December 22, 2012

Syrian Peace Deal: UN’s Cloak to NATO’s Dagger

Turkey begins fabricating “cross border” incidents to justify Brookings prescribed “safe havens” inside Syria.
by Tony Cartalucci on April 9, 2012

From the very beginning, US policy makers admitted that Kofi Annan’s “peace mission” to Syria was nothing more than a rouse to preserve NATO’s proxy forces from total destruction and create “safe havens” from which to prolong the bloodshed. It was hoped that with established “safe havens” in Syria, protected by Turkish military forces (Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952) violence and pressure verses the Syrian government could be perpetually increased until it finally collapsed and the carving up of Syria could commence.

Photo: Annan is a trustee of Wall Street speculator George Soros and geopolitical manipulator Zbigniew Brzezinski’s International Crisis Group (ICG), along side Neo-Conservative corporate lobbyist and warmonger Kenneth Adelman, US State Department-listed Iranian terror organization MEK lobbyist - General Wesley Clark, Wall Street-backed color revolution leader- Mohammed ElBaradei of Egypt, and Brookings Institution’s Samuel Berger. Serving as “advisers” to the International Crisis Group include, Neo-Conservative warmonger Richard Armitage, former Foreign Minister of Israel Shlomo Ben-Ami, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bank of Israel Governor Stanely Fischer, and President of Israel Shimon Peres. While Annan poses as a representative of the “United Nations” he is in reality representing the pro-regime change agenda of the ICG and the special interests that fund its work.


This has been confirmed by Fortune 500-funded, US foreign-policy think-tank, Brookings Institution which has blueprinted designs for regime change in Libya as well as both Syria andIran. In their latest report, “Assessing Options for Regime Change” it is stated (emphasis added):

“An alternative is for diplomatic efforts to focus first on how to end the violence and how to gain humanitarian access, as is being done under Annan’s leadership.This may lead to the creation of safe-havens and humanitarian corridors, which would have to be backed by limited military power. This would, of course, fall short of U.S. goals for Syria and could preserve Asad in power. From that starting point, however, it is possible that a broad coalition with the appropriate international mandate could add further coercive action to its efforts.” -page 4, Assessing Options for Regime Change, Brookings Institution.

Click to enlarge

Image: Also out of the Brookings Institution, Middle East Memo #21 “Assessing Options for Regime Change (.pdf),” makes no secret that the humanitarian “responsibility to protect” is but a pretext for long-planned regime change.


And while “peace” was being peddled by Soros-funded International Crisis Group trustee Kofi Annan, the US, UK, France, and members of the West’s proxy Arab League simultaneously called for Assad to stand down and withdraw troops from secured cities while openly declaring that arms and cash would continue to flow to the rebels. The “Friends of Syria” summit would even ludicrously declare that “wages” would be paid to rebels to continue their battle to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Clearly the label “peace deal” is inappropriate for a proposal that seeks to empower and indeed see one side prevail militarily over another whose hands are purposefully tied. It is an unconditional surrender to foreign-funded terrorists simply labeled as a “peace deal.”

The Brookings Institution’s “safe havens” and “humanitarian corridors” are meant to be established by NATO-member Turkey, who has been threatening to partially invade Syria for weeks in order to accomplish this. And while Turkey claims this is based on “humanitarian concerns,” examining Turkey’s abysmal human rights record in addition to its own ongoing genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people both within and beyond its borders, it is clear they are simply fulfilling the agenda established by their Western patrons on Wall Street and in the city of London.

Photo: Turkish tanks entering Iraq to raid Kurdish towns and hunt suspected rebels in 2008. More recently, Turkey has been bombing “suspected” rebel bases in both Turkey and Iraq, as well as conducting mass nationwide arrests. Strangely, as Turkey verifiably does what Libya’s Qaddafi and Syria’s Assad have been accused of doing, in all of their hypocrisy, are now calling for a partial invasion of Syria based on “humanitarian concerns.”

….Now, Turkey is fabricating stories involving Syrian troops “firing across” the Turkish-Syrian border. The New York Times published these bold accusations before admitting further down that “it was unclear what kind of weapons caused the injuries on Sunday around six miles inside Turkish territory,” and that “there were conflicting accounts about the incident.” As are all the accusations used by NATO, the UN, and individual member states to justify meddling in Syria’s affairs, these tales involve hear-say from the rebels themselves.

