November 5, 2012

Million Man March - Occupy Congress January 17th, 2012

December 2, 2011 (WASHINGTON, D.C.) - A growing movement of government dissent, disapproval and discontent has culminated into an Occupy Congress protest to be held on January 17th, 2012. Social media networks are labeling this protest as “the largest Occupy protest, ever” with expectations of more than one million people in attendance.

On a reddit blurb, “Sgt—Hulka” posted, “Congress starts their 2012 legislative session on January 17th. We should occupy OUR city and insist that they start doing their f*cking jobs. OccupyCongress”.

A Facebook page has been created to promote the event as well, entitled, “Occupy Congress January 17th, 2012”.

The objective behind this Facebook page is stated as the following: “It’s time for the American People to send a message to Congress”.

Tweets can be found at #occupycongress.



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