A piglet and a puppy appear side by side; next a chick and a kitten; finally a cow and a dog.
One thousand of these ads, asking “Why love one but eat the other?” have been running on subways in Toronto and asking Canadians to “be veg.” And riders are responding!
This provocative ad series launched by a grassroots group draws attention to the similarities between the animals we call “family” and the animals we call “dinner” and highlights the shocking cruelty faced by animals raised for food in Canada.
Check out the video below; it’ll get your attention, just like it’s getting the attention of those subway riders.
Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals
One Thousand “Why love one but eat the other?” ads running on Toronto subways have been asking Canadians to “be veg” and riders are responding. “Be Veg” Toronto Subway Ad Campaign 2011
Source: http://www.care2.com/causes/toronto-subway-riders-meet-factory-farm-animals-video.html#ixzz1gJNg82ag