January 20, 2013

The Bugs That Ate Monsanto

By Tom Laskawy, Grist

Now that 94 percent of the soy and 70 percent of the corn grown in the U.S. are genetically modified, Monsanto - one of the companies that dominates the GMO seed market - might look to some like it’s winning. But if we look a little closer, I’d say they’re holding on by a thread.

Their current success is due in large part to brilliant marketing. The company’s approach was both compelling - their products were sold as the key to making large-scale farming far simpler and more predictable - and aggressive: Monsanto made it virtually impossible for most farmers to find conventional seeds for sale in most parts of the country.

Read more: http://www.readersupportednews.org/opinion2/271-38/8905-focus-the-bugs-that-ate-monsanto


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