November 6, 2012

14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts

By Michael Snyder – BLN Contributing Writer

How many times have you heard the mainstream media dismiss certain points of view as“conspiracy theories”? It seems as though one of the easiest ways to brush something off is to label it as something that only “conspiracy theorists” would believe. Well, you know what? A whole lot of the time the “conspiracy theorists” are right and the mainstream media is wrong.

In fact, we owe a great debt to “conspiracy theorists” because they will go places and investigate things that the mainstream media would never even touch. The reality is that the mainstream media only tells us what the government and the big corporations want us to hear, and much of the time it is those in the alternative media that are left with the task of trying to figure out what the real truth is. So don’t look down on conspiracy theories or conspiracy theorists. In a world where almost everything we are told is a lie, the truth can be very difficult to find.

The following are 14 conspiracy theories that the media now admits are conspiracy facts:

#1 Fukushima uninhabitable

Back in April, I published an article entitled “Much Of Northern Japan Uninhabitable Due To Nuclear Radiation?” At the time, almost everyone in the mainstream media was insisting that Fukushima was nothing like Chernobyl and that those that lived near Fukushima would be able to return to their homes fairly soon.

From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Finishing the Job.

Well, it turns out that those of us that feared the worst were right after all. Just consider the following quote from the New York Times….

Broad areas around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could soon be declared uninhabitable, perhaps for decades, after a government survey found radioactive contamination that far exceeded safe levels, several major media outlets said Monday.

european conspiracy theories hitler 14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts
Proof Hitler is STILL alive………and likes pretzels

#2 U.S. MilitaryAttack on Libya

At the beginning of this year, nobody would have dreamed that the U.S. military would have attacked Libya this year.

But it happened. At first those that tried to warn about an upcoming conflict with Libya were called kooks, and even up until recently many in the media were still trying to deny that NATO was arming and training the rebels.

Well, the truth is that NATO had special forces on the ground even before the conflict began.

The “rebel groups” (which include large numbers of al-Qaeda fighters) would have been soundly defeated by Gaddafi if not for relentless air strikes by the U.S. military and NATO.

Instead of a straightforward invasion like we saw in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. military and NATO systematically developed, trained and equipped “rebel groups” within the country and have used them as the ground forces for this campaign.

That way the goals of the U.S. and EU could still be achieved, but in the end they would have less blood on their hands.

As the conflict winds down, now even the New York Times is admitting that we have trained and equipped the rebels….

“We always knew there would be a point where the effectiveness of the government forces would decline to the point where they could not effectively command and control their forces,
” said the diplomat, who was granted anonymity to discuss confidential details of the battle inside Tripoli.

“At the same time,”
the diplomat said, “the learning curve for the rebels, with training and equipping, was increasing. What we’ve seen in the past two or three weeks is these two curves have crossed.”

Sadly, there is still a very good chance that U.S. troops could end up on the ground in Libya.

Many prominent officials are already calling for the U.S. and the EU to provide occupation forces. Richard Haas, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, has authored an opinion piece for the Financial Times entitled “Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground”.

From Wounded Knee to Libya: A History of US Military Interventionism.

If that happens, it will likely end up being a situation very similar to what we have today in Iraq.

#3 Widespread Use Of RFID chips in Humans

The doubters said it would never happen. They said we would never see the day when RFID chips were implanted in humans on a widespread basis..

Well, today there are examples of this all over the world. One of the most stunning examples recently has come out of Mexico. According to the Washington Post, “thousands of worried Mexicans” have been having “satellite and radio-frequency tracking products” implanted in their skin in order to protect themselves against abduction.

space conspiracy theory 2 14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts
Truman reviewing prosthetic genitals to create the “Super Fly Soldier”

#4 $2000 Gold

It was only a matter of months ago that we were told that gold was “in a bubble” at $1400 or $1500 an ounce.

Gold, Silver, Food – 3 ways to survive the coming economic collapse.

Well, gold recently crossed the $1900 an ounce barrier, and appears poised to go much higher as global financial instability intensifies. In Fiscal trouble, States are reaffirming the 10th Amendment and moving towards a Gold Standard. A Crisis is not being helped by Venezuelas’ recent actions to repatriate their Gold reserves.

#5 Obama Wants To Impose Backdoor Amnesty

Those that warned that Barack Obama was going to impose amnesty for illegal immigrants by executive fiat were called “nuts” and “conspiracy theorists”.

Well, it has happened. The Obama administration has now instituted “backdoor amnesty” for illegal immigrants and even plans to provide them with work permits. Few realize the high cost of illegal immigration.

