January 20, 2013

The Norwegian Bilderberger Scam

If you live in Norway remember: You have plenty of money, you are not in financial crisis as your government tells you, and you should look out for vultures circling the skies.

There’s an explanation for this: it’s called Oil. If one studies the Bilderberg list of 2011 one will find that Oil, Finance and Social Media were all well represented. And so are the usual suspects; the Norwegian Crown Prince attends the Bilderberger meetings frequently. One could use common sense logic, or intuition, and maybe come to the conclusion that part of the agenda was to manipulate oil, develop a strategy for Gadhafi, and tighten the Internet surveillance agenda. Since the meeting, for example, Facebook has come up with new “innovative” ideas for voluntarily being spied on, Apple launched its “iCloud” and so on.

And of course there’s the additional plan to push the PIIGS over the economic cliff as soon as they are sucked dry of the very last Euro and their middle classes, sending them into economic slavery.

Now, back to the Bilderberger Norway design and Royalty and Oil. A most toxic mix.

Did you know that Norway is one of the strongest economies in the world? People in Norway certainly don’t. Norway is richer than Bahrain and, yet, austerity measures are imposed on the Norwegian people with cuts in their welfare system. In fact, Norway is one of the most expensive countries in the world to live for food, housing, and general necessities.Yet Norway has an estimated 3.1 trillion crowns in her Oil Foundation. That equals more than 533 billion USD. That’s about 106,640 USD for each person in Norway. Now, I’m not a number geek, but this is a lot.

Did they actually think that the Elite wouldn’t target this kind of money? Think again. Well, the Matrix can’t start a war on the grounds of “implementing democracy” in Norway, because they kind of have one already (but why again is there Royalty in democracies?), so they have to snatch it with other strategies. So the money is placed in a construction called The Government Pension Fund. Clever name, their Minister of Finance Sigbjoerg Johnsen set it off about 15 years ago.

What has all this to do with the Crown Prince? A lot. At the Bilderberger meeting he will find sweet, sweet relatives such as Queen Beatrix of Holland — who put the Royal in Royal Dutch Shell. Be-a-matrix, is one of the richest people in the world, and has a heart for the people and countries she exploits — about as warm as an ice cream stand on the North Pole.

I really don’t know how the Matrix succeeded, especially in Scandinavia and The European continent, to convince the public that Royalty doesn’t own a nickel. That’s the opinion of the media and what is presented as truth to the struggling public. In the UK they at least know (well some do) that The Queen owns 1/6 of the planet’s surface based land, that’s approx. worth £17,600,000,000,000. And still she’s apparently so poor that she applies for poverty help to shine up her palaces! In Denmark, where I live, we are not granted insights into The Royal Family’s fortune — that’s against the law. Very democratic indeed. So I guess that Royalty has to be in on the scam one way or another.

If the Norwegians think that Håkon is watching DVDs in his room while the Bilderbergers discuss the economy, they are about to enter a stupid man’s trap.

Let me go back to The Government Pension Fund: The Prime Minister of Norway, Stoltenberg, is of course Bilderberger, and so is their Minister of Finance Sigbjoern (Sigbjørn) Johnsen. He states to the media and the people of Norway:

The fund is set to finance daycare and care for the elderly. And so the fund will do well for all the people of Norway eventually. The money in the fund belongs to the people of Norway, and the political system will administer it.

Very social and democratic. Such a wonderful person. But, big surprise: He went shopping in London to buy Regent Street. Kind of a long trip in the morning with the little ones, or to visit granny.

Then they bought some of Champs-Elysees in a $1 billion real estate deal. And that’s just two shopping tours. But what’s interesting is that it’s Illuminati strongholds that they are buying.

Who benefits? Just a tiny example of who doesn’t: There is currently a waiting list in Oslo of 3,100 kids who need daycare. I think it’s fair to say that the money isn’t heading in that direction. Instead, Norway supports the Gates Vaccine foundation to raise nearly 4 billion USD. So, what do we have in Norway on Svalbard? Another Bilderberg construction, closely tied in with Bill Gates and that bunch: The Doomsday Vault.

The Crown Prince is also a key person for the Al Gore carbon agenda in Norway. Very interesting: he has the sympathy of the Norwegian people, and yet he’s promoting the Bilderberger designs. And in Norway, as maybe for the rest of Scandinavia, the public tends to look up to Royalty and engage in their belief system.I think that Norway is being robbed blind. I´m not saying that Håkon is the robber here, but his buddies are, and they would not be his buddies if he were standing in their way. That’s a club rule.

