Taxpayers will fork out an extra $20 million a year to cover a pay rise for politicians but will save on the MPs’ loss of some often-rorted travel perks.
The independent Remuneration Tribunal on Thursday released the findings of the first major review of politician and senior public servant pay in more than two decades.
The review found that politicians effectively had two jobs - their electorate and parliamentary work - and backbenchers deserved a base pay of $185,000 (up from $141,000).
The prime minister’s pay will rise from $366,000 to $481,000 - seven times average weekly earnings - while her department’s boss will take home $661,000, rising to $825,000 by mid-2014 under a new system to reward top public servants.
Special Minister of State Gary Gray said the government would support a tribunal recommendation to end the gold pass system for ex-politicians and abolish the overseas study leave program for current MPs.
‘The lurks and the perks have been taken away and what replaces that is a transparent methodology,’ Mr Gray told reporters in Canberra.
‘You won’t again have the appearance of members of parliament going on overseas study tours to look at wine-making in Latin American countries … (or) travelling to Las Vegas to look at gambling.’
The latest example was controversial NSW Labor MP Craig Thomson plagiarising Wikipedia and news reports to justify a recent study trip.
Under the gold pass system, around 300 ex-MPs get free domestic travel costing taxpayers $4 million a year.
It will be abolished from the next election and existing holders of the pass will have their entitlement cut from 25 to 10 domestic trips a year.
Australian Greens leader Bob Brown said he would seek to have the gold pass system ended immediately for all past, present and future MPs.
Senator Brown said MPs should take a pay cut if they continued to sack hard-working public servants.
‘There’s a very strong argument politicians should be paid the average wage of Australians,’ Senator Brown said in Hobart.
The annual cost of the new senior public servant pay system hasn’t been calculated.
Mr Gray said he accepted an idea suggested by independent Senator Nick Xenophon that there should be public hearings before the parliament legislated the rises early next year.
Tribunal president John Conde told reporters in Sydney the prime minister’s new salary was ‘not unreasonable’ given the workload.
BHP Billiton chief Marius Kloppers earns $11.26 million and Westpac chief Gail Kelly takes home $9.6 million.
Mr Conde said there was ‘never a right time’ for politician pay rises, but they deserved better pay given that they worked 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
‘With this level of base salary for a backbencher, the backbencher would continue to set an example of restraint compared to the work they do,’ Mr Conde said.
The tribunal said changes to politicians’ pensions and superannuation since 2004 also had to be accounted for in the pay rise.
Also under the new plan, opposition frontbenchers will for the first time get additional salaries for their extra duties, hiking a shadow minister’s pay by more than $90,340 to $231,450.
Resources Minister Martin Ferguson said he didn’t need a pay rise, but accepted the tribunal made an independent decision.
‘I actually think my ministerial salary is pretty good,’ he said.
Independent MP Tony Windsor said MPs with young families would welcome the rise.
But he said study leave was a ‘positive thing’ and should be retained.