It is clear that Turkey, NATO, and the UN are attempting to set the pretext for the establishment of “safe havens” and “humanitarian corridors” intended to circumvent the UN Security Council which has seen attempts to green-light military intervention vetoed twice by Russia and China. As the UN “peace deal” deadline of April 10 comes and goes, we can expect an ever increasing din of propaganda purporting Syrian violations against Turkish sovereignty, the continued propaganda campaign accentuating the “victimization” of NATO’s death squads, and the public roll-out of Brookings’ Turkish established “safe haven” within Syrian territory.

Image: Some of the corporate sponsors behind the Brookings Institution, from whose playbook Kofi Annan is being directed in his disingenuous “peace mission” to Syria. (click image to enlarge)

Image: Just some of the corporate and “institutional” sponsors of the International Crisis Group, upon which Kofi Annan sits as a “trustee” with other dubious personalities including George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Israeli President Shimon Peres, Egypt’s Mohammed ElBaradei, and Neo-Cons Richard Armitage and Kenneth Adelman. (click image to enlarge)

….The UN “peace deal” was a rouse from the beginning. The West has no intention of leaving Syria intact and will seek all means by which to prevail in toppling the government, carving up the country along sectarian lines, plunging it into perpetual violence as it has Libya, and moving next toward Iran. While it is essential to expose the truth behind Syria’s unrest, is also important to identify the corporate-financier interests driving this nefarious agenda and boycott them entirely while seeking out viable local solutions to support instead. If none exist, it is our duty to use our time, money, attention, and resources to create such alternatives instead of perpetuating the self-serving agenda unfolding before us.

Ultimately it is “we the people” paying into this current paradigm that allows it to continue moving forward, therefore it by necessity must be “we the people” who undermine and ultimately replace it.


Putin Lashes Out At McCain, Says US Drones, Commandos Killed Gaddafi

By on 15 December, 2011, 14:18

Vladimir Putin has lashed out at John McCain over his threats that the PM may face same fate as the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. The Russian premier speculated that the US senator has been traumatized by his POW experience.

Putin presented his version of how Gaddafi was killed, and it allocates a dubious place for NATO in the scenario.

“All the world saw him being killed, all bloodied. Is that democracy? And who did it? Drones, including American ones, delivered a strike on his motorcade. Then commandos, who were not supposed to be there, brought in so-called opposition and militants. And killed him without trial,” Putin explained.

“Mr. McCain is known to have fought in Vietnam. I believe he has enough civilian blood on his hands. Is it that he can’t live without such horrible disgusting scenes as the butchering of Gaddafi?” the Russian prime minister speculated.

“Mr. McCain was taken prisoner in Vietnam and was put, not just in jail, but in a pit! He sat there for several years. Any person would go nuts from that!”
he added.

Putin also said hawkish politicians like McCain are targeting, not him personally, but rather Russia, because it has the strength to protect its sovereignty and its international interests rather than submit to world domination pretenses. But there are more those who want to see Russia as a partner, not as an enemy.

“The West is not monolithic, and we have more friends than enemies,” Putin assured.



The US Had Offered Saif Al-Islam A Coup Against His Father Gaddafi


Saif al-Islam has exposed remarkable facts during his first interrogation.

He said that leaders of the White House contacted him six days after the occupation of Benghazi and suggested that he should stage a coup against his father, and to take his place in power.

“After the coup, I should soon begin to impose profound reforms and the petroleum regulatory policies,” said Seif al-Islam.

After I did not agree with this proposal, they broke off contact with me.

Regarding the U.S. relations with his father he said that the last contact of the U.S. with Muammar al-Gaddafi took place shortly before his death.

Saif al-Islam said: “The United States have assured my father that his security was not threatened during his concealment in Sirte and that they will help him to leave the bombings of Libya without persecution.”



‘Depleted Uranium’s Toxic Legacy To Poison Libya For 40 Years’

Libya: Atrocities Starting to Come to Light

In Libya, the body of Muammar Qaddafi was buried in an unmarked grave at a secret location. Like many revolutions, the end of this one was bloody.

There are questions about how the rebels dealt with both the dictator and hundreds of others. CBS News correspondent Allen Pizzey reports that the question of whether rebel fighters executed Qaddafi is still under investigation. So far, the new Libyan government has shown little interest in getting to the bottom of the matter.

Nearly 300 bodies, many of them with their hands tied behind their backs and shot in the head, have been collected from across Sirte and buried in a mass grave. The new government has been slow to confront allegations of atrocities by rebel fighters, despite repeated calls for them to do so.

“You have to bear in mind that these young man have seen their friends killed in front of them, who saw their cities burned, who saw their sisters raped. I am amazed at their self-restraint,” said Ali Tarhouni, oil minister.