#6 U.S. Government provide weapons to the Mexican drug cartel

For a long time there were those that claimed that the U.S. government was providing guns to Mexican drug cartels, but nobody wanted to listen.

Well, it is all now a matter of public record. It turns out that the U.S. government facilitated the transfer of thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

The following is a brief excerpt from a CBS News report that discusses the fierce opposition that many ATF agents expressed to allowing thousands of guns to be given into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels….

On the phone, one Project Gunrunner source (who didn’t want to be identified) told us just how many guns flooded the black market under ATF’s watchful eye. “The numbers are over 2,500 on that case by the way. That’s how many guns were sold – including some 50-calibers they let walk.”

50-caliber weapons are fearsome. For months, ATF agents followed 50-caliber Barrett rifles and other guns believed headed for the Mexican border, but were ordered to let them go. One distraught agent was often overheard on ATF radios begging and pleading to be allowed to intercept transports. The answer: “Negative. Stand down.”

CBS News has been told at least 11 ATF agents and senior managers voiced fierce opposition to the strategy. “It got ugly…” said one. There was “screaming and yelling” says another. A third warned: “this is crazy, somebody is gonna to get killed.”

Amazingly, three of the key ATF officials involved in putting thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels were recently promoted.

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#7 Fluoride is harmful

Incredibly, the federal government is finally admitting that high levels of fluoride in our drinking water can be harmful. In fact, the feds have reduced the “recommended amount” of fluoride in our drinking water for the first time in 50 years.

We probably won’t see them ban fluoride any time soon, but for them to even acknowledge a problem with fluoride is a major step. In a recent article on CNN, it was reported that the federal government is now saying that high levels of fluoride in the water have now officially been linked with fluorosis….check out FLUORIDE, TEETH, and the ATOMIC BOMB.

The Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency are proposing the change because of an increase in fluorosis — a condition that causes spotting and streaking on children’s teeth.

#8 The Federal Reserve Favours The Big Banks

We were always told by the media that the Federal Reserve was “above politics” and that it did not show favoritism.

Well, we all know now that the Fed is deeply corrupt and about the only people that they actually help are their friends. Here are 19 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is At The Heart Of Our Economic Problems. When you think about it. Just How Is The Central Economic Planning That The Federal Reserve Does Different From The Central Economic Planning That Communist China Does?

It turns out that the Federal Reserve very quietly showered the big banks and their friends with hundreds of billions of dollars in loans at rates that were substantially below market during the financial crisis. While Wall Street was being flooded with easy loans, none of the small banks that were deeply suffering and no average Americans got any money.

#9 Cell Phones linked to cancer

For years, “conspiracy theorists” have been claiming that cell phone use can cause cancer.

Well, the mainstream media is starting to catch up. Some very startling scientific studies have come out recently that are hard to ignore.

The following is an excerpt from a recent CNN article about one of these studies….

At the highest exposure levels — using a mobile phone half an hour a day over a 10-year period — the study found a 40 percent increased risk of glioma brain tumors.

Here you can review a list of the 10 highest and 10 lowest radiation emitting cell phone models.

#10 The Credit Rating Agencies Are Corrupt

We have all been taught that the credit rating agencies are supposed to be objective.

But in the real world things are not that simple.

For example, just a short time after long-term U.S. government debt was downgraded, the head of Standard & Poor’s is resigning, and is being replaced by Douglas Peterson, the former COO of Citigroup.

Do you think the former COO of Citigroup is going to come down hard on his former comrades over at the big Wall Street banks?

Also, a whistleblower has come forward with some stunning revelations about Moody’s. The following is what former analyst William Harrington says was going on over at that credit agency during the financial crisis….

“The track record of management influence in committees speaks for itself — it produced hollowed-out (collateralized debt obligation) opinions that were at great odds with the private opinions of committees and which were not durable for even a short period after publication”

#11 Prescription Drugs Kill A Lot Of Americans

Growing up, I never even imagined that prescription drugs could be dangerous. I had complete faith in the medical community and the government to only allow drugs on the market that were fully tested and proven to be 100% safe.

Well, I was dead wrong. The truth is that adverse reactions to prescription drugs kill a huge number of Americans every year. A recent Vanity Fair article entitled “Deadly Medicine” began with the following statement….

Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas–on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese–in places where regulation is virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in pauper’s graves?

Apparently our nations futile War on Drugs only applies to drugs that do not directly line the pockets of politicians.

#12 Bisphenol-A Is Linked To Infertility

A very common chemical known as bisphenol-A is found in thousands upon thousands of our plastic products. It also turns out that it has some really nasty effects on the human body.

