December 20, 2012

Hachiko: A Dog’s Story


Hachiko, the legendary Japanese akita, proves that there is nothing more loyal than mans best friend in this modern retelling of a cherished true story.

It all begins when a college professor adopts an abandoned dog named Hachiko.

The two form such a strong bond that Hachiko walks with the professor to the train station each morning and returns to the station each evening to walk the professor home again. The routine continues until one day the professor does not return to the train station.

Hachiko, however, does not give up. He returns to the same train station at the same time, faithfully waiting for his owner to return.

Hachiko does this for more than nine years, until his own death.

This heartwarming tale that is already the stuff of legend in Japan is finally making its way to America by way of prominent director Lasse Hallström.

With an equally capable cast, the experience of Hachikos unending loyalty is certain to stay with you. Hachikos story is one of love, unwavering devotion, and the resounding impact one dogs affection can make.

Yakutian Hachiko In Bitter Vigil For Dead Mate

December 9, 2011

A stray dog in Russia’s Far East stood on guard beside his dead mate in biting cold for over two weeks. The “Yakutian Hachiko” tried to warm her up with his own body.

The two stray dogs had been guarding local garages until one of them was allegedly poisoned. The other refused to leave his dead pal’s side even when the temperature dropped to -50 degrees Celsius.

He was nicknamed the “Yakutian Hachiko” after a Japanese dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his dead owner, waiting for him at a train station for seven years.

After the story was posted online, Yakutian animal lovers started bringing food to the dog. Later, they decided to take him to a shelter until new owners could be found, fearing he might die of cold.

However, after only a few hours, “Hachiko” broke free, pulling out a metal net barrier complete with nails. He was later found at the same very spot, beside his frozen mate, far from his temporary shelter.

Local residents then abandoned attempts to re-home the dog and built a warm kennel at the site. And buried his husky pal.

Soon afterwards, the dog started a slow recovery. He is now eating normally and plays eagerly with local puppies.

Meanwhile, a woman from Koeln (Cologne) in Germany has posted on a forum offering to adopt the dog, after reading about his astonishing loyalty.