The evidence indicates that little restraint was shown.

There are no names in one graveyard, only numbers: 572 so far and counting. That’s because the graves hold the bodies of alleged mercenaries. Most were killed in the fighting, but local officials freely admit that some were summarily executed.

The governor of a prison in Misrata thinks that amounted to justice.

“There was no mercy for foreign mercenaries,” Sheikh Fathie Dariez said.

The nearly 500 prisoners he holds seemed well treated, but this man said that in another jail he had been brutalized. He said they beat him because they assumed he was pro-Qaddafi.

Libya’s new rulers are at risk of being accused of the same kind of abuses they fought to overthrow.


‘Occupy Together’: The Movement Grows to Stop Bankers’ World War III

Over the past two weeks the ravaged North African nation of Libya and the burgeoning ‘Occupy …’ movement have been much in the news through both billions-dollar Corporate Stream Media (CSM) and through genuinely alternative Internet channels.

A revealing number of factors connect the now war-torn Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (“State of the Masses”) and its ‘Green Revolution’, both nurtured by the Jamahiriya’s unofficial leader Muammar Qadddafi, with principles and aspirations expressed by many in the ‘Occupy …’ movement.

Before its devastation under bombing by the North American Treaty Organization (NATO), Libya had many of the social programs and remedies that many in the ‘Occupy’ movements call for.

That is, Libya’s Jamahiriya was pretty much the real deal as a counter and threat to the greed and ‘GLOBAL’ agenda (please see the ‘Robin Hood Tax’ below) of the thieving, totalitarian financiers whom the ‘Occupy’ movement opposes. How the Jamahiriya was treated by those financiers’ war-machine and their Corporate Stream Media, fed by organizations such as CANVAS (again please see below) should be a lesson to us all.

Libya Rally

Let’s first look at what’s been done in Libya this year and over the four preceding decades. On October 31, 2011, NATO ostensibly ended its campaign of aerial and ground attacks in Libya, 11 days after the murder of the Jamahiriya’s unofficial leader, Muammar Qaddafi.

NATO’s overt campaign began more than seven months ago, March 19, with the launch of 110 United States’ Tomahawk missiles against military and civilian targets in the nation of about 6.7 million. According to Libya’s new, NATO-backed, ostensible Government, the National Transitional Council (NTC), by mid-September the war against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya had caused more than 30,000 civilian deaths; other estimates double this number of civilians killed. (1) NATO’s own count of its aerial bombing is more than 26,000 sorties (a sortie is each aircraft in a mission) and more than ’9600 strike missions’, each mission delivering ‘an average of four bombs per attack’. Effects on Libyan civilians can be seen in several videos online, as they lament the NATO bombings and delebrate and their Jamahiriya government.

NATO’s bombing reached Libya’s “great man-made river”, ‘the world’s largest irrigation project’, in July. Its devastation of both Libya’s standard of living (the highest in North Africa) and of Libya’s direct democracy through the Jamahiriya’s 34-years-standing ‘Basic People’s Congresses’ intensified with British and Qatari soldiers’ and NTC forces’ attack of Tripoli in late August.

For a summary of Libya before NATO’s devastations, you can check out one of many pro-Jamahiriya videos on YouTube, ‘Shocking Truth About Gaddafi–what you don’t know’, 7:24 in length. It gives an overview of ‘Green Revolution’ accomplishments since 1969. It’s at

In relation to ‘Occupy Wall Street’, we should bear in mind that the entirety of NATO’s overt campaign in Libya, as demanded by President Barack Obama of the United States, President Nikolas Sarkozy of France, and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain, gained credibility through lies put forth in February 2011 onFacebook and Twitter accounts ostensibly belonging to activists guided by a group based in Belgrade in the former Yugoslavia, CANVAS, a group preceded by its members’ earlier, more well-known Otpor, and that Otpor/CANVAS methods of protest and clenched-fist logos figure prominently in the ‘Occupy …’ movement.

Another excellent video, ‘US Orchestrates Regime Change in Libya Using Social Media’, shows how this Big Lie through ‘social media’ plays.

