January 20, 2013

Libya: Saif Gaddafi warns captors about Islamist leaders in new video

By telegraph.co.uk on November 22, 2011 - 11:54AM GMT

Shot on the day of his capture, a new video shows Saif al-Islam Gaddafi smiling with his captors before issuing them a warning about Libya’s new radical leaders.

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New footage of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s first hours in captivity has emerged showing his Libyan revolutionary captors posing with the injured son of late dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

The footage was filmed at the safe house to which he was brought before his transfer to Zintan.

Standing in stark contrast to the behaviour of the soldiers who captured his father, Saif’s captors are filmed treating the 39 year-old with respect.

The fighters who ambushed his car can be seen and heard offering him food and drink, discussing his medical needs and assuring him of his safety in their custody.

With his fingers bandaged after a Nato air strike outside Bani Walid, Saif even manages a smile after his headdress is carefully removed by one soldier.

They soon learn that although humbled, Gaddafi’s son has not changed his views on the threat posed to Libya by radical Islamists such as Abdulhakim Bilhadj, leader of the Tripoli military council.

Belhadj is believed to have links with the Taliban and al-Qaeda after fighting in Afghanistan with the Mujahiddeen after the Soviet invasion in 1979.

He was later arrested and allegedly tortured by the US Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 before being returned to Libya where he was jailed in Tripoli’s notorious Abu Salim prison before his release in 2010.

Saif warned: “Just give them a couple of months or max one year and you will find out the reality but please don’t deny that on the day Saif al Islam was taken prisoner he warned you of all that.”




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