It’s the biggest medical scandal in U.S. history… and it hasn’t even happened yet!
The feds are getting ready to pump children and possibly babies full of the anthrax vaccine — despite the fact that this same vaccine has already been linked to nerve damage, autoimmune disorders and even DEATH in adults.
Of course, they know this will be a hard sell to an American public that’s becoming increasingly skeptical of vaccines — so they’re pushing it forward the only way they can: with ruthless fear-mongering.
“At the end of the day, do we want to wait for an attack and give it to millions and millions of children and collect data at that time?” Daniel B. Fagbuy, chair of the National Biodefense Science Board panel that signed off on the plan, told the Washington Post.
What utter and despicable nonsense. Anthrax is not like the flu — it doesn’t spread from person to person. Someone with anthrax can sneeze right in your face, and you wouldn’t get the disease.
The only way to get it is to come into direct contact with anthrax spores — and when that happens, there’s already a safe and highly effective way of dealing with it: antibiotics for those exposed.
In other words, the danger is neither clear nor present — and if that ever changes, we can deal with it easily enough when the time comes.
But the NBSB claims we “need” (yes “NEED”) to know right now if the vaccine is safe for children, if it’s effective and what dose should be used.
Think of the logistics of figuring that out. To test safety, you’d have to inject a bunch of children and babies and then see how many are left standing (or crawling).
Then, if you have enough kids left, you can start to tinker with the dose and test for effectiveness.
Ethically, the only option here is to test for antibodies after the shots — but let’s be realistic here: Antibodies alone won’t tell the whole story. The only way to REALLY tell for sure if the vaccine actually prevents anthrax is to deliberately expose the children to anthrax — including an unvaccinated control group.
And if you think our government would never, ever do something like that… well, you just don’t know our government very well.