The most famous killing in the Libyan war is that of Muammar Qaddafi, author of the ‘Green Book’ of the Jamahiriya and founder of Libya’s ‘Green Revolution.’ Scores of Internet postings repeat footage of the 69-year-old, reeling and unarmed, as he’s beaten, reviled and perhaps sodomized by NTC fighters on October 20. The mob’s ‘capture’ of Qaddafi came after his convoy was attacked by a French fighter-jet and U.S. drone, as an excellent summary by Martin Iqbal of NATO involvement in the invasion of Libya relates. It’s available on the website

A further horror followed the mob’s beating of Muammar Qaddafi. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton learned of the leader’s death during her stop in Afghanistan, two days after she’d visited Libya. Sitting before a Cable News Network (CNN) interviewer, the Secretary of State said, “We came, we saw, he died“, laughed, and clapped her hands.

The two Two Comments (most approved by viewers’ votes) on this Youtube clip of Hillary Clinton’s hand-clapping response, seen by 196,100 viewers as of October 31, 2011, are ‘A Demon’ and ‘wow, she truly is a disgusting pig.’ (13) Another video of the Secretary of State’s response, from the channel PlanetEarthAwakens01, features these two comments: ‘evil at the helm of the country. I understand why Americans are on strike’ and ‘Power to the people!! I am 99%’ (14)

Hidden Connections

What do horrors of and from NATO’s attack on Libya have to do with the burgeoning, wonderfully rebellious, creative and staunch movement that began with the encampment of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ in Lower Manhattan on September 17? What does Libya’s Jamahiriya, that ‘State of the Masses’ and its ‘Green Revolution’. have to do with the ‘Occupy …’ movement?

Let’s try a quick overview of ‘Occupy …’ The movement that’s become ‘Occupy Together’ and ‘Occupy Everything’ now has more than 1000 offshoots across the modern, industrial world. It represents a decades-overdue protest by working-class and middle-class people, the ’99%’, against their exploitation, marginalization and impoverishment under a broken-down system of financial and technological tyranny that enriches a relative few, the “1%’, as its debt-swelling, Bank-feeding national Governments rob hundreds of millions across the Western world of homes, jobs, education, health-care, and dignity. Individuals’ statements from their struggling in the United States are eloquent.(15)

On March 12, 2011, a collaboration between David DeGraw’s and a sub-group of Anonymous “hactivists” ‘announced their first operation’ by posting a video on Youtube. The announcement began: ‘We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.’ It continued: ‘Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements and World Bank…. Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience. ‘ (16)

To me, participants in the ‘Occupy …’ movement compose the brightest hope that’s arisen in the Western world since 1967. Their courage and fellow-feeling, their principles of a voice for all through their Popular General Assemblies, their industry and organization, and their refusal to buckle under repression from Police and other forces, invalidate memes spread by billions-dollar Corporate Stream Media (CSM) over the past 30 years.

Young people in the West are NOT apathetic. Working-class people are NOT beaten down. Masses of us SEE and RESIST our plight under a Ruling Few. Resistance is essential and we can become our own government. (17)

The courage, compassion and resourcefulness of participants in the ‘Occupy …’ camps remind me of what natives and more than a million volunteers to post-flood New Orleans since September 2005 have accomplished in this city.

Everyday people, the ’99%’, can, if given tools of the 21st century, act far more effectively and sensitively to solve problems in their local environments than can centralized Governments that are bought and bent, one way or another, toward serving supranational Corporations’ global interests. Direct democracy is especially preferable to Government under unaccountable private Central Banks such as the United States’ Federal Reserve System (18)

A similar understanding animated Muammar Qaddafi when the ‘Basic People’s Congresses’ formed for direct democracy through local councils during 1977 in Libya’s ‘Green Revolution.’ Such understanding was moving Muammar Qaddafi toward even more radical surrender of State power and sharing of wealth in the years just before NATO’s invasion of Libya.

According to the United States’ Congressional Research Service on February 18, 2011: ‘In March 2008, [Colonel Qaddafi] announced his intention to dissolve most government administrative bodies and institute a Wealth Distribution Program whereby state oil revenues would be distributed to citizens on a monthly basis for them to administer personally, in cooperation, and via local committees.’ (19) (20)

Other aspects of the ‘Occupy …’ movement are less promising than the courage, insight and creativity shown by majorities of people in their camps.

Origins and graphics of ‘Occupy Wall Street’ link to a well-funded group of self-described “revolutionaries” who are based in Belgrade, belonging first to Otpor(Resistance) and then to CANVAS (the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies. For 12 years Otpor and then CANVAS has served interests of the supranational financial tyranny that early statements of ‘OWS’ determinedly oppose.

