November 5, 2012

Afghan Woman Jailed After Being Raped Is Freed After Two Years In Kabul Prison

By in Kabul

Woman sentenced to 12 years in prison for ‘adultery’ after reporting rape to police is finally released.

An Afghan woman who was jailed after being raped by a cousin has been released from the Kabul prison where she has spent more than two years, although her lawyer has warned her future remains far from certain.

Gulnaz, a 20-year-old who is known by one name, was set free on Tuesday night, nearly two weeks after Hamid Karzai, the Afghanistan president, ordered her release. Her case has highlighted the issue of “moral crimes“, which lawyers say have no basis in Afghan law.

Despite being the victim of a rape at the hands of a cousin, a day labourer called Asadullah Sher Mohammad, she was charged with “adultery” after reporting the attack to police and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

For two years and three months Gulnaz had been living in the Badam Bagh prison in Kabul with her daughter, who was conceived by the rape.

Karzai had come under growing pressure in the weeks leading up to the recent conference on Afghanistan held in Bonn to release Gulnaz, who has become a symbol of the highly conservative Islamic country’s failure to substantially improve the lot of women in the last 10 years.

Although the government said she would be released without any conditions, she has come under heavy pressure, including from a judge, to marry Sher Mohammad, who is in another prison in Kabul serving a rape sentence.

Kimberley Motley, an Kabul-based American lawyer who has worked on Gulnaz’s case, said she had “major concerns” about the extraordinary pressure her client has come under since Karzai announced her clemency – including from Sher Mohammad’s father.

“He was allowed to have continued access to her while she was in prison, and he has been in there in the last five days to try and make her sign a document,” she said. “We have no idea what this document is, and neither does she because she was unable to read it.”

No decision has been made whether Gulnaz, who has been moved to a safe place in Kabul that her supporters do not wish to be identified, will agree to marry her attacker, although she has previously said she might do so for the sake of her daughter.

She has also demanded a dowry before agreeing to marry her attacker, and suggested that one of Sher Mohammad’s sisters should marry her brother in order to protect her from reprisals.

Motley said she should not have to marry her rapist. “There are women in Afghanistan who are single mothers who are able to work and to survive,” she said. “She definitely has an uphill battle to fight, but it is ridiculous to say that if she does not marry this man her life is ruined.”

Efforts to bring her plight to public attention were first made by Clementine Malpas, a British film-maker who was commissioned by the European Union to produce a documentary about women’s rights in Afghanistan.

The EU, however, refused to allow the film, called Injustice, to be distributed or broadcast, saying it would jeopardise the lives of the women involved.



Demand An End To Animal Rape In Denmark (Where The Govt Think It’s Perfectly Normal & Legal)

Why This Is Important


You are so small and defenceless, you are terrified, in horrific pain, you have been bound and gagged by your torturer with no means of escape. You have beaten and kicked until you are almost unconscious, then dragged into a room where your torturer has paid another to put you through so much physical and mental pain you are praying you wont survive.

Still conscious he will deliberately destroy your internal organs, your delicate pelvic bones will be smashed, your skin will literally be ripped to pieces. Your legs will be forced to breaking point, your muscles and ligaments shredded and torn from the bone where your attacker forces your limbs away from your body. So much pain, so much fear, so much horror for someone so tiny, so innocent to endure.

All the while you try to scream out in hopes that someone will help you, anyone, just to make this stop. You try to fight back but you cant, you are bound and your mouth has been gagged so you cannot defend yourself in anyway.

You pray that death will be kind and take you to where you cant be hurt any more, because if you do survive, tomorrow or the next day, your owner will again take money from another, to abuse and rape you again.

You don’t understand what is happening to you. Why isn’t anyone coming to save you? Why is he doing this to you? What have you done so wrong that you have to endure this horrific ordeal?

The truth is:

You have done nothing wrong , you are an innocent

The reason he is allowed to do this to you is because you are in Denmark, and Rape of defenceless animals has been deemed by the Government to be legal!

In fact, other vile scum are even allowed to trap hundreds just like you, force you and others to endure such horrific cruelty on a daily, even hourly basis and call it an animal brothel.

At this point in time, sadly the only escape for you and others is death at the hands of your torturer ( Just like poor Lunar whose pic you see on this petitions main image, who was raped and killed in Turkey.), for those like lunar and you in the future, your only hope is that the decent honourable humans out there, who do care about you,will do the following:

* Read this petition

* Sign it

* Share it with the rest of the world.

* Alert there own European MP or there Foriegn affairs minister.


As you can see by the photo of poor little Lunar who was recently raped and killed in Turkey, the act of Raping an animal as with all forms of rape is not normal, is horrific, it must be stopped.