Fortunately, some in the mainstream media are beginning to acknowledge this. Back in October, one of the largest UK newspapers published an article entitled “Bisphenol-A now linked to male infertility” which made the following unequivocal statement about the dangers of BPA….

Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the “gender bending” chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.

Take a moment to check out this article on 6……..did you really want 7? Examples of Food Terrorism!

#13 The “Super Congress” Is In The Pocket Of Wall Street Interests

The amount of money that has been donated to the campaigns of those on the “Super Congress” is absolutely astounding.

Just check out what a recent CNBC article had to say about the matter….

Overall, according to the center’s research, the dozen super committee members have raised more than $50 million from the finance, insurance and real estate sector since the 1990 election cycle.

How much influence do you think 50 million dollars is going to buy?

#14 The Targeting Of Christian Groups

We are increasingly hearing from the Obama administration and some members of Congress that we need to be really concerned about “homegrown terrorists” and “Christian extremists“.

For example, during a recent Congressional hearing U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee warned that “Christian militants” might try to “bring down the country” and that such groups need to be investigated.

You can find out everything you need to know by reading the Government’s own report. The Project Megiddo Report

In addition, according to a shocking document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI is now instructing store owners to report many new forms of “suspicious activity” to them. According to the document, “suspicious activity” now includes making “extreme religious statements” and believing in “radical theology”.

Not only that, a Department of Homeland Security report on “right wing extremism” from April 2009 lists the following people as potential terrorists:

-those that believe in “end times” prophecies

-those that believe abortion is wrong

-those that stockpile food, ammunition or weapons

-those that are against same-sex marriage

-those that believe in “New World Order” conspiracy theories

I don’t know about you, but when the federal government starts targeting people based on their religious beliefs, that makes me very nervous.

This world is officially going crazy. So don’t blame “conspiracy theorists” for wanting to dig around and get the facts. The mainstream media sure doesn’t give us much of the truth.

If you want to learn more about American Conspiracies we have plenty of information to browse.

As the world continues to fall apart and as the propaganda from the mainstream media gets even more blatant, the hunger for the truth is only going to grow.

Who knows? Perhaps before it is all over you will be a “conspiracy theorist”, too.



9/11 - A Conspiracy Theory

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.


Why Are So Many People Gathering to Hear David Icke?

What can you expect to hear if you listen to David Icke? Everything!He also empowers and motivates us to reclaim our personal freedom. You can be fearless in the midst of a seemingly cruel and crazy world. There is a method to the madness for all that’s irrational today, although it comes from an artificial reality, keeping us from our own natural consciousness.

It takes an amazing brilliancy and energy to take everyone through a personal prison break, speaking a mile a minute for nearly 11 hours straight! That’s what he did recently in Cleveland, Ohio and a few days ago in New York, connecting dots and pinpointing the sources for today’s confusion.

Asleep, we meander in a routinized, hazy, yet invisible prison. A world where we are made to feel shame even for every breath, as though we are so small and unworthy that we should receive punishment for filling the atmosphere with our sighs. We might feel confused, fearful, depressed, trapped, exhausted, deflated until it seems like our existence is squeezed into the size of a postage stamp.

But why should that be so! One of his book titles makes for a better description: Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Only Illusion. Always researching, he covers much: metaphysics, technology, co-opted revolutions, top-level power and world banks, fluoride, modern medicine, food politics, vibrational and electromagnetic frequencies, radiation, the left-brain 5-sense prison, the rise of child abuse, Zionism (more than meets the eye), world economy and debt, smart meters, narcissistic cops – trained to lack empathy, greater social consciousness, and tapping into our awareness.

How we receive and perceive information is akin to code and decoding. “We’ve been hacked into,” Icke demonstrated. Elitists, higher-ups, whatever general term for those who ruthlessly seek control at the top, use technology to manipulate that coding, giving us their manufactured reality and frenzied, lower brain mindset. For more specifics, check out the sources for his new work, below.

Do you ever feel that most of the world submits to left-brain and sensory modes? School, work, politics? That mode explains the box-routine cycle of work; eat a sandwich, feel no purpose, repeat.

And the limitation of “If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist!” Our intellect and senses are great, but are such a tiny drop in the sea of consciousness that we truly are. And a stirring consciousness scares those in power. We are compelled to view the world through a very small lens, blocked from bridging the right and left brain.

There is a lower, reptilian-like part of the brain. It even resembles a snake. It scans and reacts automatically. It’s the fight or flight response. This reaction is fine when someone walks in front of our moving car, Icke says, but to live like this all the time would be seriously damaging and repressive. Oh no! What am I going to do about rent, my job, my relationship, food…?