Otpor began in Serbia in 1999 as students grouping against the regime and re-election of Slobodan Milosevic. According to the New York Times, Otporreceived training from retired U.S. Army Colonel Robert Helvey and substantial funding from the more than $30 million thrown against Milosevic by the United States Agency for International Aid (USAID) and the U.S-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Freedom House, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the International Republican Institute. Otpor also learned methodology from books written by Gene Sharp, a Harvard professor who founded the Albert Einstein Institution that retired Colonel Helvey later served as President. (21) Financier George Soros funded the publication and distribution of Sharp’s From Dictatorship to Democracy in 1993, as noted in the 27-minue documentary “The Revolution Business” by Journeyman Pictures (22).

NATO’s campaign against post-Yugoslavia Serbia in the latter 1990s was also called by it and the United Nations ‘humanitarian intervention.’ Its bombing during these years also struck non-military targets, including the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, and killed thousands of civilians. (23)

The former Yugoslavia has another parallel with NATO-ravaged Libya. In 1990 the Yugoslavia of which Serbia was then part controlled its finances through a State-owned Central Bank. It was one of eight nations on Earth with State-owned Central Banks. Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, and the Sudan were the other seven nations and all eight nations were on the United States Clinton Administration’s list of ‘Rogue States.’ Four have since been invaded by Anglo-American forces (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia) and the remaining four are threatened with such attack (Cuba, Iran, Syria, the Sudan). (24)

A brief but far-ranging article by Ellen Brown from last April, published, asks ‘Libya: All About Oil, or All About Banking?” It notes that Libya’s ‘rebel’ National Transitional Council declared its own private Central Bank, allowing seizure of Libyan resources and savings, after less than one month of inconclusive fighting on the ground. The article is at

Otpor’s reach became international and in 2003 it grew into CANVAS, the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions And Strategies. It received more funding from the International Republican Institute, Freedom House, the NED, and George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Its leaders guided activists in regions of the former Soviet Union–Georgia s ‘Rose Revolution’ of 2003 and Ukraine’s ‘Orange Revolution’ of 2004. A thorough study of Otpor/CANVAS work in the former Soviet Union, written by Jonathan Mowat in 2005,refers in its title to covert dynamics that he sees: ‘Coup d’état in Disguise: Washington’s New World Order “Democratization” Template’. (25)

Contrary of CANVAS slogans, the ‘Color ‘Revolutions’ in Georgia and Ukraine did NOT result in anything like more power to their places’ people. They resulted in Governments as corrupt as their predecessors. They also resulted in much less local and national control of resources and infrastructure under ‘Shock’ programs stipulated by the International Monetary Fund for loans. In 2011 Ukraine asked the International Monetary Fund to let it ‘delay raising household gas prices’, a price-increase that was part of IMF conditions for a $15.15 billion loan, while Georgia was asking the IMF for another loan

Said ‘Shock’ programs to poor and struggling societies were initially authored by a Harvard-educated economist, Jeffrey Sachs. Jeffrey Sachs continues to fill many roles. The 56-year-old is now Professor in two Schools at Columbia University, Director of the Earth Institute, Special Adviser to United Nations Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, a Commissioner of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, and a partner with George Soros in Millennium Villages and in the Institute for New Economic Thinking (26)

Jeffrey Sachs twice addressed ‘Occupy Wall Street’ in October 2011, soon after release of his latest book, The Price of Civilization, offering praise and advice. He implausibly included himself among the working-class and needy by repeating “We are the the 99%.” (27)

On October 24, 2011 Canadian publication Adbusters, a publicizing sponsor of ’Occupy Wall Street’ since last Summer, urged ‘OWS’ and the ‘Occupy’ movement as a whole to endorse a ‘Robin Hood Tax’ of 0.05% on strictly speculative financial transactions and to do so by time of the G20 meeting of 20 major industrial nations this coming weekend.

The ‘Robin Hood Tax’ is as yet a vague though slickly packaged creation. Its British website declares it ‘A tax on Banks that would give billions to tackle poverty and climate change, here and abroad.’ Another statement on this site says: ‘Turning A GLOBAL CRISIS into A GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY’. Among the Robin Hood Tax’s existing endorsers are President Nikolas Sarkozy of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Adair Turner (Chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority and the International Committee on Climate Change), Paul Krugman of the Nobel Prize and New York Times, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Sachs, George Soros, and (yet another multi-billionaire beneficiary of partnerships with the Rockefeller and Rothschild families) Warren Buffet.

