By Chris Everard on December 29, 2011
Official Release Date: 12-02-2012
In this new 2 hour documentary film, CHRIS EVERARD travels to EGYPT and investigates the MAGICAL RITUALS and TELEPATHIC TECHNIQUES of the ancient world. He shows us stone carvings which resemble ‘blueprints’ or ‘circuit diagrams’ of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY. Chris Everard then presents official documents from the Pentagon Archives which prove that the U.S. Air Force have trained an entire army of PSYCHIC WARRIORS at AREA 51. Top Nuclear Physicists, such as Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking have proposed that there are several parallel universes - and that a ‘wormhole’ can be created by bending and manipulating gravity. Official U.S. Air Force documents prove that a ‘STAR GATE’ has been developed using a team of Psychics.
What is really happening at AREA 51? Find out by watching CHRIS EVERARD’s latest documentary -
These psychics ‘bend’ gravity waves with their mind and can ‘see’ the spiritworld using telepathy. Chris Everard presents footage of giant WORMHOLES in the sky above military bases and shows us the documents which prove that there is now some kind of STARGATE connecting planet earth with other universes and also with the SPIRITWORLD. For the first time on film, we see official documents, photos and film footage of the most important psychic experiments in the history of mankind. Chris presents some of the film from inside the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid - and investigates Quantum Physics, Telepathy, Angels, Spirits and Demons - this documentary is packed with rare footage of psychics in China, Russia, Australia and the USA.
This film includes 3-dimensional computer animation of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY which was used by the Ancient Pharaohs - and how this technology was used by leading scientists such as Sir William Crookes and the inventor of television, Mr John Logie Baird. TRUTH really is stranger than FICTION! Without the general public knowing anything about it - the Pentagon, Chinese and Russians have opened Wormholes which allow extra-terrestrials, ghosts, angels and demons to enter our universe! Pre-Order using either Paypal or Amazon - official Release Date is 2nd February 2012 -
All orders will be packed and shipped after the official release date - however - if you do pre-order today, I will send you a free eBook about the ancient technology of the Illuminati - investigating electrostatic generators, the Ark of the Covenant, Nikola Tesla and the mysterious devices carved into the walls of the Temple of Hathor in Egypt.
You can order using either PAYPAL or AMAZON.
Thank you to everyone for being so enthusiastic about my books and films - I really appreciate all my friends and buddies and all my readers and the viewers of the Enigma Channel who made this film possible.
As soon as you order my new film, I will send you a free eBook to your AMAZON or PAYPAL email address - My eBook is delvered directly to you as a PDF and can be read on iPads, iPhones and iPods using ‘jailbreak’ - please order my film today and get a free copy of my eBook about Ancient Technology of the Illuminati:
Get this free fully illustrated eBook when you order Chris Everard’s latest film SPIRITWORLD Vol.3 - you can pay with either AMAZON or PAYPAL at
I ordered this and didnt get it yet, wtf?
SPIRITWORLD Vol 3 is just being released now - there has been two big segments added to the documentary about the Hessdalen lights and another report - both added at the last minute to make the film bang up to date. It will be delivered to everyone who has ordered as fast as humanly possible. It has a full-on running time of 2 hours. It is the most comprehensive documentary about the spiritworld ever made.