CAIRO: The first legal move against the nude revolutionary pictures have occurred as the Coalition of Islamic law graduates filed a case against activist Aliya Magda al-Mahdy and her boyfriend, and blogger, Kareem Amer, on Thursday accusing them of “violating morals, inciting indecency and insulting Islam.”
The report, which was submitted to the general prosecutor, said the activist published a nude picture of herself “trying to spread her obscene ideology through the nude pictures.”
The report was published in full on the coalition’s Facebook page, called for Mahdy and Amer to be punished according to Islamic law.
“The old constitution and the new declarations of the new one says Islamic law is the source of governing, therefore we asked for Islamic law penalties to be executed on the two bloggers,” Ahmed Yehia, coordinator of the coalition told
“It is an insult to the revolution as these two persons who pretend to be one of the revolutionists and asking for sexual freedoms, they are giving the uprising a bad name,” he continued.
“It is our duty to fight corruption and this is a corruption case, we people who are trying to corrupt society with foregion and unacceptable customs like the sexual freedom they ask for,” continued Yehia.
Amer had been in the spotlight a few years earlier in Egypt, spending time in jail after he was charged with insulting Islam in one of his blog posts.
“The top authority, either the Grand Mufti or the ruling council, should give them the proper sentence they deserve for the crimes they committed,” added Yehia.
Mahdy sparked controversy last weekend when she posed completely nude and posted the photo on her personal blog. She wrote on her website that it was an act of protest, but both liberals and conservatives have condemned the move.
Now, she faces a court case over the image, which has already been viewed over one million times and rising.
“The sentence could be lashes, time in prison or what they see fit,” Yehia continued.
Adultery is punishable in Islam with 80 lashes in public, while insulting Islam could receive the death penalty.