December 20, 2012

China Joins Russian Army Order To Prepare For The Third World War

A worrying bulletin of the Ministry of Defence turned to Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev today said that President Hu has “agreed in principle” that the only way to stop the aggression of the West led by the United States is through of “direct and immediate military action” and that the Chinese leader has ordered its naval forces “prepare for war.”

Hu’s call for war is attached to Rear Admiral and prominent Chinese military commentator Zhang Zhaozhong which, likewise, warned last week that “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even if this requires a Third World War” and the General Russian Nikolai Makarov that fatefully declared last week “not rule out that local and regional armed conflicts leading to large-scale war, including the use of nuclear weapons”

Rising global tensions between East and West exploded over the last fortnight when the Russian Ambassador Vladimir Titorenko and two of his assistants returning from Syria were brutally attacked and sent to hospital by security forces aided by agents of Qatar CIA and British M16 trying to gain access to diplomatic pouches containing Syrian intelligence information that the U.S. was flooded with Syria and Iran to al Qaeda mercenaries American-backed government that ousted the Libyan.




  1. [...] admit that this is bad and all, but is it as bad as poking a bear and tiger in their eye? A worrying bulletin of the Ministry of Defence turned to Prime Minister Putin and President [...]

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