“Yet another DEAD BODY Ma’am!”
CHRIS EVERARD Reports on the growing Royal Body Count - two more bodies have been found on royal properties - a woman on the Sandringham estate, and a man found in a tree stump close to the gates of Buckingham Palace in London:
3rd January 2012:
Yet another dead body has been found on a Royal Estate. This time, a woman, found dead near the pony track which the Queen was photographed near yesterday. This is the second body to be found in recent years - virtually on the Queen’s doorstep. How many dead bodies have you ever found on YOUR doorstep? None, right? So this last couple of ‘royal corpses’ will take a lot of brooms to sweep under a very plush carpet…
Historical journals, confessions and letters of State all show us that the royals often conduct a killing spree eradicating ‘people who knew too much’. We see this in the annals of the British, Bavarian and Russian royal houses. Grand Duke Dimitri strangled Rasputin with his own hands - when push comes to shove, some royals don’t mind getting their hands dirty. The big question is this; is the Royal Killing Season still continuing in our day and age? Many bodies have been found on royal estates over the years, however, to date, not a single member of the royal family been questioned by the police. ‘The Palace’, you see, in matters such as this, perform an ‘internal enquiry’ before a policeman is ever allowed to enter a royal residence - even when investigating a murder charge.
So, do the Royals kill people? Oh yes. It is proven through documents and letters that many, many people have been murdered at the hands of the royals - or by ‘royal decree’. I have made a two hour documentary, called MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY’ which clearly lists all the Royal Murders. The latest BBC newsfeed says;
An investigation is under way after human remains were found in woodland on the Queen’s estate in Norfolk on New Year’s Day.
Detectives from Norfolk Constabulary were alerted to the discovery by a member of the public at Anmer, which lies on the Royal Family’s Sandringham Estate.
A police spokesman confirmed that the remains found were that of a single body. The area was sealed off and a detailed search is being carried out.
The force said: “Detectives from Norfolk Constabulary have launched an investigation following the discovery of human remains in an area of woodland at Anmer, near King’s Lynn. “The remains were found by a member of the public who reported the incident to police on Sunday January 1 shortly after 4pm.
Buckingham Palace said it had no comment to make as it is “a matter for Norfolk police”.
“MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY” is a two hour documentary charting the strangulations, torture, beatings, rapes, enforced imprisonment and child murders perpetrated by the royal families throughout history. CLICK HERE to read reviews of the DVD at the Enima Channel Cyberstore.
The general public in Britain all have grave doubts over the crash which killed Princess Diana in 1997. Since the year of Diana’s death, popularity of the royals has undergone an earthquake-magnitude crack. Mohammed AlFayed has described the crash which killed Princess Diana and his son, Dodi AlFayed, as “black and white murder” - an organised crash, in which several vehicles driven by Her Majesty’s Intelligence Officers took part in orchestrating the tragic events. Since Diana’s death, several years passed before someone from Buckingham Palace even bothered to visit Diana’s memorial. Her former husband, Prince Charles, who Princess Diana identified as being the killer - in a note she wrote to her lawyer, Lord Mischon, shortly before her death has not, as far as we know, paid his respects at Diana’s memorial so far. Four years after the tragic crash, Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer implied a grievance that Charles had failed to visit Princess Diana’s grave since her burial. He implied during a BBC interview that he believed the Prince had relegated his former wife to a ‘memory’ and wanted to draw a line under his marriage.
Criticism is NOT Tolerated…
Another recent case of a body being found on a royal property is Robert James Moore. Found dead just yards from the Queen’s front door. Mr Moore, allegedly sent hundreds of “strange and offensive” packages to the Queen over a period of 15 years, including, so Her Majesty’s Constabulary say, obscene photographs. Some of the “peculiar” letters ran to 600 pages, and he had also posted a copy of his passport and boxes falsely warning that they contained dangerous substances.
He had obviously been wronged in some way - and he set up a little crow’s nest watch in a tree close to the gates of Buckingham Palace.
His body was found there by a tree surgeon - and was already decomposing. That’s right - right at the gates of Buckingham Palace, in a tree stump, in a royal park, in the centre of London - the official story says that Mr Moore’s body was unnoticed by millions of tourists for three years.
Many have rumoured that Mr Moore was killed - and the official story is that his body - found in a tree stump virtually at the gates of Buckingham Palace - is a ‘placement’ killing - where the actual crime took place elsewhere, or at the same place, but was then stored and replaced at the original crime scene by the murderer.
It seems obvious that Mr Moore was murdered - and was possibly the latest in a very long line of people murdered because they know ‘Royal Secrets’ and intended to get ‘even’.
History tells us that the act of killing - for the royals - comes with the waive of the hand, a deep stare, a telephone call - it’s all done in great hush hush whispers - by distant decree. But what would a royal killer do with the bodies? Simple, you just ‘leave them’ - after all, the royals own huge swathes of wild woodland everywhere - not difficult to stash a victim’s body and then let nature take it’s course.
Mr Moore’s body, is supposedly being investigated by Det Sgt Mike West, from Marylebone police station. We wish the Detective luck.
“MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY” features interviews with DAVID ICKE and the author of Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence, Mr Jon King.
Source: http://christophereverard.blogspot.com/2012/01/two-dead-bodies-found-at-queens-estates.html