December 26, 2012

Globalists Positioned to Exploit Japan’s Tragedy

Bangkok, Thailand April 14, 2011 - With US troops occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, conducting military operations in Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and covertly inside Iran, and troops tied up at more than 820 installations in at least 135 countries, America couldn’t offer Japan much help even if they wanted to.

The United States has approximately 38,000 troops stationed in Japan, however they have neither the equipment nor the training to provide the sort of help needed to deal with Japan’s unprecedented disaster. The Wall Street Journal has reported that US military forces were struggling against a myriad of foreseeable and unforeseeable obstacles to provide even a basic response such as surveying the damage or delivering badly needed supplies to disaster victims.

Despite occupying Japan for 66 years, the Wall Street Journal cites “language barriers” as one such obstacle to the US response. Radiological contamination is also cited, despite the treat of North Korean nuclear, biological, and chemical attack and the defense America supposedly provides against it that has been touted for years as a selling point for America’s continued presence in Japanese territory.

The troops, most of which are likely doing their absolute best given what is on hand, are not to be blamed for this humiliating response. It is the politicians and the corporate interests steering them that have left the United States so far stretched it is incapable of responding to a crisis that threatens an “ally” and even its own shores. The botched response to Hurricane Katrina is another good example of this phenomenon in practice.

Adding Insult to Injury

While the globocrats myopically obsessed over exploiting a contrived crisis in Libya, there were smatterings of interest gravitating not around how to mitigate the ongoing disaster in Fukushima, but rather how Japan should rebuild - expressed amongst the pages of the corporate-funded think-tank reports.

One such report by Brookings Institute’s Robert Pozen titled, “Japan Can Rebuild on New Economic Foundations” includes calls for Japan to throw its borders open, allowing immigrants to solve their aging population dilemma, reforming its political system to undermine spending in rural Japan, and of course, stimulating economic growth with advances in computer technology, drug discovery, and “financial innovation.” Financial innovation is of course creating and marketing new forms of securities (i.e. derivatives.)

The Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) Foreign Affairs magazine article “Tokyo’s Turning Point” sees the disaster as an opportunity for Japan to abandon protectionism and embrace the “free-trade” travesty that is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is yet another bid to further mire nations in the disastrous interdependency that is dragging economies from the US and across Europe into a speculative debt black-hole brought on by international bankers.

The article continues by suggesting future military reforms resulting from March 11 should include removing “anachronistic constraints” on JSDF rules of engagement, interoperability with U.S. forces, and participation in international defense industrial collaboration. It also suggests that faith in nuclear power having been shaken, Japan’s dependency on foreign oil will increase, breathing new life into America’s mandate to maintain the security of sea-lanes from Japan’s coast all the way to the Middle East (China’s “String of Pearls.”)

Patrick Cronin of the corporate lined Center for a New American Security (CNAS) concurs point-for-point, in his article “Japan’s New Deal Opportunity.” He also calls for the full integration of Japan’s military into a”NATO-style military interoperability for a range of missions, perhaps starting with humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.” Such “interoperability” and the range of missions Mr. Cronin would like to see Japan take part in as they get back onto their feet, would undoubtedly be greatly beneficial to the military industrial complex that funds his CNAS think-tank.

Some corporate, foundation, and government supporters of CNAS include AT&T, BAE Systems (UK), Bechtel, BGR, Chertoff Group, Chevron, DynCorp, General Dynamics, General Electric Aviation, Google, Honeywell International, KBR, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Blackstone Group, Boeing, Rockefeller Foundation, Tides Foundation, US Air Force, US Army, USMC, US Department of Defense, and the US Navy.

The consensus emanating from these unelected, extra-legal steering committees of Western policy represent a singular fixation on the pursuit of world government through financial and military hegemony. It is the lens through which all matters are viewed, including the unprecedented tragedy unfolding in Japan. Such myopic megalomaniacal obsession literally costs people their lives, as the priorities set forth but men driven by such an agenda side step real leadership in any given crisis in favor of shameless exploitation.

As Japan upgrades the crisis to a similar level of urgency seen during the Chernobyl disaster, it would seem necessary to mobilize a tremendous amount of engineering and scientific resources, as well as beginning efforts to relocated the millions of people in the path of deadly radiation spewing forth from the multiple damaged reactors on Japan’s eastern coast. Such mobilization is unprecedented and tragically requires leadership the world and its respective nations lack.




  1. Timothy Riches says:

    This is a complete piece of trash. I don’t know where to start! Embarrassed I ever considered myself on ‘the left’. :/

    Hint: Anything that calls itself ‘Truth’ is guaranteed to be as far removed form it as it’s possible to get. Pathetic excuse for journalism.

  2. T Kelly says:

    Quite right. Absolutism aka “Truth” is idiocy. As is gutter-press journalism. Middle-brow passes muster.

  3. T Kelly says:

    Quite right. Very perspicacious. Absolutism aka “Truth” is idiocy. As is gutter-press journalism. Rumour has it that middle-brow is fair to average.

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