The Robin Hood Tax has a projected ‘GLOBAL’ yield of $1.3 trillion. Non-endorsers of it ask: to what and whom will it ‘give billions’? The World Bank is one supposed administrator. Given its endorsers and its ‘GLOBAL’ framing, isn’t this ‘Robin Hood Tax’ most likely to be one more dodge and snare toward gulling and fleecing masses, small businesses and working-class people, through a tax that goes somewhere far away from local administration and needs? (28)

Adbusters was a secondary initiator of ‘Occupy Wall Street’, according to earlier ‘OWS’ organizer David DeGraw of (29) Adbusters is a relatively small recipient and funder within a supranational chain of obliging donations between very wealthy Foundations. Between 1996-2003 the Canada-basedAdbusters received $334,217 from the U.S.-based Tides Foundation (30). On its side, up the chain of tax-evading exchange, the Tides Foundation, a far more endowed non-profit, received $23.988,039 from George Soros’ Open Society Institute alone between 1997-2005. At the end of 2003 the net worth of the 501c3Tides Foundation was $145,439,750. (31)

Let’s return to the “revolutionaries” from Belgrade. After Georgia and Ukraine, the clenched-fist logo of Otpor/CANVAS showed up in CANVAS-advised opposition to the democratically elected Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez displayed in a 2007 TV broadcast. (32)

Otpor/CANVAS went on to guide activists in Tunisia’s ‘Jasmine Revolution’ and Egypt’s ‘Lotus Revolution’ of late 2010 and early 2011 (33).

Where do these ‘Color Revolutions’ of the MENA (MIddle East North Africa) region stand now? Their currently dominant results In Egypt and Tunisia are not promising for direct democracy or freedom or prosperity for their places’ people.

Martial law continues in Egypt under the NATO-approved successor to Hosni Mobarak, 76-year-old Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi. ‘Egypt’s Military Expands Power, Raises Alarms’, says the New York Times on October 14, 2011. (34) Tunisia’s elections of October 2011 produced decisive victory for the Islamist party led by Rachid al-Ghahannuchi, who has previous declared a fatwa that all Muslims should summarily kill all Israelis in Israel. ( (35)

In short, Egypt and Tunisia now appear more inclined to instability and civil and external warfare than they were one year ago. Thus their statuses more serve the interests of the supranational Banks that finance warfare and that seek more of global control for their super-exploitative but irremediably debt-ridden system. These Banks and their partners in nations’ private Central Banks and their overseeing Bank of International Settlements seek cover from their manifold failings through ‘GLOBAL’ measures such as the Robin Hood Tax. They’re absolutely inimical to people’s general well-being everywhere.

Occupy Melbourne

Returning once more to our Belgrade-based “revolutionaries”, Otpor/CANVASalso trained activists in the anti-Qaddafi Libyan Youth Movement as to uses of ‘social media’. (36)

As observed above, lies broadcast through impossibly located and obviously falseFacebook and Twitter accounts claim to report Government massacres in Benghazi and Tripoli that never happened. These non-existent “crimes against humanity” by “the dictator Qaddafi” then became a much-amplified Big Lie through the services of CNN, al Jazeera, Fox News, et cetera of the Corporate Stream Media. Thus the Jamahiriya ‘State of the Masses’ and its assets (oil, gold, water, a State-owned Central Bank) were set up for United Nations’ ‘humanitarian intervention’ and NATO strikes. (37)

The Example of Libya’s ‘Green Revolution’

Here are factors that connect aspirations of many in the ‘Occupy …’ movement with accomplishments of Libya’s Jamahiriya.

Libya’s ‘Green Revolution’ began with Muammar Qaddafi’s seizing power with a coup against King Idris in 1969. According to Michel Chossudovsky, the reliable editor of, in his article of September 21, 2011, ‘Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What Has Been Destroyed’, by 2010 Libya had the following benefits and standards.

•Free education from kindergarten-age through University for all of its citizens

•Free health-care for all its citizens

•National literacy of above 89% and rising–99.9% among youth

•A teacher to student ratio of one to seventeen in primary Schools

•Nutrition per individual of more than 3000 calories per day. (38)

Libya’s Jamahiriya also provided:

•Free farmland. equipment and seeds to any citizen committed to farming the apportioned land

•$50,000 toward housing for any newly married couple

•Free electricity

•Free water (much of it through the ‘World’s Largest Man-made River’)

•Guaranteed employment and housing (no urban homelessness

•Women with the right to drive a car and divorce a husband and receive connubial property after divorce.