It’s reacting all the time from the fear of not surviving. How is that state-of-mind exploited when we tune in to the matrix? We are met with a barrage of manufactured terrorism, global warming (climate change), destroyed economies, the newest flu, disasters — total mayhem! Reaction, reaction, reaction. And more restriction from Problem-Reaction-Solution (which usually includes force, acquiescence to authority, and loss of freedom). People feed into this insatiable energy monster and it becomes harder to look at the bigger picture, make connections, and tap into our consciousness (right brain).

It’s also not coincidental that many of the things we oppose also directly destroy our DNA. Fluoride, GMOs, food additives, chemical jet trails, medicine and drugs, and weakness from many sources of radiation. Icke pointed out that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland in the brain which acts as our third eye.

The Positive Shift

David Icke speaks positively about the burgeoning paradigm shift. “So many children are growing up and breaking through the program — that is a testament to the power of consciousness. Think of the things we know now that we didn’t know one year, five years, twenty years ago,” Icke said.

“They are throwing everything at us…[trying to] keep us down emotionally.”

But these controllers aren’t omnipotent. They are like “little school boys in short trousers.” This cold mindset is one of massive insecurity. It operates under a limited vibration using only a limited intellect. That’s why technology is so often used for destruction, because they don’t have consciousness. “They are in a small box, terrified of us awakening. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

From the limited consciousness of the controllers, we experience a round the clock, suppressive targeted program. However, David likens this effort to trying to hold down a soccer ball in a pool of water. Naturally, the ball will immediately rise to the surface. It takes a great amount of constant force to keep it down. It cannot be released for one second. So another testament to our awakening and efforts is the absolute energy exhausted working tirelessly to keep us down. We must be pretty special!

How Can One Break From The Matrix?

Let pre-programmed beliefs go. We don’t need a blueprint. It doesn’t have to be complicated, he says: the fasting, the lifelong meditation, the guru teaching. “Open your frickin’ mind, openness…that’s it. I don’t fast, you probably noticed,” he joked. “Open the [Wizard's] curtain, keep finding the truth.”

The vibrational frequency of the imbecilic mindset inflicted on us is made up of fear, insecurity, and anxiety. It doesn’t so much think as it does react. But reacting to the irrational doesn’t work; it keeps us reactionary, controlled, drained, and feeling helpless. Think of a traffic light when applying the following response: Stop, Think, Act. The age-old counting to 10 or 20 before reacting helps too. Then there’s the ever-important phrase when facing attack, “NO!” Cease to acquiesce. We have the numbers and power — controllers never do. The only ones who can give up our power is us, and we are upholding our own enslavement when we acquiesce to that irrationality.

One of the greatest things we can do is get rid of the fear of “What will people think [of me]?? It doesn’t matter, they’ll think something different tomorrow. We have to let go of that fear.” Sometimes the biggest war is between the program of the head against the openness of the heart. Fear looks to the external, very limited. As Icke shows us, realizing who you really are and releasing your fear allows you to take back your power. Then life becomes more about abundance, wonderment, and adventure, with nothing to lose.

“People say, I want to seek enlightenment — what a bloody waste of time!” he exclaimed. “You are enlightened! You are infinite awareness.”

So, it’s not Oh, Little Me… Human Race – Get Off Your Knees!


Daily Mail In Shambolic and Shameful Hit Piece Against David Icke

Under the headline Wacky conspiracy theorist David Icke cashes in from world tour and booming book business, the Daily Mail, the same newspaper that supported Hitler before World War 2, employs a cocktail of lies, spin and sophomoric taunts in an attempt to discredit Icke. The establishment is obviously not happy about the fact that his speaking tour and books have proven to be wildly popular.

Of course, the horror that Icke should actually make some money back from the sale of tickets and copies of his book is completely indefensible. I mean, it’s not as if the Daily Mail “journalist” who penned this diatribe gets paid to write is it? Likewise, we’d all be rightfully up in arms if the Daily Mail actually had the shame to ‘cash in’ on the release of information by selling copies of its newspapers! Outrageous! Oh, hang on a minute…

The “journalist” who wrote this drivel doesn’t even have the guts to put his or her name to it – that’s how utterly shambolic and shameful a hit piece it is. As if ad hominem and childish insults were not enough, the Daily Mail engages in outright defamation by completely lying about the fact that Icke is a “polygamist” simply because he remains friends with his ex-wife. This is the most abhorrent and pathetic smear we’ve ever seen, and we’ve seen plenty.

Here’s the good news – every single one of the ‘best rated’ responses to the article completely slams the Mail and supports Icke. The hit pieces don’t work anymore because the establishment media has lost all credibility – and articles like this will only see them lose more.
