January 20, 2013

Platypus Death Demonstrates Danger Of Discarding Rubbish Thoughtlessly

THE adult platypus lying on veterinarian Robert Johnson’s operating table looks serene and perfectly formed.

But the plastic noose that hangs around her neck provides a clue to her untimely demise.

She was found in a small creek by a Richmond resident, the second platypus to be discovered dead in the western Sydney local catchment area in recent weeks.

aX-rays showed no broken bones. Photo: Kate Geraghty

The egg-laying animals are rarely seen by humans, which made the two deaths concerning, Dr Johnson, a platypus expert, said.

Scientists and veterinarians suspect the cause is pollution, mainly plastics bottle tops, plastic bags and other rubbish that have made their way through the city’s stormwater system into local waterways, where they are easily ingested by or entangle the aquatic mammals.

But all possible explanations must be explored, and the smell is overwhelming as Dr Johnson begins a post-mortem at his south Penrith clinic.

He first makes a deep incision from under the creature’s bill down its chest to the base of the tail, before using a pair of pliers to pry open the rib cage.

Inside, among a mish-mash of organs, he can find nothing unusual. X-rays have already confirmed the animal had no broken bones. But he does notice the creature had not eaten for some time before it died.

”It is a process of exclusion,” Dr Johnson said, of determining a cause of death.

He finally concludes that the plastic ring around the animal’s neck reduced its ability to care for itself and hunt, enough for it to starve to death or drown.

”Platypus use their bills to probe in and around small crevices, and [the plastic ring] probably got stuck,” he said. ”It’s how they search for food.”

An ecologist from the University of NSW, Tom Grant, said that until recently these types of human-induced platypus deaths were rare in Sydney.

Around Melbourne’s waterways, however, 10 per cent of platypuses captured by scientists had been found with some form of rubbish attached to them.

”Sometimes it has drowned them, sometimes it has strangled them, sometimes it has just cut them,” Dr Grant said.

Dr Johnson said the public needed to understand the effect rubbish, especially plastic, could have not just on platypuses, but on sea creatures including green turtles and on seabirds.

”All this crap that people throw away ends up somewhere and it is not biodegradable,” he said.

Source: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/platypus-death-demonstrates-danger-of-discarding-rubbish-thoughtlessly-20111211-1opmf.html#ixzz1gH6eUob3