January 6, 2013

Assange On Mass Surveillance: ‘You Are All Screwed!’

The whistle-blowing website Wikileaks has begun releasing sensational information on the multi billion dollar global spying industry.

The database contains hundreds of documents shining a light on the methods being used by secret services all over the world.

Here’s the video of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange speaking to journalists and students at a press conference at City University London in central London on December 1, 2011.

Along with a number of other guest speakers, Mr Assange spoke of the Wikileaks ongoing investigation of surveillance software companies and their alleged use by governments around the world.

Read more: http://www.thegic.org/video/assange-on-mass-surveillance-you-are-all-screwed


The Spy Files: Wikileaks Releases Surveillance Docs

WikiLeaks has released the first portion of sensitive data revealing a new global surveillance and interception industry spanning 25 countries. Site founder Julian Assange is holding a press conference, revealing the secrets of the industry.

The whistleblowing site has published some 287 documents from its huge database, collected from 160 international intelligence contractors.

And this was only the first step of the WikiLeaks Spy Files project, established to expose companies, which are making billions of dollars selling sophisticated tracking and surveillance tools. The industry is completely unregulated and modern technology created by commercial companies in developed nations can easily find their way to any country of the world.

According to the leaked data, the devices produced by British, French, South African, and Chinese corporation were used by the regimes of Mubarak in Egypt and Gaddafi in Libya to track and monitor every move of those states’ citizens.

“Intelligence agencies, military forces and police authorities are able to silently, and on mass, and secretly intercept calls and take over computers without the help or knowledge of the telecommunication providers ,” says the statement on the official WikiLeaks Spy Files sites. “Users’ physical location can be tracked if they are carrying a mobile phone, even if it is only on stand by.”

WikiLeaks, Julian Assange Win Major Australian Prize for “Outstanding Contribution to Journalism”

Over the weekend, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accepted the award for Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism at the 2011 Walkley Award in Australia, an honor akin to the Pulitzer Prize in the United States.

Today also marks the one-year anniversary of “Cable Gate,” when WikiLeaks began publishing a trove of more than 250,000 leaked U.S. State Department cables.

In related news, the U.S. Army recently scheduled a Dec. 16 pretrial hearing for Army Private Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of providing the cables to WikiLeaks.

Manning “faces life in prison, possibly the death penalty, for what was an act of conscience,” says Greenwald.

Source: http://www.democracynow.org/2011/11/28/wikileaks_julian_assange_win_major_australian