December 8, 2012

Convicted Killer Beheaded, Put On Display In Saudi Arabia

By From Mohammed Jamjoom and Joe Sterling on May 30, 2009

(CNN) - Saudi Arabian officials beheaded and then publicly displayed the body of a convicted killer in Riyadh on Friday, an act that prompted a stiff denunciation by a leading human rights monitor.

The Saudi Interior Ministry said Ahmed Al-Shamlani Al-Anzi was sentenced to death and then “crucifixion” — having his body displayed in public — for the kidnapping and killing of an 11-year-old boy and for the killing of the boy’s father, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

Amnesty International issued a statement deploring the punishment, with the group’s Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui saying in a statement it is “horrific” that beheadings and crucifixions “still happen.”

Even though the word “crucifixion” is used to describe the public display, the act has no connection to Christianity and the crucifixion of Jesus. The bodies are not displayed on crosses, Lamri Chirouf, who researches Saudi Arabian issues for Amnesty, explained.

The Saudi Interior Ministry asserted that Al-Anzi’s body was displayed as a warning that those involved in similar crimes would suffer the same fate, the press agency reported.

The ministry said Al-Anzi kidnapped the boy and held him for a “malicious purpose” at a grocery store where he worked. He tied rope around the boy’s neck and strangled him to death, the ministry said.

When the boy’s father came to the store looking for his son, Al-Anzi axed the father repeatedly until the man died. When police came to arrest Al-Anzi, Al-Anzi resisted arrest by threatening them with a knife.

Police later discovered that Al-Anzi had been previously convicted of other crimes, including possession of pornographic videos and sodomy, the Interior Ministry said.

Chirouf, the Saudi Arabian researcher for Amnesty International, said his understanding of how the Saudi government carries out crucifixion jibed with Saudi Press Agency’s account.

Government officials do use crucifixions, or public displays of executed bodies, as a tool to deter people from committing such a crime, he said.

This latest case was classified as an offense of rebellion, one that basically rejected all of the rules of religion and society, he said.

Chirouf said those crucified are beheaded first and then their heads are sewn back on their bodies. Then, the corpse is mounted on a pole or a tree.

The English-language Saudi Gazette newspaper said the body was placed on public display throughout the evening and Chirouf said it was his understanding that the body was to be displayed for a few hours.

In its denunciation of the punishment, Amnesty International deplored the “extensive use of the death penalty” in Saudi Arabia.

King Abdullah should show true leadership and commute all death sentences if Saudi Arabia is to have any role to play as a global leader or member of the G-20,” Sahraoui said.

The group asserts that “trial proceedings” in the country “fall far below international fair-trial standards.”

“They usually take place behind closed doors without adequate legal representation. Convictions are often made on the basis of “confessions” obtained under duress, including torture or other ill-treatment during incommunicado detention,” Amnesty International said.

“Those who are sentenced to death are often not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them or of the date of execution until the morning when they are taken out and beheaded.”

Amnesty International said there were 102 executions in Saudi Arabia in 2008 and is aware of 136 people believed to be awaiting execution. It says there has been “a high number of executions of migrant workers and other foreign nationals, in particular from Asia and Africa.”

Al-Anzi was a Saudi national, said Chirouf — who added “nobody knows how many people are on death row” in Saudi Arabia.



Egypt: Between Sharia Law And Anarchy

Results of the first stage of Egyptian parliamentary elections are due to be announced on Friday. Exit polls suggest that the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood have attracted some 40 per cent of the votes.

The result of this week’s voting was to be announced on Wednesday, but the Central Election Commission delayed it twice. First it said the ballots of Egyptians living abroad had arrived late. Then it maintained it had failed to count all the ballots on time due to an unexpectedly high voter turnout, which is estimated at 70 per cent. The commission warned that the official announcement may be delayed further to Saturday.

However preliminary results expectedly point to the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies as the winners of the election, with some the brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party claiming 40 per cent of the votes.

Salafi party Al-Nur gathered the second-largest support base in the first round of the election. An estimated 20 per cent of ballots have been cast in their favor.

This is certain to create a bad mood among Egyptian secularists. The Muslim Brotherhood is moderately Islamic, and the Salafi have even stricter views on religion. There were fears that the two would form an alliance and turn Egypt into a theocracy, but so far the two political movements have been keeping their distance.

It is the first election held since the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak in February. It is being conducted in three stages. This week, polling was undertaken in nine out of 27 provinces, including Cairo and Alexandria. Future voting will be in rural areas, where Islamists traditionally have stronger support than in the cities, and is bound to increase positions of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis.

Meanwhile, protests are continuing in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, where demonstrators demand that the Supreme Military Council steps down. The protesters believe that the general election will not bring any substantial change as long as the generals, who served Mubarak’s regime, remain in power.

Over the past few weeks there were violent clashes between the demonstrators and security officers. Forty-three people have been killed and a thousand injured in the latest high-profile instances of the ongoing violence. Protesters accuse police of using live ammunition, an internationally-banned kind of tear gas, as well as tactics of brutal intimidation.

