January 21, 2013

Germany, France Push For ‘Fiscal Union’

German Chancellor Angela Merkel kicked off a crunch week of talks on saving the euro by laying out a vision Friday for a “fiscal union” in Europe, ahead of a pivotal summit of EU leaders.

A day after French President Nicolas Sarkozy said that Europe needed to be “refounded” in response to a crisis that has threatened the very existence of the EU, Merkel insisted that progress had been made.

Speaking in a hotly awaited speech in the German parliament, Merkel said Europe was “on the verge” of creating what she called a “stability union” for the 17-nation eurozone, with greater budgetary discipline and control.

“Anyone who had said a few months ago that we, at the end of 2011, would be taking very serious and concrete steps toward a European stability union, a European fiscal union, toward introducing (budgetary) intervention in Europe would have been considered crazy,” she said.

She said she would be holding talks with “almost everyone” in the run-up to a summit in Brussels next Friday that many commentators have dubbed the last chance to save the single currency, introduced with such euphoria a decade ago.

And she confirmed she would be heading to Paris for talks with Sarkozy on Monday to thrash out a joint Franco-German position on changing the EU founding texts ahead of the summit.

Highlighting the challenges that face Europe’s leaders, around 17,000 people demonstrated in Athens on Thursday in a bid to force the new government to abandon austerity measures.

The sixth general strike this year in Greece shut down public services and crippled train and ferry services.

Nevertheless, European stock markets rallied at the open, following Asian gains, as traders continued to be generally bullish in the wake of joint central bank action Wednesday to ease tensions in the global financial system.

And the euro held steady against the dollar and yen in Asian trade on Friday as investors breathed a sigh of relief over European bond sales that hinted at rising confidence in the region’s public debt.

But despite a sense of optimism, EU authorities should be acutely aware that the eyes of the world will be on them next Friday, one trader in Asia said.

“Investors are monitoring the EU summit next week and the monetary policy meeting by the European Central Bank before that,” said Masatoshi Sato, strategist at Mizuho Investors Securities, referring to a rate decision next Thursday.

In a landmark speech Thursday in front of 5,000 cheering supporters, Sarkozy warned that the developed world was entering a “new economic cycle” dominated by debt reduction, heralding tough times ahead for jobs and business.

“We must confront with total solidarity those who doubt the stability of the euro and speculate on its break-up,” he declared.

“France is fighting with Germany for a new treaty. More discipline, more solidarity, more responsibility … true economic government” he said, urging members to adopt a “Golden Rule” obliging them to balance their budgets.

Merkel said she was heading to Brussels “with the aim of changing the EU treaty” to push through her goals, which she summed up as follows: “Rules must be respected. Respect for them must be supervised. Their violation must have consequences,” she said.

And she warned that the eurozone would go it alone if no agreement could be struck on EU treaty change, while stressing that the euro club was open to anyone who wanted to join.

Traders want to see more decisive action by the European Central Bank, stepping in to buy up the bonds of distressed eurozone nations, effectively acting as the lender of last resort as in Britain or the United States.

However, Merkel again dismissed this, stressing the ECB’s independence and insisting: “The mandate of the ECB is different to that of the United States Fed or of the Bank of England,” referring to the Federal Reserve Bank.

“It is written clearly in the treaties: the mandate is to guarantee price stability and that is exactly what the ECB is doing and … I am completely convinced of that,” she said.

She also reiterated that eurobonds, a pooling of the debt of eurozone nations, was not the solution to the crisis, saying that anyone who believed that to be the case “had not understood the nature of the crisis.”

Germany, Europe’s top economy, believes that both eurobonds and any compromising of the independence of the ECB would lead to inflation, which the central bank was set up to prevent.

Merkel said the stakes could hardly be higher, as Europe headed into a week that will likely define it for several years to come.

“Europe is in its most difficult existential test. As chancellor, I am going to do everything … to ensure that Europe comes stronger out of this test than when it went in,” she told MPs.

“Despite all the turbulence we have seen in recent times, the euro has proved itself. It is stable … the euro is much more than just a currency,” she added.

“The future of the euro is indivisibly linked with the unification of Europe.”

Source: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/12/02/germany-france-push-for-fiscal-union/

Germany Supplies Israel With Submarines Capable Of Carrying Missiles With Nuclear Warheads

Germany has approved the sale of a sixth Dolphin submarine to Israel and will pay for a third of its cost, government sources told DPA on Wednesday.

Israel already has three German-made Dolphin submarines, which are capable of carrying missiles with nuclear warheads. Berlin paid for two of the submarines and the cost of the third was shared between the two countries. Two more are being constructed.

The government sources said Germany had allocated up to 135 million euros (180 million dollars) in next year’s budget to pay for its share of the cost for the sixth submarine, the sale of which is part of a deal finalized in 2005.

The submarines are seen as a strategic asset for Israel in any future confrontation with Iran…Israel is believed to have the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal, a claim it neither confirms nor denies.


Source: http://flipthepyramid.com/index.php/entry/germany-supplies-israel-with-submarines-capable-of-carrying-missiles-with-nuclear-warheads

History Of The Bush Family

The documents, many of which were declassified only three years ago, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis’ plans and policies, Prescott Bush worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that hoisted Hitler to power.

While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause (nor is there any proof to the contrary), the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman acted as a U.S. base for Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who financed Hitler in the 1930s. Evidence shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corp. that represented Thyssen’s U.S. interests and he continued to work for the bank well after America entered the war. Bush was also on the board of at least 1 of the companies that formed part of a multinational network of front companies to allow Thyssen to move assets around the world.

Papers also show, Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen, Germany’s most powerful industrial family, and with I.G. Farben, which was prosecuted for war crimes, and is best known as the producer of Zyklon B, a lethal poison widely used at the Auschwitz and Majdanek death camps.