Health and radiation experts are now admitting that the Fukushima disaster is contributing to an unknown number of deaths as a result of increasing cancer rates around the globe.
They are also stating that these deaths will be ‘hidden’ from the public eye due to a lack of accurate identification when it comes to targeting Fukushima-related cancer deaths.
Of course the scientific experts are focusing primarily on the evacuation zone radiation and surrounding areas, despite the fact that Fukushima radiation is now so far reaching that it is adversely affecting the health of United States citizens.
Another piece of vital information challenges the claims of many scientists that the radiation levels unleashed from the meltdown are too low to cause any public health concern. The report, unleashed in late October, found that the amount of radiation released from the Fukushima meltdown actually exceeded twice the amount that experts originally claimed. Additionally, the study researchers stated that the amount of radioactive isotope caesium-137 released at the height of the crisis was equivalent to 42% of that from Chernobyl.
Officials cover up the severity of Fukushima and the true threat to public health
It seems that Japanese government officials and plant higher-ups are continuing to downplay the full effects of the Fukushima disaster. From concealing integral information from the public to ignoring the real threat to public health, there is sincere lack of honesty and communication between many worldwide health officials and the citizens of the world.
Of course Fukushima impacts the health of citizens worldwide, not just inhabitants of the evacuation zone. In fact, researchers have found a large amount of radioactive material exceeding that of the evacuation zone arrive in Tokyo. Meanwhile, officials urge Tokyo residents not to worry. What’s more, radioactive isotopes have even been located in California, highlighting the ubiquitous nature of the radioactive material.
Maxim Shingarkin, an expert in nuclear and radiation security, commented on the secretive and deceptive situation in Fukushima:
In fact, this statement came with a big delay. The operating company deliberately concealed this information. The explanation is simple – the company is afraid that any checking by competent experts would reveal its inability to save the situation. Only recently, foreign experts founded a consultative body for the clean-up of the accident’s consequences. Moreover, the company is concealing the information about the amount of pollution of the environment.
Other experts have also begun speaking out. Marco Kaltofen, PE, of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts, recently discussed current issues revolving around radiation exposure in Japan. A Registered Professional Engineer investigating Fukushima nuclear material release, Kaltofen stated his findings in a presentation entitled ‘Radiation Exposure to the Population in Japan After the Earthquake’. Presented in Washington D.C. on Monday morning, Kaltofen stated:
- The Fukushima nuclear accident dispersed airborne dusts that are contaminated with radioactive particles. When inhaled or ingested, these particles can have negative effects on human health that are different from those caused by exposure to external or uniform radiation fields.
- A field sampling effort was undertaken to characterize the form and concentration of radionuclides in the air and in environmental media which can accumulate fallout. Samples included settled dusts, surface wipes, used filter masks, used air filters, dusty footwear, and surface soils.
- Isolated US soil samples contained up to 8 nanoCuries per Kg of radiocesium, while control samples showed no detectable radiocesium.
While experts have started admitting that radiation from the Fukushima disaster is breeding diseases like cancer after extensive denial, it’s about time that they also warned the public about the true severity of the issue.