Royalty does what it does best in the social conditioning program of the Elite : They play the role of promoting the agenda, while not being seen as the Elite itself. Clever design, but a false design.

If you live in Norway remember: You have all this money, you are not in the financial crisis your government tells you, and you should look out for vultures circling the skies.

The Norwegian rabbit hole goes very deep, and is very sinister.

Note: The week after the 2011 Bilderberg meeting Soros visited Oslo and Prime Minister Stoltenberg. About a month later the Oslo bombing took place.

Updates :
30.11.11 Government Pension Fund Marked Value Clock
30.11.11 Norway and Keystone XL
07.11.11 1000s protest US-Canada pipeline plan
04.10.11 No country has found as much oil and gas than Norway so far this year
30.09.11 Norway finds new oil for their fund



Source: http://www.activistpost.com/2011/12/norwegian-bilderberger-scam.html#more

Norway Massacre: Breivik Declared Insane

Psychiatrists assessing self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik have concluded that he is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

They believe he was in a psychotic state both during and after the twin attacks on 22 July that led to the deaths of 77 people and injured 151.

Their report must still be reviewed by a panel of forensic psychiatrists.

Breivik will still be tried in April but it seems likely he will be placed in psychiatric care rather than prison.

Breivik admits carrying out the attacks but has pleaded not guilty to charges, arguing that that the attacks were atrocious but necessary for his campaign to defend Europe against a Muslim invasion.

The two psychiatrists who interviewed him on 13 occasions concluded that he lived in his “own delusional universe where all his thoughts and acts are guided by his delusions”, prosecutors told reporters.

Online manifesto

The 243-page report will be reviewed by a panel from the Norwegian Board of Forensic Medicine.

Breivik, 32, is due to stand trial on 16 April for a hearing scheduled to last around 10 weeks.

Norwegian prosecutor Svein Holden: “The observed person was psychotic”

“If the final conclusion is that Breivik is insane, we will request that the court in the upcoming legal proceedings pass sentence by which Breivik is subjected to compulsory mental health care,” prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh told reporters in Oslo.

She later told the BBC that the trial would be unaffected by the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia: the only difference was that the prosecution could not ask the judge for a jail sentence.

“It will go as a normal trial as if he had been sane. We will ask him questions and the defence will ask him questions and the judge will ask him questions and he will have his time to talk,” she said.


Norwegians have reacted with surprise and disbelief at the report stating that Breivik is criminally insane.

“I don’t see how Behring Breivik’s opinions set him apart from war criminals, who are tried in court as if they are sane,” said one man.

Hours before the announcement, radio news reports were still saying that such a verdict would be highly unlikely.

The shock is heightened by the media portrayal of Breivik as carefully planning his actions as a functioning member of society. He does not match the public’s idea of a paranoid schizophrenic.

Some see the verdict as Norwegian society’s attempt to marginalise and silence extreme right-wing opinions. Clearly this would harm open debate concerning these ideas.

Norwegian courts tend to abide by forensic reports.

If people do not see Breivik receive what they consider due punishment, it could reduce public faith in the courts and the Norwegian legal system.

Breivik’s defence lawyer, Geir Lippestad, said he was not surprised by the psychiatrists’ findings, adding that his client was unlikely to be surprised either.

But the deputy leader of the opposition Progress Party, Per Sandberg, thought the conclusion that Breivik was criminally insane was “completely incomprehensible”.

“How can someone who has planned this for such a long time… be considered insane,” he told Norwegian TV.

Before the report was made public, a lawyer for the victims said it did not matter what the conclusion was as long as Breivik was not allowed to go free.

“What will happen in the case, no matter what the conclusion, is that he [Breivik] will of course be incarcerated,” John Christian Elden said.

“And if the outcome is criminally sane or insane, that is, first and foremost a psychiatric question. The most important thing in our clients’ opinion is that he will not be able to walk the streets.”

On 22 July, Breivik disguised himself as a police officer to plant a car bomb that exploded close to government offices in the capital Oslo, killing eight people.

Still in uniform, he then drove to the island of Utoeya, where a summer youth camp of Norway’s governing Labour Party was being held.

In a shooting spree that lasted more than an hour, he killed 69 people - mostly teenagers.

In a manifesto he published online, Breivik said he was fighting to defend Europe from a Muslim invasion, which was being enabled by what he called “cultural Marxists” in Norway’s Labour Party, and the EU.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-15936276