Libyans in the Jamahiriya ‘State of the Masses’) also enjoyed:

•34 years of direct democracy through ‘Basic People’s Congresses’ of local popular councils

•The prospect of even more radical (“to the roots”) democracy through a proposal by tribesman Muammar Qaddafi in 2008 that would further reduce centralized Government control and more empower its people through direct deposit of oil revenues. Qaddafi’s proposal was described thus by United States’Congressional Research Service on February 18, 2011: ‘In March 2008, [Colonel Qaddafi] announced his intention to dissolve most government administrative bodies and institute a Wealth Distribution Program whereby state oil revenues would be distributed to citizens on a monthly basis for them to administer personally, in cooperation, and via local committees. Citing popular criticism of government performance in a long, wide ranging speech, [he] repeatedly stated that the traditional state would soon be “dead” in Libya and that direct rule by citizens would be accomplished through the distribution of oil revenues. (39)

Perhaps most important as regards Libyan people’s well-being and their freedom from debt, Libya had:

•A Central Bank that was 100% owned and controlled by its Jamahiriya government and that observed State and Islamic law by offering interest-free loans to its people

•144 tons of gold.


Libya: Saif Gaddafi warns captors about Islamist leaders in new video

By on November 22, 2011 - 11:54AM GMT

Shot on the day of his capture, a new video shows Saif al-Islam Gaddafi smiling with his captors before issuing them a warning about Libya’s new radical leaders.

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New footage of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s first hours in captivity has emerged showing his Libyan revolutionary captors posing with the injured son of late dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

The footage was filmed at the safe house to which he was brought before his transfer to Zintan.

Standing in stark contrast to the behaviour of the soldiers who captured his father, Saif’s captors are filmed treating the 39 year-old with respect.

The fighters who ambushed his car can be seen and heard offering him food and drink, discussing his medical needs and assuring him of his safety in their custody.

With his fingers bandaged after a Nato air strike outside Bani Walid, Saif even manages a smile after his headdress is carefully removed by one soldier.

They soon learn that although humbled, Gaddafi’s son has not changed his views on the threat posed to Libya by radical Islamists such as Abdulhakim Bilhadj, leader of the Tripoli military council.

Belhadj is believed to have links with the Taliban and al-Qaeda after fighting in Afghanistan with the Mujahiddeen after the Soviet invasion in 1979.

He was later arrested and allegedly tortured by the US Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 before being returned to Libya where he was jailed in Tripoli’s notorious Abu Salim prison before his release in 2010.

Saif warned: “Just give them a couple of months or max one year and you will find out the reality but please don’t deny that on the day Saif al Islam was taken prisoner he warned you of all that.”


New Libya Cabinet Wins US Praise, Angers Regions

TRIPOLI (AFP) - A new government line-up in Tripoli drew praise from Washington on Wednesday as a “significant step” towards democracy but barbs from Libya’s regions highlighted the challenge of unity after 42 years of dictatorship.

Areas of the vast desert country that played major roles in the eight-month uprising which overthrew Moamer Kadhafi’s regime complained of “marginalisation” in the long-awaited interim cabinet unveiled late on Tuesday.

Among those with grievances were Libya’s main eastern city of Benghazi, where the uprising broke out, and the Berber and Toubou minorities who were among the early bulwarks of the ragtag rebel army that defeated Kadhafi’s forces.

The first salvo against the line-up unveiled by interim Prime Minister Abdel Rahim al-Kib came from the Berbers who charged that their lack of representation “failed to correspond” to the key role they had played in the uprising from their stronghold in the Nafusa mountains southwest of Tripoli.

Their National Amazigh Congress called on all Libyans, and Berbers in particular, to end cooperation with the National Transitional Council and with the interim government.

Kib had insisted as he announced the names of ministers that the new cabinet would be inclusive and representative of all of Libya’s far-flung regions.

“I can reassure everyone: all of Libya is in the new government,” the interim prime minister told reporters in the capital.

But in Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city and the rebels’ wartime base, several dozen protesters marched against the new government, charging that the cradle of the revolution was unduly under-represented.

Representatives of the Toubou minority in the Saharan southwest, who fought a bloody desert war against Kadhafi’s forces, also protested that their role had not been given adequate acknowledgement.

Some heroes of the rebellion were given key posts after the thwars — the armed civilian brigades that have yet to lay down their weapons — put pressure on Kib.

The interior ministry went to Fawzi Abdelali from Misrata, Libya’s third-largest city, which withstood a devastating six-week siege by Kadhafi forces and whose fighters captured and killed the fallen despot in October.

The defence ministry went to Osama Juili, commander of the fighters who seized Kadhafi’s most prominent son Seif al-Islam last Saturday after three months on the run.

