January 20, 2013

‘Trouble-Shooters’ To Tackle Problem Families

By Sky News

Plans to set up a national network of “trouble-shooters” to tackle the country’s 120,000 most troubled families are set to be announced.

The Prime Minister will set out proposals to reform the systems that mean a “string of well-meaning, disconnected officials” treat the “symptoms and not the causes” in difficult households.

Speaking to representatives from charities and voluntary organisations, David Cameron will explain how he plans to create a stronger society.

Under the plans the trouble-shooters, who will be appointed by local councils, will be responsible for ensuring action is taken in their area to make sure families get the help and support they need.

Mr Cameron will say: “We need to provide leadership at the top, action in local authorities and results on the ground.

“We’re not prescribing a single response. But we are demanding results from councils in return for support.

“For many of the most troubled families, there will be a family worker - a single point of contact for the first time for particular families, working out what the family needs, where the waste is and lining up the right services at the right time.

“When the front door opens and the worker goes in, they will see the family as a whole and get a plan of action together, agreed with the family.

“This will often be basic, practical things that are the building blocks of an orderly home and a responsible life.

“These things don’t always cost a lot but they make all the difference. And they will get on top of the services, sorting out - and sometimes fending off - the 28 or more different state services that come calling at the door.

“Not a string of well-meaning, disconnected officials who end up treating the symptoms and not the causes.”

Mr Cameron said last December that he wanted to “turn round every troubled family in the country” by the end of the current parliament and in October appointed Louise Casey as the head of a new Troubled Families Team.

Downing Street said troubled families cost the taxpayer an estimated £9bn a year, equivalent to £75,000 per family.

Mr Cameron will say a targeted approach can “work wonders” with families.


Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/trouble-shooters-tackle-problem-families-021739093.html

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