monitor mobile phone communications over a 10km radius, in an apparent breach of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).

Documents uncovered by The Guardian found that the MPS has been paying a Leeds-based company called Datong since 2008 for technology that allows it to create a ‘spoof’ mobile phone mast through which communications can be intercepted.

The fake mast can also monitor the movements of a device, without knowing the identity of its owner, by tracking the Temporary International Mobile Subscriber Identity information broadcast by mobile phones.

This would appear to be in breach of the RIPA, which gives police the power to intercept the transmissions only of specified individuals or premises, rather than blanket coverage of an entire area.

The MPS said that it is unable to discuss the specific technologies it uses, but did claim that all its work is legal and compliant.

“The MPS may employ surveillance technology as part of our continuing efforts to ensure the safety of Londoners and detect criminality. It can be a vital and highly effective investigative tool,” the force said.

“Although we do not discuss specific technology or tactics, we can reassure those who live and work in London that any activity we undertake is in compliance with legislation and codes of practice.”
Datong refused to comment when contacted.

Nick Pickles, director at privacy and civil liberties group Big Brother Watch, told V3 that the Met’s refusal to explain how it used the technology is alarming.

“Just like the Patriot Act in the US, new wide-ranging powers introduced in a knee-jerk manner after 7/7 mean the use of RIPA for such measures is a grossly disproportionate invasion of people’s privacy,” he said.

“There is no clear reason why the Met has to use this technology as it generates so much information that finding anything of use would be like looking for a needle in the haystack. It just offers blanket coverage that’s an excuse for lazy policing.”

Pickles has contacted the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, the authority that oversees how RIPA is used, to investigate the issue.

Robin Fry, a partner at law firm DAC Beachcroft, told V3 that the Met’s use of the technology highlights the grey areas in UK surveillance laws that urgently need addressing.

“There are highly controlled laws over surveillance but only if it is ‘directed’ at individuals. There’s no single law against our being monitored in groups,” he said.

“Our data privacy laws desperately need to move forward to cover collection of information against groups, which many believe will sooner or later be unpacked to give out sensitive information about particular individuals.”

The revelations come as The Telegraph claims to have uncovered information suggesting that the MPS has access to a range of light aircraft fitted with technology that allows it to monitor mobile conversations while flying over London.