Juili commands fighters from Zintan, a hilltown in the Nafusa, but his appointment failed to satisfy the aspirations of the region’s Berber community as he himself is an Arab.

Bringing in an older generation of opposition figures into what he billed a government of technocrats, Kib chose Ashur bin Khayyal, Libya’s envoy to Canada under the Kadhafi regime who joined the opposition in the 1990s, to head the foreign ministry.

Abdelrahman bin Yazza — a former official in Italy’s energy major ENI — was named interim oil and gas minister.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton welcomed the new cabinet and vowed that Washington would work closely with it.

“The formation of a new cabinet by the (National Transitional Council) is a significant step in Libya’s transition to a true democracy that is inclusive and representative of all Libyans,” she said in a statement.

Clinton said the United States would work with “the new interim government to address the key challenges that remain, such as protecting and respecting the rights of all Libyans.”

In a reference to the thwars, she highlighted the need to consolidate “control over militias” as well as “ensuring a functioning and credible government and preparing for the transition to an elected government.”


Secrets Not Saif: Death Penalty Threat for Gaddafi’s Son

After Colonel Gaddafi’s battlefield execution last month, there had been hopes his captured son Saif Al-Islam would receive a fair trial. However, there are powerful figures in the West who could influence the course of justice.

Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi is a man with a lot to say. He is the last chance the world has to find out how the Gaddafi regime went from Public Enemy No 1 to bosom buddies with Britain and other Western powers.

The International Criminal Court in The Hague says it is not going to call for his extradition, instead allowing Libya to try him on home soil.

His future might indeed be bleak in the hands of Libya’s new rulers. Libyan officials are already calling for the death penalty in what many fear is a tactic to keep those dirty secrets hidden forever.

Political analyst William Engdahl told RT believes matters have been arranged so that “the information about the relationships that Gaddafi and the CIA [had] over decades will not come out.”

He believes Western powers are notoriously dedicated to protecting their secrets. “Look at what happened to the trial of Milosevic,” he said.

Saif Gaddafi was his father’s right-hand man and a crucial mediating go-between with the West. He enjoyed a playboy lifestyle in London, counting Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson and Prince Andrew amongst his pals. There are even reports he was entertained at Buckingham Palace.

He studied at one of London’s top universities. He was even invited back to give a speech there as recently as last year, when he was introduced by a professor as someone who “looks to democracy, civil society and deep liberal values for the core of his inspiration” – a far cry from the Gaddafis’ previous role as international pariahs.

Libya’s oil wealth meant it had a lot to give, and some details of what Britain won in return have already emerged.

Saif Gaddafi’s alma mater was given 1.5 million pounds by his charitable foundation as part of a deal to educate hundreds of Libya’s future civil servants.

And it wasn’t just Britain.

According to Saif Gaddafi, Libya funded Nicolas Sarkozy’s path to the French presidency in return for a seat at France’s table.

However, the Gaddafis’ fall from favor was sudden and spectacular.

And since then, according to Saif Al-Islam, their former friends have been frantically trying to cover up their past links with the family, desperate to stave off a trial at the International Criminal Court.

“Under the table they are trying to negotiate with us a deal, saying if you accept this deal we will take care of the court. What does this mean? It means that the court is controlled by the countries that are attacking us,” he said in one of his interviews.

British Labor MP Jeremy Corbyn told RT he believes the ICC’s willingness to allow Saif Gaddafi to be tried at home all but guarantees that any inconvenient truths he carries will be buried forever:

“Libya insists it is capable of giving Saif Gaddafi a fair trial despite its judicial system not being independent for over 40 years,” says the MP. “It is still unclear whether he will be tried at all. Rival ruling factions are fighting over who gets to exact revenge. With the death penalty likely, it seems Saif Gaddafi and his secrets will be silenced.”



‘Gaddafi Son Knows Too Much, Will Be Silenced’

Muammar Gaddafi’s fugitive spy chief, one of the last key figures from Libya’s old regime still on the run, has been captured in the country’s south. It comes just days after Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam was also caught. The National Transitional Council has since said it won’t hand him over to the Hague Tirbunal. Instead it’s vowed to try him at home for crimes against the Libyan people, that could result in the death penalty.

Muammar Gaddafi’s most influential son was also seized in the south of the country on Saturday along with his aides as they tried to escape to neighbouring Niger. Following the toppling of his father at the end of an 8-month civil war, many questions about the regime remain. Saif is believed to be one of the few who could answer them. Political analyst and author Adrian Salbuchi says Saif al-Islam will be silenced by either the Hague or the National Transitional Council.